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The first episode premieres tonight at Adult Swim's Pirate Parrrty on the Green at San Diego Comic Con. What will you expect of it?
ok but I won't like it
Too early for this thread. It will be livestreamed on YouTube tomorrow.
When I learned she wasn't a young girl I lost all interest. I just know she'll be a insufferable late teen to 20 something
least pedophilic /co/ anon
Ok retard
I exptect it will be Instantly Forgettable!
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I like the tough girl with dork boy duo.
Judging a book by its cover.
This art style is kinda goofy, but any action cartoon piques my interest
>It will be livestreamed on YouTube tomorrow.
It will?
Yeah, it's part of their Night of New. They'll be screening IFG plus Common Side Effects, the Rick and Morty anime, Women Wearing Shoulder Pads, the Uzumaki adaption and Lazarus.
These past few years have proven over and over and over again that making preemptive judgements is the best way forward now.
I've avoided so much shit just by seeing early warning signs and it has never let me down.
More interested in the wrestling match because I have no fucking clue what to expect
I hope there's only this many lines for the promo art and not in the show.
i thought it was tomorrow
>the Uzumaki adaption

I almost put money on One Piece finishing before that saw the light of day.
good, my body needs more wrestling kino
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It's animated by Flying Bark, so it's gonna be good.
I hope they go this route
Hey should I check this out? People seem to be going gaga over it. I aint the biggest anime dude but I like fun just to clarify.
I’m excited but at the same time not expecting too much.
A bunch of confusion betweent his and kirkmans's. I'm hoping for quality rule 34.
Do you like wrestling? And not like UFC but stupid over the top shit? If so it's an automatic.
Supposing this show succeeds, will there be more action cartoons?
Yo, Invincible Fight GIrl is flying bark? Instantly hyped, this shit is going to be kino.
Flying Bark shows are always

>top tier animation
>dogshit writing

This is literally always the case. Idk why them being involved makes anyone hyped
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Maybe this show will break the curse….. maybe……
what do you have to lose?
I don’t really agree, ‘Moon Girl’ has pretty great writing.
I just want more Cartoon Network stuff.
I’ve been enjoying it so far so I’d recommend it.
>Invincible fight girl
What a stupid name for a show
I think it may be a little hard to get into it since it's a sequel to an old manga that's 387 chapters long

I'd say wait a few episodes. The action is great and the characters grow on you fast
That name fucking sucks. Not watching.
Those Aussies are singlehandedly carrying western animation right now
yeah, why if she’s invincible why can i see her?
Like we give a fuck about what you think namefaggot
It should be screening at the con right now.
Then it's a good tging animation is more important than writing, huh?
Still not watching. Hmph.
It's done by Titmouse, idiots
First clip:

Plus technical difficulties:
>haha our main character is a brown girl, look how progressive we are, please ignore every single cartoon on the disney channel thanks
so when does this shitty trope end? diversity isn't diversity when everything is the exact same as everything else
Sounds like Sydney Mikayla. Or maybe I'm racist and most black VAs sound the same to me.
It's funny how children cartoons are airing on Adult Swim now that there's no kid audience for them.

Wish they did some line-weight on the character models. The thin lineart makes the limited animation stand out too much.
We're like just a few years away from some zoomer making the single most unapologetic wannabe shonen cartoon
yeah I was wondering why this is on AS.
other cartoons are for babies now
Useless dickhead
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Makes sense.
No, I think that is Sydney Mikayla. She has a pretty distinctively youthful voice.
Fuck you.
Don't know how I feel about this show yet but the main character looks cute. I wish the animation was a better I guess. I'm just glad the artstyle doesn't look like calarts or fake western animeslop.
You should be killed. I want you racists fucking dead in the ground ffs. Stab your stomach open.
It's got Baki-energy.
Back to Tumblr with you, I'm not even the 3 guys you bitched at.
Thanks anon *weeps*
I mean why not? they have them for a reason lol
Yep exactly plus just tired of all the brown quirky heroines. They 90% of the time are self inserts or are the most annoying mcs, that are mary sue adjacent
All the slightly violent kid shows got pushed to AS because Cartoon Network got rid of basically everything aimed at kids over the age of 10.
You should be dead just like them
>They 90% of the time are self inserts or are the most annoying mcs, that are mary sue adjacent.
To be fair, the character and show could be good even if S.I depends if the creator has a postive history.
The phrase means you shouldn't write something off based on what's on the outside.
And the joke counters it by saying well then why do they have them kek. But yeah I'm just tired of trying anon though of course I'm gonna watch the first ep. I'm not that closed minded
To be fair true but how many western self insert female series have their been??? Honestly I think self inserts are always dangerous as a lot of times we have a hard time looking past ourselves meaning our ocs become mary sues or morally inviincible. We can't always accept we are wrong or losers, but will say as sexist as it sounds guys do it better.

