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>Dude, don't you just LOVE how Batman has no Alfred, no mansion, and no pussy in more ways than one?
>Get this: What if we made an alternate universe where Batman has no Alfred, no mansion, and no pussy?
It's like DC looked at the success of Ultimate Spider-Man and said "let's do the complete opposite of that."
He has an alfred, he's MI-6. Revealed today.
Alright the hate has officially jumped the shark, you're doing too much
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Isn't that basically Roscharch?
It looks cool. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.
finally, a non-fascist Batman
Batman is a man. He has never had a pussy.
Why is this making so many retards seethe. "No this is nothing like the heckin ultimate universe I wanted!" Yeah okay dibshit go re-read post crisis Superman or Batman Earth One or Wonder Woman New 52 then.
They hate how all comics feel the same, and they're outraged if they do anything different.
You're mad as fuck because all anyone is talking about right now is how retarded Marvel is with their QR code bullshit. The book isn't out yet. You have no idea what they're gonna do. That Dragotta art looks fucking awesome. At least let it come out before you start bitching.
Personally, I don’t buy into Snyder’s “cool dad” act. And I won’t be surprised if, after a year, the next tech bro tries to lure him away to write Netflix pitches for him.
Poor people can be fascist too and capes are inherently fascists
Absolute Batman should've been an AU where Bruce returns to Gotham hand in hand with Talia and uses the full force of the LoS to stop crime. Let it go crazy with him and his army of assassins fighting Intergang.
I admit, I genuinely don't know what any of this stuff is, I'm just laughing at how fucking thick this Batman is. Like look at him, dude's chest is so fucking barrel-like, it's like he replaced it with a water cooler to store his beer in

Spotted the twitter poster
As long as he's not a rich piece of shit elite pedo.
I just think Scott Snyder is a bad writer
Batman without Alfred is basically original comics Batman
Batman without pussy is DCAU Batman
>no mansion
Biggest lie of that run. For how big his "small" brownstone was and how often they snuck back into the batcave they may as well have just written some cockamamie reality punch that moved Wayne Manor into downtown Gotham instead.
>Wings knock shit over
>Can't enter his car
>Has to flap VERY HARD to fly
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Men should be buff. Women should be vavoom.
This BATMAN is THICK and BUFF. Hopefully the women will have curves.
>Thicc Boi
>6.5 ft. tall
>Shoe Size: 14 US
We bara nao
>6.5 ft tall
>scribbles say 7 feet in boots and cowl
>cowl measurement is where the head ends, not the ears
>batnigga wearing 6 inch heels
Nice batfaggot you got there DC.
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His boots are made for stomping (You)
>>Wings knock shit over
so does comics accurate cape since it is decor most of the time
Anon, I can guarantee you none of those soles are half a foot high.
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And yet they look similar to Absolute Batman's. Minus the half-a-foot thick calves.
Doesn't change that contrary to anon's measurements, Absolute Bruce isn't 6 foot 6, 7 feet in heels. He's clearly taller than that.
If you’re slow to the uptake these days you can’t enjoy anything. You have to instead hate everything you consume like a bitchy addict
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His neck is as thick as somebody's arm. He's a big guy...
>you know who we should get for out batman artist?
>someone who can't draw a bat symbol!
A big guy that wears dragqueen footwear apparently. Heels on police dress shoes add 1 to 1 and a half inches of height to a person. The average length of a military boot from bottom of the heel to the very top of the boot is 8 inches. Batman goes from 6 and a half to 7 feet.
>Batman without pussy is DCAU Batman
>Wonder Woman
>Lois Lane
>Amanda Waller
DCAU Batman had an entire buffet of willing women to choose from. Dude just had commitment issues to anything outside of his mission.
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>no Alfred
Not yet.
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>bara Batman
Wish we had bara Tim Drake: Robin instead of what we got.
If they keep going at this rate eventually Batman and Superman are going to struggle to fit through most doorways and they'll both either look like the Hulk wearing suits or magically appear to inflate once they're in costume.
On one hand I am shocked they didn’t make a BatCat book to try and copy Ultimate Spider-Man.

On the other hand, it would probably have been written by Tom King again for the hundredth time. Or worse Tini Howard.
At least they are giving back his money in the main DCU. Maybe they can give him back his Alfred too.
>What if Batman….but BIG!
Why is DC Comics so creatively bankrupt?
In fairness to Scott Snyder, he probably had this idea in mind before DC Comics did something similar. But yeah, it is bad timing.
he looks like a skinhead
DC Comics ain’t known for their intelligence. If they were, their comics weren’t be selling less than Marvel and Manga.
looks like shit and will flop hard.
Man, I wonder who this 6.6 ft tall, 250 lbs superhero is!
This, looks dumb as hell and misses what makes Batman intrinsically interesting. Also that stupidly thick bat-logo is stupid af
jfc is this what passes for capeshit "art" now? These little scribbled doodles?
>>Wonder Woman
>>Lois Lane
>>Amanda Waller
>DCAU Batman had an entire buffet of willing women to choose from. Dude just had commitment issues to anything outside of his mission.
He dies alone without any kids behind. Real Bruce Wayne always had girlfriend, since day 1. Batman didn't prevent it, nor (even) addition of Robin.

