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New Transformers One trailer. The movie had screenings in certain theaters 2 months before release and is receiving very positive first impressions.
this trailer makes it slightly cooler. voice acting's really disapointing.
>Holy Primus
Okay, it needs to live up to all early screening hype
I'm not convinced yet
If they can take all the disparate chunks of transformers lore from all the different media and streamline it into something watchable i'll be surprised.
Early screening impressions are that it takes inspiration from G1 and the Aligned continuity, with deeper lore and worldbuilding than what's shown in the trailers.
The action scenes, especially in the third act, are apparently excellent.
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Soundwave and Shockwave
Anon who went to a screening yesterday shared that Soundwave uses his mind-reading abilities from G1's "Roll For It" and "War Of The Dinobots" episodes
They released a second version of the trailer for some reason. It's mostly the same, but has a couple new scenes
Do those two even have alt modes?
That's from his TechSpecs actually
Even if they don't transform on-screen the toylines will come up with some bullshit cybertronian vehicles anyway.
I actually think it's looking really good, but that Megatron voice is going to take some getting used to. What do you all think of it?
All I ask for is a subtle robot voice effect, just like every Transformers show and movie had.
how many times will hasbro repeat prewar optimus and megatron being close friends/brothers/whatever the fuck before they realize how boring and predictable it is?
It's very funny how they can't come up with a definitive alt mode with Shockwave. Megatron is mostly a tank nowadays but Shockwave always gets some random mode that is just there
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why does Megs have the decepticon insignia?
It's the default origin Hasbro has settled on.
It's like complaining that Superman is from Krypton and was sent to Earth as a baby due to the planet exploding and gets raised in Kansas.
Probably use it in the next cartoon as well, but the following one makes the Decepticons into goofy neighbors so they don't actually know each other at all, but grow to hate each other.
Way better than the first one, i am actually excited to pirate it, and i am not worried by megatron's voice, since my lenguage usually has really good dub
Might have had some meaning to him before it became the Decepticon symbol.
Spanish dub has VAs with decades of experience
>my lenguage usually has really good dub
Are you a spic? Cause if so, then I'd dare to say the casting for that dub is almost as bad as the original one
It’s more interesting that way as opposed to them just being enemies who never knew each other before the war
my thought is, it was some tattoo/brand he got. maybe he was a soldier before the cybertronion war and started doing menial job work or something.
i think im just giving them ideas though
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I hate it when the Autobots and Decepticons are just opposing factions or teams instead of fundamentally different kinds of Transformers, like in G1 or Animated.
Then you get whiny, indecisive Optimus Prime while Megatron is fully commits to the bit. No good.
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>they're both the fucking spaceships again
if they follow recent lore, the decepticon symbol represent megatronus one of the original primes and the fallen, maybe here they see him as a misunderstanding hero.
Even in G1 you had "Skyfire" defect.
Nah, it is better, and the guy has range
revealing that two major, opposing characters are actually super secrit brothers the whole time is so lame and played out. them becoming so familiar with each other just from fighting for so long is more interesting than that
boofucking hoo
An entire species being evil is a big no no these days
>orion's va is literally just thor's because chris hemsworth plays him in the original dub
>this makes him sound even older than megatron than he already did in english
>bumblebee's voice is literally just iron man's and rarely sounds any younger than that
Yeah, like I said, just as bad.
I might be proven wrong whenever the dub for this new trailer comes out, but so far? I'm kinda disappointed in how they handled the casting
Looks way better than the first trailer. Bee is still annoying and was never a fan of Elita but maybe it can be cool. Honestly I dislike almost all TF cartoons so I would be happy if it's just so much of an improvement alone.
I just wish I could watch it in another language, I usually prefer the Japanese voice acting.
So it's not a series? It's just a movie?
Why do they keep having ugly faces on everything that isn't a remake?
The trailer sells me on the movie a lot better than the first one did.
Everything about TF is predictable, starting with war isn't better. Comics might be more daring but cartoons costs a ton so they aren't as risky and rather repeat what we have already seen.