While male creators can be cringe as well of course, but female creatives really have a hard time letting the S.I growing or seeing they are flawed. Seen and read tons of graphic novel self inserts in my day and rarely will they genuinely give their characters flaws or call them out as wrong. Also does the creator have a good history???
Apologies, i thought you were being serious.
I actually really like the art. The use of shadows and dynamic camera angles isn’t something you see often in western animation. The animation is serviceable, it’s better than MAWS at least.

As for the actual contents of the show, I couldn’t really gather much from the clip. She doesn’t seem like an overpowered Mary Sue at least, they actually let her get hurt. Overall I’m much more excited than previously
I expect it to be mid but spawn much pornography drawn by pedophiles. Normal cartoon behavior.
Holy shit this is wolf from kipo I knew it was familiar
Most women suffer from solipsism and shirk responsibility as often as they can. They don't want their character to have to grow, they want to figure out how their character can overcome a new obstacle. I'm developing a world of my own and they are all flawed in different ways, but the main character is by far the most flawed, mostly because he's arrogant but also dumb. Female characters aren't allowed to be dumb, or weak, or incompetent for some reason, whether it's from the writers or from the networks.
You didn't even need to take the time to write that, we know.
why adult swim and not cartoon network
Not a single 2D show of theirs has dogshit writing.
Yeah I gotta see more especially the action.
I hope they fuck
Based off of the poster I was expecting her to be more of a hothead. Granted, this is most likely a flashback. But still. Wonder how she’ll be overall in the show.
probably so they can say hell, ass, damn, or bastard one time each.
I don't think modern CN shows can get away with any real violence. Ed Edd n Eddy wouldn't be kosher nowadays
Racism is the natural order. Blacks currently hate whites even more than whites hate blacks, your whining about "racism" is just a tool to try and get gibs and special treatment.
Diversity is never good. I'm sick of looking at non-whites and fags in my media.
Eh only partly lol, I think it'll probably suck because honestly statistically only lie 30% of shows are decent to good now sadly. But I respect originality so I must give it a chance, also a flaw with older cartoon characters is they aren't allowed to have older character flaws and situations. Show was made for CN originally so I just feel young mc is better as them being childish fits better than a young adult doing the same but that's me being picky.
Sadly true of recent femmc, but it's almost specifically the west. Their are tons of great eastern female writers who can write some multi-faceted characters. In the end that sounds interesting and I do a lot of writing myself but I'm more into art myself so my writing rarely goes anywhere because my art sucks lol.
AS pulls in more ratings unfortunately
>Female characters aren't allowed to be dumb, or weak, or incompetent for some reason, whether it's from the writers or from the networks.
Galbrush paradox
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That Blue Wrestler reminds me of the They Might be Giants animated musical segment of Particle Man in Tiny Toons, or even that tall Doover Boy with the blonde curls.
So like Kill la Kill but less perverted?
I like this but it's probably not the best clip they could have shown.
>So like Kill la Kill
She's not going to be fourteen or something? I thought that was the target audience most of the time?
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Love the art style, looks a thousand times better than the cheap CalArts nonsense CN has been pushing out for the last decade. Can't believe this is from the same studio
This is an anime-inspired action cartoon and Adult Swim has an extremely popular primetime action/anime block to air it on. It's just a better fit on there than on CN in between reruns of Gumball and TTG
She looks too big to be that age, though cartoons aren't really 1 size fit all with that.
So when is the series going to actually release?
It will very likely be the next Toonami headliner after Rick and Morty: The Anime, so sometime in October
This feels like a french cartoon.
Seems interesting actually, nice environments
Not a fan of the limited animation though, doesn't match the style too well, definitely reeks of that stock-french animation feel
I didn't expect it to look so weebified.
Yet another "quirky" or "strong female character" mystery meat main character for the list, I guess. The same with the big guy being a pathetic dork, and the skinny guy being a Shaggy-like comedic relief. Ethnic Grandma will be crabby and "sassy" with a heart of gold. It wasn't an issue even 5 years ago, but now the market is oversaturated with these types of characters. I can't get excited for it anymore because there's nothing to set it apart from 90 other shows.
Well, it is just one episode.
I'm afraid they're gonna skimp out on the fights and wrestlings not exactly an engaging style, a hold here, throw there and it's done. Should have gone kumite.
Anon, look at the wording of that post. It should clearly tell you that post wasn't from someone who cares one way or the other if the show is good or not and instead has personal issues with the show just for it existing.
OP asked what I expect from it. I gave my expectations and reasoning for not being too excited. I don't know what you want from me.
>mfw the only reason why you care about this is because of the implied relationship between the protag and the big blonde foureyes

