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A gem is after you...
Good I hope she kills me in my sleep
What kind of gem? I feel like the average adult male have a reasonable chance in taking on a Ruby with prep time.
Did someone make a creepypasta about the creepy gems?
she's about to eat me?
I miss this artist, he was based.
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nah man nah, im after her...
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And I’m after her hotter sisters
Lapis looks like she hasn't seen the sun for centuries and has been in a basement for very long in this picture
She looks like that one image of a creepy smiling woman statue that was popular years ago
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Pearl look different
With the Analog Horror DC shorts I wouldn’t put it past someone to try an Analog Horror parody of some cartoons.
>Analog Horror Ben 10 recording various alien encounters
Depends, can Gems be scary enough to be put in an analog horror parody?
looks like a good time to share this
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Gay ass rocks
Gems are immortal, powerful beings that often lack emotional maturity, which in itself can be disturbing. Imagine having a gem girlfriend and she turns abusive. What can you do? You can hardly defend yourself. Flourite and other high higher tier fusions tend to be inhumane too. Imagine walking in a dark forest and seeing Flourite or Alexandrite between the trees. The corrupted gems are also pretty monstrous in general.
Some scenarios could be interesting to explore if the human-perspective element was the focus.
If Steven Universe was all from Steven’s perspective, with more knowledge about Gems than the usual human, a potential Analog Version would easily be able to exploit that unknown.
> A short where a family of campers gets attacked by a corrupted Gem
> Some hiker stumbles across an abandoned Kindergarten facility, maybe encountering forced fusion body-horror experiments
> Discovering various other abandoned Gem ruins/temples
> Filming a giant glowing hand descend from space and seemingly blowing up a hillside
> Someone filming a huge earthquake around their home, with a portion of the Cluster emerging from the ground
There could be some potential, but it’d definitely only work for a short series before it’d get really derivative.
jesus fuck spoiler that shit
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Remember that time the diamonds built a semi-sentient bomb comprised of the bodies millions of fallen soldiers, in order to blow up the earth?
It's a little funny how there's already potential with just the gems alone. Imagine if the show was honest enough to show how they probably devasted other civilizations before. There could have been transmissions from such civilizations warning of Homeworld or begging for help. Imagine how helpless and impotent humanity would feel watching that.
>Deep sea sub encountering Malachite at the bottom of the ocean
>Satellite images capturing the Diamonds’ ships headed to Earth
>Getting creepy interference from the Wailing Stone
>Other home TVs getting bits of Peridot’s distress signal from the Communication Hub
>Catching glimpses of Alexandrite in the forest, unsure if the thing is going to hurt you or not
Fuck, kinda wanna see someone do this sort of thing now.
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steven universe definitely has the potential to work in the horror department
Considering that the protagonist is half-gem, it wouldn't be far-fetched to say that from the perspective of a full human, things could be scarier.
Well episodes like Cat Fingers certainly tried
Just about anything can be if you put some thought into the presentation
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My wife Bob is the hottest you fucking loser.
Trust me it’s worse when initially hidden
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>Imagine having a gem girlfriend and she turns abusive. What can you do?
But that's the best part, you accept your fate.
What makes you say that?
do you see that file size?
if you spoiler it, and then clicked on it, it would be like a fucking jumpscare.
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Steven must look pretty odd.
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no peridot in the thread?
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peridot cum tribute
>tfw wabbit season
>amythyst falling on a rock was enough to crack her gem
>steven threatening to headbutt a pillar was enough to be a threat to white diamond's gem
Just shoot em, hell it doesn't even need to be the gem itself, any piercing damage to their body makes em poof.
>What can you do?