First trailer was fucking awful, so anything would be an improvement.
honestly, i don't think shockwave is that bad. i always thought foc had the best compromise for him if you don't want to make him a gun. the flying gun/jet hybrid works well, and even better in the context of foc since all the characters are supposed to have weapons in vehicle mode
The look itself is fucking good save for the faces. A shame, because the BGs are top tier and the bots with alt-modes look also well, plus good colors. But I really hate the faces. Megatron's is kind of okay since it fits nicely into his big helmet. But Orion and Bee look like shit.
Not a fan of the quadratic noses either. At least it's a step-up from having no noses at all, like in some of the cartoons.
But Superman’s origin of being sent to Earth was from he beginning( and even then, details like when Superman learned his origin, or even landing in Kansas, weren’t decided until later.)
Megatron and Optimus being former friends doesn’t start until 2007. And even then it was a grow away line in the Bay movie. G1, the most popular cartoon, doesn’t use it. Animated doesn’t use it. Like Bee being mute it’s just a thing Hasbro /paramount keeps coming back too despite the bay movies not being relevant.
And yes, the producer is claiming this is in continuity with 2007 lmao
I mean how do the same late-war events work for you without being boring? Why is this specific thing that bothers you and not everything else that is always the same.
I am happy that we are getting something pre-war outside of the comics. Not much but it's a step up. Would have ignored this if it was another "war in the US" shit.
I just like the idea of Optimus and Megatron coming from entirely different paths that didn't intersect before the war. It makes the whole thing seem very small, and reduces it to a superhero/villain shared origin thing. Their relationship should be of earned respect through encounters, not a falling out in ideals.
Personally I like that origin story but you have a good point. It might even be more interesting to fight an evil guy and slowly discover his positive traits and where he comes from than the opposite where everything is already said and done and the war just an aftermath of their friendship.
For all of Animated's flaws in committing to executing some of it's plans, I will always love how the finale is the only time Megatron refers to Optimus by name after the running bit that he doesn't bother remembering.
Megatron is this long lived warlord who's seen so many people oppose him, Optimus is just an ant to him until he proves his worth.
I liked how in G1 Optimus/Orion looked up to the Decepticons until he sees their actions first hand at the expense of Ariel and himself. It's simple, but it could be expanded to Optimus being interested in Megatron's initial philosophy but not actually know him personally.
>reduces it to superhero/villain
Dude, the original tech specs were written by a Marvel writer and a lot of them had what amounts to super powers.
Transformers always had a bit of a superhero element to it.
Is the guy that gets tentacle raped Sentinel? Looks like a mix between War of Cybertron Sentinel and TFA Sentinel.
Braves will always be better than Transformers.
It's almost certainly a coincidence because the non-humanoid shapes were less relatable, but I really like how the movieverse Decepticons were generally big monsters with digitigrade legs and alien faces, while the Autobots were generally more streamlined and humanoid.
I wish we could do something like that again. Decepticons went all in on non-humanoid shapes for war and Autobots went humanoid to interact with sapient races.
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Crossover when. I want to fuck both. Including Bravern.
So the Quints are the big villain?
Orion Pax is the gayest name ever invented for a robot.
According to some leaks they essentially have the same role Thanos had in GotG1
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I don't get why most western TF media cannot grasp the classic JP mecha style. If you're giving robots faces, the classic, hard edged Japanese way of doing it with handsome faces. It can be just as expressive, you don't need super detailed lips and if you must have pupils, you don't need to make them so prominent.
It's not all westerners because there's comic artists and Beast Wars did fine robot faces, there's just this obsession with changing the formula since the 2000's.
I never watched superhero stuff, from the memes I only know that Thanos was some dude that killed everybody or something. Think that's where the "I don't feel so good" meme came from.
>>144659366 (me)
alright nevermind i stand corrected
Because those look too much like a Gundam to an American audience.
