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So… what ever happened to this lmao
A kyoshi movie would just be her scowling and 1 shotting everyone. Korra movie would just St be look how gay I am guys :D only zuko movie would have the right balance
Two more weeks
cant they just make a new action cartoon
I thought they were making an ATLA movie and then another Avatar series. Didn't hear anything about other movies.
Option 1: It was cancelled, because someone made a bad calculation and thought they could afford three animated movies.

Option 2: They will become animated shorts because someone made a bad calculation.
Still 5 months...
(I'm not sure Who cares about Kyoshi, lol)
She's the official girl power/girl boss avatar
Plenty of people like Kyoshi, she's probably the most popular non-protagonist avatar. I imagine if they did make a movie about her they'd copy the books.
I think these plans came out just before covid did and then studio mergers, failed mergers, hollywood bullshit, and so on scuttled all the plans. A older Gaang movie is still in the works with a release date of ???
I've heard Kyoshi got cancelled
Not sure why Bryke are still insisting on trying to make Korra look good
Zuko getting buck broke by an earth nation bullwhile one shotting everyone?
lololol budget went to netshit shitting the bed with another live action. because cartoons are for kids and us highbrow big brain manly adults need CGI abomination animals to feel mature.
they would adapt the comics and have him get cucked
Bingo. So far, the Gaang movie is the only project being actively worked on. The other movies are either going to be cut down to just the Zuko and Korra movie (provided that the Gaang movie does well), or everything is being cancelled/restructured regardless of the film's success.

The cynical part of me doesn't expect ATLA Studios to pump out anything that's gonna do crazy big numbers considering ATLA's not really all that popular outside of America. I still think that Viacom/Paramount has really overestimated the legs ATLA has as an IP: just because the franchise is popular with the adults who grew up with it doesn't mean shit if younger kids would rather watch Skibidi Toilet or JJK or Hazbin Hotel.
>kyoshi gets a lot of hate after the live action series for basically replace roku's role
>they know the korra movie would be a failure, after all it would be just gay bait
>zuko movie would be problematic after all people are still seething for zutara, also the moment where zuko will cuck sokka
so yeah, all of them canned
In more practical terms, it doesn't make sense for a Kyoshi movie considering how small of a part she plays in the original series, let alone the likelihood of playing a role in the adult Gaang movie
>why would the average audience member give a shit?
Then there's the Korra movie: not only did Korra fail in terms of ratings (most people didn't watch it and lack the nostalgia for it), but pairing up Korra and Asami and then making a Korra movie is inevitable box office poison
>if average folks weren't turned off by a brown Asian bitch who looks like an anime character already, making her bi would be the final nail in the coffin

If Bryke wanted guaranteed results that would make the execs happy, they'd be better off focusing on a new animated series aimed at older teens/young adults with a small budget, or aiming at younger audiences.
>Zuko getting character assassinated for 95 minutes
the kyoshi novels have a small but active cult following. they're mostly himejoshi who like the yuri ship with kyoshi/rangi.
Whoever had the idea to pitch more ATLA material as CGI movies in the vein of Spider-Verse is a fucking idiot. Spider-Verse only made bank at the box office because of:
>the art direction being new and distinct from Pixar/Dreamworks slop
>being attached to the Spider-Man IP
>riding on the trend of superhero bullshit (that has since peaked and is dying)

ATLA meanwhile lacks the IP prestige of Spider-Man, has its identity firmly tied to 2D animation, and has nothing to really do with the urban pop-art feel of Spider-Verse. A lot of other CGI movies came out after Spider-Verse that mimicked the look or framerate crap and they all looked terrible for it.
As expected. Yuricucks will lap up anything.
it would be a not that bad idea if they made other two series with other two avatars before
people saw the va casting and immediately realized it's just another chance for byrke to take a shit on atla's legacy. Natla wasn't great by any stretch but it mogs avatar output since atla for the simple reason that byrke weren't involved.
They realized how retarded this plan was and decided to start off with a Gaang movie first
more like 5 minutes.
*mogs post atla avatar
Only azula can rape him, she would be furious and rescue him for that petty reason alone
Did the awful live-action show have any impact on the future of any animated Avatar stuff?
Sunk Cost Fallacy, writing off criticism as bad faith, and total ignorance: if you look up the behind the scenes stuff about TLOK, apparently Bryke and most of the creative team involved with the production of the show were totally unaware of how TLOK was met with mixed-to-negative reception from the fanbase upon it's release. When they found out, they wrote off most of the criticism as being in bad faith and deemed critical fans as haters, and then went back to only giving a shit about the dickriders and the yes men within the production team or fans singing the show's praises. Book 3 and 4 only got "better" in terms of writing because Bryke had overextended themselves writing Book 1 and most of 2 and brought on ATLA writers so as not to overwork themselves.

Bryke genuinely see TLOK as a success because they're genuinely too stupid/blind/arrogant to see it as anything else.

