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>gets over his obsession with margaret
>becomes a successful artist
>married with 3 kids (fucked a bat)
>still hangs out with his friends that love him
God, the love triangle arc was so shit
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Still caused this trainwreck.
That whole arc was cancer, CJ and Margaret were ruined as well. These episodes are best forgotten
I really didin't get what anyone was thinking there
Why the fuck did Mordecai think hijacking his friend's wedding to give himself closure was a good idea? Even when he was being the retard of the duo he was much smarter than this
Why did CJ run away? I don't remember anything Modecai said there being particularly bad?
>why did CJ run away
Too much cringe. She instantly realised in that moment that he really is just that retarded, and fled out of pure survival instinct.
He had "negative rizz" as the zoomers would put it before he got a pity win with the bat. Rigby deserves the apology.
lol piss off rigbyfag
plus doesn't fucking bats transmit diseases? Mordecai is gonna cause the new COVID
>Apologize to a bat fucker with mongrel abominations that now walk the earth and will continue to unleash unseen horrors with hell spawn seed
Miscegenation is a sin OP, perhaps even more morally bankrupt than your faggotry
Jealous much
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Regular Show's seventh season was nice, but it never recovered from the absolute embarrassment that was Season 6's love arc.
>all offscreen in a time skip
literally meaningless
Compared to who? Finn? Dipper? Steven? Timmy?
lol mordecai had the best ending by a landslide
Who said anything about a comparison you imbecile?
None of those words are in the bible.
Looks like I hit a nerve
>Regular Show's seventh season was nice.
It wasnt, Regular show season 7 sucked since it started the lorefagging trend at that time everything that came from s7 didn't apply to s8 besides its muh space lore which to be frank is still the worse lore of any cartoon
You're a faggot, OP.
Also season 5 was also part of mordecai's love life not just season 6
Your retardation is aggravating, yes
Mordecai was speaking about finding the one, but in a grandiose metaphorical sense. He wasn't saying "I found the one" but he was saying "One day I'll find the one". Unbeknownst to him he told CJ to her face how little stock he puts in their relationship.
He's a bird fucking a bat. He didn't settle for her, she settled for him. There is no way people would rather fuck a bird than a bat. Also Rigby's a Raccoon that fucked a beaver and High five ghost is a ghost who fucked a living human woman.
I think of it as like...checking the facebook of one of your old buddies and you found out he's married to someone you've never met. Sure you know NOTHING about this woman, but you're just happy your friend finally found someone that makes him happy.
Are white dude millennials actually this pathetic? Mord was way pass college age yet acting like a fucking 13 year old towards a female.
Mordecai had to embarrass himself multiple times, ruin his friend's wedding, and get told to stop being a whiny baby just to move on. Rigby just improved himself and got his dream girl first try.
Imagine blasting a huge nut in that thing...
>Rigby just improved himself and got his dream girl first try.
Season 8 retcon that though so it was pointless
>Rigby just improved himself and got his dream girl first try.
Did you rigbyfags even watch the show or you just fellate S7 endlessly?
I don't know whats so special about s7 it started lorefagging with its space shit and rigby's development was mediocre it wasn't anything special or unique plus Elieen is a marry sue so him getting a girl was a shit choice but none of his development matters because season 8 didn't apply all of it into its season besides the space stuff
>ITT: Mordecai self-insert (most likely a cuck) coping and seething
You need to be at least 18 to post here
Exactly, so close the tab sport
It's media, it's meant for entertainment so human behavior is played up so it reads clearly to the audience. A normal down to earth depiction of being kinda nervous and just occasionally thinking about it would be very boring and unengaging. Mordecai has nothing to do with you wanting to shit on white people.
>it's media, it's meant for entertainment so human behavior is played up so it reads clearly to the audience
I'm really glad this mindset is getting challenged.
>All these fat virgins shitting on mordecai
bat anthros are ugly and overrated, just as their in real life counterpart
not even comparable to the rest because FOP isn't a lorefag show and never even had a proper conclusion, even then Channel Chasers shows he clearly got with ONE of his love interests.
Sorry anon that black girl shit is here to stay
they said that it isn't Timmy
>they only went back on that because of the negative reception
do you really think it's a far reach that they knowingly used the NEET adult Timmy designs to set up the audience to believe it's him, only to fake out and reveal the actual adult Timmy later on? That totally seems like a punch the original FOP would pull. And even if they did legitimately intend that to be THE Timmy, fact is they went out of their way to say it isn't him, therefore it's no longer him.
Quads of truth, any girl would've done the same. I hope Muscle Man kicked Mordo in the balls when they got home.
The sad part is, I know a Mordecai, and I do think it's realistically written. It just is not fun to sit through.
No one asked for your input namefag
no one asked for yours either anon
I am not the type of man to need a question to deliver an answer. I step out the door first so the dog can step out second.
>Worst character
The worst part is that I like his voice but he wasn't very funny and his plotlines dragged the show down
Stfu faggot go fuck yourself and afterwards all of your family will be decapitated.
Stop speaking namefag my eyes bleed just by looking at your retarded post
No. I stand beyond requests.
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sorry anon i've already given your mom a nice 'head shot' if you catch my drift
Where do you live? So I can use the rat torture method on you I would be so grateful if you spill it out for me :)
New York City. You can find my information via the archives. I have been a namefag since June 14th, 2023 and I started on /a/. `
oh he mad
Your head on a pike would put a smile on my face
Thanks for making this soooo easy I'll be sure to call some of my buddies to pick you up and bring you to my secret hideout where the rat torture will begin ;)
Do you want to end up like the namefag? Pipe down before you get yourself hurt ok dog?
We can meet in Grand Central if you like.
nah I'm good just sit back and relax because your gonna need it
JG Quintel seems like to cool of a guy for mordecai to be a self insert
You mean, you're. I'll meet you under the Arie's constellation at 5pm on this coming Monday. Try not to be late. You have a 10 minute window.
That was obviously damage control
It's timmy until proven otherwise and it seems that they have no intention of showing the """real""" timmy any time soon
Is any of it worth actually watching? I don't remember them the best and I'm considering just skipping any episode related to it when I rewatch the show one day
CJ gets mad at margaret for existing, there I summarized the episodes
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JG Quintel is fucking nuts for the way he handled Mordecai's love life and for the complete departure from what made Regular Show REGULAR SHOW with that final space arc, but I still admire the guy and only wish the best for him moving forward.
I guess I should probably catch up for the revival, huh?
How do you think Rigby would react if I pissed on his foot?
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>DUDE, what the H?!

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