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I just got back from watching Deadpool and Wolverine. AMA
Also spoiler warning.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: how much does hugj jackman regret being on this movie?
what did the popcorn vessels look like
I didn't get one myself but there's that Wolverine mouth one that was shown off a few weeks ago, as well as a Deadpool one and a Headpool one with the back of their heads opening up.
There were also some chibi Wolverine and Deadpool containers but i think those are for candy.
how big your penis?
Last time i checked.
2 inches flacid, 4 inches erect.
Although that's normally. The hardest i have ever been was i think 6 inches.
What was the after credits I just watched the cam version.
Is Toad in it? Does he wear his classic costume?
Deadpool wanted to clear up the allegations that he killed Johnny so he went to the TVA to show of a clip of Johnny saying exactly what Deadpool told Cass earlier in the movie, even telling Deadpool that he can quote him on what he said.
Yes. But he has a new Mad Max style look and he only has less than three seconds of screen time.
Who all is in Nova's crew? Toad, Pyro, Sabertooth, Azazel, Deathstrike...anyone else?
Some lady with a purple beam whip (Don't know who she is, she only shows up once) and Juggernaut. They don't have much lines or screen time and everyone else is just a nameless jobber. In fact they're all jobbers.
How shitty does the Wolverine mask look?
It's actually pretty good.
Psylocke from X3
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Kinda weird, it doesn't get the special treatment Spider-Man and Deadpool masks get so it looks kind of large and goofy
Did you buy the novelty drink cup and did you get wolverine or Deadpool?
Did the movie feel like an end to the Deadpool trilogy or does it feel like Disney is going to add more and fuck it up even worse than it already is?
Thank you.
I didn't get one but if i did it'd be Deadpool.
It feels like a sort of end but they really could not help but set up future movies and plotlines. In fact at the beginning of the movie when Deadpool enters the TVA they tease an event from the "distant future" and they even bring it up multiple times throughout the movie.
I got the cup instead of the bucket, the bucket was funny but the cup was useful. Picked Deadpool
Yeah, Hugh's face does seem a bit too small for the mask.
So, Ryan Reynolds is gona save the mcu.
i just want Cavillrine to be an actual thing and not just a one-off
He saved me money with my phone plan too
He was absurdly big.
The movie will make its money back and more but one hit alone can't save anything so only the future can tell the fate of the MCU.
So, toughts on Lolipool?
when they were fighting at cassandras lair/ant man corpse there was a silver streak zipping around. was this supposed to be Pietro?
Any shoot at the DCEU?
When deadpool is at the TVA getting told he is marvel jesus he says "the power dynamic of the MCU is about to change" or something like that

When he finds cavilrine he says "we will treat you better than those other guys"
For you
Do Wolverine and Sabretooth have a proper fight or does he one-shot him as a joke?
Basically what >>144664284 said. But the insult towards DC was more brutal. Shame i forgot exactly what he said.
First Deadpool cleans off Wolverine telling him that he has to look good as people have been waiting for this fight for years. Then, Wolverine and Sabretooth run towards each other, gives each other a slash, and after a brief pause, Sabretooth's head falls off and Deadpool carries his head around mocking Nova's crew saying that they have killed "Their queen".
Sounds cute. I actually prefer small ones. Do you have Discord?
Will Deadpool put himself into pg13 mode when he enters the mcu?
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Straightest mousecuck thread
Yes i have a Discord. But i'm not looking for a relationship like that but i am open to new friends.
He already is MCU but yes, he will be PG in other movies.
slop status?
The only slop is the multiverse aspect and the TVA but that's such little slop with how it's handled.
I can't even fault the film for the multiverse meta stuff given Deadpool's unique fourth wall breaking perspective
>The only slop is the multiverse aspect and the TVA
Isn't that the whole story of the movie?
Peter is the anchor point I bet
Not really. Yeah different characters are from different universes as well as the TVA but that's just the background propping up the real story of a Deadpool and Wolverine buddy comedy through a wasteland.
While he does have a bigger role in the movie than one might think this is not what happens.
Can we please keep Henry? Would he come back? Would Marvel want him as the new guy?
I think that anon is saying Peter Parker is the anchor point/person of his universe given the events of No Way Home. That and Spidey is one of the last/most popular characters left in the MCU
Due to positive fan reception i'm sure they can do it.
Oh yeah. Apologies, thought he meant the other Peter.
It was certainly interesting seeing the Deadpool Corps, even weirder that Headpool had a popcorn holder. It was probably the best action scene too because they couldn't give the camera a seizure there
>because they couldn't give the camera a seizure there
Holy shit why did the big fight scene against Nova and her gang have so much shaky cam?
Henry is a nerd too, he'd probably wear the mask. Also I just want to say that if we make him the MCU's Wolverine, I want the arm jolt to be his signature thing when whipping out the claws
Being the best MCU film in years still suffers the consequences of being an MCU film
Who plays lady deadpool?
Pretty much.
It even has the same MCU villain problem with all of them being wasted and dying.
If i had to rank Nova i'd put her between Gor from Love and Thunder and whoever that elf guy was in Dark World.
why would you do that to yourself

weren't the first two warning enough
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Ryan Reynold's wife Blake Lively.
I just looked her up and found this, kek.
Blake Lively, Ryan's wife
It's a good movie.
You know you could probably skip Deadpool 2 entirely at this point. It's the weakest of the trilogy
It's still important to watch to get important context, and even if it is the weakest that doesn't mean it's not good.
Also i'd say that Deadpool and Wolverine isn't as great as the first two due to multiverse and TVA stuff dragging it down but it's still great imo.
Just watched it and thought it was great. Loved it after having grown up with Fox's Marvel movies

Haha really? Didn't catch that
I was talking about the other Peter.
That low?
My theory is that the reason Vanessa broke up with Wade is that she resents him for getting her killed in DP2 and her whole "you only think about yourself" is her form of cope with that.
X-23 and Lady Deathstrike were right there.
Kinda bothers me they never had a fight, even a quick one.