Calmly discuss with her that what she's doing is wrong. I won fucking awards in debate club, so I'm fairly certain that if a fat retard can convince Space Nazis to stop being genocidal maniacs I can convince a worker bee to stop being a twat.
Easier said than done, to a Gem you are a weak being that they outlive for eternity, your opinion wouldn't be taken seriously
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Excuse me that's my wife and she goes by lapis
Yeah, I'm not worried about it. In fact, I might start a gem training service.
Come on man I need to sleep
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what the fuck
The situation with the Diamonds and Steven isn't so clear cut. Despite Steven's reputation as being this guy who can redeem everyone, Steven didn't actually did that much. Over the course of the original, he arguably only redeemed two gems. The Off Colors and the Famethyst were already kinda on his side to begin. Centipeedle and other corrupted gems weren't redeemed as so much healed.
The Diamonds themselves weren't really fully convinced of their ways. Steven only gained their good will because of his relation to Pink Diamond, so nepotism really. If it wasn't for that one quality, I don't think Steven would have been able to convince them to change their ways. Hell, in the sequel show, Steven still doesn't really like the diamonds.
Granted, most gems are immature and sometimes, just plain stupid. You can probably trick a Ruby without too much trouble, but you're still dealing with a superpowered being that doesn't really have a concept of death. The gem's ineptitude and lack of theory-of-mind could be the msot dangerous aspect of a gem. A gem could quite easily push too hard or punch you in a way that's deadly, all without even trying to be lethal. These are already present with people, but the risk is much higher.
this thread is cursed
fuck you rebecca sugar
I hope she eats me.
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OH NO!~ What horrible fate! What ever will I do!
Holy shit, I dont even know what that is. Only converted the gif to a smaller webm. Shiets cursed!
This shit is retarded
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Faggot thread
Keep this thread bumped while im away
Sorry buddy I already consummated our marriage with rigorous intercourse that lasted days on end.
Fusion mutations are the result of how stable the relationship between the two gems is, so the freakier it looks, the worse they are together.
You can never convince a woman to listen to reason when they’re beings of emotion.
While that does seem to factor in, it also seems that the more component parts there are in a fusion, the more unstable it tends to be. Alexandrite has multiple limbs, that weird undermouth, and is barely intelligible and somewhat feral, yet is only made of four gems. Flourite is made of six gems and is pretty coherent, all things considered.
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All of this scary steven universe art reminds me of the time I was surfing Google Images for Lapis Lazuli images, and one of them was Lapis as an anglerfish monster or something that looked like she chases you down to eat you. It was the only one that gave me the heebie jeebies for longer than a day.
How is that possible?
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I did see one, but it's basically just a retelling of SU with the Diamonds reimagined as eldritch abominations. I liked Pink's design though.
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>Steven universe but the Diamonds are actually portrayed as evil monsters
See now that would be cool making the Diamonds into ancient monsters who devour planets for there own greed would be cool. This show really looked some real evil villains so this would've made the story a lot more engaging if the Crystal gems had to fight true evil Diamonds.
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I find it surprising how little horror content there is surrounding SU considering the show had themes of body horror war loss and aliens
Feels like something like the horse show gets lots of horror content for some reason in compression.
Its because of the reputation SU has
Remember that time when Yellow Diamond was piecing back together those gems in 'Steven Universe: Future' and said she wanted to restore every gem in the Cluster, but never realized that disassembling the Cluster would functionally be killing the hive-mind it once was in the process?

It's almost like it was some kind of unfinished plot point about how you will always be left with some remainder of grief or sin over the actions you had taken in the past.
> Yellow Diamond is literally Doctor Frankenstein, trying to kill the monster that they made.
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> Steven somehow stopped himself from just breeding the shit out of the ponytail one
Future would have ended much quicker if he just got a good fucking.
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This feels like a fetish thing.
Most likely
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This is creepy as fuck how the hell is this encoded? It's not a webm, her eyes turn to look at you at completely random intervals no matter where you put the playback bar, this shit is freaky.
What if there are no male gems because they are terrifying monstrosities that are kept in a spook lair to be used when absolutely necessary
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But! Where's the sexuality!? How can I sexualize THIS!?
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>Jasper got to be raped by this non-stop for several months
White is actually just dead in that AU. Making Yellow, Blue, and Pink was actively killing her, and by the time she finished Pink, she was gone.
I wonder how would gems digest organic food
Then proceeding to actually EAT her in a desperate bid for a newfound power during the second Gem War, only for it to be for nothing as they ended getting shattered at the war’s conclusion.

