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Honestly Dev is so much better than Hazel's friends who are bland and boring. Think he functions best as he gives the episodes stakes and conflict. Most of Hazel's eps without him are pretty mid as she is just overly nice, basically really one of those situations where you need the asshole/downer too a optimists over positivity. I'm almost into the show now but Dev and Peri aren't in every ep so still meh.
I like the fact that they are using insignificant characters from the original series. I hope Veronica or Tad and Chad or Mr. Galaxy appear.
Wait, I'm a bit out of the loop, is the brown girl fairly odd parents reboot actually good and well received? I keep seeing positive shit posted about it, and apparently Poof is grown up now and everyone loves it.
It's decent continuation and is significantly better than FOP during its last 10 years.
he's just Remy Buxaplety
Except he's not. Peri is the best character.
Kyle Carrozza worked on the show, hard pass
Compared to what Timmy had..... a trailer park bumpkin whose braces could do weird shit, a black kid genius with a super lab, a silly cute girl next door who could spy on him with impunity, a vicious gray bully with a jail bird dad, a rich girl crush who secretly liked comic books..... Hazel's friend and her school in general feel lacking in personality. That being said, Jazmine was kind of fun in her episode, so maybe there is room for growth
You probably think Savino was guilty too
>I keep seeing positive shit posted about it,
Where? It's mostly from the same anon. Most people think it's boring as shit

>and apparently Poof is grown up now and everyone loves it

Look Up "Tumblr Sexy Man"
I'd actually love veronica to come back, she felt like she'd have a whole arc then she was just gone. Maybe she's married to another variation of timmy lol
Yes and no, as I said above only really Dev works and I've seen many say wish he was the mc or this had been the plot from day one. None of Hazel's friends are really that interesting and most of the kid designs are ugly and have bland zoomer quirks "literally has a fat kid that only speaks in asmr"
I mean that's not even that hard lol, they basically did character assassination on timmy for 10 years killed off all his friends and added shitty new side characters.
Can't they both be the best??? Also they work well off each other though.
>Rookie fairy trying to be sucessful
>His shitty and egotist god kid
great dynamic
Yeah but Remy with more character and screen time. Also see hazel is too nice so everything she does is quite self contained and fairly bland compared to timmy who wasn't always a ass but was more greedy and had actual problems and things like bullies and uncaring parents etc etc.

So eps for Hazel are her wanting to be friends with the teachers or going to a fair and making other kids happy.

You really need dev to be the devil to her angel
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>head in sand anon is back
i liked the episode with Dev, but it also reminded me why I miss Timmy... sometimes you just need your MC to be a bit of an asshole
Oh definitely, really it's as I said many have said why isn't dev the mc. The reason we liked og timmy was because he was good mix of depressing kid and nihilist asshole.

Timmy was unique mc, as he was opposite of Hazel and Chloe who are more sterotypical kid mcs. Hopeful and optimist filled with childish innocence. Timmy was constantly shit on and forced to be cruel and asshole even how he got his fairies and met vicky is one of the most tragic origins. He also had strong more values as well, usually doing the right thing in the end. One of my biggest gripes about the later seasons is they assassinated his character and it became main stream to see timmy as a self lil sociopath. When many earlier episodes proved that wrong, like him trying to help kid crocker or him emphathizing with trixie and even vicky. Timmy's whole schtick was he was a good kid forced to be a asshole and he usually got fucked over because he had a big heart. Which was made him fun, he basically was hazel and chloe inside but years of abuse and bullying made him more snarky lil asshole on surface layer.

Why dev fits the series vibe more, as honestly he fits the miserable kid vibe more. He has more unique Prescence and fun dynamic, as he's kid that wants parents love and to have friends but he was taught money is power and that caring or being kind isn't worth his time. But think he works good as a foil/rival/frienemy to hazel. Really need more eps with him and "peri"

And of course Dale, I need more Dale lore
Chances of Dev/Hazel endgame romance?
He's gonna fall first which is gonna make things awkward for her because she doesn't want to ruin their friendship
It's the same retarded shills spamming
Most people are just curious to see the old characters appearing, akin to Boruto
Nobody gives a shit about black kid and her non-binary friends
Yep and the racism died down the moment normal fags liked it
Havent seen a single racist comment be popular yet
where can I watch this? I wanna see what all the hype is about.
It's basically already canon, he so petty and need for her already kek.
Not wrong though I expected it to be the inverse, hazel falls for her abusive chad bully who could be racist(i don't remember which ep but one of his disses sounded a bit racist and it instantly made me laugh for one of the first times)
kimcartoon and on basic on demand services.
Congrats, you've made me miss Timmy Turner more, anon
You should, I wish nick had a better streaming service so I could watch the older seasons though I do have s0-5 somewhere on a old hard drive.