Also companies will say they are "green-lighting" the following only as a way to test the waters with online reaction.
We don't know.
Don't forget that companies announce all sorts of shit that they never actually follow up on just to make the shareholders happy. Lots of Star Wars and Marvel stuff got canned by Disney+.
There’s a pretty mind-blowing Nick podcast where Bryke actually weighed in on how fans disliked Korra’s personality. In order to downplay the criticisms of Korra, they cited Aang’s emotional breakdown in The Desert after losing Appa as a parallel to Korra’s behavior. It was a smug handwave away of the criticism, more or less implying their critics are hypocrites for singling out Korra’s shit writing. Like a “oh, well, if you think Korra is bad, you must also have a problem with Aang or you’re a hypocrite, right?” redditor gotcha moment.
If they were asked the same question today, you just know they’d throw in “well those people lack media literacy, amirite?” because of course those two dipshits would.
I remember when Sifu Kisu sent a fan an ask of "uoy kcuf :)" in response to their Korra crit
>Ba Sing Se was just a feint!
We didn’t need this. We needed the Dragon Prince. Besides, Kyoshi’s book was quinoa
all the kekeiku Netflix show was over the top
It's coming on January 2026, ironically now titled "Aang: Last Airbender" because they James Cameron stole "Avatar" as a film title
> I still think that Viacom/Paramount has really overestimated the legs ATLA has as an IP: just because the franchise is popular with the adults who grew up with it doesn't mean shit if younger kids would rather watch Skibidi Toilet or JJK or Hazbin Hotel.
Are they not trying to appeal to the old fans? They're making a Gaang movie after all, not a new Avatar show/film.
If I get to see more Suki smu-fanart then I am all in for it
Yes pls
Don’t care
>people saw the va casting
I don't even like her show but it's going to be sad to see Korra's VA replaced too
Them appealing to the older fans is fine, there's nothing wrong with that. The issue is that the Gaang movie's whole selling point is "look, the childhood heroes you grew up with are adults on a brand new adventure". It is literally built on nostalgia for ATLA and nothing else. How is someone younger supposed to have any interest in this? They didn't grow up with the show so they don't have the same emotional investment and attachment that would drive them to watch the adult Gaang movie in the first place. And even if younger kids do happen to watch ATLA, there's nothing it has that would really grab their attention compared to what's free on Youtube or what Japan is pumping out (hardcore action and violence, sex appeal and bad words, etc).

I work in a school. The kids would rather talk about JJK, Hazbin Hotel, TADC, MHA, or Spider-Verse.
That's funny considering that they're just as blind to Aang being a mishandled character under their direction. Aang's writing in ATLA is like a weird microcosm of Bryke's shitty direction that continues to plague the IP
>emotional immaturity that might as well be permanent arrested development
>lack of consistent or coherent narrative/thematic throughlines
>unspoken irrelevance to the greater story or plot beats
it's not like this will appeal to all oldhead either given the sentiments here >>144664953 >>144664454 Not even Dante Basco coming back can salvage the incoming shitheap
What happened to the streaming show? Was it well received, did it get another season?
>kids would rather talk about Hazbin Hotel or MHA
the 'kids that smell funny' type of group right?
At least it was like that on my region.
Yeah. I noticed a good chunk of fans weren't happy with the movies being CGI, and absolutely no one was enthusiastic about the recasting.
It's getting another season but most fans completely rejected it or wrote it off entirely as crap. I don't blame them, it's a step down from the original series.

You'd be surprised how talked about anime and edgy cartoons are among normie/popular kids in this current generation. Granted, it's not like every normal kid is a big fan of geeky shit, but there's a noticeable increase of regular kids talking about it compared to when I was in school. TikTok knocked down a lot of barriers.
Wait the movies are in CGI? as if i had anymore reason to write off this garbage. jf who was this made for?
Yep. The movies were announced to be CGI in the vein of Spider-Verse. I have absolutely NO IDEA why Paramount would consider this to be a worthwhile pursuit for the reasons listed >>144664396

Exactly: who the fuck IS this made for?
>no 2D drives away people wanting more 2D animation or 2D ATLA
>it's CG but the look (rip off Spider-Verse) doesn't fit ATLA's style (so it's going to lead to an awkward aesthetic clash)
>adult Gaang means younger audiences who didn't grow up with ATLA lack an access point (corpospeak aside, it's true)
>being set post-ATLA means people who didn't like Korra won't watch it
>everyone but Bosco is getting recast (so adult fans are even less likely to watch it)
>You'd be surprised how talked a out anime and edgy cartoons are among normie kids
I wouldnt be surprised about kids talking about Mortal Kombat or The Boys just to name a few but I certainly didnt expect kids would like fucking Hazbin Hotel out of all the shit you could watch nowadays.
Although, I do still pick up regularly my 13 year old sister from school and it doesnt seem to me that anime is anywhere near popular amongst the kiddos.
They would rather talk about the football game from sunday or your normie streamer flavor of the month or Messi or Roblox. That sort-off stuff.
it seems like the same crowd that would have been into the nightmare before christmas and invader Zim when I was a kid
Azula pegs
The nightmare before Christmas?
if anything, suki cucking sokka makes me like her even more lol

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