Interesting that the ending for this horrific AU ended up having quite the bright ending with the Diamonds gone and Gem Homeworld having freedom.
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Also with the implication that White was actually a banished elder god or fallen angel.
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That's a whole lot of words to say nothing.
So could Jasper have done if Lapis just refused to fuse during jailbreak?
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Presumably shatter her, attack the CGs, run off to fight another day/contact the Diamonds and thus accelerating their arrival. A bunch.
maybe steven being a half-gem is the reason why he's so dumb
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At least he’s smarter than his overcooked gemlet of a mom
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>He's a fat autistic half-gem child
>Hybrids always inherit gem-tism, but the type varies on their heritage.
>Peridot mom? You're a fucking obsessive over tech, media and being the smartest retard in the room
>May or may not be a manlet in spirit too, with a dose of insecurity.
>Basically the quintessential /co/ user,
>Be the kid of a Pearl? Develop a sense of perfectionism that will keep you up at night so much you'll be begging for an easy resolution.
>May or may not also be a wet blanket at parties.
Maybe Pink was just specifically retarded, hence why Steven was so.
Or maybe the Diamonds are the epitome of "I'm a genius! OH NO!"
Source me brother.
God I love this artist.
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Shame he gave into full-on furfaggotry, god I would pay to see him do a bunch of comics for the later seasons.
What was his name on Twitter? It's been so long I don't remember.
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i have the perfect art to this
This art is so old now and it's funny how it kind of predicted Steven's depression arc.
Why's it look so chunky and bubbly?
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Can someone use AI to make some creepy af animation for these?

>skip forward past the :04 mark you can bypass the corrupted encoding
>rewinding it to the beginning clears the corruption if you do get it

What the fuck is this? I have never seen a webm act this way
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>peridot is the only gem not shattered
It’s the little things
You think Lapis ever got obsessive with Steve, almost to a Yandere level?
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the best that i can do
What the fuck?
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last one
that's probably what the artist was going for.
How the fuck did you make this webcam? I can't tell if it's broken or working as intended but it's fucking weird.
Why does this look so familiar?
I can't believe it's been almost four years bros.
I've not had a show since I've truly giving a shit about as much as SU. Nothing fills the void you know? I miss discussing the show on /sug/ threads and theorising and shit. It really feels like we don't have any cartoons like that anymore.
Regular Show, Adventure Time, Star vs., Gumball, Steven Universe, these shows touched many lives and souls and spawned so much in their wake. Their absence is felt.
You know things are fucked when all /co/ has to look forward to is shit like fucking Primos
And to think /co/ thought SU was the low point in cartoon history.
>the minerals
>If left too long, in that hot hot lava chamber, they become the Metalloids.
I require a busty busted Lapis Laboobie
They don't, I'm sure they just shape-shift a vague parody of a digestive tract and shit out a mashed up slurry that still has all the matter the food was comprised of
but do their farts smell good?
every steven universe episode is personalized
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like this?
That works. I'll see about making my own.
Is Lapis 6 feet tall
What is this from lel
I don't know, Pinterest destroyed the reverse search tool, whenever I try to find an artist there are only dozens of Pinterest results
oops actually I just found it with Google lens
Based Black Gem
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his art is great btw
Who’s the artist?
i literally shared the twitter link anon
He was a massive faggot from the start.
At least his space aunts were hot.
>every time you love yourself that's me loving you
So when he masturbates he's actually doing his mom?
god thats terrifying
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yes,I thought everyone knew that
Back when I wasn't invested in this shit, my dumbass brain thought that Steven Universe and Gravity Falls were the same universe
they are, but steven lives in delaware and GF is in Oregon
Gravity Falls has a lot more going on, Steven Universe is mostly just about an extraterrestrial race that happen to be sentient gems, lol
The first time I ever saw anything from SU was this fan art featuring Bill and Peridot and my dumbass at the time thought Peridot was a character who would appear at some point in GF
Turns out it was just crossover art and I found out SU was it's own thing when I watched the "stronger than you" clip on youtube and started watching the show.
I really really like these
If they are yours, anon, damn good stuff.
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the hottest mom
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Post some more Gems, preferably in swimsuits or underwear.
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Pick one
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>A Gem is after you
She's just playing tag dude, all chill.
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I feel like a yandere Lapis would be more dangerous than other Gems considering that with the use of her water ability she can easily bring you back to her, even if it means using the entire ocean.
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Do you think most women would be put off if I asked them to cut me with a box cutter or nah?
Is it this by any chance?
I'm playing tag too.
>With my cock.
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Are there any lapiven fics or art that don’t inherently make lapis look like a creep?
Why does she have those crystal treatment hands?
>Spinel will never sloppily make out with you.
Curse this reality and its lack of gem beauties.
moar horror gems
This isn't too far off how the actual episode went down
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SU ended in a very comforting place with most of the characters humanized and redeemed.

