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Why do comic "purists" defend Spider-Man having fake webs?
Because he's a science guy.
I ain’t no purist, but fake webs is so stupid. Just make it a real mutation, it doesn’t break any big rules. Fake webs makes it so writers can just “shut off” the webs for dramatic effect, to create tension, or for plot convenience. They didn’t need that anyways. Just do some weird ass thing like emotional stress but I say that’s still bullshit (but it’s a reason if they need it). Besides Miles in the movie has emotional problems that prevent him from going invisible (at least in the first movie, the second movie basically uses it whenever the writers feel it’s convenient and mostly forgets Miles can be invisible)
this, fpbp. Peter is one of the greatest minds in the world and his tech-building skills are a show of that
Pretty much this. It's a way to show that Peter is a smart kid and that his career as a hero is built on more than just the lucky acquisition of super powers.
at least according to stan lee, it was because they couldnt think of a good place for natural webbing to come from
but with mechanical web shooters then it didnt matter where it came from since spidey could mount them wherever was convenient

ditko seeemed quite proud of the mechanical webshooters himself, going so far as to make numerous different types of webbing for different occasions
like a fine clothes-line for swinging, a thick goo that expends the entire cartridge, or instant spider-webs to catch things
though this should come as no surprise since ditko generally liked gadget-using heroes rather than super-powered ones
Peter not being able to use his webs in Spider-Man 3 was infinitely more compelling than any "outta ammo" scenario
a contrived psychosomatic block is way worse than a mechanically enforced limit
running out of ammo simply feels more organic a conflict because its something people have to deal with in real life and can happen at the worst opportunities if not deliberately done by the enemy
whereas losing your powers because you got depressed is something that can only really be done in a story once ever before people start to question it
The best solution is that he can produce basic natural webbing on his own but it just comes out in strands like real spiders, so the web shooters are originally designed to shoot the web from his wrists, and then over time Peter's able to experiment with his own webbing to create more advanced versions while still having the basic webbing as a backup.
Advanced webbing formulas shows his brains as a biochemist. Running out and having to make do with his basic webbing shows his brains being able to think on his feet instead of relying on his gimmicks. And if he somehow runs out of basic webbing, there's your "oh shit, now it's really serious" moment that you pull out for a big fight maybe once a decade before modern hack writers overuse it every other month.
Superpowers ALWAYS work by plot convenience. Spider-Man can lift something like ten tons, move fast enough to dodge around bullets, and has a precognitive danger sense. Every fight he's ever been in where the other guy isn't ALSO on the high end of superhuman should be over in a single hit that they never even saw coming. I mean, look at Dock Ock. He's a mundane fat guy with robot arms that, somehow, always takes multiple blows to the head before going down, despite the fact that Spider-Man could genuinely rip him in half like a wishbone. I know Pete holds back a lot, but there must be a middle ground between turning someone to pulp and gently massaging their scalp.
Running out of web fluid at inconvenient times is the least of things we need to suspend our disbelief for.
>it was because they couldnt think of a good place for natural webbing to come from
Every time a superhero movie comes out, one of the original people involved claim they were totally going to do it like the movie but just couldn't. Like Kane claiming he wanted Batman to have a blacks uit.
Like you said, Ditko loved gadget heroes. He has explanations for how his superheroes costumes and gimmicks worked, he was aBatman and Dick Tracy fan, I could definitely see him being all for the shooters. And if Kirby's sketch is to be believed, he had a web gun before the shooters.
>Every time a superhero movie comes out, one of the original people involved claim they were totally going to do it like the movie but just couldn't.
its pretty understandable, since if something made a million dollars off an idea you once considered but then discarded for whatever reason
then you would be mildly amused at least at how an idea you thought was unworkable ended up being workable
I also like mechanical because when he gets the symbiote or is turned into man-spider then the organic/semi-unlimited webbing feels like a cool temporary upgrade to his powerset. I forget if the symbiote can run out or not. Anyway, it also makes the symbiote seem like more of a thing that will seemingly make Peter's life easier which adds to the storyline where he is tempted into bonding to it permanently. It also helped in the early years to add another excuse as to how he is drained of money so fast. Finally it makes for fun stuff like tense fights and that story where Peter gives MJ her own webshooters. Though all this talk on the webshooters has made me want a story where Peter goes to Tony, Reed, or someone else and makes a deal with them to sell the adhesive. It's not like the old comics where everyone is suspicious of eachother and Marvel civilians or police have no need for a entrapping gadget. Though perhaps a criminal uses it to suffocate someone so Peter has to contend with the fact that a select few will use it to hurt others but on the larger scale it has done more good than bad. Y'know kinda like Peter helping civilians while people like Gwen die? Man Marvel fucking hire me already, lol. Jk.
>I forget if the symbiote can run out or not
the symbiote was intended to just handwave away all cinema sins about spidey