One shot.

It was dumb as for getting Tyler Mane back.
This felt like a late 90s/early 2000s movie with all the gay jokes. You're clearly supposed to laugh at the idea of the pudgy guy being into Deadpool/Wolverine. They even made woke jokes. I can't tell what's going on with culture war stuff anymore, is this normal?
I never understood the appeal of
>something cool is about to happen
jokes. They're not funny and are just annoying.
It make jokes about everything: Samurai Deadpool or Nicepool is supposed to be a woke Deadpool and he is a joke character.
It was funny he was so into it but not presented as a bad thing. More "cute" I guess. They used a fat guy and fat guys are more feminine or androgynous.
It's not normal. There was a bunch of stuff in here they "weren't supposed to do", like say the word 'retard'. The pendulum feels like it is swinging the other way, nobody gives a fuck about the whiny twitter mob.
>like say the word 'retard'
Damn, I didn't even process that. It's still part of natural speech with my friends, I forgot that it was erased from public lexicon.
They couldn't telegraph that punchline any harder if they tried.
One of their kids was Kidpool, Matthew McConaughey was Coyboypool, and Nathan FIllon was Headpool
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>Punisher mentioned as one of the resistance fighters that died
It sucks that it's just lip service, since Tom Jane 100% would've taken the role if offered, and Dolph probably would've done it, too.
I guess you have to save some shit for Secret Wars. Shame about Ray. A few years earlier and we could've had all 4 Punishers together in a battle van.
Wonder which Magneto she killed?

>all the other Punishers look at Netflix Punisher in a mix of disbelief and disappointment when they learn he let a child pornographer go
Maybe my thoughts on her will change with time but they really did set her up to be a big deal only to atomize her.
It got laughs from the audience i watched it with.
Wait he what?
This guy.
Did they make fun of the Asian guy whose mutant powers were to hug people to death.
Is it fun?
It was pure slop but I loved it
if you like the previously two, yes
Why do you conservatoids basedface whenever jokes with the political leanings of Eminem are expressed in media? I'm "woke" by most metrics and I still say retard. We exist. Retards.
I liked it the most of the three moviesainly because the action is actually entertaining now
Genuinely surprised they sincerely did Blade, Elektra and Gambit
oh, let's say Dan Castellaneta Magneto
No. I don't think that's a thing.
finished watching it.
definitely a capekino
Disingenuous faggot, the fact you're not allowed to say 'retard' is even brought up in this very movie after it is said. And nobody mentioned politics except you.
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is it worth watching at the movie theatre for two hours?
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I say this a person who dislike Ryan but loves Deadpool
It's fine. lots of fanservice and it's closest to gotg3 since there is not much dei and 80s music
With the benefit of hindsight, Peter should have been Bob
My main disappointment of the movie is that the other deadpool movie characters don't really do much in the movie, though that was kind of implied from the trailers. I liked movie Colossus, so it was a shame that he literally only had one line in the entire movie.
Can't even casually curse in the work place without some upper middle class white bitch throwing a fit about it. Sheltered cunts never dealt with lower class types before.
It's a typical shitty bitch made Disney MCU movie with Deadpool and Wolverine and a few other stars thrown in there isn't it?
The plot is nonexistent and somehow conveluted at the same time. Otherwise is a pretty fun time, the dynamic between Wade and Logan works, and for once the cameos aren't just fan-service and do play into the theme of the film. Not as good as GOTG 3 but it's one of the better recent entries. Also, most of the jokes worked for me, and they really went wild with some of the roasts.
I never realized but Wolverine with the mask almost never has his sideburns showing and the fact that you can see his beard over the mask in the movie looks super strange
>In the work place
Are you socially inept? That has always being the case, that's why you have a different dress code for work too, unless you work in construction you don't go around cursing during job hours.
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Did you sob?
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I think this movie will make as much money as Superman Legacy since Wolverine is about as iconic as Superman.
You know they'd blow up the van if they did that, right?
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Post yfw "Gotta stop with this multi-verse thing, miss after miss after miss after miss"
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He honestly looked way better in that 10 second shot of the tan and brown suit
Kys Redditor
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I will not, but I know I was cheer when I see Wesley Snipes on screen as Blade again.
Loved the 90's one, the one from that edgy alternate universe.

Also the one when he's playing poker, totally forgot the name of the comic, but is really iconic cover.
Is it really Aristocrats-tier? I've heard it would make Tobey and Leo blush
Crazy how they made up after this
I liked how sincere it was. All of the heroes had their costumes with their powers and their character quirks for the most part. No "Wait...your name is Doc Ock????" moments. Enjoyable watch. Wolverine gauntlets. Don't care if it's dumb fan service it looked cool.
It's wild, at one point he brings up sucking Juggernaut's jugger nuts
Cavilrine? Henry Cavill's in this?
hahaha nice
probably a reference to how Deadpool was the original plan for Thor 4
I switching to Mint worth it if you live outside town? I fucking hate $60 a month on Verizon but I feel like it's my only option
hey man
needs to pay off his debt to the IRS
Wesley needs work!
Sadly this is wholly untrue. One look at the writers team for D&W clears that whole thing up.
I agree with both of you, but plenty of jobs allow potty mouth
Age of Apoc and Patch
I've worked in warehouses, geek. We don't censor ourselves there. It's always the HR bitches throwing a fit.
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How much you wanna bet Evans ad-libbed that entire bit?
I've heard there's zero ad-libbing in this one
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Shows up for like ten seconds as a Wolverine variant. Just from that tho he's a serious contender for the role, he just looked goddam perfect
Blows my mind that literally every other comic costume they showed (AoA Weapon X, brown suit) looked so much better than the main Wolverine's.
>there is not much 80s music
>Samurai Deadpool or Nicepool is supposed to be a woke Deadpool
did they forget their own deadpool is a pansexual faggot who respects pronouns and is constantly flirting with men?
then again obviously reynolds doesn't actually read comics so what did i expect
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>Just from that tho he's a serious contender for the role
I want to suck his dick as much as the next guy but his hairline is already struggling to survive
by the time they even introduce the x-men into the MCU Cavill will be bald and for Wolverine we need someone who isn't struggling to keep their hair
it's joever for him
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He looked really bad as Wolverine. They should get Daniel Radcliffe to play him he's definitely short enough.
i can see it but even with muscles he's way too scrawny
Knowing Disney it was probably one that wasn't Jewish.
The only thing wrong with cavills logan was the beard being way too fucking bushy.
>TVA back up and running like usual
So are we just ignoring the whole "Loki became God of Stories and protects the multiverse" bit?
Dude, look up a before and after for Elon Musk. Hair implants are crazy if you can afford it.