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Agree. You can still make them look handsome and everything but those soft human faces bother me. The comics are usually better in that regard but One in particular makes the heads look like those of lego humans.
he probably means to say that they'll be present for a moment but not have a lot of relevance for the overall plot of the movie
I was using the guys own words. I think it means they'll just have a couple of scenes to establish them as Sentinel's bosses and then he'll mostly be the villain until Megs spergs out.
I'm just so sick of celebrity voice actors.
Makes sense thanks. Probably the endboss of the last movie if they will ever make it.
I like that Sentinel might, for once, be their slave again instead of a being full-blown villain. They never adapted this plot point again since the Marvel/G1.
To be fair IDW2 Sentinel was good. But in a sense he was still framed as the one responsible for everything due to his restrictive conservative rule. Maybe that's the case in the movie too, but it would be cool if the shit happening wasn't his fault for once, even if he has flaws on his own.
It began with Bender vs Spock.
Do celebrity fags even recognize their voices if nobody tells them before? I cannot imagine that anybody would go watch a movie because of that.
Hell I don't even know any of those celebrities.
Being under someone who treats you doesn't make you not a villain, but I don't remember any leaks about Sentinel
Now that Earthspark is over, many are expecting the next show to be tied into One in some way. I'm inclined to believe it.
More screenings will be coming around the world in the next weeks
It's a philosophy issue. Most writers are already pretty biased against anything that doesn't look human to begin with in many cases due to believing them to be unrelatable if they don't have a very strong human resemblance.
Yeah I bet that they will take the route where he is their servant but willingly so, for opportunistic reasons. No idea why they manhandle him in the end but I hope it's not the generic plot where the main villain rages because the lesser evil guy failed to kill the damn rebel, since I am tired of seeing the "villain proving that he's even worse by killing his incompetent underling" trope.
It's not over yet the second half of s2 didn't air yet.
But you might be right with your assumption. The movie is clearly just a first part of something and it's hard to imagine 3+ more animated movies. With a secret new cartoon series already in the works it is probably this.
Sure, and I usually note that most TF series can be divided into either superhero or sci-fi adventure, but it doesn't mean it needs to adopt every basic superhero trope.
A PDF leaked last thread revealed they’re still gonna stretch it out with the other parts of S2 and specials all the way until 2025.
It think times might slowly changing. I don't like Avatar but with Avatar movies being such massive hits and the second one (AFAIK) even being alien-only as well as other popular non-human series like Hazbin and all that even execs might slowly realise that people don't care whether the characters are human or not as long as the story is enjoyable and the character fun, cool or relatable to them.
I know it's not much and I am not a huge fan of ONE so far, but it's the right direction at least. If ONE should end up making money and getting fans we might get more of this in the future and cooler designs. I for once would already be happy if we finally managed to break the TF live action curse. I will never be able to get into that shit.
I hope that the specials will focus on the past or other characters. Bit like spotlights or the specials of CV.
I don't consider ES as bad as most others. I just think that the MCs are lame and uninteresting.
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With the whole "Cybertron's organic underground" thing, you think we'll see anything from Beast Machines?
Holy shit wasn't that a comic-only character so far?
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More likely you'd see the Transorganics. The quinteson's technoordganic experiments.
If you want to count his Japanese counterpart, he got to be in Masterforce.
Man I really hate Bee. Say what you want about Earthspark and Skybound but they at least managed to make him cool for once, respectively killed him before he opened the mouth.
Same. I’m glad it’s getting a lot of content to tell its full story before ending.
I am a bit sad that they baited me with the Nova and senator Shockwave toy just to never let them appear in any media. Especially Nova. Shockwave is a particular case, but Nova is cool as shit and usually exists canonically in every retelling, they just never show any flashbacks with him or let him return again.
The stories such characters were designed for were already told. Bringing concepts back without a reason just results in bloat.
if I want to get into Transformers should I just check out the G1 show or comics or what
or what.
But a lot of the stuff in ONE are ideas that they brought back.