But there was a moment in the early series when it was just this kid and his aunts alone against a whole empire of these spiteful, grudge-holding immortals.
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Nobody really talks about it but one thing I feel that really made the first like two seasons of SU special was that while it was super cutesy and friendly it had some dark elements and could even get a bit spooky at times playing around with body horror like in the episode where Steven is mutating into cats or the episode with the hospital filled with gem mutants
It feels like the show lost that slight edge to it at some point down the line and became way too soft.
Gems aren't women. They're rocks.
Metaloids are like pillarmen, they twist, melt, and contort their bodies to kill many
How did you do this anon?
They’re all act and look like women
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it's cursed
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6'2" actually.
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I much prefer hot fuckable giant women over some lame creepypasta bait
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jesus fuck thats creepy
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spooky shit
Giant booty
Everyone who has participated in this thread will have a Gem abduct them when they least expect it.
Be warned and good luck.
Is it ethical to take advantage of gems who worship you as their God-Ruler and fuck their brains out?
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>Is it ethical to take advantage of gems who worship you as their God-Ruler?
No, but it's ethical to take advantage of gems who treat your dick as a divine bottle to drink divine liquid from.
would the other gems just let her take you to avoid coastal complications?
>Lord Steven declares each Gem must pair up with a human, Man or Woman.
>You get a Gem that seems pleasant and nice, but overtime she's steadily pulling and conditioning you to see Steven as she does.
>It's almost a mass Psyop to ensure you obey your new ruler, your new Lord.
>You get a wife out of it, after all, and isn't that all that matters?
Is at least going to be a Pearl, Lapis or Jasper?
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what’s the point of having these faux people forms aren’t they still like 200 feet tall?
White is like 80ft at most
They're big but not Ultraman big
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Which characters from the show would fit the seven deadly sins in your opinion?
Amethyst could probably cover like half of these.
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she's fucking dead
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The picture is normal until you mess with the slider. Brilliant.
Holy shit that Peri is adorable, I love the idea of the changes in posture/number of legs

Nice, actually lets the shitty uncanny movement be a feature rather than just being shitty
Adam lookin ass
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>is real
>Unintentionally frightening
>the White Diamond pics
eh. I think these are a little silly because take as-is, White Diamond is already somewhat creepy looking.
She's the most outwardly human gem, having visible eyebrows, fingernails, toenails, makeup, eyelashes and so on, all juxtaposed with how she's the gem who ACTS the least human, her face is rendered as a floating set of features against imposed over a blinding light and her mannerism as friendly, yet utterly detached and emotionally cold.
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For me it's Viscous Pearl
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If I had my way, the second or third form would be her base form, and she'd degrade due to over use of her power. There's no reason to start her out as some cute girl unless the artist is some sort of fetishes who likes to see cute things ruined.
just noticed for each diamond she makes she loses their glow.
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Yandere Spinel a best
Why are SU threads so comfy?
The idea is that White starts off human looking and progressively becomes more and more monstrous after destroying herself in her lust for power and desire to grow her empire, until it finally killed her. Pink contrasts that by being born looking in human, and slowly gains more and more human features as her love for Earth and its people grows, and eventually becomes unrecognizable from the average human when she becomes Rose.
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Because we like Gems and think they're shiny
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Its a good idea, but I maintain my original point. I'd much prefer to see a series where things look like this:

But are still capable of a wide range of emotional depth, and capable of being good, evil or misunderstood. Starting her out looking human just kinda ruins the concept for me. Its boring.
SU was and is a comfy show
People complain about its writing a lot but it gave everybody a really fun set of characters and ideas to play with.
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Same. Still wish we they kept white a villain for the finale
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>SU horror thread
I will never have any other excuse to post this Lisa crossover image I found years ago.
The horror and magical girl elements mostly leaving the series after season 2 really hurt it.
It also made the sudden switch to psychological drama in Future feel even more out of place since by then it was firmly set as the singing and crying show.
The show had a ton of problems but it also had a lot going for it and is very easy to discuss.
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>Lapis doesn't wear underwear
Not that they technically need to but the idea of a gem going commando is kinda funny. And hot of course.
only the crystal gems would really know about underwear so every other gem is probably going commando.
Playing weird music while you read a shitty lore rewrite doesn't make it a horror story.
omg... is this drawn with big eyes and weird mouth... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! faggot gems scary! faggot gems scary!
Can a Gem have schizophrenia?
Faggot anon a faggot!
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I'm not sleeping well tonight.
After he violently Buttfucker Connie into oblivion.
uh. did that draws eyes just- MOVE?! gazooks! I am not sleeping tonight without my mr teddy, that's for sure! Going to have to break out the childern's night time MOTRIN for this one.
Don't worry anon. The dyke rocks can't hurt you. They aren't real.
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God I wish
>no eyelashes
trash edit
Lapis too big.
The corruption actually resembles crystals
It's probably smooth like a Barbie doll anyway.
this lapis is so hot
I meant pearl FUCK
Lol, look at this guy getting Pearl and Lapis Lazuli confused. Everyone point and laugh at him.
Ha ha!
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Who’s the artist?
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here part 2
no way in hell
Why is Lapis fat?
it’s water weight.
That's just a wojak.
it's like a Klimt painting
good enough to be discussed, bad enough to need discussion
Sean Cabrera (just search up his Steven universe or pearl art)
I love how kino and comfy talking about su is on this site, makes me happy
steven universe is about JD Vance and indian woman
>be J.D. Vance
>write "Hillbilly Elegy"
>marry Usha Vance
>her support and cultural background are crucial
>become successful in personal and professional life

>be Steven Universe
>half-human, half-Gem
>best friends with Connie Maheswaran
>bond grows into a deep emotional connection
>helps navigate unique identity and face challenges

both relationships highlight support, growth, and blending of cultures
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You could say that this thread... is a gem.
Get it?
Wouldn't it be funny if, in a spin off series, adult Connie is this childish nerd that's constantly annoying Steven? Steven could be burned out from playing the hero for several decades and so its like their roles have sorta reversed.

Also, I don't care if one of the steven universe episodes said steven and connie don't get together. SU as a story is so dogshit that I'm willing to just ignore most of it.
also both Usha and connie are highly educated
Lapis looks like she sounds British.
You never heard her before?
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>be Usha Vance
>married to J.D. Vance
>provide support and cultural depth
>crucial to his success and perspective

>be Connie Maheswaran
>best friend of Steven Universe
>help him navigate mixed identity and challenges
>strong bond is key to his growth and understanding

>both women bring out the best in their partners
>add rich support and cultural connection to their stories
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"Oh, here comes 'Tiny Tech,' folks. She's got all the gadgets but still can't figure out how to use a simple phone. Believe me, it's sad!"

"We can't let 'Green Gizmo' take charge. She spends more time talking to robots than to real people. It's a joke, folks, a total joke!"
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"We've got 'Gadget Gremlin' on stage. She thinks she’s a tech wizard, but the only magic she’s got is making common sense disappear!"
Bumping this so I can keep enjoying my cozy night
Theory: Gems are an artificial race created by an unknown alien civilization a long time ago
Never to reach the warm grace of God again.
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the last time the thread died while i was sleeping lmao
Sup dudes
I lol'd at the grimaceamethysy
Someone should post kino fan comics, I want more content to get into
The gems would get raped in Olathe
So, here White is some kind of emperor of the mankind? technically dead but used as a living resource?
Mr burns lookin ass
All the creepy gem art in this thread is actually really good. Gives off a late 2000's/early 2010's vibe, the type I would see in those old creepypasta reading vids. Whoever the artist is, I hope they have a long and prosperous career.
kinda? yellow and blue originally kept her body out of respect, during the second gem war they started eating her corpse to get a powerboost so they strung it up.
literally all but greed.
Yellow is the perfect color I never would’ve thought of
Bless whoever made this pic
Ruby and Sapphires inner line width is fucking with me a bit
She looks like she smokes weed
fallen angel that gave up her powers to create life
becoming weaker each time
she died after creating pink diamond
yellow and blue ate her corpse in a panic to try and gain some holy power to defeat steven but failed
sounds rad as fuck, where I can read more
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There would be rape attempts for sure but most gems could handle themselves just fine considering that the worst warlords in the setting were taken down by a cripple and a methed up loli.
Weak ones like Sapphy would probably be literally and figuratively screwed though.
He really was. It's very cool to see people working in uncommon mediums.
Blue gems with yellow accent colors are the best. Just look at Nice Lapis.
Remembering that one story posted a long while back.
>mfw finished never ever
Havesomemoore, dropped the show all the way back in 2015 and went all in with his furfaggotry
For an extra layer of fuckery
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This looks like if Gems were animalistic instead of vaguely robot like. It'd be fun to teach that long, toothy Pearl things about earth, I think.