This is not enjoyable trash, this is The Flash tier garbage if not even worse. The whole movie is one of those "you know the movie sucks so here's some fanservice for you to enjoy that you couldn't get in a good movie"

But the fanservice isn't funny and often isn't even played fully. It could have been more watchable if the whole thing was a 30 minute episode of a family guy type cartoon but it's just boring.
The exposition/dialogue/comedy scenes are not funny but they're somehow less boring than the action scenes. You're gonna think the first half isn't good but is watchable and maybe decent enough to enjoy the rest of the movie but the rest of the movie is even more boring.

All the cameos are the least funny part, doesn't matter who they bring back from old movies, it's not funny for even a second and it isn't cool. Blade is lame, Elektra is lame, everyone is lame

The whole movie is about "look it's so cool we got Wolverine in his comic book costume", you're better off watching Gangster Spongebob or Shrek vs Obama on youtube.
The only decent thing is Lady Deadpool not because she's cool but because you'll realize it's the first time there is an actually hot superhero woman on screen and you'll wonder why a whole movie about stupid fanservice is about Hugh Jackman's abs and gay jokes instead of Lady Deadpool wearing a bikini
This is a garbage opinion.
Loki is just holding it together and they're now anti-pruning. Other than that the TVA is business as usual.
you had fun with the movie? lmao
go ahead and share with us the fanfiction of you having a great time watching this piece of shit
I respect that you don't like it but I don't think you needed all those words to say it.
The Flash wasn't bad, it just tried way too hard to be a Marvel movie when it should've been a DC movie. Then again, I also enjoyed Black Adam for what it was (a reverse Superman story.)

Cards on the table, I'm thinking about wasting money to see DP&W just to close out the series even though I only liked the first movie. However, the only cape trilogy where I enjoyed all 3 movies thoroughly was Guardians of the Galaxy and that's because James Gunn grew up on X-Men comics so he gets team dynamics.
Who pissed in your cornflakes?
It's irritating that they made a whole movie about cameos and 4th wall breaking shit with the premise that it was going to be a bad movie anyway so anything goes, and they still made some lazy shit that a bunch of cosplayers could have made.
they literally had no limits with what they could have done and still fumbled. the audience already knew the bar was so low anything would have been fine and they still fumbled.
when people said Blade was going to be in it, I was like ok it's probably not good but there's going to be a short scene with Blade and it's going to be cool to watch, instead it's just lame and doesn't look cool and it isn't funny and the one thing the movie is based on, the idea of desecrating the capeshit genre, doesn't count when the superheroes show up cause they still play the epic corporate capeshit music as if that lame ass scene was going to get me hyped. at least play it more like a pulpy adult movie. despite all the "mature" content it still feels like the usual 12 year old shit and as I said there is better 12 year old shit made on youtube with unreal engine that has more pathos and delivers more on the nonsense fun
I got a better picture of why they didn't like the movie other than "Movie sucks." It's boring, it's gay, it confuses fan service for plot devices. It is attempting to smokescreen a bad movie the studio really didn't want to make and wouldn't bother with if post-Endgame MCU wasn't spraying diarrhea all over the bed, the walls, the ceiling, and on the pets. I appreciate explanations for why this is a soulless cash grab instead of just saying it is a soulless cash grab without specifying.
>and the one thing the movie is based on, the idea of desecrating the capeshit genre,
Oh so you missed the actual point of the movie then? No wonder you wanna be a complaining little pissbaby about it.
This movie made me realize it's better fanservice when a random capeshit movie introduces some comic book character without a costume that barely resemlbes him and they say "this is Junglestriker they call him that cause he stroke the jungle" and try to take him seriously even if the movie sucks, than when a movie like this goes "oh here's Wolverine in the John Byrne costume so cool"
bro thinks there's a point to the movie lmao
This. Jane, Dolph, Bana's Hulk or even Hasselhoff as Fury would have been fire. I am still shocked they were able to get Snipes.
This pic no longer has use after Inside Out 2
To each their own I guess
Just because you're too dense to get it (even though it's basically spelled out in neon letters) doesn't mean there isn't one.
It doesn't matter though cause these movies are not able to make anything cool with the cameos.
I understand the trashy pleasure of putting the Human Torch in the movie, it's the type of shit we would imagine as kids when playing with toys, it's just not fun.
I'm not expecting much, there is a chance someone could pull it off and do something decent but I wouldn't bet on it, but there still is a way to do something barely passable that's still fun to watch, and this movie doesn't even do that.
There would have been no point bringing in any other cameos as they didn't do shit with the ones they got
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Is this the last big crossover left? As a child I always wanted to see this.
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>he goes into capeshit expecting pathos
>Deadpool capeshit, at that
If you explained the point it would be wrong
Nah man, Batman vs Spider-Man 2035
You're getting baiting and not even in a subtle way anon
the ONLY reason they kept cassandra nova bald even though she's younger than usual is so that people don't get too horny during her scenes. I just put cassandra nova probes you ASMR at the top of my wishlist thank you very much
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Is negasonic a cuck?
I didn’t care for this movie much. Shoving cameos and references on the screen does nothing for me.
Wade is canadian, canadians are leftists by natural. It's like complaining about people from Alabama for being incestous.
This movie makes the Harley Quinn movie look as good as Scott Pilgrim or Spider-Man
I wouldn't mind bald Wolverine.
The last third of the movie wolverine is pure CGI, but like bad one, king scorpion level
They probably didn't want to bring back anyone with an actual MCU counterpart. Again, a shame since Ben Affleck Daredevil would have been a hotbed of material for jokes
coomer rotbrain
But in the comics she is ugly.

