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Bruce Timm can't keep getting away with this
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He can get away with this all he wants
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>bruce timm self inserts as the boy
>has a busty tomboy for a friend
Based af but damn, I wish I was Sherman
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Tim's already taken
>that's not mud
What's her age anyway?, did everyone knows?
If you look at her stature she has a big chest, so must have big breasts
My guess is somewhere at 11 years old, since most girls starts to grow tits usually around at 11 or 12 yo.
Started to grow? This girl already developed, Are you sure?
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How do you make webm? Teach me
Replace libvpx with libvpx-vp9
>When you can't draw a character younger than a teenager without them looking like a toddler so you just settle for a shrunken adult/teenager and just heavily implying their age
If cat is fine too, then he can get away with this
He can and he will
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>has to wear a large shirt because anything tighter would be too distracting to everyone else
Imagine Roberta in a t-shirt running around, talking to you while leaning forward, and hugging you around the waist. Imagine how much you'd have to fight not doing anything that got you sent to jail.
Shame jcm2 never drew her
Good, Bruce Timm deserves his self insert fantasy. He revitalized the animated universe for DC. Also, fuck the faggot woke mobs that would try and say it is creepy. Its a fucking cartoon, literal fiction and a fantasy of escapism.
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That's why we need to have more fanrts for both of them. They deserve it. https://files.catbox.moe/bquifg.png
dont need pedo bait
just let it be as is
Use Webm for Retards
According to the script she’s 12
Is this as high quality capture as it gets?
Good enough to do an edit with.
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Fun fact.
They were based on Encyclopedia Brown and Sally Kimball
jsut two doodle new ones

and one not in the collage.
Some of my first sexual fantasies going through puberty were imagining them fucking
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Drawanon, you are a hero
any pics of their designs?
Ah thats explain, a teenager
Blessed drawfag
Why is this episode so polarized?
It's a very "kid show" premise of this little kid straight up Home Alone'ing the bad guys while Batman's knocked out with this sorta "kid's rule" attitude. It's an outlier of show considered to be extremely mature
You draw the most suckable titties, goddamn

Draw her heavily pregnant and naked
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Terrible is /co/'s greatest drawfag
Why she look like the Zombies Ate My Neighbors girl?
Suck them titties
The audience is made to observe a passive character that observes other characters do things. Like towards the end when Batman fights Penguin, the camera keeps cutting to Sherman because we're watching Sherman watch Batman beat up the penguin. But Sherman himself isn't doing anything. Sherman himself is annoying and keeps trying to act like a big boy grown-up detective. But he's in over his head and makes bad decisions. Like refusing to call emergency services and actively stopping Roberta from doing so. After they get Batman to the basement, the audience is basically just kept waiting until Batman wakes up and everything else is padding. All of the traps just slow Penguin down, either way he still reaches Batman and gets into a fight with him.

It basically stinks a script that needed to go back to the drawing board - but the writers had run out of time and had to hand something in.
Bro, I was over 30 years ago. He got away with it Scott free.
This is 4chan, anon.
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Well the artists weren't that consistent but the text always has stuff like "Sally was Encyclopedia's bodyguard. She was the prettiest, toughest and most athletic girl in class." Oh shit this was formative
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Roberta, that's why you swallow.
You are all pedos
Yes, and...?
seems someone wants more roberta.
You're in no position to incriminate anyone else Yoshi you tax evader.
>another retard who can't differentiate between fiction and reality
How many skeletons do you have in your closet anon?
Damn, Kyle, I didn't know they had internet access in prison. Maybe you should be using your online time trying to fix your shattered reputation instead of shitposting on 4chan.
The art looks half anime, he doesn't draw like this so chalk it up to the outsourcing
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Funny enough, I found that in an official poster of that episode, and I notice that they got rid of Roberta's bust, which I kinda got the reason to it, but still, I feel like they should've kept her original breast size.
jesus christ, doc
>knew a few girls who started early
was a eye opener for me
based art! I love it
And that’s how Michael J Fox lost his virginity
So, you guys never had any female friends growing up?

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