Just nuke the US already, I came here to enjoy or hate a show not to talk about race for the 99999th time.
Probably just hoping that 1 of them isn't gay.
I hope this show is good and doesn't get a the unicorn warriors treatment from the community.
Would this have breathed life back into CN if it had actually aired on there like it was going to?
I feel like even kids are busy at the afternoon so this will always be better.
Watched a clip of it.

Why's the voice acting so terrible? It's like a mediocre 90s anime dub. Did they rewrite it and have to force the new dialogue into the mouth movements or somehting?
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So the want to trick people to soimd like it belongs to Invicible?
As a drawfag I like their artstyle. That's pretty much it for me. If I can't be engaged by a nicely written story I can at least enjoy the art and potentially learn from it.
I'd say Monkie Kid's consistently well written, but the visuals are more the draw for me than anything else. FB always go 110% with visuals.
First impressions? The art style and animation seems nice. >>144665287
Her ass is nice, so I'll watch. Too bad she's a kid in-universe, tired of brown girl cartoons. Can we finally get a brown woman? The VA sounds good but too early to make any judgment about the sound.
They called her an accountant, so she may not be a kid.
I expect nothing that merits being on adult swim and a bunch of whiny fags going on about 'humiliation rituals' as if that somehow doesn't make them look embarrassing.
>An action-comedy set in Wrestling World, a place where wrestling is more than just sport and spectacle... it's a way of life. We follow Andy, a young girl who dreams of becoming the greatest pro wrestler of all time. Assuming the wrestler alias: "Fight Girl", Andy sets out into the bizarre and colorful Wrestling World, determined to make a name for herself. Along the way, she meets cynical retired champ: Aunt P, the endearingly innocent Mikey - great wrestling analyst-in-the-making, and the unscrupulous Craig, who doesn't so much love wrestling as he does scheming ways to profit off it. United in the goal of helping Andy achieve wrestling glory, this found family embarks on a journey filled with adversity and self-discovery as they chase their dreams, push past their limits, and most importantly... deliver smackdowns on the toughest wrestlers they can find.
>a half-hour comedy-adventure series about a girl who comes from an island where everyone is an accountant but wants to be a wrestler.
So it's literally Punch Punch Forever?
Wasn’t that show a limited series?
It's more like a Season 1 than anything, it even ends on a shitty cliffhanger (par for the course for newer Genndy).
Thank there's gonna be some porn of this?
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Agreed, the show never fails to look incredible
In what way? Having new shows doesn't suddenly breathe life into TV networks. Cartoon Network is airing new episodes of Total Drama Island and Heroic Prince Ivandoe every Saturday and it still feels as lifeless as it's been for the past few years
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So is the new Totally Spies going to move to AS too if it’s an anime-inspired action cartoon
>and Adult Swim has an extremely popular primetime action/anime block to air it on
You horribly overestimate the relevance of Toonami.
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>I'm afraid they're gonna skimp out on the fights and wrestlings not exactly an engaging style.

The last time wrestling was interesting was in Mucha Lucha and only because they invented their own rules.
>An action-comedy set in Wrestling World, a place where wrestling is more than just sport and spectacle... it's a way of life.
They literally stole the plot of Mucha Lucha.
So does anyone have the ep or not?
Monkie Kid is good though
wrestling fans are eating good...
The makers of Kinnikuman actually know a thing about wrestling.
I doubt the makers of this show do, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised
In defense of their point, they reuse a lot of the og animation teams stuff and they also had a great base in general to use. Also now the mechs are 3d/cg and stiff as hell. Compared to the hand drawn mechs(or if they were cg they were more like the fluid cg we get now a days and were stylized so they fit the show)