If anything. People believe she is the bald bitch from Dr. Strange.
Is it really that bad to work as a car salesman?
Wolverine is like THE norwood superhero and like those other anons said he can just hop over to Turkey if it's actually that bad
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>welcome to the mcu, btw you're joining it wt a bit of a lowpoint
Why'd they hire such a cute actress then? It's way easier to think of someone as evil if they're ugly
>That spoiler
For now, yes.
I watch it yesterday and holy shit the s0-y was too much but they never gave us real fan-service by giving the girls extra sexy clothing
No Leon the Professional vibes with him and X-23 even though shes an adult
She didn't even kiss him on the cheek when they separated to hold off various enemies so deadpool and wolverine could fight stong bald bitch #185329

The 4th wall jokes never hit. Meta shit needs to stop being a thing its fucking shit
A billion gay jokes that were lazy as fuck
Brought up a ton of random characters that only super fans could recognize without their proper outfits just for the sake of killing them off in a non-canon world
Please tell me that's an actual line
yes, it was directly told to wolverine and it made all the goys in the theater laugh too
>Brought up a ton of random characters that only super fans could recognize without their proper outfits just for the sake of killing them off in a non-canon world
I know
>Deadpool is not a serious movie
but I hate how easily they all went down.
Just go beat off to actual porn you degenerate freak
>No Leon the Professional vibes with him
Are you a pedo?
I watched the camrip
Were there any post/mid credit scenes?
Will Hank Hill finally join the MCU making the time he met Silver Surfer officially canon?
She is a legal adult I was talking about her meeting a different version of what was her literal savoir then feeling too close to him with his reaction being one of bewilderment and awkwardness the way Leon did since he hasn't had any praise or respect for a long time due to what happened to the team.
I get that it was not serious but they really should have had a more intimate moment together that would have ended up with x-23 getting punched at the end because wolverine is not used to non-violent physical touch
Breathtaking amount of gay jokes
I love how bloody this movie is. I want all Marvel movies to be as disgustingly gory as this one.
Yes. Second went into waypool a little. But this movie brought back classic wade again.
>Deadpool is now a walkaround character at Disneyland
This seems very inappropriate
Why is Ben Affleck so gay? He could've elevated this movie to kino status.
Frankly she was too OP.
This movie felt closer to Cullen Bunn DP but Bunn's take is still leagues better than Way's.
Peter's balls
Followed up with nicepool saying he liked marvel movies post endgame.
Your only complaint is sexual venting.
She's fine.
>Flick the bean
Deadpool 2 is a masterpiece compared to this movie
Fox BTS tribute during credits
Human Torch actually saying all the vile shit about Cassandra after credits
Was okay a bit long though
More fake endings than Return of the King
So what was up with Thor and Deadpool?
No you pedophile faggot what you literally said was you wanted it to be like Leon the Professional. Get V& you fucking degenerate
Because Disney bought Marvel
They're all great though.
Movie is kino.
Your autism is showing.
he's been spamming /tv/ all day too
Yeah that was real nice. I was expecting an endless parade of MCU tier jokes about Elektra or Gambit but no, just the stuff you'd expect comics Deadpool to say when written by someone decent. They were all cool too.
Is the story treated like the end of a trilogy? Kind of curious since it would be yet another Marvel character who ended their storyline while still no real new storyline has really taken off post-Endgame, like Spider-man, Guardians, etc.
Uh, you know actors often wear wigs for the roles? Meryl Streep wore a wig in Devil wears Prada.
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Be honest what was your reaction?
univorinicaly made me want to watch the crow
not funny
And Chris Evans wore wigs for capt america. /co/ doesn't know shit about shit and is one of the most ignorant boards on the site which is why they still cling to cape comics instead of branching out to other interests
Human torch can't lose to fucking Pyro.
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How the fuck did the humans in Logan's universe just managed to go to the X-mansion and hate crime the mutants to death? The film makes it sound like they just walked in there with baseball bats while Logan was out drinking in a bar.
it's especially retarded cause we know superheroes have plot armour. the xmen can face apocalypse and survive cause they're the good guys but some dudes killed them off because wolverine wasn't there. yeah right
I thought they were going to pull the old "Logan killed them while seeing them as villain illusions" plot but guess not, I don't see how Charles and Jean just got beaten to death with hammers by civilians
I like to think they're all jobbers in that universe, and this movie's Logan as well as those X-Men are at the bottom of the totem pol
All Marvel movies should be this bloody.
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This is the first movie ever to have X-Men, FF, and solo characters like Blade all in the one place, this is what Marvel movies could have been all along
I was wondering about that, wasn't there a scene in the Fantastic Four movie, were they tested Johnny's heat leels, and Reed said he was approaching hot enough to burn out the ozone? Does that make Pyro like, an Omega level mutant to absorb that?
I assume it was a pretty strong Pyro.
Pyro is omega level in his ability to control the flames but not create them :(
and it's trash so it doesn't matter
You are a weirdo
What is you fucking damage?
How he did not die there?
this movie could have been saved by nudity and hot girls
literally a trash movie that depnds on fanservice but the fanservice isn't enjoyable. the only thing almost enjoyable is lady deadpool cause she sounds hot. why not make a whole movie about her or psylocke or elektra wearing bikinis? yeah it would be retarded but the movie already is. who gives a shit about hugh jackman's abs? everyone knows he's gay and girls don't even like him but girls like sluts so do a lady deadpool movie where she's oiled up and killing people and people will like it. it would still be trash but at least the fanservice would work. make scenes where there's full nudity for no reason and that's gonna be more shocking than any of the gay ass safe edgy reddit jokes in the movie
at least that piece of shit deadpool videogame had a shot of psylocke and mystique's asses and it wasn't even that hot it's just hot how they were objectified. if you remove all the quality from comics then the only fanservice I'm there for is bitches being objectified not gay jokes about muscular dudes
Fuck you man
Go seek help or something
You are too much of coomer to be socially functional
I am not a coomer and actually watch serious movies I don't get how they can make a retarded capeshit movie for 14 year olds and avoid hot bitches in favour of gay 50 year old dudes. Isn't the whole point of this comic shit that it's just an excuse to see women wearing skin tight costumes?
they did this wrong btw cause the Hulk from this issue is gray. why go so far to make a comic book references only comic book nerds will recognize and then adapt it so casual audiences will get it? the movie is all about these weird cameos but they couldn't do gray hulk? ok whatever
>Right in my Fantasic Fours!
I found this line to be gratituitous and unnecessary
Think they were trying to infer it was that universe's Genosha event. Probably showed up with Sentinels, or maybe things went full Bastion
They couldn't give Logan his mask yet either because they were saving it for the reveal
>Dad loved Blade and Daredevil with Elektra back in the day
He is gonna have a good time this weekend.
Supposedly those two are the leads of Avengers: Secret Wars
no he won't. if they put tony montana in this movie people that liked scarface won't automatically like it. none of the superheroes reappearing are cool
They are the same actors so im sure he'll like it regardless. It's not like he is into superheroes—just the actors.
Not enough screen time.
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Is he in?
Only thing that annoyed me was Paradox doing the dumb cliche villain thing of spelling out his plan to the hero. It was so overt I thought it was a ploy at first. Also too much slow-mo.
How much did Honda pay for the extended ad?
Well Wade did crack jokes about the suit but spun it into him being jealous.
so if Wesley Snipes does a gay porn he's going to like it regardless?
Oh is that who that was? I didn't get the point of that one.
I did think that until she introduced herself.
They would all need to be R rated and they're not doing that.
Only one Blade, only ever gonna be one Blade.