>instantly morphs into clothing, so no more arguing about where he leaves his clothes
>instantly repairs damage, so no more asking where spidey gets time/money to keep repairing his suit
>produces unlimited webbing, so people stop asking how he can afford the equipment to make the most amazing textile known to man
Is there an interview where they say that? Like that was part of their motivation?
Also I feel like in some Venom issues like the one where Carnage eats meat and grows huge or something, the symbiote's mass has to be added onto to do stuff like grow huge. If that's the case, then it wouldn't be a far stretch to say that the symbiote after shooting enough web loses mass and runs out. I might be reaching but I think writers have been inconsistent about it. I mean when Venom bonded to Hulk it couldn't fully encase him. Though that's Cates so I guess that doesn't matter.
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Why do new fags insist on changing something from before they were born because they can't understand the actual source material?
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I don't see how you could actually hate this. It's just neat, man.
>Like that was part of their motivation?
we do know that jim shooter just thought it was cool, he paid a fan 200 dollars for an all-black stealth suit so he could use it
so it wasnt something it was going to do when it first appeared

but thats just what happened once the black suit ended up in the regular spider-man comics, where it quickly became a source of convenience
This pretty much, I get the desire to knock him down a bit from that to bring back the “Everyman” aspect that people constantly misinterpret from the character. But he really needs the smart guy stuff now just to keep up with miles power level bullshit he’s added to the franchise
Modern audiences are so pathetic that people can't be good at anything without the retards crying they're unrelatable.
peter was an everyman in the sense he had very mundane problems
cant pay rent, his parental figure is one strong breeze away from keeling over, nobody respects him, and his boss is a terror

while he is a bonafide genius in a way none of the audience would ever be, the fact that his amazing potential refuses to bear fruit that he can use to keep the lights on is quite a relatable issue even to non-genii
It works like writers/artist block. When you're depressed you can't do things like you usually do. So it makes sense he couldn't use his powers like that.
Yeah but is that interesting to the reader's? That's the point of that anon's argument. I get that depression comes and goes but it's kinda weird to have depression come and go so quickly. It'd be more like bipolar disorder. So then Spider-Man having bipolar disorder would explain his webs not shooting? It's just simpler to have them be mechanical. To get past a disorder like that would take far more issues/time to devote to get past and having it reoccur in an escapist media like comic superheroes is kind of hard to do without coming off as hammy, contrived, or disingenuous. Spider-Man 2 did it the best by just keeping it tied to his deisre to be Spider-Man and have it as a one-off thing. What we're talking about is a continuous series where mechanical shooters have an easily defined problem that can be used more often and in creative ways.
When was the last time in ASM the running out of webs contrivance was used?
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it happened all the time in the lee/ditko age
and it was still going strong throughout conway and stern

running out of web fluid is a constant hindrance thats added to complicate scenarios
Spider-Man should have both because they both have their pros and cons.
You can't have both.
Has anyone ever done an au where Peter never got bit by a spider and instead became a science hero?
It's not that just that. To show off being a science guy, Peter easily could've just made himself some pretty typical gadgets to get similar results--grapple guns, bolas, some knockout concoction, or a stungun (for versions of Peter that started after the 70s)--but having him be the one to try to be more on the nose by adding actual webbing is something that builds on his flair for the dramatic. After all, this is a guy who cracks wise, starred on TV, and built a spotlight of his own logo into his utility belt.
Why not?

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