I don't know enough about Bark to speak more but yeah monkie kid is like when you build a perfect build for your younger sibling. As long as they follow your advice and don't swap out the good equipment they are destined to do great.
It’ll be up tomorrow on the Adult Swim livestream on YouTube. Sometime around 7:30pm specifically.
I was thinking the same. I wonder what make it have the french feel.
So this is the big premier then? They really didn't advertise it at all? That's a risky practice. Unless they're saving all that for when it premiers on Adult Swim.
Calling Totally Spies an action cartoon is very generous. No one is posting fight scenes from that and saying "whoa, look how cool this is!" like they've done with X-Men '97, My Adventures with Superman, and will be doing with Invincible Fight Girl
Cause CN is now considered a literal baby channel. Like much of the company it's being managed by retards.
I wouldn't be too quick to compare this to Kinnikuman. Yudetemago were big wrestling fans and understand how wrestling works. I have to see how well they execute the "pro wrestling", knowing how Americans currently view it.
Yeah that's because for the latest season Bark was working on another thing I think. Aside from the mech thing which is very minor and barely shows up I didn't think the animation drop was a dealbreaker. I still enjoyed the new season.
Oh never said it was bad but still said they had the older season as reference and most likely high expectations. So if they are notorious for being bad that was probably a outlier. Also yeah mech was only instantly noticeable shit thing to me honestly and wasn't terrible just clunky
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Ok, but what if I want the dork blondie and the brunnette guy to be a ship?
Huh, what's wrong with having both hetero and gay shit?!?!?
It's funny how Kinnikuman is inspired by puroresu which is all about bizarre gimmicks and combos and Mucha Lucha is all about signature moves like in lucha libre, which is why I wonder how will burgers will portray their version of wrestling
Eh, looks pretty uninteresting to me. Bland generic "tough" black women don't really interest me as protagonists, and I hate the design of the black woman flying around with a chili pepper.
Who asked?
Read the post I'm replying to
Weird though since Cartoon Network has been moving away from preschool shows lately. Even announcing the end of the Cartoonito project not long ago. All they're doing now is airing rerun after rerun of Regular Show now. I'd think they'd want more shows for older kids and teens since it seems like they're trying to move back to that as a focus audience.
It's 2024, you might have that
The protagonist doesn't seem tough. In the preview clip, she seems scared. Hell, she's practically calling herself a retard for challenging the blue wrestler. And she gets her ass handed to her. Though, based on the poster, she looks cocky.
Racemixing is hot.
Get out of my country.
Oh, so they'll put out one season every seven years?
Saw the preview and was reminded of a fight from a Newgrounds cartoon from a few years ago. I thought it was them selling out at first.
I found the video on Youtube. It's not them but the characters feel really similar.

Of course she has a white cuckslave.
>No one is posting fight scenes from that and saying "whoa, look how cool this is!" like they've done with X-Men '97, My Adventures with Superman
I don't think I've seen a single person do that with MAWS past like the first few episodes of season 1.
>I don't think I've seen a single person do that with MAWS
>except for the few times that they did
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CN just announced a couple of new preschool shows last month. The way they've divided up responsibilities is:

Cartoon Network does
>preschool shows (for Cartoonito)
>all-ages comedies (for regular CN)

Adult Swim does
>action shows (for Toonami)
>adult comedies (for regular AS)

That's what the higher-ups at WBD want out of those brands
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>kill Cartoonito
>make more and more shows for toddlers
I want off this ride.
I think this is an example of how far back contracts go. Odds are those shows were greenlit and had production being years ago and are only just now being announced. Unfortunately for them Cartoonito was decided to be cancelled after those shows were signed on so now they're in a weird spot where they have to air them but the block they're designed for is on its way out. Effectively, I'm betting those shows are going to be one season shows and that's all.
Cartoonito hasn't been killed. The block still airs every weekday morning on CN in the US and, more importantly, there are Cartoonito TV channels in dozens of countries outside the US that WBD has to make shows for for years to come

Well that's just common sense (Preschool Cartoons are the most profitable cartoons)
Then what was with the announcement of them ending the block a couple months back? Of course it wouldn't happen immediately but it sounded like it hadn't preformed and they had planned on ending the block.
So the first episode is supposed to premier today then?
It's way better than that promo art had me thinking it was gonna look, my only gripe now is that I think they need more impact frames
Until the last season that is.
Flying bark only did the most recent season so don't get your hopes up
Wow this sounds like worse mucha lucha, also hearing the word found family really makes me cringe now a days.
Also don't think anyone mentioned it but is it just me or is her design retarded

>Male singlet on so no exposed sexuality anyway
>Wears full bodysuit under it???
>Also close to her flesh color so looks weird asf