But yeah really sadly towards the end timmy got a bad rap. He really was a great character as usual we should just blame butch like how he tried to ruin danny phantom with his new lore and "they aren't actually ghost" non sense. He comes up with good ideas but he's somehow writing and artistic poison.
Found some dev art sheets
Forgot the last one lol, also man why does 2d always look better?
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It's a Wander Over Yonder situation, where Hazel is the protagonist, but the real main character is the villain, Dev. He's the one who has to go through the most character development. He flip-flops between being a good kid and being nasty all due to his toxic upbringing, and now that he has a fairy, his worst traits might get exploited.
He's pretty good, and I hope they don't throw him under the bus by the end just to have a stock villain. He's been well-written so far.
they are so cute together
I don't want this to happen in this season because it'd be way too much at once. If the show gets a chance to continue (I don't know how likely that is in today's climate) then maybe, but for this season, they better not.
People are mainly interested because of Poof and the art style the show has. Which may be superficial, but it's something. Compared to the Rugrats reboot that never went anywhere.
Another addition to wmbf list

but yeah sounds about right also seen people say it's like they wrote the timmy chloe dynamic better and yeah basically. Still think they need to drop the side characters and focus more on hazel and dev, most non dev eps are boring as shit.

Nah he's gotten 2 more eps this week and seems they are going the route of him being remy if he flip flopped between bff and rival/problem(usually coming because of his rich kid mentality and need to impress his father and hazel)
I don't think it'll happen this season but they are speed blitzing his development and if it will start it'll be on the 31st

God don't even remind me of the rugrats literally half the eps were worst version of the og show. Also they took grandpa from a zanny somewhat edgy war vet set in his ways but good at heart who loved the babies to a weird hippy nothingburger of a character. An yeah that reboot needed to die I do think this one will last as seems people actually watch it and like myself poof(peri) and dev brought me back. But next season or s3 they need to focus more on best boy dev honestly as I said in OP hazel is kind of boring without him as a good foil. She's too normal and happy which ruins the whole miserable kid concept.
Meant to add this
It’s good but inoffensive.
Also I highly doubt blacks actually care for it. They need an episode where Hazel gets called the n word.
I would have originally expected dev to be the one to say it. I feel sadly a lot of these black mcs are made as inoffensive as possible so they don't get in trouble. She's not as bad as craig from craig of the creek but probably why dev feels more fun in comparison.

Also I feel it's definitely average only like half the eps appealed to me and her friends aren't interesting.
Character development is not the mc factor that's like saying Vegeta is the main character Goku is already the hero
>I highly doubt blacks actually care for it
They never do, only white people with guilt keep watching these shit cartoons
I mean you aren't wrong but the mc needs to have good character interaction and personality to make exciting situations. Hazel doesn't really do that well as her main personality trait is super positive and everyone around her is nice. Why dev is fun because he's like the sole evil/antagonistic character in her day to day.
Vegeta doesn't actually have that much character development until the end of Z, he's consistently a complete asshole who fucks over the heroes for selfish reasons. Gohan does, and many people do say he fills the role of the true "main character".
Either way, I'd say it's different. Dragon Ball has different priorities and stories to tell than this show, where Dev's story has been linear and consistent, the story is willingly centering around him for the season-long narrative arc. Hazel is there for the funny and wholesome moments while Dev has a story to tell.
Seems some of the fandom already want it, probably because all the other kids are either annoying or have literally no personality
the animation is so bad
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>Look Up "Tumblr Sexy Man"
god damn, you weren't kidding. at least cosmo's genes were good for something
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>series has to bring back old characters because virtually all the new ones are boring
The real issue is these episodes are not in Paramount Plus. People watch this show due to clips on twitter, nobody is gonna watch Nickelodeon on cable.
It's fucking crazy to me how Poof (Peri) of all characters got people really talking about this show and made them finally check it out.

Literally one of the greatest character comebacks and all they did was age him up and make him look hot
You have porn addiction
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He gave off vibes similar to Cosmo in the Oh Yeah! Cartoons episodes, of course people would like that.

