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This guy's art must be stopped.
He made me want to fuck a Gardevoir.
yeah its not that good.
Man I wish I could draw, then I could counter this by drawing white men fucking brown girls

But alas, I'm too lazy
Hmmm….. This is on the same level of out of character as Peni x Miles art.
Wait a second…. the ESL almost google translated dialogue……
Don’t tell me it’s latin americans behind this shit again?
It's literally the same artist.
Random black virgin who wishes he was white

I know people hate racemixing, but I like some of his other stuff I don't get the hate.
>I know people hate racemixing
We don't though...
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>I know people hate racemixing
>I don't get the hate.
It's pretty disgusting and desperate
I don't know about this guy, but as far as this one image goes I kinda like it.
See all of these fucks who say how much they hate race mixing are absolutely blasting rope to it. It's like they're ashamed of it so it makes it hotter to them. I don't have that shame. I know I want to fuck a pokemon this man draws. Race mixing isn't even an issue to me, I'm literally at Xenoussy
SaltyXodium needs to learn actual faces and proportions.
You should want to kill yourself instead, stupid furfag.
>actually if you don't support something you coom to it
jewish logic
Is Gardevoir a furry? I understand a lopunny or something. But Gardevoir is basically like an elf. Are elves furry now?
>Aaahhhhh I love cumming to BLACKED porn! The only thing that can get me off now is angrily jacking it to my race being eradicated!
Kek this, they shove it down your throat and when you're busy puking it up they call you obsessed,I bet if someone hit him with a tire iron he'd think he was the victim too.
how the fuck do you have such a consistent style yet are THAT scratchy?
I get construction lines but you could just set another layer and some of those aren't even construction, just going over the same line
Had no clue the Gardevoir guy drew things other than Pokemon art.
>I'm wet but my clothing remains dry
>Look at my scratchy sketchwork I'm afraid of finished lines teehee
Don't send a Mexican to do a Filiporno's work
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Spiderverse/Sony animation influence.
'Sketchy/unpolished" is the new cool.
Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?
holy projection
I thought his kind were obsessed with fat white women
Your race wouldn't be long ater you retard, you have an average IQ of 80 and depend on white people for survival
>long ater
>IQ of 80
Oof. Proofread your posts, be a credit to your people.
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He has no ideas
How many white 4channers have white wives? How many of them have had offspring? 4channers are known for being permavirgins, so if you're a white 4channer and you're not doing your part, you're the same or worse than the people who like BLACKED. So...
>obvious newfags calling other tourists while writing like completely newfag
HiFUCKINGlarious! Their behavior just never changes.
You will NOT rewrite channer's culture. No matter how much you try.
Black guys are the best there is at aping jap style without going full native. That’s just science.
What character is this supposed to be, thought it was Gwenpool at first
My ancestry goes back to Ireland Scotland and Russia
Wife's directly traceable to the Mayflower
Daughter is a research associate

Do you have a point here
I did, why would I correct a missing letter for someone who can barely read?
>if you're not married you're the same as a desperate black cuck
Too lazy to correct your post? Are you sure you didn't have an ancestor who jumped the fence?
seethe timmy
English can be tough for your kind but read that last post again
I meant seems people only post his kara x jimmy stuff and bitch about the guys art.
No worries
I said for the artist not the ship being drawn
I suppose to each their own I like his other stuff but yeah he does kind of super thicken his kara's but not terrible to me.
Ok xenoussy made me kek, but I think it's just they like it if it goes the right way lol. Always see black/brown girl threads and wmbf threads here. But as said to each their own I do prefer some good ole wmbf myself but I don't seethe if I see the latter.
yep, this was made by the same artist who made peni parker a yandere
and also the same artist who made the said yandere peni brutally murdering miguel o'hara off-screen and turning every pokemon into a yandere as well
Why don't black people like their own women? lmao
Explain bleached
Revenge against other races because they (rightfully) put them at the bottom.
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why does this board has such a massive hate boner whenever foreign artist outside of north america mixes whatever piece of western media with anime tropes?
even the conservatives wouldn't go that wild about that!
That dialog is what needs to be stopped.
So he just draws race-cuck shit all day to cope?
And you jerk off to it?
Femdom blacked shit is a blight no matter where
People are mad that the black guy is fucking the white woman? I see artists draw BMWF interracial art regularly and no one cares except insecure people.
kek, love it when "artists" think anyone gives a fuck about what they had to eat and shit like that
You speak like you've never seen that "Little White Cuck Ball" collage. Of course they jerk off to it.
>/co/ finds out porn artist is not a white male
this is the song that doesn't end
She's not an elf. She's a creature. That's furry. Dumbass.
The algorithm cares, anon.
This goes waaaaay before Spider-Verse like waaaaaaaaaaaay before
seething paste colored weeb
What art? There’s just a bunch of chicken scratch
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Remember when every other thread in /co/ wasn't either about some people talking about race as if it was the 1890's, or about transexual hate?
I do, it was sort of fun even.

