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Who is more powerful?
Depends on which versions, if you're comparing cartoon Mask and cartoon Beetlejuice, I'd say Mask is more powerful
The Mask varies a bit between users, but seems to be overall stronger than Beetlejuice. Neither can be killed, at least in a traditional sense of being shot/stabbed/etc. but both can be fairly easily dispatched in the right circumstances. Simply saying his name three times banishes Beetlejuice back to the Neitherworld, though he is generally quick enough to get around it in a pinch -- conjuring tape/plates across someone's lips to silence them. Removing the Mask from its wearer is an equally effective method for dealing with The Mask, though getting close enough without him turning the tables on you tends to be significantly more difficult.
Inevitably Beetlejuice is putting the mask on. What happens?
Bettlejuice without question, Starlight could barely knock over Soldier Boy at full strength.
Can you kill or otherwise defeat beetlejuice? Or just send him back to purgatory or whatever and he'll come back again?
Nothing happens. The mask's powers react to the wearer's inhibitions. The more timid the user the more outlandish and powerful the manifestation. The mask has nothing to work with in Beetlejuice's case and can't function.
As far as I know, only the current owner of the Mask can remove it, so all you can do is trying to convince him to take it off.
Tricky question. I would say it depends on the version of the Mask. The Mask from the comic would probably reject Beetlejuice seeing how uncontrollable he is. The cartoon version would work for him, but Beetlejuice would probably get bored seeing how little it benefits him.
Once summoned into the world of the living, he can't really be harmed in any way. Only way to temporarily defeat him is to trick or persuade him to return back to the Netherworld.

However once in the Netherworld, he as well as all other undead there, can be killed off for good if caught by the realms only natural predator - the giant sand worm. Beetlejuice himself has a huge phobia against these creatures and it shows through out the series.
Maybe the mask really was just too small for his face.
Beetlejuice is a ghost, can he posses people?
>The more timid the user the more outlandish and powerful the manifestation.
Once upon an unofficial time Lobo had put on the Mask on. Results were quite, mhm, intense.
ht tps://readcomic.me/comic/lobo-mask/issue-1
So did Joker. So, i assume, end result will be an absolute bullshit, but eventually it will come in conflict with Beetlejuice's own intention.
BJ could definitely put the mask on, Lobo wore it.

You're close. Walter had no personality, so the mask had nothing to work with.

The problem is that the mask runs off cartoon physics and has limitless potential and BJ presumably has some kind of limitations to his powers, sandworms are a threat to him as well as stronger undead.
>The problem is that the mask runs off cartoon physics
So does BJ.
>BJ presumably has some kind of limitations to his powers
Quite a lot of them, if we are talking about a cartoon one, beginning with his powers working off puns, in some cases even uncontrollable ones.
He's a bit more than a ghost from what I recall. He can posses others, yeah. Can also shape-shift and in a limited matter affect reality itself for a bit (can teleport people, change them into things, twist objects into weird nightmarish creatures and so on).
We talking about The Mask from the movies/toons, or Big Head from the comics? Cause if the former, I imagine they'd be about equal and if the latter than there's a good chance Bettlejuice would be stymied very temporarily by how crude Big Head's murderous rampages are compared to his more focused scares and freak-outs. Otherwise, it's just a matter of if Big Head figures out what he needs to do to banish Beetlejuice, otherwise they'll basically be locked in eternal combat until they get bored.
I'm gonna say it only works on "living" people.
What if Lydia put it on???
Big Head would hate someone like Beetlejuice and would probably reject him. Although, later issues got rid of the masks "personality," and it didn't really speak/whisper as much to the wearer anymore.

With that being said, Big Head would wipe the floor with Beetlejuice in a one on one fight, without the need to figure out how to banish him. The level of psychosis Big Head has is beyond anything Beetlejuice knows how to deal with.