I'm going off of the art, by the way, I didn't read the green text because I'm afraid it'll be "I found this weird space alien thing with large teeth, and the first thing I did was fuck it."
Joyful is an abomination that even Dingaling hates
People have been recommending me the Lisa games for years, should I ignore them?
Lisa the first is bootleg yume nikki, lisa the painful is good, lisa the joyful is meh due to shitty writing, and there's a bunch of fangames since lisa the painful was a rpgmaker game
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>I found this weird space alien thing with large teeth, and the first thing I did was fuck it
You say that like it's a bad thing

Also yeah Viscous was good at that vibe
Lisa the Painful is great. The gameplay is an interesting take on the turn based formula, the story pulls absolutely no punches and it is extremely creative. The DLC/sequel (Joyful) is wonky as fuck in terms of plotting and barebones compared to Painful but I am conflicted because despite everything it gets wrong the relationship between the two main characters is really sweet and it has some fantastic moments. The first one is an optional Yume Nikki kind of thing but I like it just fine. It adds context for an important bit near the end of Painful.
I wish he would rework it to be less stupid. It is so close to working but it just doesn't.
opposite actually.
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>There would be rape attempts for sure but most gems could handle themselves just fine considering that the worst warlords in the setting were taken down by a cripple and a methed up loli.
No, the majority would get raped because they'd sleep at a campfire or otherwise get ambushed.
I mean, you got people throwing fireballs or being so cool their flesh stitch together, you think gems would be able to endure that?
Also the crippled and methed up loli were doped with a wardrug that turns you into a gigantic mutant abomination capable of severing heads with a bite alone: if the gems faced any joy mutant or anyone on joy they would get outright shattered.
I'd say the trio fusion of the crystal gems is worth around one average joy mutant.
What would happen if you fed a gem joy?
Probably nothing.
It's not like Amethyst, for example, can actually digest any of her food: they just go through the motion of eating it, turning it into mush, swallowing it and then either puking or evacuating the same unprocessed (but likely fermented/rotten) mush.
So they'd get the joy, crush it in their teeth, swallow and the crunched up dust would sit in their faux stomachs until removed.
Now someone like Steven, who's half gem, that could cause some end of the world scenario.
>cracked out hobos beating the gems
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Gems are weak as fuck.
They can crack from falling into rocks, you think a metal pipe to their gem won't do them in?
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See this
What do?
The average olathian might not be able to, but the ones involved with gangs could do some bad shit, olathhian magic is some crazy shit
I would wonder where the fuck the other gems who did this are, if there's one gem theres probably more
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There's just no show like SU anymore that's comfy to talk about man
I don't want to talk about Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss somehow those shows are more gay than SU ever was,
I mean it's not because of the show is it?
Rather, I think it's more that people on /co/ like the lore of the show even though they may seriously dislike the story of the show itself, so there's a divide between exploring and adding to the lore of the show and the actual show/community that it has.
I loved the threads where we pretended the show was real and people complained about gems stealing "buffers" powertools, it was all pretty cringe but cringy stuff can be fun.
they’d have to know that’s their weak point (they’d also need to get close to these war veterans) and jasper took pink steven losing control to shatter
I genuinely only think Brad with all his limbs would be a challenge for them.
Actually, Amethyst and Pearl would likely get their Gem's targeted because they're placed in spots you target anyway. The Head, the chest, that sort of thing.
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Better question is, what would happen if a gem put on an infinity jersey?
The crystal gems would definitely survive Olathe, the average homeworld grunt probably wouldnt though
Daniel Grinds workload becomes heavier and there's one more jersey head out there to worry about, imagine seeing a gem within one of those jersey head hordes
Pike's lagoon looking ass
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How long till Cartoon Network brings back SU?
What would even be the point?
Steven Universe is incredibly likely to come back when Cartoon Network needs the money. Just like The Owl House and Disney. Speaking of which:

Money would be the point. The second they look down and go "Hey, these faggots still care about SU, and we could use the extra dollars, lets hit the reboot button!" they will. Look at what they've done, and are doing to Power Puff Girls. Apparently the "fuck it; reboot" option is still a lucrative idea.
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I think either could be bad but I'm not sure what would be worse a reboot or continuation
I worry they'd continue it and it without Sugar and butcher it or they'd reboot it Ben 10 style and make a worse version of the show.
>they’d have to know that’s their weak point
Like their weakpoint is the one thing that catches your eye.
Maybe the gems could at first win against Olathians because they don't immediately figure it out but gems are build like video game boss fights: their weakest spot is the one thing that catches your eyes.
Plus, they may simply die off because, while they are distracted, a bum with a crowbar tries to steal their gem and dematerializes her in the process.

Either nothing because they're gems and already have an established hierarchy or they'd fall in line quickly and obediently specifically because they're used to an established hierarchy.
I doubt they'd get all emotional or dramatic over it going "I'm nobody important", for them if it does affect them it would be a matter of duty.
>this is what I was told to do so I am doing it
Also they'd skip the whole "kill your inner child" thing because fucking duh, they ain't got one.
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Steven if he insane!
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>I worry they'd continue it and it without Sugar and butcher
I think if they continued without Sugar, the show would improve. I love her art style, but she didn't even try to keep shit consistent on the show, and that goes double for the fucking plot. I genuinely think a bunch of fresh grads, like literal day 1s from Cal Arts would create the best version of Steven Universes art just because they'd know how to use a model sheet.
Looks more like he's wracked with guilt. Like he tried to do his ukelele bullshit on one of the diamonds, and in response she destroyed half the city.
Who is best gem?
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That's not an interesting question to ask.
Instead consider asking:
>Who is second best gem?
>Why is Peridot best gem?
This thread theme
Real question.
Let's say you get a gem, part of a "We're sorry for trying to wipe off humanity" sort of program from the Diamonds.
You get one gem that will do what you want, she can work for you, use her abilities to cook or build or whatever else your specific gem is capable of doing.
If you try to get intimate with your gem, you discover they have a fetish you 100% dislike, not even a "in the closet" sort of deal: they have a fetish for something you find genuinely a turn off and they constantly want to practice said fetish with you, even against your wishes.

Would you get intimate with them still and try to share their hardcoded "interest" or just use them as a workforce?
>hypothetically speaking
Which gem typed this post?
Gay shitshow.
guys hear me out... gems laying eggs
Man this thread is bringing back memories I've not seen some of these images in years
>Steven...that wasn't weed!
why would i wanna get intimate with a robot, that's like fucking a roomba.
It was laced with fent and doped, she's seeing the hatman and the other shadowmen performing the human centipede
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How did Rose handle this Pearl?
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Brad without his arms can still destroy their knees with his shiny head, and throw devestating fireballs.
Blue cheeks would be more than enough for me.
I wonder how this White would've thought of Steven's birth. Sucrose said that gems could totally have babies without killing themselves, so it would be interesting to know what White would've thought of a process to create life that doesn't involve self harm.
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Quick storytime
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The image quality gets better from here
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Sometimes I feel like reviving SU is impossible because fans have already claimed ownership of every possible alternative or future storyline
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The end
what happened to the author? burned out?
i wouldn't mind becoming gem food
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They originally went by mimicteixeira but have since deleted their old accounts and their newer one is missing a lot of their older work
My wife :)
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The OP is done by a guy named Charcoalman. He mainly does SCP and creepypasta stuff and he's been going strong for about a decade now. Pretty cool guy honestly.
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>I genuinely only think Brad with all his limbs would be a challenge for them.
I shit and vomit upon ye, baldboy
This guy is the classic cursed artist
Does he still make art?

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