It took me forever to understand that some people simple don't care about the original character/s personality when making fan content: it's funny but I just couldn't process it. Didn't you like the character? At last I sort of get it, the character design, concept or situation could be interesting to the artists but no the personality. Can't say I like it, but I get it.
You've got to banish the idea that everyone who says they hate something is just some simple minded contrarian stereotype that is trying to impress you by saying things they don't believe. This is the toasterfucker era of the internet where they can immediately find a community made up of thousands of degenerate retards who also love racemixing and self-degrading cuckold fetishism.
I would have said alien instead of elf
I'm sorry I didn't understand many of those words, can you translate it from retard bigot to English please?
I get why it's hot and I've dated black girls, but I want my kids to be aryan like me so my race doesn't die out.
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This thread has me watching Across the Spider-Verse again, I forgot how good it was
I mean, have you SEEN black women? I don't blame them
I jeak off to trans Gwen
hey you're annoying and you should stop making threads in the future cause they're low quality garbage
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Really, I love this movie. Thanks guys for reminding me about it.
Ooh, rookie mistake, you talked about Spider-Verse in a manner that wasn't negative on /co/.
That'll surely ruffle some feathers.
Nah, I like it.
he will draw muscular futa soon?
This is just your friendly that these coalburning/race-mixing threads are created by literal cuckold fetishist discord groups.
Is this some kind of reverse shilling?
Tell them to spam more WMBF.
I used to follow his stuff until he drew some ntr shit.
>She's a creature. That's furry. Dumbass.
Not necessarily.
An animated human skeleton is a creature.
A zombie is a creature.
An slime is a creature.
A lamia is a creature.
A goblin, depending on the setting, is a creature.
A cyclops is a creature.
Your mother is a creature.
An elemental is a creature.
A harpy is a creature.
A mummy is a creature.
None of those things are furry.

Even something like Pegasus or a unicorn isn't technically furry. It's just straight up zoophilia.
Anything you say that is human isn't.
Anything else is.
Stop being deliberately obtuse to try & justify your furryness.
I love how different /co/ is from /ic/, and how easily it embraces mediocre art. Thank God I go only for critique there
as someone who can draw, let me reveal something to you: Once you acquire a skill, you will start to not want to use it for whatever shitpost you want anymore. You realize how much effort goes into each piece and thus you only want to use your skills for something you truly want, instead of to "own" someone else
>will start to not want to use it for whatever shitpost you want anymore.

you sound boring
It's not that good desu
Very scratchy and unconvinced lines
It's true though
T. other artist
Unless your fetish is really WMBF, then you will leave your piece unfinished
There’s two kinds of racemixing haters.
Number 1:
>people who are used to self inserting as the white guy focking the girl in porn
Number 2:
>Racists who say they hate race mixing porn, but secretly love it.
There’s been multiple studies that show us that fear and sex are closely related. For example, in Israel there is tons of porn about Muslim men fucking Jewish women. You’d think this wouldn’t be the case because they hate Muslims over there, but something happens when you hate something so much that it fucks up your brain and makes you attracted to it. Why is it that every Asian woman who tweets about how much they hate white peopke always have a white boyfriend? Why is it that the white women who dare black men are generally more conservative than those that date white men? Fear and sex are linked.
>fear and sex are closely related
Taboo and sex are linked. There's not much fear of heights or claustrophobia nsfw out there, because heights and small palces are not taboo. Interfaith and interracial relationships are however
>Unless your fetish is really WMBF
im not that anon
I didnt mean LITERALLY you

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