Not necessarily I personally value the G1 series as sandbox for concepts that fans and later writers can use in their own way, I wouldn't recommend it as entry because it aged horribly, especially if you watch is as an adult. What got me into TF was the movie from 87 and Last Stand of the Wreckers, followed by the War Within and More than meets the Eye comics.
Most anons got into TF from cartoons but I think that this is just because the first TF related things they have seen as kids.
I think that the movie and the Wreckers comics have the broadest appeal. At least when I look what has worked with the people I tried to get into TF that never watched/read anything about it before.
So what do you want the situation to be like? Nova Prime set out to conquer the universe billions of years before the movie is set, got his ass kicked by Quintessons and from him they learned about the planet Cybertron to take over it instead?
Can I see the pdf
It kind of looks like maybe Starscream was in charge on the early Decepticons and Megatron kind of dethroned him?
not sure if i like that.
He's been demoted to being Zero from GoBots.
I think it's fine. Maybe Starscream's group is just a band of petty crooks and outlaws and Megatron stepping in gave them an actual purpose. Plus it adds a little more resentment on Starscream's part for wanting back in control.
I am honestly into everything that doesn't involve funny retard Bee and Elita in her girl power role again because I am tired of both.
This is only her second time doing that.
It's the third time in current, ongoing TF stories alone (ES, ONE, Skybound). It's either her or Arcee or both. I don't like tokens and honestly their designs and colors are shit but she or both of them and Bee always take the free spots of potential interesting characters away since they are forced into every series because "female quota" and Bee as the mascot.
I think it’s interesting that Starscream, Sound/Shockwave, and seemingly the other Decepticons are already a group. Has this been done before, I’m not big into Transformers but all the hype’s got me interested
Arcee and Elita-1 are fighting for the group bitch role in Skybound, so it could be that Arcee surpasses her.
Isn't it always like this? They usually just skip that part so you get rebel Megs and in the next issue or so he's already couping the regime with his known followers. Megatron Origin had some extra scenes but they were short as fuck and not sure about the rest.
I was kinda-thinking Megs & Pax would become a little uneasy with each other by film's' end, but if it's Megatron becoming a full-on villain then that doesn't leave much arc for a trilogy.

Anyway, much better trailer, didn't need to be near-3 minutes like the first tho
If the movie ended with Megatron still not being a villain, it would feel less impactful. More like a typical animated family movie, where heroes face adversities and win as a family. This is a rare case where a theatrical animated movie ends with two main characters leaving in bad terms.
I’ll just ask it here: Are the Skybound comics really that good? I’m considering the first TPB.
Okay so far. Do you like pro-wrestling moves?
>Its transformers but Kinnikuman
That alone is selling the comic
Not sure if you like the art style but you can look that up. Otherwise top tier action, fast-paced and it feels fresh since it brings some new things that give me hope. It follows G1 closely at first but seems like it will deviate from it. Pretty good run so far.
The only downsides might be that quite many characters are suddenly dying and that there isn't much lore or almost no character development or inspection yet since it's focusing so much on the action. But might be that it's better when you read it as TPB since you read it as a bunch instead of waiting a month and rushing through the issue in a few minutes again.
>The Cooler Ultimate Doom
Those are earth animals anon
We already have Airachnid
They had Earth animal motifs on beings from long ago as well. Hell, Nightscream likely scanned one's remains if you want to look at the show as a sequel to G1.
This better has Impactor
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Would it really be that hard to make a Transformers show that has characters from all eras? Like an X-Men 87 type show that has the main crew meeting heroes and villains from G1, Prime, Beast Wars, Earthspark, etc. Obviously not literally the same characters from those shows, but newer versions of them in a separate continuity that act similar.
Maybe as a background cameo.
*X-Men ’97
There isn't much point because most shows already have heavy character overlap.
Still would have preferred a transformers the movie remake
That is a terrible idea. Would just be a worse version of something that already exists.
enough with the remake shit, it would also never top the original cel animation
That's sort of what animated did. The concept for Cybertron was basically going to be more of a literal continuity hopping adventure, but Hasbro execs got cold feet about it.