Other than the TV show with Sticky Fingaz.
The anchor being for the Sacred Timeline, if indeed it even needs to have one, would need to be a Kang variant. Basically by definition.
Not really, one scene implies something in the future with Thor.
They had to say that. Because they filmed during the writer strike and ad-libbing is "writing" it counts as scab labor. But the reality is, that's one of those dumb rules nobody really follows.
The russian
do people really find this shit wild?
>the ONLY reason they kept cassandra nova bald even though she's younger than usual is so that people don't get too horny during her scenes.
It didn't work.
It just awakened something.
We never even seen it. Use your imagination. Probably sentinels. And remember. Logan killed the rest of them from rage
The Deadpool one doesn't make sense since Deadpool for the longest time has been a faggot. That's just good adaptation writing.
Deadpool was a Redditor edgelord since before Disney bought Fox.
Everyone forgets to bring up The Russian, honestly based that they brought him back.
He fell from the ozone layer once, a four story fall wouldn’t kill him especially with all that shit breaking his fall
It feels like the movie is tailor made for terminally online Twitter users. Deadpool's constant zoomer lingo and the multiple "memeable" moments like Wolverine pulling his headset off.
this whole gag had the theatre laughing hysterically
You're assuming it was just regular ass humans as opposed to the Purifiers or the military or Sentinels or whatever
What a bunch of lemmings
humies kills off the xmen why are the xmen so fucking weak
Mutants are an aññegory for homosexuality and homosexuals always get beaten by straight people AKA humans
my question is do people really find someone saying suck his jugger nuts wild?
at least the people at my theatre didn't laugh lmao I guess the uk isn't as retarded as america
it's not fun tho
>my question is do people really find someone saying suck his jugger nuts wild?
No, the tirade itself is wild, the jugger nuts bit is just funny and witty in a charming "crass comic book for 13 year olds" way
worst thing about the movie was the fucking dog and literally half the shit I follow on instagram are dog accounts.
there's nothing inherently funny about the dog. it's not cute. it doesn't make sense even as a comic book reference and they spend too much time on him for no reason and the songs they play through the whole movie are out of place and trash.
the problem isn't that I can't enjoy it but that it falls so flat I know there's not a single person in the theatre enjoying it and it makes the whole thing awkward. who gives a fuck about the dog? is this supposed to be cute like baby yoda? fuck him
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>your tailor is a predator
Truth be told i had suspected from the very beginning that he wasn't Cap. Too little buff for the part and no shield, it was off.
I can't believe I didn't see it coming

overall I was really glad I avoided spoilers, the only cameo I knew would be there was Elektra
Why are you gay?
It's fun.
Pure joy
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Boy they had a golden opportunity to change up the Marvel movie formula and they didn't take it, it played out like any other superhero movie

I am genuinely angry at this movie
I do want to rewatch Blade though
The movie feels weird for a while since it largely lacks Deadpool ensemble cast for most of the movie an dinstead he is interacting with his new MCU toys as well the Fox he couldnt play at Fox before like Logan or Johnny Storm
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I don’t remember the previous movie that much but was there a joke about Peter having a big dick? Maybe it was the quality of the camrip but the actors bugle looked like it literally was about the burst of the suit
>did they forget their own deadpool is a pansexual faggot
During the movie some people, specially Loga, call him degenerate.

