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Skibdi bros we fucking won!!
what's that again
murder drones otherwise known as shitty ripoff of skibdi toilet
Skibidibros... we are victorious
>literally who
>latina going through her edgy atheist phase
>tranny gook bankrolled by the Australian government

Not even close, SB is a passion project filled with soVl
>hit with roblox children
That sure is winning, alright
Feels good to be winners at the end and not fucking losers like them KEK
>"brrr skibidi bop bop bop yes yes"
>the world is about to learn the meaning of "potty training"
>*cue skibidi toilets invading a city*
>starring Ben Stiller
>*ben looks down at the head in his toilet*
>"okay, I guess I'm using the downstairs bathroom"
>starring Owen Wilson
>*Owen starts beating up the skibidi toilet*
>"You gotta understand the ramifications of what you're doing, man. If people are afraid to use their own toilets, where will they go?"
>in a buddy sci-fi comedy that's full...
>*Ben crashes his car into a larger skibidi toilet*
>of toilet humor!
>"Looks like we have to save the world again. Sigh, Damnit"
>"Whoa, Ben, watch your potty mouth. Also, watch THAT potty mouth ahead!"
>*Ben runs over a port-a-potty skibidi*
>SKIBIDI TOILET: in theaters June 2025
Where are the camera men? Otherwise funny
It's actually pretty amazing that kids are still interested in this a year later. Usually shit like has a life span of 1 or 2 months.
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>TF2 [as] series never got made
It's not fair
This will end up like the Minecraft movie they never made.
Good tf2 is shit skibdi toilet isn't shit but kino
Might be even longer since there's gonna be a movie and a series after it
Im thinking Henry Cavill as Gman and Sydney Sweeney as tvwoman
Good picks how about that titans, speakerwomen, and camera women?
I find it ironic that it's the internet that's alienated by internet memes. What went wrong?
Generational divide? I think the mass internet's been around long enough you're now having multiple generations that grew up on it and with their own memes and culture.
It became a playground for normies, and now the only real memes allowed are mainstream opinions or harmless gibberish
The part of the internet that takes itself too seriously is getting shat on hard, while guys like me who just enjoy trolling are having a field day.
Out of curiosity I actually did watch SB, I can see why it has a loyal fanbase the later episodes are genuinely good. This belongs to the newgrounds era of the internet rather than getting lumped together with the brainrot era and as a result getting associated together with cocomelon and those elsa x spiderman videos.
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I don't get why I'm not supposed to like this shit. It's honesty kind of cool. /tv/ is doing the whole "le zoomer brainrot" Stick. They also think this stuff is big eith Gen Z, but I thought most Gen Alpha liked this more desu. Honestly I've seen worse then Skibidi. I wouldn't let a toddler watch this but it's dumb fun.
Your sound like your IQ is nigger-tier.
Every single one of these things is shit and gay including Skibidi Toilet. Stop promoting jewtube slop.
Memes were never good.
Dafuqboom is georgian you retard
Skibidi yeet rizzler pingus mama lots of spaghetti Ohio sussy leeerooooyyy boomer.
It’s easy to mog murder drones
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Like what you want, since you sound like you're grown up enough to decide how to use your time, but expecting to be praised for liking mindless baby schlock is genuinely pathetic
Very true MD fags arr seething already in the glitch threads
Lol, hardly
I've never watched this shit. Is it as bad as people say it is?
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It's just Source Engine weirdness. If you're over the age of ten then you've likely seen more than your fair share of that on youtube already. By that merit it's not terrible, but the thing is that outside of the noise and visuals there's no real substance to it beyond whatever cockamamie story you invent based on your interpretation of it, which a bunch of lorelets have taken to presume this shit has any worth and emboldened them to aid the underage kids in spamming this shit into oblivion without any of the self-awareness that they're pretending a bunch of gmod models engaging in antics across a bunch of free asset backdrops has the kind of writing depth and substance an actual webtoon has, rather than just being weird gmod shit that exists cause the creator enjoys making weird shit.

Basically, shit's probably a good time waster if you enjoy internet absurdity, but the idiots that think this shit's going to be some kind of million dollar franchise with movies and the like are beyond retarded and trying to make more out of this shit than it has any reason to.
I wouldn't even qualify as that absurd once you seen the first 15 minutes, it becomes utterly banal at that point
>but they added toilets from space isn't that cuhrazzzy?
fuck no
Yep, mentally ill little boys winning BIGLY.
Space king WON.
atleast we got ATHF and Ventures Bros cosmetics, its better than nothing i guess
>What went wrong?
It's literally autists having their SPD triggered by unfamiliar trends/culture.

Bear in mind SFM content is not new and the people whom would find this shit funny/entertaining are those who would also discover 4chan from Shrek is Love 10 years ago.
What are your expectations for the movie and the new series?
Are we sure they are, though? This feels like some exec randomly choosing to finance a "non-safe" movie.
Like, it's on the level with the Bobblehead movie in terms of "ease of cinematic adaptation": there's a story, but it has no actual dialogues, and what can be gleaned is not good enough to sell as a 90-minute experience

I wouldn't be shocked if it flopped, desu.
Why do Millennials and Zoomers had Skibidi Toilet?
Like they weren't laughing their ass off a Dr. Hax, Gmod idiot box, half life full consequences or the various TF2 machimas and SFMs.
If anything, you should be happy Half Life and Gmod is relevant nearly 20 years later since Valve has done jackshit with them.
Skibidi, my friends.
I don't like it but it's really harmless.
It's pretty much animated team death match with OCs.
I don't think a lot of people have even seen it, most people talk like it's mascot horror or something.
Idk how people think skibdi toilet is "mascot horror"
Will Skibidi Biden appear?
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This will get six months into production and then abandoned as a tax writeoff because nobody is going to torpedo their acting career by being attached to 'The Skibidi Toilet Movie'.

... maybe Chris Pratt.
It's just boring. Besides, nothing you listed was as popular as Skibidi is right now. Pretty much none of that was good, either, and if you've seen anyone argue otherwise they're simply nostalgiafags. People enjoyed slop in 2007, they enjoy slop now, and they will pretend slop has value in 2041.

It attracted the same type of people. Mongs shouting leepest deepest at any minor development just happen to look the same across different communities.
A meme is not a movie. Millenials thought HAAAAAX was a funny running gag in dumb GMod animations, but they were never clamoring for James Cameron to direct The Dr. Hax Movie.
>Michael Bay directing this
So it'll be 90% of US military fighting and wrecking toilets while the titans only show during the last twenty minutes where most of them will die before doing anything?
Difference is I didn't obsess over a single SFM/Gmod shitpost to the point I was willing to watch hours of shorts dedicated to only it, that's why it's retarded.
If you know what any of these are I have bad news for you
Many internet memes are jokes. Would you like to see a whole film based on a knock knock joke especially since Hollywood doesn't even know how to write entertaining slop anymore?

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