This is basically a reality warping egomaniacal murderer with unlimited cartoon powers vs a trickster with magician magic. Beetlejuice has powers and stuff, but not many defenses. He can't even (easily) undo a shrunken head curse when it's done to him.
I thought that too, but, the mask's only rule seems to be that it needs a personality to work with judging by Walter. There's really nothing saying it can't work on undead.
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Well whaddya waiting for, the maggots to finish their job?

Put me on and let's go waste the living.
Cartoon rules mean if there is a crossover, someone else will put on the mask. If it can slap itself to Ace Ventura's ass, I'm pretty sure it can attach itself to anything as long as its funny, like Roger Rabbit and slipping out of hand cuffs.
Do you think there is some plagiarism? because it's weird two similar characters appeared almost at the same time.
The two aren't even remotely close to the same concept.
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the 90s were filled with wacky protagonists. I kind of miss them
That sound interesting. I wonder how she would use the Mask. On the other hand, the way the Mask affects people varies from story to story. Sometimes it enhances the dark side of its owner, while other times it just turns them into a lunatic. Either way, the idea of Lydia wearing the Mask sounds fun.
is there any reason he couldn't possess the mask and make him take it off?
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Freakazoid as The Mask's rival makes more sense desu
It's true there was a common theme surrounding characters at the time. We see a lot of wacky "godlike" beings featured in that era.
They would get along and be friends. Why would they have to ever fight? They seem like they would be pals.
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not /co/ but him
Come with papa
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The Mask or the mystical energies that inhabit it may not be something Beetlejuice can potentially brute force and overpower. I mean it's supposedly an artifact made by a god and imbued with some of their essence (I have a faint memory that was an actual lore bit, but I could be dead wrong and just mixing up my nerd facts, if that's the case - sorry), so it should be logically kind of tough for a magical undead trickster to mess with it directly. That's the only potential reason I can think of at the moment, but in any other case - that's indeed the play. Posses, remove, profit.

You know, that's a neat idea.
Anyone trying to use the Animated/Movie Mask and the Comic Mask as comparisons is retarded, they're completely different. Cartoon Mask was basically an anti-hero, whereas the comic mask was just a murderous psycho.
>it's supposedly an artifact made by a god and imbued with some of their essence
Well, yes and no. Basically it was created mystically and doesn't matter how exactly.
Probably mixed up the movie and comics. Movies decided it was made by the norse god Loki, the comics decided it was a horrific cursed object that African tribesmen used in their magic rituals, which apparently has some will of its own going by how it talks to its hosts and seems to will itself to go where it wants so it can tempt people.
If there was EVER a reason for a new Death Battle, is BJ vs Big-Head (The Mask).
The cartoon had this too and it was never explained
Big Head if you go by movie versions. Beetlejuice is limited only to haunted locations and cannot even go outside. And he can only go to those if someone invites him by saying his name.

Probably still Mask in the cartoons too since Beetlejuice is limited to puns, and whatever pun he says can work against him too. And saying his name 3 times can get rid of him. Cartoon Mask never really had a limitation at all. Not even the night only thing.
It doesn't really give him anything he doesn't already have.
I think it was a situation of various writers watching Looney Tunes and wondering
>What if Bugs Bunny but in real life?
That's pretty much it.

Wacky goofy toons were common back then so obviously some people were inspired to think what would happen if you have a movie character or a hero/villain with the powers of Bugs Bunny or Wile E. Coyote but in real life where anvils and dynamite actually hurt people. They just took what was commonly seen and understood at the time for their content.

Sort of like now how we keep seeing what If superheroes but in real life. Since for the last decade we have had endless superhero movies so we get stuff like the Boys, Invincible, and Brightburn.
Cartoon mask if hit with something very powerful and harmful can result in the mask dropping off from the user instantly.
the mask only seems limited by the user's imagination
>the mask
>roger rabbit
now there's an idea. would the mask be of any benefit to someone who already wields toonforce?

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