>who respects pronouns
He makes fun of the pronoun shit
Man the former one fucking sucks. Make the comic book characters look like comic characters that shit rules.
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Damn right
I thought Hugh Jackman had gone on record that he was sick of playing Wolverine and Logan was his last movie as the character. How much did they offer him to change his mind? Did they hold his family hostage? Threaten to leak his donkey porn collection?
This movie continues to prove that Rick Remender is the only person on this planet capable of making Deadpool a compelling character. It really bums me out how much I liked him in Uncanny X-Force only for the character to be completely unbearable in everything else.
Fuck off Rick
Fuck it call me reddit or whatever but I kind of hope that instead of doing any more nostalgia bait cameo's we instead get cameos from actors who could've played certain cape or villain roles. Give me like Alan Ritchson playing shit talking ultimate cap or William Zabka as old John Storm instead of fucking Nic Cage reprising the role of Ghost Rider or one of the other two guys who played hulk.
Ryan probably just went to his house and beat him in a fiddling competition or some shit.
and gwenpool was only good in her original comic run
>some mothafuckas are still tryin' to ice skate uphill!

actual line in the movie.
man, I'm glad I stopped watching S2 after the first episode, I knew it would be dogshit
Smiled ear to ear
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Blade was trying to warn you, anon! Heed his advice!
Pure unadulterated Down's Syndrome, anon.
Does spamming /co/ and /tv/ with the same argument all day for a week get boring?
So is Deadpool gonna be in secret wars? I felt like that one scene in the TVA at the art of film was a preview of that. (The one where Deadpool is seen with Thor)
I don't know how he doesn't get banned.
>Too much slow-mo
Go watch the Taken trilogy or something, fag
do you want to fuck Cassandra as much as I do? Did you tear up during the X-Men behind the scenes stuff in the credits
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Nicepool also has a prominent bulge
I just know posts like this are typed by emaciated british hands owned by a fetal alcohol syndrome ridden face
I feel like this movie solidified that Loki will never get off the throne and they will forget he exists.
Yeah.. Not like Hugh just did hours worth of interviews explaining this shit in detail ad infinitum for you.
He words it differently every time for plausible deniability
not op but yes and yes
post harry potter cameo
Give me the gist of the Disney/FOX jokes that's not marvel-related
I don't think he was in, but in the battle scenes, I think I saw an Asian woman with spiky bits. Maybe a female variant of that guy.
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I think he's referring to this guy
lol that's kinda sad.
As a kid I thought this guy was Spyke from X-Men Evolution and I still wonder the same thing
>If I plucked off a blade, will you die?
The movie opens with Wade talking about Disney buying Fox and "all that boring stuff". When he's recruited to go to the MCU, he goes up to a camera, grabs the mic and says something like "Fuck you Fox, I'm going to Disneyworld". In the Void, you can see the 20th Century Fox sculpture half buried. This is more about DC, but Wade tells the Cavil Wolverine that "they'll treat him better than those other fuckers down the street". Gambit says something about who they were or their worlds or something, and Wade replies with something like "Are you sure it happened, or did you just want it to happen and it didn't?"; there's also jokes about Gambit not remembering much about his past, on account of not actually having had one. There's a joke about how many Punishers there's been. At one point Wade tells Logan that "Disney is gonna keep you doing this until you're 90".

Those are the ones I remember.
He's supposed to be, and I shit you not, Kid Omega, aka Quentin Quire.

Only instead of strong mental powers and possibly a Phoenix host, he's got quills.
Quentin Quills, if you will.
I never really liked the idea of bald chicks, but she was really hot.
>do you want to fuck Cassandra as much as I do?
No. She just reminds me too much of Charles.
I got choked up and almost cried. It was beautiful.
Seems like they just randomly picked X-Men characters and didn't give a single fuck
He did say that he'd only return for Deadpool.
Pretty much.
>I got choked up and almost cried. It was beautiful.
i hope you have the time of your life
I feel like Doctor Doom is the only bad guy they have left in the chamber
Hope the same for you too.
>I am genuinely angry at this movie
Sounds like you're a miserable child.
They use "Do you wanna build a snowman?" as code for doing coke.
The amount of Yukio in the movie was great
Gambit was cool as fuck despite looking like a retard
I thought Hugh Jackman said he'd never play Wolverine again?
The whole thing was basically one big meta joke about Disney buying Fox and rebooting everything but the Deadpool himself.

Wolverine (Hugh) leaving the X-Films meant they'd stop being profitable (world falls apart post Logan) so rather than trying to save it (the Fox version of the X-Men universe) they'll just kill it off instead (reboot and recast).

Even Deadpool getting plucked out of his timeline is a meta commentary on his popularity and how he's the only thing worth salvaging instead of rebooting from the Fox properties (we'll literally take you from your timeline (franchise) and stick you in the "sacred timeline" (MCU) because the people upstairs (corp execs) think you're important for some reason (popular and marketable) but we're going to erase all the rest of it because who gives a shit now that Logan is dead (Hugh is done reprising his role)

The wasteland was full of all.the discarded junk the MCU had no use for like older versions of recast characters like Blade, the Human Torch and Electra and all the disposable grunt mutants from the Fox X-Men films.
It looks great
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>the ONLY reason they kept cassandra nova bald even though she's younger than usual is so that people don't get too horny during her scenes. I just put cassandra nova probes you ASMR at the top of my wishlist thank you very much

eh, she was just moondragon, but evil
I'm shocked they didn't pull another x force and everyone was super competent
Does this change anything for the MCU?
Not really, if anything I am surprised how separated it is from the rest of the MCU, would have thought Disney would fully integrate it.
I think deadpool actually references the marketing around eternals, upsetting the balance of power in the MCU
The most is if they bring Deadpool into something they also have the option to bring Wolverine and x23 with him. Or they just get thrown away like Domino and Cable
Is x23 played by a new actor than the one in Logan?
>but was there a joke about Peter having a big dick?
There's a joke about him knowing a guy that spent his midlife crisis getting some nipple piercings that chain to his cockring.
Only for him to show it to NSTW and Yukio a couple of scenes latter. >>144671393