>no blacks or half-caste human characters
yeah im thinking kino
Megatron, Bumblebee are black and Elita-1 is a women.
He said human characters anon
They are played by humans. An entire film of Cybertronianface.
I think you might be a bit confused
You disgusting socket-lover.
>good fembot Is having a catfight with evil fembot
I'm actually surprised they didn't do this in the most recent live action Transformers
This is just gonna be Arcane for kids with the class struggle and family divide
lol, OK mate
He's a submarine, sometimes it's upside down :^)
>muh G1
>Lorenzo said that the movie takes place 3 billion years before Bayformers 1

I really wish they'd get rid of him.
He is they.you think Hasbro is in charge of paramount?
They is everyone in any given building that isn't him
It kind of changes the Megatron and Starscream dynamic where Starscream is the upstart with relentless ambition and greed, if now Starscream's the experienced one who wants to regain the old way.

Worry it's a lame way of making Megatron look like more of a rebel.
But Optimus get the G1 matrix of commandment?
Come on, dude, I fucking love cel animation to the moon and back, but it looked terrible in that movie. Whole thing was clearly on a tight budget.
Lorenzo is the Avi Arad of Transformers
Why is he still employed?

He either doesn’t watch the movies or is so clinically retarded/set on preserving the god awful legacy of Bayformers he misses the fundamental differences between the continuities. Either way he’s an active detriment to the brand and should be out of a job.
He's the producer, is he not financing this shit?
Someone's just butthurt that G1 is superior to all the movie trash that Paramount keeps crapping out.
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>actually decent looking Megatron
>only used in like one or two scenes at most
>Would it really be that hard to make a Transformers show that has characters from all eras?
depends on are we bringing back all the VAs to reprise cause that might be impossible cause you'll have LA, Vancouver and NYC based VAs.
He’s the producer, dude. There’s no one who can tell him “ hey stop! Some nerd on the internet dislikes what you said about Transformers continuity!”
The director said it's not, so I trust him
Just kill him and become new producer,
Yeah, Hasbro doesn't really give a shit about TF continuity either.
Especially since ONE's studio series toys are part of the Movieverse numbering rather than getting a new number like 86 and Gamer did....
No, that would be complaining about how Optimus got the matrix or Megatron being a gladiator.
This is more comparable to lex growing up in smallville because these characters must be attached at the hip to each other in every facet of their lives
He's bald because of that. Important.
Honestly, how Optimus gets the Matrix isn't very consistent.
In some continuities he gets it from [insert previous Prime], in some, it's Alpha Trion, in others it's Primus directly.
And in a lot of them he just kinda has it.
Because it looks like shit in 3D, fucking moron. Seriously, why are tranime fans such insipid faggots?
Bravern was 3D ya nonce
You're a moron which is fitting that you watch tranime. Le stylized 3D that basically looks 2D is not the same as the realistic 3D style used by One and Pixar movies. Show me one movie with that style that has le Nippon mecha faces and the mech as the main characters. Beast wars is incredibly ugly and only got away with it because 3D was a gimmick at the time
My figures look great tough.
Not an animation, chuddie. Why don't chude understand movement makes their stupid jap figures look fucking awful? So glad I watched Destiny btfo Trumptards
>We get to watch Orion become more and more jaded and desperate until he becomes bayverse Optimus
Um... Based?
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Fuxking retard. The whole point is that your tranime style would look awful in a 3D movie where the characters have to articulate with their faces. That's the whole point dipshit. No one gives a fuck about your blender static renders troony
Yfw After the climax of the movie we see a massive flash forward and Orion is now fully Optimus with his original voice
But this style also looks like shit so it isn't working out any better.
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Man, imagine if they kept the plot of Scourge being the Bayverse Optimus we've been following for the first 5 movies, and then it's implied ONE is a part of that continuity.
>handsome robots wouldn't look good in 3D
>gives 3D example
Nice steel butt.
He sounds too fucking black
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Does Optimus' old friend get a cameo or mention?