It literally looks like she has nothing on in some shots because of shading and colors so what's the point?
It's not exactly a flashy or interesting suit but it is enough to stand out a bit. Probably intended to pair better as a color scheme with that friend of hers rather than be interesting on its own. Maybe she'll get a better suit down the line.
Yes, I mentioned it from the beginning, the design is too overloaded with that flesh-colored full body suit.
I mean, everyone else wears normal suits, if they wanted the protagonist to wear a full body suit, they would have made the suit completely yellow.
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Gentlemen, thank you.... I'm in.
Hopefully but just saying the under body suit is retarded and why flesh colored and not something better
Yeah exactly, but guess they had fear of well girl in body suit would obviously show nips and cameltoe kek. Then she'd get tons of sexualized art

But really getting tons of horny art is a good thing now since better to get some art and word of mouth than no one caring.
I thought FB worked on the first four seasons, the current one was made by another studio, no idea how it is visually.
Pretty sure it's the reverse
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>So the first episode is supposed to premier today then?

Dang. Ok cool. I don't really care about anything else they're premiering but I'll be on the look out then for whenever Invincible Fight Girl is coming. Here's hoping someone can do a screen recording as well.
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They're likely going to have the full episode online after the stream, so you're good.
Ok actually looks better when they are shorts but still think in different lightings and tons that'll give flesh tones.

Also I'll wait til someone post the mega, I'll watch later. if I like I may actually draw something of her. Concept is perfect for a specific type of art
Yeah I'll be watching.
When character looks better in fanart
Probably, but I feel like I remember there being times when these kind of batch premiers were considered exclusives for the event and not reuploaded, but I may just be being paranoid. Either way, is that fan art for the show? It's already gotten some notice? That's pretty cool.
Definitely. Though how much is hard to say. The Superman show got a decent amount at the start, though it definitely petered off after a bit. I imagine this one may get some notice. Anything more is up to the show.
Yeah. The newest season got outsourced to WildBrain in Canada and it looks awful compared to everything before it.
I’m gonna be honest. I don’t think so. The main girl has 0 appeal to anyone except the usual brown girl pedophiles on /co/, and even then she’s still too tall. And the only other candidates are men, an old woman, and very manly wrestler women. Obviously this won’t stop /co/ from trying to fuck every female character in this show, but just having /co/ be horny isn’t enough to result in any meaningful Rule 34.
i'm counting on the mega because the stream is geoblocked ;_;
Even animated it still looks like shit. Why can't these retards do the anime style right?
Pattern seeking brain tells me its the animation, specifically the way expressions and impacts are done. The shockwave impact jumpcut thing at 0:28, the "im fucking with my hair cause im a showboat" trope, the way talking is animated at 0:57.