Or do you mean his prominent package when he was Peterpool that somehow allured the fat black TVA lady?
It's the same girl but she's grown up since Logan was 7 years ago. She still has the sunglasses
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That's Black Adam tho?
Any screenshots?
Comic accurate Wolverine was the best scene
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you're right. That was more likely what he was referencing, but iirc Feige said something about Eternals introducing a whole new level of power to the MCU.

here you go
What was the deal with crucified Wolverine in a field of skulls?
You forgot the part where he said "like the mask, it's like Batman but he can move his neck"
They did have some madmax stuff and I want to say a twisted metal reference but it could have just been an ice cream truck.
Nice. I really liked Logan.
everyone did. Logan's death is a huge part of the plot.
It's nice and comic accurate.
Not that Anon but i wouldn't really say that as it was just the ending.
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Fever Dream comic
So is this for realsies last time Hugh will do the role right?
Despite how much i liked this movie i don't see where these characters can go now since how fucked the MCU is.
nah, they also talk a lot about logan's relationship with laura.
Am I just too down south because I understood everything Remy was saying but some people keep complaining he was impossible to understand.
I mostly followed everything, but I think his cajun accent was comically overexaggerated
Deadpool kills the cinematic universe.
Oh you're talking about Deadpool. Though you were referring to Logan.
They will use him for secret wars and that will be it since after that is supposed to finally be new xmen
You don't hang out with Cajuns do you. He was at least opening his mouth to speak. I've seen some of those fuckers have whole ass conversations without moving their lips. It was sadly not over exaggerated.
I've literally never met a cajun in my life.

I have, however, encountered french canadians.
Of course not.
I am sorry for your suffering. May you find peace soon.
How come Deadpool's shirt didn't come off?
I mean i can see it but this Pool seems too mellowed out to do sociopathic pool things.
At most some sort of short with him weeding out unruly variants for the TVA as community service.
Huh so the they'll make you do this till you are 90 thing was only half joke.
I really zoned out of the MCU shit since before Infinity War so idk how Secret Wars is supposed to go down.
Will it finally be a soft Reboot and they'll get actors that don't charge that much.

Also where the fuck is Spider-Man.
He was mellow in the comics too. I am under the impression that the antimatter he was touching could have fucked him up in a bad way. Or he'll just have him get hit with a "be evil ray". Or hell just have Reynolds finally snap and say "fine I'll do it myself "
because it wasn't a reference they could make like hugh being shirtless all the time in previous x-men movies is.
my only problem with this scene is that deadpool was standing like nothing was going on while they had wolverine posed like he was actually bracing himself, despite deadpool being the one that was struggling to move as far as he could with the strands of time.
>where is spider-man
as of no way home, poor and alone, no family, no friends, with heroes only vaguely knowing he helped beat thanos.

it's tricky to use him since sony still technically owns him
I think jackman actually put in a lot of effort to get that bod back also reynolds would have just looked so small next to him.
Only one man remembers him and it's fucken Deadpool.
I mean deadpool and spidey is the 2nd most wanted team up....hmm maybe 3rd if we include cable.
>deadpool knows
...does he? I honestly forgot about that.
He was watching the monitors. I'm pretty sure he would just go back in and watch all the movies.
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Why was Thor crying!
A perfect line for what they’re currently doing with the character and MCU at large
I mostly agree with both of you, but I still think it was enjoyable, and probably the best movie of the year by now (not too many competitors). The comedy was just:
>"I will masturbate!"
>"I'm so gay!"
>"I'm going to disneyland! Suck this one Fox!"
>"I'm Marvel's Jesus Christ!"
for 2 hours. If they took these off and the chain joke (which didn't serve any purpose) the movie would easily be for 13+. The intro was nice though, I still have the music in my mind even after a day. The action sequences were cool too, I guess when you only have swords and fists Disney can finally make something good. The plot was TERRIBLE, they're still going for the cinematic universe which only confuses people.
Also, the globohomo COEXIST (C islam, O judaism, E genders, XIS forgot, T christianity) sign was so out of place that I still don't know how nobody has talked about it yet.
Logan’s suit was made with presumably earth-made materials. Wade got suited up in the TVA with access to a multiverse of materials to exploit.
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Found the sign. The camera pans to it for some seconds.
>globohomo COEXIST
You realize that the Honda Oddysey is the one that Nice-Pool owned and he's the over the top yoga/pilates emmaciated basedmale right?
He's the kind of guy to have that on his van and it came up while Wade and Logan failed to "coexist" i.e riped themselves to shred for the next 12 hours.
>sign was so out of place
Nicepool was a liberal fag. This was another reminder and to remind you that the scene you were watching of them stabbing each other for 5 mins straight was a euphemism for those two men having gay sex in the back of that Honda.
Fuck i forgot about the global filter.
>two men having gay sex in the back of that Honda.
Does the Honda Oddysey have lore or where tf is that from?
Wade still owed him $100.
did you not watch the movie lol
I actually felt bad for Nicepool, I know that I may seem like a fag but it was a mean spirited joke to kill him off like that
>Also, the globohomo COEXIST (C islam, O judaism, E genders, XIS forgot, T christianity) sign was so out of place that I still don't know how nobody has talked about it yet.
Because everyone else got the joke.
So Ray Park didn't reprise his role then?
No, the only ones who did were Sabretooth and Pyro, the rest were all recasts
Can anyone tell me who the sailor looking guy was? The one with the stripped red shirt and anchor tattoo?
Did the movie feel like it needed to be seen in 3d? It had a lot of those 3d shots in it.
Has Pyro ever fought the Human Torch in the comics?
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Yes, but it is Spiderman teaming up with Human Torch vs Pyro
I'm not a faggot, so no I didn't sob. It was cool though, seeing wolverine in his iconic suit after all these years. I hated the black leather in the X movies and the normal civilian clothes in the other movies.
So, Moondragon for a bit in the 80s
Hopefully it'll get that treatment in whatever film Jackman is in going forward.