He got his ass beat so hard he didn't reincarnate like his friends.
Why do beast shitters always want to shove their furry shit into every cybertron story? That shit belongs to Earth, not space.
"Realistic" 3D is horse shit for cartoons. Look at ONE, the faces are ugly, just Prime. Muh "realism". It's a fucking cartoon for teens, if they are incapable of drawing things in this day and age they should at least keep the 2D style. Watch Pixar and capeshit if you want potato faces and playstation scenes.
"Realistic" 3D is horse shit for cartoons. Look at ONE, the faces are ugly, just Prime. Muh "realism". It's a fucking cartoon for teens, if they are incapable of drawing things in this day and age they should at least keep the 2D style. Watch Pixar and capeshit if you want potato faces and playstation scenes.
If outlined 3D looks bad it's bad because the creators are shit. You could make a CGI movie that looks like the G1 movie but US fags don't want it because it needs talented people on the team and they rather pander to pixar shitters.
Didn't notice Megatron's voice, it's bee that annoys me.
I just watched the SDCC panel and they never say that
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ROTB wasn't in canon with the Bayverse movies, so there's no reason this should be, either.
I honestly think it's cause anime and cartoons scare the old boomer producers, so they have to add realistic eyes and shit on every piece of Hollywood animated media. I think TF Prime was going in the right direction, but they immediately backed out with the next series (whatever came after RID).
It's not. It's not even Lorenzo being weird, they only said
>its set 3 billion before all of this stuff from TV shows and movies you're familiar with happen
Check it out yourself, Discussing Film and Hollywood Handle just lied.
Prime already has human-like eyes for many of the cast.
they'd better make megatron a failed revolutionary or am gonna.... fuck off.
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Honestly the cartoon eyes always bother me. It's weird how the comics are allowed to stick to the traditional mecha eyes and G1 look but the cartoons always add those horrible pupils. The uni-colored eyes are much cooler and cuter IMO
It is the same reason why humans have them. It makes it easier to communicate by showing where a character is looking. It doesn't matter in a comic book because it is made of still images.
Flyer soundwave is neat and I'm ok of seeing it more, but what is weird is having Megatron the only Decepticon of the main 4 to not be a flyer. Especially when his phrase is "Rise up!", something his animated counterpart said because all his followers could fly



I am cool with this kind of pre-story but I hope that they will use it to give it a new spin and add something they have no opportunity to show in the basic ongoing war stories. Like it would be cool to see something about Starscream and other Cons before they became Cons instead of Megatron alone.

But I fear that it will be 1/3 comedy only, 1/3 transformation of Megs to a terrorist and 1/3 about him and Orion already being enemies and the other Cons are just thugs that join him out of nowhere, which would be sad. One of the coolest things IDW did was showing how different their lives were before that point. Or that you had Decepticons that were enforcers of the government before and killed the exact people they later turned into.
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>and cuter
Post hand right now!

Yeah that's what I'm guessing too. My hopes of "Transformers: Exodus but movie" were dashed when the first news article came out.
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>My hopes of "Transformers: Exodus but movie" were dashed when the first news article came out.
Same here. I expected even worse when I heard who was helming this. The latest trailer is way better than the first, but the first is showing movie outtakes so it's actual content regardless. Didn't expect anything serious since they are trying to go for the lowest common denominator which is action-comedy for now. I think it could still do some cool things with the Cybertron setting, even without being on the level of the games or IDW/DW. But I believe it will solely focus on the four main characters and nothing else. Maybe a bit of worldbuilding, but some simplistic one so that four year olds can follow too.

Best I can hope for right now is a more dramatic Cyberverse. Not the best, but it's a step up from the live action movies at least maybe even some of the recent cartoons.
>My hopes of "Transformers: Exodus but movie" were dashed when the first news article came out.

is not like theres no hope for that, i know they planning to do a trilogy if the movie does good money on the big screen, so i could see a part 2 and 3 showing a bit more of other characters and events

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