i could also just be a schizo but it feels all too familiar.
Are those CN's in better condition than the one in the US?
Ah! Not available in my country.
>the usual brown girl pedophiles on /co/,
That's me btw
>brown girl
ok, im definetly watching it
Bump, is there a link?
When does it actually starts?
I can't tell what's on now, but the description makes me think it'll go after Rooster Fighter:
>Common Side Effects
>Women Wearing Shoulder Pads
>Rooster Fighter
>Invincible Fight Girl
>Rick and Morty: The Anime
>[AS] SMALLS - Beantown
The violence seems more “real” than I expected. I thought this was gonna be cartoony biff pow kind of fights
>faux anime
Honestly, dropped. The girl is cute but I don't think I can sit through this without cringing
>furries, monsters, demons, and bug people in the first episode
Yep this is gonna be cartoon of the year
Punch Punch Mainstream
wow, an american shonen that actually clearly has love for the genre. is this a first? no punch punch doesn't count
Rather liked that. Andy a cute.
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ryona kino
Wasn’t expecting her to get her shit kicked in so much.
This but I like the dork to be able to handle his own when pushed. So like a /fit/ dork (physical fitness is mental fitness, after all).
Premise and concept are interesting. The writing is kind of bland and seems to be leaning into tropes a little too hard. idk I think we have to see an actual episode besides the first one to make a call. It could end up being decent but so far it just seems eh.
So did they change Dave’s design or is there going to be another timeskip?
That was alright. The warping the world around wrestling was neat. Satellites watching the world ready to drop a ring at a moment's notice when a match is declared made for a good visual. It is trying very hard to be anime like and I think that will be a very polarizing. It worked ok more often than it didn't so far I'd say at least. I normally don't mind that kind of thing but it was a it much. Maybe just first episode awkwardness. Either way I enjoyed that well enough and it does make me look forward to whatever may come next. Andy herself is cute and I want to see more of her and where she goes. Here's hoping someone did a screen recording or that Adult Swim actually does post the episode on their youtube.
Great, I missed it. Anyone got a MEGA?
>Andy herself is cute and I want to see more of her and where she goes.
That’s where I’m at. I liked the first episode overall but she’s definitely gonna be the main reason why I end up sticking with it.
It's still up on the multi premier stream. Just have to rewind the video to find it. It comes after that rooster show so once you see that in the preview bar then you know you're almost there. But I don't know if that's going to remain an option for long so you may want to get on that sooner rather than later. And a mega would be preferable over all.
They better fuck.
I wouldn’t be shocked if they end up together by the end of the show.
Girl called fight girl and is rookie fighter, didn't expect tons of ryona
The proportions seem entirely different for him in that poster. Either there was a big redesign at some point or there will have to be a time skip. Considering how much this show seems to be aping anime, probably a training related time skip as Andy learns wrestling.
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Not likely but i am hoping for a crossover episode with Golpea Duro Hara.
It's a different character named "Mikey," she probably meets him later
Man they are pushing these fakimes hard
Man, she gets as beat up as the last fighting show with a female protagonist I've see.
It is? That's a little odd. The poster seems to imply they'd fit a similar niche. Wouldn't think she'd need two of them. Unless Dave takes a backseat after the intro parts are over.
Normally I wouldn't call it out, but yes. This one is definitely intensely inspired by anime.
Huh, didn’t realize that. Thought he was the same character, just younger.
Yeah I'm guessing she gets out of Accountant Island and into the "wrestling world"
I mean, so far, it did the anime-wannabe act better than most.
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If I had a coin for every brown girl with attitude that gets beat up I'll bla bla bla you know the drill.
No MEGA yet but someone recorded it off Xitter.
Too bad. Diversity is repulsive to a large number of whites at this point.
Andy didn’t really have much of an attitude. Course that might change as the show goes on.
You can always count on this dude.
Would suck if any of these were really just shown on livestreams and can't see them anywhere else until next year.
wait, did this actually premiere on TV?
copyright strike in 3... 2... 1...
Nice. That does the job nicely since it's easy enough to download off Twitter. Thanks anon.
Not from what I can see. I believe this is just a livestream event.
That's what I'm concerned they'll do. They already privated the stream right after it ended so unless they reupload stuff that's the only version we'll get.
I'd like to think they're not that dumb and will put the previews on Youtube free to watch tomorrow.
this unironically isn't made for you
a sincere shonen for blacks is such a money printer i'm surprised nobody's done it sooner
i really wish we were past shit like this already, but no, it just keeps getting worse.
Bro, I don't know if you realize this, but black people who want a shonen anime will just...go watch a shonen anime.
I hope they aren't that dumb either. But it's best to be prepared anyway.

worth mentioning this is obviously a screen recording due to some frame skipping present in the episode
Oh right. Yeah, this is just a screen recording. And it's certainly pretty rough in some spots. I hope we have a better option soon.
The black people who watch shonen are men, and they’re not gonna want to watch a female protagonist.
I mean, Fight Girl is probably going to end up on Max eventually as well so maybe? Possibly a background cameo or something.
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Ohh this girl gonna get hurt.
This show so far feels too anime-like. We'll see if that's good or not. I do say it will feature a lot of black people and maybe that's not bad, is not cheap pandering, they're trying to make this into a black show.
The invincible in the show's title is certainly going to be put to the test.
encoding so the video file isn't so large, will upload stream-ripped episode soon
Can’t say I care for how hard it’s leaning into certain anime tropes. Hope they turn it down a notch as it goes on. But other then that it wasn’t half bad. I like Andy well enough so I’ll keep watching it for her at least.
You are cool, HandBrake is cool.
Awesome. Thanks anon.
so? they'll watch this too.
Is the first episode a flashback or are we just not gonna get uberchad musclenerd tard wrangling fight girl.
Damn the ryona will be strong with this one, no wonder why they geo locked it the easterners will eat her alive.
They gave him a nose and a new haircut.
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Fantastic. Thanks anon.
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Thank you for your efforts, anon
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according to copyright claim, first episode is called "I Am"
Sydney Mikayla, Keith David & Bill Farmer.
Bill Farmer as well? Not sure who he'd voice but that's cool.
if shes invincible then why can i see her

anyway ok episode, agree with everyone else in that it feels just a bit too anime trope heavy, but looking forward to the next episode to see if it irons everything out

honestly i just think its funny how it really doesnt feel like an adult swim cartoon at all
i get why cause of cn getting fucked out of anything besides baby food but still
>an entire island dedicated to handing the accounting for the rest of the crazy wrestling world
A fun idea
Isn't it weird to air it in Adult Swim? Do they really wanna see porn of the show? Because that's what they're looking for by doing this stupid move. In the posters the protagonist looked older but she's just a little girl.
It makes sense. Fucking Zaslav.

