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Duane's such a good dude, trying to set up his little bro with some golden thiccness.
God damn, and they say Alderode has no fertile soil, those four hills are begging to be plowed and seeded.
Bro, your wife is right behind you, stop
the claggart's really seeping through in that third pannel.
Website comment:
>Duane has all kinda of reasons to fall into a bottle tonight v_v

Patreon comment:
>The promotion talk helps date this pretty well, it's about a week before Duane's death. He liked having a family so much and really thought a woman would help Lemuel's melancholy, but the boy just stopped responding all of a sudden. So weird~
Curious, perhaps his association with the black tongues is more than just in passing and lemon's missing some berries?
The Khert itself was beginning to buckle under Duane's perversion in that fourth panel
Definitely no
it's looking more and more likely that Lemuel thought HE was going to be the one to die, not Duane
So, what, did Lem try to manufacture something to push Duane into accepting and cocked it up massively?

Also we haven't seen ghost Duane in a minute. I'm wondering if he's directly watching again or still third party. It occurred to me he might just be sitting at the table despondently watching his wife and kids.
Poetically foul mouthed buzzed and blazed Duane sure is a hoot. Those last three panels though. Lemuel's hand being in the shadows and Duane dragging it out also seems symbolic.
Duane sure was a horny bugger once.
it seems more like the plan is to sacrifice duane UNLESS he lands the composer job, then they'll shift to Plan B. but duane went and punched bodie which is what was expected of a savage pissmop, and they stuck with Plan A. lem held out hope that maybe for one meeting duane wouldn't be the same man he's always been
I think there's a bit of symbolism in Lem's response, and a really great double entendre; either telling him to grasp onto what he wants, or ball up his fists for a fight.
His wife is very pretty and we know he was very 'attentive' to her. As crass as he's being he is at least being quite clear he wants his bro to be the one enjoying those brimming handfuls
Lem was keeping himself single after getting in with Argenti's little plotter's council. If he thought he was gonna be the one to die, he probably would've been fucking every woman he could before he bit it. Aldish tradition is for any unmarried brothers to marry their brother's widow, to make sure their nieces and/or nephews are taken care of. He already knew Duane was gonna be the one to die, and wanted to be free to make sure Leysa and the kids wouldn't have to tie themselves to some stranger who wouldn't be as lenient a husband and father as Duane was. Aldish domestic violence is typically Russia-tier, remember.
See how happy Lem is about the Composer news? He probably thought a chance to have a Ssaelit Composer would too good for the schemers to pass up, that they'd be forced to find a different martyr. From his perspective, Duane basically just said "by the way, you don't have to help murder me anymore." Lem might even try his luck with Miss Four Handfuls in the next couple pages to celebrate.
Jesus fucking christ the cope
Panel three is killing me
y'all are completely skipping over a lot of times lemon acted concerned for his brother's future in ways that make no sense if he knows Duane is about to die
"concern for his future" is literally a simile for "knowing he is about to die". fangirls still trying to enoble this psychotic shit.
the memories got shoved into ghost duane so they're probably basically "his" memories now

that'd mean ghost duane's sitting in lemuel's seat listening to alive intoxicated duane sing the praises of jared's daughter's ass, while personally experiencing lemuel's very strong disinterest
Also remember Lemuel specifically said he thought he'd "out smarted god." He had a pair of pymaric eyes ready to go too. Lemuel was laboring under the belief, not too sure when he fully became aware of Bastion's true plot but he certainly knew of it eventually, that he could have his martyr and his brother alive too. Hell, Duane coming back from the fucking dead might have in it of itself made for a powerful religious symbol (though even if Bastion had a chance to properly "preserve" him, the Ssaelit hatred of "gaelit" might have made any such resurrection unpalatable to the mainstream and so Duane would've had to be hidden).