Wonder if that was always the plan or was there a full on fight planned or even filmed?

Yes keep the arm jolt.

Well that's kinda disappointing.

As long as it's a fun time, that's all that matters to me.

Maybe they didn't. And yeah Ben Affleck Daredevil would have been pretty funny.

That's great to hear.

Oh that makes sense.

That's perfect

A smart writing choice.

That's insane. I'd like to imagine it's the Russian from the Ray Stevenson Punisher Universe.

You have a keen eye anon.

Perfectly fine explanation.

Of course he would.
Kind of a bummer Ray Park and Kelly Hu didn't return although given there screen time it makes sense. I wonder if they turned down an offer to return like Vinnie Jones did?
Maybe this scene, but instead Logan fuck off drunking himself instead stay at mansion
>Let's stop with the multiverse shtick, it's not working and is stupid
What did you think about that joke?
I like the Cavill cameo and the Johnny Storm reveal was good. I don't think I'm going to remember anything else about the movie a month from now. Worst of the 3 movies, but not by a huge margin or anything. Just incredibly dull and boring
He's right, ironically this is the only movie that did it properly in the superhero genre as of now
I'm glad Johnny actually deserved what he got and it wasn't Deadpool fucking him over for no reason
It's a lame joke playing off internet rhetoric. But then again that's every other joke in this movie.
only Avengers have that kind of power.
Just came back from seeing it. What was the fucking point of even setting half the movie in the void if they we're just going to stick Logan and Wade in an area that just looked like normal rural farm land shit. Why not just have the movie be set in a normal universe then?
This is also what I thought as a good explanation and also funny joke that it gives the sexpest tailor job security for making very good suits despite them having a good HR that one guy was going to call.
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i have a thing for bald women now
Honestly Jonny Storm was the funniest character in the whole movie for me I wish he'd stuck around instead of Tatum Gambit
Hugh Jackman was amazing, as usual. He really acted his ass off, especially when he verbally teasing Deadpool a new one before the van fight. Ryan Reynolds had plenty of serious moments, but Hugh tied the movie together emotionally.

Speaking of fights, I really liked the more animalistic fighting style that this movie gave Wolverine. It's a damn shame Hugh's old as shit. Another movie with X-23 wouldn't have been too bad.
>that part where she mentions flicking her bean to an Enya boxset
Nearly busted in the theater
The coexist sign was a joke, you dim motherfucker. Wolverine and Deadpool are stabbing each other brutally, and blood is dripping on the sign.

You think the movie was making a serious statement?
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Confirmed kino by kojima
The idea of the X-Men being killed by cross-burning klansmen cracked me up.
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>the fifth wall
I am surprised they didn't mick them and kill like x force
Kinda . Yes
Many stupid lore are there . Seriously why wolverine didn't cut the door at end.
I wish dog contributed . Like it actually had healing factor. It's just a dog which won ugliest dog competition and got the job
No that's cringe
He is right. But u liked all Deadpool corps costumes especially warda . Nice surprise.
That actually was Ray Park lol, they just didn't give him any lines.
Real shame about Kelly Hu too, would've been nice to see her unbrainwashed, and the actress is still hot.
anon they pan to the logo as Wolverine is claw raping Wade for hours, you might legit be too stupid to understand basic MCU tier irony humor.
Wolverine can't fuck, as Wade roasted him hard.
I feel like Daniel would NOT want to put his name on another high profile character/franchise.
He loved the Flash btw
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Guess we now know why Wolverine's costume initially had sleeves
I thought it was because Hugh is high risk for skin cancer, so he had sleeves for most of the scenes that were shot outdoors
How was Laura able to cut Juggernaut? Or is he not actually invincible and I misunderstand his powers?
Same here. It was awful.
you know how retards say MoM disrespected the characters because they jobbed to the clearly superior Scarlet Witch?

this whole HT jobbing to Pyro of all fucking people is actually disrespecting. I hope Deadpool never comes back.
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i was like "...ah right he also did that"
thoughts on laura?
>Also, the globohomo COEXIST (C islam, O judaism, E genders, XIS forgot, T christianity) sign was so out of place that I still don't know how nobody has talked about it yet.
Maybe you are retarded or subnormal. That sign was used by Bono and U2 in 2005-2006 in their world tour called vertigo tour.

Is not new to anybody, that logo is pretty old.
This is an alt version of the shitty Juggernaut from X3, besides his helmet he isn't really all that
Also, that version of Juggernaut is a mutant rather than the comics origin. Where Charles jealous step brother who made a deal with a God or someshit for his superpowers.
The fuck!? Then why is Lego having a shitfit!
3 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>> watching paint dry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
The opening of whatever this is fucking sucked and I would not go beyond that.
Not a good way to spend your time
If you enjoy fourth wall breaks then you are indeed a massive faggot.
Is it just my impression or did they really choose an actress who resembles James McAvoy?
The Proposal.
Because Disney is the one who keep the franchise, so they are willing to look past it
The X-Men are finally getting representation at Disneyland.
Woke mutie propaganda. They are literally coming for your kids.
I got that impression from that screenshot, too.
Ray Park and Kelly Hu actually did reprise their roles.
I think my favourite background gag was when they get knocked into a shop called Liefeld's, and then you can can see inside and it's a shoe store
Oh yeah, bald girl stocks are way way up now

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