Unless ofc he is infertile.
Dancing once and sharing few kisses, even I did and I am fakecel.
Were these leaked? Is there any more?
>keep going
TDKR and Jeph Loeb + Tim Sale Superman (Batman too if you compare Sale's Batman with someone else too, I am just more interested in Superman) already happened sweetie

It's not a good thing
I'm not going to praise a thing that isn't good
This is very very simple
You praise good things and mock bad things
This is a bad thing, you're supposed to mock it
Very simple, see
He has an absolute Alfred, you dumb fuck
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this...
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>it isn't bane
>its bruce
Wasted opportunity.
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Well, he is a legally different version of Batman who's not entering the public domain for a century. Instead of like a decade from now like the current version of Bruce.
Bruce: 6'6"
Batman: 7'
He is a master of disguise
Ethan, I know you're mad about not getting work from DC anymore. I'm bummed too I really liked your art. But I promise DC isn't sitting on /co/ reading your epic takedowns of whatever it is they're doing. You make a new thread every hour and jump into any thread that even mentions DC and samefag thru the whole thread shitting on them. Do you really want to get revenge? Show them you can be successful without them. But in order to do that you need to actually put work out and you can't do that if you're wasting all your time on /co/. From what I understand you have several promises that are years late. Turn off the computer and get to work.
Some more reveals, here's Absolute Wonder Woman who is the world's first superhero, a witch, was raised in hell (whatever that means) and rides a black skeleton horse
More Absolute Superman
>I really liked your art
one of the most soulless art pieces ever made
Technically looks great, but for some uncanny
At least his DC stuff
And then I found that he is someone who will throw people under the bus irl. Not surprised.
These were officially released. That's all I got of ABSOLUTE UNIT Batman.
It's a character sheet for when he gets drawn by other artists in other comics.
Good Snott Scyder stories: Black Mirror Bad ones: everything else
>everyone in the world that dislikes objectively horrible ideas is this one specific online bogeyman I stalk

Get a life.
wow so like every take since Dark Knight 40 years ago
so like a handful of takes in the last 10 years ago
we gotta talk, Mark
>Yuir parents arrenged fer me, Bruice
>…what in the fuck is that accent supposed to be
>Christchurch by way o' Glasgow
Nobody is saying that. DC has mindbroken you, buckaroo.
I probably love WMBW more than anyone but never suggest Brumanda again
What about splitting the difference by making him a self-made man instead of old money?
>Get a life
Like camping /co/ for any mention of DC so I can bitch about them through the whole thread and create multiple threads a day shitting on them?
And they literally explain to each other how they manage to pass for normal people out of costume because it's ludicrous to even them
Such a great book and that's not even counting Deathstroke fighting Deadpool
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>Literally Bigger Batman
Ethan please
If you ask real nicely maybe Kamen America will let you guest on a backup
>was raised in hell
So just like the OG one?
>Like camping /co/ for any mention of DC

Dude, people talk about DC because they're the biggest news right now, and people make fun of DC because they're shitting themselves inside out on stage right now. You can't expect people to politely ignore that.
>Statue of Liberty shnoz
I am harder than Battletoads but the idea of her having a civilian identity is pretty much off the table
>Well, he is a legally different version of Batman who's not entering the public domain for a century.
Neither are any modern depictions of the character, dipshit. Only version of Batman becoming PD is his first fucking appearance.
They should've just ripped off the Darren Aronofsky Batman script tbf
Losing Simone to Uncanny X-Men can't be making them happy. I figure it's not an exclusive but she's gonna have her hands full for a while at least.
His first appearance is already 98% of what people need and almost everything else (like Robin) comes the year after. DC knows it's going to be a disaster for them when it happens and it is smart of them to try and make preparations for it. This is not going to catch on though.
>Public Domain Batman, who loves guns
That Batman was poor by choice. End of the script has him embrace his family fortune, becoming the Batman we all know.
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Who's gonna care about that total bitch Simone? She's a fat lazy sack of shit. Just look at her Domino series where she didn't even know the title character's powers until like 6 issues in. If anything, DC is happy to be rid of her.
>Warner/Discovery trying to push this the way Ike the Kike pushed Inhumans, to the same end
We can't say they aren't entertaining us

Simone is like a 3/10 writer. She doesn't matter. What DC needs is at least a half dozen 8s or 9s and then they can possibly start recovery. Problem is, I don't think they have any system in place at all for finding fresh writing talent (with actual talent and not just exotic alphabet groups).
Sounds like improved Batman to me.
>"I make the other person unlucky"
>Don't we already have Black Cat for this
>Yes but the difference is she's a mutant and a good guy
No, you've been doing this for weeks on end at least at this point. You're obviously somebody with a grudge against DC/WB and it's just sad.
What bout his villains? You'll have Joker but no one else for a while.
TO EVERYONE except Miller who wanted a wank vector for the character
The only people wanting to enter comic book writing at this point are millennials and older zoomers who never read comic books, are hostile to them, and want to use this to get into better paying media like screenwriting
Poke Busiek hard enough and he'll admit this grudgingly
Imagine if they actually created new villain characters who fit the new settings
>Remember Mr. Negative in Spider-Cuck?
Let's pretend Waid still has enough functioning grey matter to invent a character, not that in the last forty years he's been asked to do it once and every single one of his Dynamite characters were expies
You'll also have Catwoman. Batman's first issue had 3 stories in it.