Anyone else have any thoughts on it?
CN pretty much gave up on action cartoons
Probably because it seems like Adult Swim is seemingly the more and more important branch of the network. It keeps airing earlier and earlier cutting into Cartoon Network's time and getting more premiers and shows.
It's goofy fun. I'd imagine there are other islands devoted to exclusive professions as well then.
according to current CN division executives violence / any sign of actual fighting = adult content that does not belong on the main network
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By that logic, ‘Craig of the Creek’ should be on Adult Swim.
That does sound about right. But then it's odd how they fill up their Cartoon Network time slots with Regular Show which has had episodes with plenty of punching and fighting and even guns being fired. Unless older shows just get a pass and are allowed to rerun just fine but newer shows aren't allowed to do the same thing even though they may air right after each other on TV. Which now that I say it, does sound possible considering how dumb some of these choices can be.
honestly not to sound weird, but it is strange to have her be a child in this

maybe episode 2 will have a training montage where she grows up, but keeping her a kid throughout this feels very off and just kinda asking for trouble to a degree
I hope we see more of that wrestling corporation with the satellite system. Now that's a ridiculous idea which I think could be fun. The ring falling down gave me a bit of G Gundam feel.
>a bit too anime trope heavy
The only part that really got me was the sfx for the *teleports behind you* in the intro.
I think she’s supposed to be in her late teens or something.
You're just being weird. Kid fighting stories aren't anything new. The show is clearly aping anime tropes and kids fighting adults and other weird things is just the style of the medium. But that aside, she's seemingly in her late teens anyway.
Considering she's about to graduate from what feels like the accounting equivalent of highschool, and rather poorly at that, she's probably meant to be mid teens at the youngest and most likely late teens or so. Probably younger than 18 cause anime, but around the general level of "old enough to be an independent hero, young enough to have youthful idealism."
Eh, for me it was the weirdly jokey direction they took the other accountants standing up to fight the Permgang in the end. For what was probably supposed to be a big moment for Andy and the rest of her academy, all it did was make it feel too goofy and deflate any possible rising tension. Same with the slap fighting and such when she finally got that pin on and dropped Immaculate. I know some anime have violent tonal shifts but that shouldn't be something this show apes in it's pursuit of being anime like. As long as they don't borrow too many of the negative beats from anime as well I think they'll work it out. This first episode was mostly good and if it keeps that it it'll be fine.
honestly it was that and the anime-type shouting for ultimate attack stuff, also all of the simple silly shocked faces they did that animes do
i guess, though honestly i say that less due to that and more how weird it is to have a child protagonist alongside other adult-focused shows in the as line-up
>how weird it is to have a child protagonist alongside other adult-focused shows
Now this I can sort of get. It certainly stands out along side the other usual Adult Swim shows. Similarly to how the Superman show did but a bit more. This feels like the kind of show that should be aired right as Cartoon Network is signing off for the day and Adult Swim is starting. That barrier between both is about where it may fit in better. Or maybe they'll air it around their Toonami blocks. That may lessen that effect.
A not unworthy criticism.

The thing I latched on to though in that scene is the accountants throwing shit into the ring was, for me, a complete wrestling neophyte, very obviously aping the kind of "crowd gets worked up and boos the heels" type set up. I think it worked well as part of Andy needing to believe in herself and see she's fighting the good fight for good people. Wrestling, again to my unlearned perception, feels like just as much about working the crowd as giving a good fight, so it was neat to see that kind of sentiment worked in. Seems like it dovetails well with the kind of "underdog shounen hero out to help the people" shtick they're going for.

