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It’s time to face facts, Ghost-Spider, aka Spider-Gwen, is here to stay.
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Was this something that was in doubt? She's the most popular iteration of the character.
Why is she getting BLACKED over and over again?
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Because it’s consistently in her character.
Complaining about blacked for other out-of-character comics is fine. But it’s standard for Spider-Gwen
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I’ve known girls from school who only hang out with brown men.
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Miles possessed her and now he's the SUPERIOR SPIDER-GWEN =3
Waking up and finding girlfriend in your clothes
You say that every stealth mini
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Why didn’t Latina Spider-girl become popular?

She's back to being Arana which honestly is a much better identity for her. "Spider-Girl" will always be a codename that gets contested, but Arana is hers.
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Did they bring her over to 616 just to be a part of Miles’ harem?
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>spidermans harem
FTFY anon, none of those character like miles or are a part of the story of his life, they’re just supers around Spider-Man. It’s why none of them have any stories with him in his civvies dealing with his friends and family
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very whorish
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It should have been Anya!
the original 70s gwen was, at least according to gerry conway, a boring character who he killed off to be replaced by someone more interesting
spidey was already dating MJ while gwens body was still warm
>She’s pretty much eclipsed 616 Gwen by now
Not that difficult, seeing as how development for 616 Gwen is getting new worms.
616 Gwen still has simps though.
She was just used in spectacular spider-men.
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oh no no no no

and this is WITHOUT accounting for inflation
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>she dressed up as Miles so Miguel can chase her.
I'm mad that fucking copycat gets a cute tranny gf that belonged to Peter
Because the jews that write this schlock want to promote race mixing amongst white women.
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Shame that the power set is kinda lame
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>Gwen pretending to be Miles.
What’s wrong with that?
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For the normalfags, it's probably Ghost-Spider >> Emma Stone Gwen >>>>>>>>>>>> everything else now.
It's genocide by the current definition
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Well that's good. She's cute.
How is that genocide?
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>She’s pretty much eclipsed 616 Gwen by now
how so by being a shitty character nobody gives a fuck about? 616 Gwen did have a number of faults but at least some people cared about her.
Go back to bed boomer,
Didn't get a movie for normies
Why was did Miguel think he had to stop Miles from saving his dad to preserve the canon? If Miles is really spiderman and he is bound by the canon then surely nothing he, by himself, does will change the canon. He will surely fail to save his dad. And if the counter argument is that the knowledge of the event itself is the canonbreaker then the canon has already been broken because regardless of whatever Miles does he now knows something outside the canon. And on the same note, isn't Gwen's dad breaking the canon by quitting the force? If Miles is the original anomaly then anything he does breaks canon in the first place so why does Miguel care in the first place?
How does showing a white woman in a relationship with a black man promote any of those things?
What does that say about Gerry Conway if he couldn't make her interesting
That she was made to be a disposable cumdumpster and nothing more.
This movie was written by the dude who wrote Wonder Woman raping a random civilian in the sequel movie, don't think too hard about it you're just meant to soiface at the glitchy visuals and clap for the references
You know her and Miles are forced memes because even Marvel editorial can't settle on a fucking superhero name for them.
Did you know Israel doesn't allow interreligious marriage or marriage between an Israeli and a foreigner?
Isn’t her name Ghost-Spider
I really do not see how that is relevant. Especially since there is a bit of a difference between religion and race. A black jew can still marry a white jew on Israel.
see >>144668446
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First of all 'intent to destroy' seems important. Second, whatever they do in Israel seems entirely inconsequential to me. And third, I still do not see how showing cartoon characters doing whatever constitutes anything similar to literally killing people of a certain type to wipe out that type.
You know exactly what that means.
And we all know that Israel has been sterilizing the black israelites.
That just says "act", doesn't mention killing because other things can also be genocide
I don't even acknowledge anything Spider-man past 2007 so it makes no difference to me what's more relevant or important at the moment.
Conway was like 18 when he started writing for Spider-man. Also, he preferred Mary Jane anyway.
Yeah but putting out cartoons onto a free market that people may or may not consume seems to far apart from the original intention behind the definition of genocide, which involves physical extermination or political repression that I can't just not point it out. And this is without mentioning that there is already a white couple in the movie explicitly shown having kids. Is that not a pro white message? Why are you so fixated on the interracial couple and not the same race couple with a kid and who explicitly want kids.
Have you tried going to Israel and mandating that every piece of media the public has access to (especially kids media) can only show relationships and marriages between non-Israeli non-jews and Israeli jews? How do you think that sort of undertaking would be interpreted there
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
But I find stuff like BMWF hit as fuck!
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>And this is without mentioning that there is already a white couple in the movie explicitly shown having kids. Is that not a pro white message?
You don't get to redefine a word that has a clear easily understood definition because it's exposes a fake narrative you are trying to defend.
Why did this stop talking about Gwen and start about genocide?
Considering Gwen's characterization for decades has simply been "dead", this is objective improvement, I'd say.
Same reason why Spider-Man stopped being about Spider-Man and started being about genocide
t. gets his Spider-Man mythos info from Spider-Verse writers
The writer who killed gwen off literally said it was because gwen was boring and it was a sentiment shared by his readers
When did Stan Lee say that?
I was reading Spider-Man comics before you were a swimmer in your daddy's nut, zoomer. I was there The Night Gwen Stacy Died
Gerry conway did
Stan lee proposed adding a gwen clone in case they wanted to bring her back but gerry conway hated the idea and made sure that spidey rejected the gwen clone to shoot the idea down
He mentioned that MJ was by and far the more popular character despite attempts by other writers to keep gwen as the main love interest
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Ah, you're right, Gwen died about 10 issues after Lee stopped writing
And the Gwens that appeared in the Ultimate comic, Spectacular cartoon, and TASM movies had far better characterization than MJ did in anything but pre-OMD ASM so the idea that "coomer generic feminist action girl" replacing her is an improvement is laughable
Why are we even talking about Israel? This is an American movie released in America for the American market.
They are white still and most movie goers will interpret them as white.
I am not redefining anything. I am just questioning your incredibly lax interpretation that calls simply featuring an interracial couple as genocide.
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It's the other way around. Miles is getting buck broken by Gwen's giant Tranny cock. Miles insides are basically getting colonized daily.
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I wonder how that now would apply to Miles’s love interests:

If one has to be killed off, who?
Miles gets his colon cleansed by that!?
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Don’t forget Hightail
616 Gwen is only notable for dying. Secret Green Goblin twins be damned because that was the most retarded thing since selling a wedding to the MCU devil.
Because Israel is a nation that underwent a genocide which caused their current policies to be preservationist and anti-genocidal, if what you're doing would be considered genocidal against Israelis, then it's genocidal against everyone
And Spider-Gwen is notable for uhh.. ahhm..
A female spider role model.
Miles love interest.
>A female spider role model.
Done decades earlier
Done decades earlier
>Miles love interest.
Wow so just being an accessory to the Spider-Man like the original Gwen truly revolutionary
Couple goals
She’s pretty much THE female Spider character now anon.
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Tiana wasn't mentioned I'm the #25 preview despite the entire fight with vulture over the past 2 issues revolving around her. Something bad might have happened.
She’ll probably want to be away from Miles after he vampire bites her.
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Miles sure loves the smell of sweaty transwoman balls!
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Sure anon. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
What's the point of having him stay a vampire for a bit if he doesn't murder some of his supporting cast? Swallow vore incoming.
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He won’t eat them.
He’ll just turn a few of the females into his vampire harem.
Or Conway was a shit writer.
Pairing tailor made for mentally ill twitter cuckolds
Conway was based for killing off gwen. Too bad her fan boys have never gotten over it.
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They have Spider-Gwen now.
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It doesn’t look like they see it that way
Miles story is literally a mutt being trained by a mensch to wear a white mans clothes. That’s what bendis wanted and it’s what you sad niggas eat up. Why bother supporting ACTUAL black writers abs artists when you can just eat slop that’s all about how great it is to kill a shitty white dude and replace him with someone whose “the right color”?
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Real schizo post there anon!
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Cute Gwen.
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>she was better in these side materials that don’t have any bearing on the canon of where she died
That doesn’t change what the anon said. If anything it strengthens it. Gwen developed an almost Virgin Mary aura after her death and a lot of people remember her for being better than she was which included trying to prop her up while MJ was seen as old and busted because she happened to grow alongside Peter.
Anon you can't complain about the characterization of a character in the decades they've been dead as "their characterization was being dead", they simply weren't there. That's like complaining about the non-existent characterization of Peacemaker during the decades when he had zero shit out.

Saying that Spider-Gwen is an improvement on Gwen is as fucking retarded as saying bringing back Uncle Ben as a spider-hero would be an improvement because his characterization was shit while he was dead. Why does this character cause everyone's IQ to plummet 100 points while talking about her?
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>misaligned FAS eye
Is this AI generated
Theres nothing american about it, its created almost entirely by jews.
The fact that she's known universally as Spider-Gwen, not Ghost Spider, shows what a shallow character she is.
Hey now that we’ve seen spider variations of
Gwen: spider-Gwen
Felicia: Night-Spider
Mary Jane : Spinneret
Hobie: Spider-Punk
Aunt May: Spider-Ma’am
J. Jonah Jameson: Headline

How come we’ve never had a variation of Harry Osborn with spider powers?
616 Gwen wasn't even a character. I never got why Marvel pretended so hard that she was.
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How has anything I’ve said contradicted miles story or the spiderverse movies in any way?
Just like Spider-Gwen!
Harry Venom?
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It's kind of annoying. Some characters are just supporting characters that die for the sake of the narrative. That isn't a bad thing, but having this alternate Gwen constantly prancing around diminishes all the pathos of her death and the effect it had on Peter.
It completely destroys the genetic advantage of potential white children by lower their average IQ significantly due to African admixture.
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Wouldn't Norman count?
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I'm not sure that says more about the comics or the general publics perception of media. Seriously there's several better choices like May/Mayday, though her situation in comics is kinda strange.
She's a shallow character that has virtually nothing in common with OG Gwen, just analogs of the same relationships.
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The better Gwen
This is a perfect distillation of everything terrible about modern comics and the worst part by far is
Food's not only important it's extremely relatable since it's something every living creature consumes. It makes for a good subject for casual fan art.
I hate multiversal refugees.
Any pathos her death may have had ended like 40 years ago. No normal person today gives a shit that a long-running comic book character died in 1973.
What’s wrong with eating, anon?
I think it's more amazing how the movie catapulted Miles. Gwen was at least known, while miles was fairly disliked.
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>disliked enough to maintain a solo ongoing for 8 whole years.

Next myth?
Yeah same with Uncle Ben, just get rid of him!
So all Gwen’s want to be blacked?
it didn't sell well
next cope?
Because of iPhones and selfies, pretty much all covers and splash pages look like selfie poses now. Unfortunately.
Miles is still only tolerated, I haven't seen anyone but race-obsessed twitter culture war grifters and cuckolds say they like him. If they stopped pushing him no one miss him or would clamor to get him back the way they do with Spider-Man, Wolverine, Deadpool etc

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