Just come up with new guys? It's not THAT hard.
Ideally you begin with completely street level opponents like CW so that Joker takes you by surprise, you don't want to feed the argument "your being here created these insane monsters" all over again
>No, you've been doing this for weeks on end at least at this point

It's different people you unbelievable delusional fuck
you fucking retarded idiot
It shouldn't be but TPTB will insist on no learning curve for readers and Waid had to use every brain cell in his head to create Magog, all the other OCs in Kingdom Come were actually Ross's
I believe that, but I also believe most of us who are older than 20 expect this to implode rather than alter the status quo FOREVAR
>seething from getting called out as samefag
Redo this every couple of years until Bruce looks like LoEG's Mr. Hyde and can't pass for normal
>Batman with no Council of Owls/cursed sentient Gotham horseshit
That's almost worth the price of admission
Or just make expies.
They should make a comic or cartoon movie out of Aronofsky's Batman Year One
The last anecdote I ever heard about either company's editorial proactively seeking writing talent is so old, the guy mentioned was still named Jim Owsley at the time
For almost a century the industry has relied on being a seller's market: initially desperate pulp writers and unemployed illustrators living a train ride away from the offices, then hip creators reliving their childhood nostalgia, then irony-addicted writers and British invasion rape enthusiasts, and finally politically motivated propagandists and impoverished South Americans who recognize it's a buyer's market because the industry still refuses to hire professional talent at according wages.
It has been LUCKY to last this long and if the DC/Marvel acquisitions hadn't occurred with no film synergy bucks, both would have gone out of business by 2010. As it stands both companies are IP farms with the print end being run as leisure operations, doing cancellation numbers on all their titles and no real impetus to be actual businesses for the foreseeable future.
The profit margin on comic books depended on the cheapness of uncoated pulp paper and frighteningly primitive color separation done by the printers limiting the palette to 64 colors. When both companies latched onto bleached coated color stock they figured they'd just raise the price slightly – then in the 90s paper prices soared with no sign of return and that ate their margin. It also spelled the end of being subsidized by postage stamp sized mail order companies and having to actually find full-page advertisers which radically raised page rates and in turn issue costs.
The entire business model behind American superhero comic books is almost a half century old while none of the external factors that made them briefly popular for 15 years still apply. It's a zombie industry propped up by film studios who are themselves watching their industry die.
Enjoy this while you can, it's not going to improve and Image has another 10 years at best before it implodes or transitions hard into some other direction. Capes are a 20th century phenomenon on their last legs for economic more than social reasons.
That isn't how public domain works.
Steamboat Willie entering the PD didn't mean that people had access to Mickey Mouse.
All of those different stories, designs, and iterations of the character are covered separately.
Sounds dank
Good point

>DC finally has a Batschach book
>Anons bitch about it
You whiners will never be happy no matter what happens. What's the point of trying to appease you?
He uses hidden lifts
Like Meatball Ron
That's just Winntergreen
We're so back
I don't remember seeing even a single post asking for shit like "what if Batman was Rorschach" and even if somebody said that it was surely a fucking joke.
>Steamboat Willie entering the PD didn't mean that people had access to Mickey Mouse.

Yes it did and that's how Larsen can put Mickey in his comic month after month and not get C&D:t by Disney.
Post physique
No, it's the exact same reasoning. Pandering to late 80's and early 90's nostalgia.
There are Bat fans who hate the bat family and want Batman to be more like the movies.
Larson got away with that because it was basically parody with how exaggerated it was. Painting Mickey as a le rapist is no different than a Family Guy skit or the Horror Pooh movies being made.

If Larson had tried to make a genuine story with Mickey then Disney would have raped him.
This is nothing like the movies though. This is Big Poor Batman. Nothing like Burton or Nolan or even Reeves Batman.
>There are Bat fans who hate the bat family
Yeah, me.
There are still a number of fans who think the only major supporting characters in Batman should be Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, and maybe Lucius Fox.

I think the guy who runs the horror YouTube channel In Praise of Shadows hates the Bat family too because he thinks they detract from the Gothic style and themes he prefers for the franchise.
(Sorry, posted too soon)

Why do you hate them?
>complaining about comic book characters having ridiculous bodies
>seething marvelfags
I hope it works out and DC manages to beat Image in sales.
I can't believe Bigger Batman is a reality
>coping dccuck
i don't give a shit about marvel. all of their heroes suck.
>There are still a number of fans who think the only major supporting characters in Batman should be Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, and maybe Lucius Fox.
So like the Bale movies?
The only good one is Robin.
This is garbage
>another black woman GL this time by Ewing
Lord end my suffering

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