But yeah, the comedy of it all was a bit much.
Isn't this purely a scheduling thing? It ending up on adultswim feels like the fallout, as others have said, of very recent WBD decisions, but the shows been in production, and doing some PR, for awhile.
I wonder if they didn't give Bob Ross Wrestling Coach his giant do because they'd already settled on the intro villains having those haircuts?
Oh for sure. Throwing their staplers and other office supplies into the ring was a good nod towards the audience throwing things at wrestlers or athletes as they enter the arena. I like the idea of the scene a lot. Not just showing to Andy that everyone is standing up for her and that she needs to stand up again even when knocked down for them but also showing what are supposed to be meek backgrounders in a wrester's world can and do have to fight themselves. I really like that. A lesson not just for Andy but everyone else from the accountant island. A part of me was even kind of hoping the stapler or some other office supply would tie into Andy getting the pin win so as to show that both the wrestler she wants to be and the accountant she's been training to be came in handy here. But the tonal shift was weird. It feels like something that should have been used for something like a flashback recap of what happened rather than the actual showing of what happened you know? The visuals were fun and I liked the jokes. I just wish it wasn't compromising Andy's big moment is all.

The comedy is making me think that at some point this show may have been intended for Cartoon Network and was only moved onto Adult Swim when they figured it would be a better fit.
Hindsight is 20/20.
I did not think of that but the Bob Ross vibes were certainly there. That theory does make quite a bit of sense I think. Wonder if that guy is going to show up again.
Yeah, fair enough. It's easy enough to think about what should have been done after the fact when we have the completed thing in front of us, but it's near impossible to know what was going on in the writing room at the time or what other underlying factors may have effected things.
They'll see her very soon. If she catches on it's going to be a wild time.
There's a few obvious, cliche plots to work with already
>Star Mustache is either now a has been or was a fraud and Andy needs to either pep him up/deal with the shattering of her image of her idol/help him become the real deal
Etc. etc.
I noticed it watching, but trying to collect all the shots made it clear just how much they put Andy through the ringer.

I approve.
Yes anon, American media is mass consumption trash. It is never clever, nor is it ever subversive in the way that makes it interesting. It is predictable and it is often tiring because it is always aimed at youths who do not see enough media to think otherwise.
That bottom right Andy is really cute. Wonder if she's going to be this beat up every fight she has.
>its good
CN you bastards you did it again....
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>Possibly a background cameo or something

I would be really satisfied with that, but i was talking more about Andy and Hara Mijo fighting each other in an episode.
I feel like the voice acting was a little too quiet / subdued a lot of the time. Other than that i have no complaints, looking forward to next episode
Got the same vibe from the way the ring ropes deployed too.

>have you seen this wrestler?
Can't believe this already got hit. That was really fast. It's not even the actual series premier isn't it? Just a preview?
It is, but we don't have the TV premiere.
if they didn't want people to see it then why did they stream it in front of a thousand people
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They didn't end up uploading the premier on their youtube after the stream, did they? If not then I think they really are hoping to keep that episode an exclusive until the series premiers on Adult Swim TV officially. Whenever the heck that is going to end up happening.
should have just kept it a SDCC only thing then
I wonder what the wider structure of the setting is like. With the mention of G Gundam, it's not hard to imagine they literally wrestle to see who gets to be President of the World.

President. Of the World.
I guess there's going to be a timeskip
>wrestle to see who gets to be President of the World.
This sounds so fitting that I have almost no doubt that's the case. Or at the very least, they solve any disputes between groups with wrestling matches. Companies having big name wrestlers in their employ to decide building contracts, territory, and other issues like in Kengan Ashura. Just less deathmatch and more first to pin.
Maybe? Considering how much it borrows from anime, a training time skip feels inevitable. I doubt it will be by much time though. It seems like her current design is decently close to the design we saw in the first promotional material.
>Le stronk black girl
>Le weak white coward boy
I'm assuming the white guy is the same in the OP picture, so he needs some time to beef up
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As has sort of been touched on already, that's a completely different character: Mikey "a great wrestling analyst-in-the-making" according to the animationmagazine.net article I found about the show.

So they confusingly just had her have a friend at home with nearly an identical character design and "look" to his personality as one of the actual MC's who won't show up until she goes on her journey. An odd choice for several reasons, not the least of which is the confusion people have already had over this.
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Also it's funny to go back and see some comments about it over the literal years we've known about this thing, from all way back in a leak in 2021

>she's a black little girl so she'll win every fight. We won't get kino ryona like loli adam eve got.
>WB execs have explicitly said it's a CN show as of a few months ago. Plus this doesn't feel like it would fit on either AS or Toonami tone-wise like Unicorn and Superman do
Though, she did indeed not get "kino ryona" exactly like Adam Eve got, in that there's not a lot of blood. But there sure is a lot of her getting smacked around and bruised and generally looking scared.
>anything black is bad

I pity your sad life.

It's not even racism, just plain old stupidity.
Make some porn already

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