Lemuel legitimately thought he could have Duane killed to advance the cause and then have him revived so he would actually be dead. It goes back to, as people pointed out when those pages were coming out, the night Duane revealed how farcyte works and Lemuel latched onto the idea of Duane being able to find God in the Khert. Lemuel is still operating on the belief that they can essentially pull a Ssael on Ssael, track him down in the khert and make him answer for leaving the world the mess it is. He'd finally thought he'd found the way in getting his brother killed and then brought back, but it all went to shit.
You are genuinely fucking stupid. Lemon made an explicit note for Duane to "watch out for Bodie," which would make absolutely no sense if he knew that Duane was going to die in like two hours. There is almost nothing more obnoxious in these threads than the retards who start crying about "Lemon fangirls" (a category of people who do not meaningfully exist) the instant anybody treats him like a nuanced character rather than a moustache-twirling supervillain who killed his brother because he wanted to fuck his wife or whatever the fuck.
That could be explained as Lemuel thinking
a) "You're about to die, please don't leave behind any grudges that could hurt your family."
b) "I am about to send you on an afterlife quest, so stop fucking around and go through some character development"
Misclicked because I, too, am stupid.
Strawmanning lemon fangirls are the worst lemon fangirls of all.
Lemuel having Duane killed because he was jealous of Duane's wife, kids, and station in life has been a prevalent theory here for the last ten years.
>duane horny on main
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This is an interesting point, and makes me wonder even more about him insisting upon Mikaila being there. Perhaps another attempt to try and stave off the assassination, since obviously the plan would be only for Duane himself to get got and not a little girl. Would also mean that Lemuel is willing to put Mikaila in harms way for Duane's sake.

It's pretty clear to me half the reason Lemuel's the mess he is is because of his love for Duane. I don't think we're meant to take his offer to run away with crazy Zombo Duane as anything but the honest truth. That, and the obvious parallels with the one woman who had a Black Tongue bring her sister "back." Lemuel found himself caught between his blood thirsty desire to better the lot of his people and faith, and his personal love for his brother. Obviously Duane drives him nuts too, but given many of his actions I think he was still desperate to try and square the circle of the plot to kill Duane and protecting him.
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>So, what, did Lem try to manufacture something to push Duane into accepting and cocked it up massively?

To be fair, Lem didn't cock up, it's just that noone accounted for the 0.000000000000000000001% probability that a little Aldish girl knew how to cast offensive spells and could interrupt the ritual.
I'm starting to hope against all evidence Lemon turns out to be totally innocent just because the muh lemon fangirls fag is annoying
Lem apologists wish. The man had a pair of pymaric eyes for Duane ready to go. Those are not an off-the-shelf item, they're custom to the customer.
In 5 years, where do you see the readerships’ perception of Lemon?
While digging through some older Patreon things, noticed an interesting commission she did once and Duane and Lemuel coming back home from some mission on parade. She specifically mentions Lemuel, who looks cheerier, is flirting with some babes in the crowd. A far cry from how he's been portrayed in "recent" times, near to Duane's death.

They don't look that much younger either. Of course, this is just a commission and Lemuel may be more concerned about permanent relationships than any at all. Still, one wonders if, and when, his attitude might have changed and why?
He'll make a particularly inscrutable expression towards Mikaila and people will fiercely debate whether he's a childlover or not.
I hate that you're right.
>Lemuel may be more concerned about permanent relationships than any at all.
This is maybe the reason. Perhaps Lem (rightly) knows he'll be detrimental in any long-term romantic relationship and is distancing himself from any possibility of getting in one. His familial relationships are fucked as well tbf.
Lem thought that Duane would die, see God, and then come back whole. He is not a rational person; so of course those were not rational thoughts.
Prevalent theory among idiots
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>From his perspective, Duane basically just said "by the way, you don't have to help murder me anymore."
Looks like maybe Argenti wasn't happy about that possibility
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Look how happy he is
>Finally get to kill that motherfucker, teach him to save my son!
That's not Argenti
>duane looks too cool while getting his ass beat
>dies immediately after
It's like the universe correcting itself
Argenti is the one standing behind Shadwe Grandvin in panel two, smiling.
> Lemuel having Duane killed because he was jealous of Duane's wife, kids, and station in life has been a prevalent theory here for the last ten years.
Leysa is great but she is not THAT great. Micaila turned out to be Lemon 2.0 in the making and Simon is a non-entity at that point. Duane's station in life is putting him on speaking terms with the likes of Bodie which isn't great.
Lemuel is cold blooded hot blooded killer with religious bend. I find it hard to see him longing for domestic life. Between plowing supple hills and consorting with Argenty "Souds are bees" Senior he chose Argenty.

I get it he would rather BE Duane but he isn't and he understands that.
>That Lemon face

What glory was Lemuel denied tonight? How does that fit into "Lemuel knew all along Duane was gonna die"?
Mikaila's love for Lemuel as her new father will in five years have morphed into her wanting to marry him in these threads.
lemon deniers have no counterarguments to this and they know it
Exactly. I can't lie that I was convinced Lemuel was somehow In on the Plan for Duane's Death, even if it was extremely reluctantly. But with recent details that certainty has been shaken, and I'm eager to see the machinations and truth behind his death. We know how often Duane lives in his best world, after all. Alderode's undoubting son.

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