Also his parents are no longer assholes, and the family actually loves each other.
I have seen some clips and looks interesting, it also doesn't look woke at all, maybe you could tell me, how woke is it?
If you think black people existing is woke then I don't know what to tell ya
Well i didn't imply that, that's why i am asking
if by woke you mean troonshit pronounshit politicsshit then it isn’t at all.
Nice, that's exactly what i meant
Honestly made me sad about the slow degradation of cosmo over the first series
I literally only watched 1 ep on cable because I couldn't find the peri ep lol
Forget woke blacks
>Why blacks?
I can see it, but it's too early for that man
>The wall with all of Wanda and Cosmo’s past kids had Timmy’s photo scratched out
>”Our therapist said it’s best we don’t mention him”
It’s over…
its got a boring nonbinary classmate but no one really cares

i'm just glad they did something cool with it
any peri?
Based pic, if you are the drawfag I hope you finish it, if not I hope whoever sketched it does.

>He's pretty good, and I hope they don't throw him under the bus by the end just to have a stock villain

That's his father's role. One of the logical routes could be if later on (season finale or arc finale) he threatens Hazel somehow and asks Dev to take a side, to which he responds by siding with her.

Devin is a good character because he has the best traits of Timmy and Remy. Being under Peri's tutelage gives both of them a chance to be fleshed out in many ways.
Sorry only thing I could find so far, he did just come out this week so probably too new for full concept art set.
Nah just saw it on tumblr lol, and twas tumblr and a sketch set so odds of finishing are sadly low.

Yeah I think even his dad will be redeemed the show is super positive compared to the og series. An we know Dale was basically abused/traumatized by vicky so we'll have to see how it goes

Yeah definitely he really just works honestly, and yeah newbie fairy who gets a kid worst than his quasi big brother but has similar tendency is super interesting. I think best is for it to be mix of peri going to wanda and cosmo for advice and them also over parenting seeing as peri seems to be young probably early 20s seeing as it's his first job and he doesn't have any experience.

Could be interesting dynamic since they more fit the brother vibe compared to the godmother godfather of the og series and with hazel.
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>Vicky returns as an actual big-time villain
Well spoiler but she's going to be in next weeks ep at dev's birthday party trying to make a quick buck. so some theorize she could be dev's mom why would dale let the girl that ruined his life at his son's party lol.

Honestly be more surprised Vicky hasn't been in and out of prison. She's a monster in a realistic fop verse like the new one where they actually care about kids
I see. How does her husband Timmy play into the episode?
Heh, he's watching the kids
timmy's wife is a scientifically spliced together trixie/tootie hybrid
Nah his wife is more realistic, he got with best girl veronica

>Sorry girls he's taken
it's nowhere close season 1 through 5 of the original, but it's better than the last four seasons. it's serviceable.
adult poof just got people talk aboit it because they nailed him really well
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Reminded that Chole is most likely stuck in some dead end job as a morbidly obese forever-single women
Yeah true, and I like they didn't make him basic bitch "I hate my parents" like that he likes them just a bit embarrassed by them.

Also still say her 2 bffs are basically non characters. One is apparently non binary and I didn't even realize because they were annoying anyway lol. Really just trimming the fat and focusing on dev and hazel and the show goes up a few points
Lol why? Also nah she gets to be timmy's mistress, she already was riding his cock to get her spot in the show

>Timmy: Hey you want to stay relevant right? Well then get on your knees and get to work Chloe
>Loud casting couching noises
It was basically impossible to NOT improve upon the character since in the original the only thing Poof ever did was make baby noises and make random shit appear
with this and retconning adult timmy as "just a guy who looks like him" i get the feeling they got some kind of "you can't use timmy" notice.
probably some brand of retarded brand protection
Chole wouldn't even have a painting in the castle, Cosmo and Wanda would only remember her as "the girl who appeared when the world started getting all stiff and cheap looking for some reason"
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Sparkybros... when is our boy getting redemption like Peri...?
I mean don't let the knock off use the og anon
You think that's a Tumblr sexyman? Just wait for Anti-Peri
how would you even redeem him? unlike poof he's actively hated
Dil Pickles was redeemed by All Grown Up, so anything can happen.
Who is indeed confirmed to be appearing!
Everyone's speculating based on Peri and the fact that Irep's father Anti-Cosmo has sexyman vibes as well, but considering that anti-fairies are the opposite of their counterparts I predict he's a rizzless loser with parental issues, desperately trying to live up to his father's evil.
Still becomes a sexyman because fujos love sexually bullying boyfailures.
Poof wasn't "redeemed" to anyone who hated him, these are the faggot zoomers who grew up with his seasons
That's the same thing as Peri though, non-character who couldn't even speak and only purpose on the show was babbling and dirty diaper jokes is given an actual personality
>Dev is a rich kid trying to live a normal life but cant help to be an asshole because thats how he was taught how to live.
>Hazel is a normal kid who wants to help him because she believes in the good dev has and can do.
>their fairy partners are actually a family: mom, dad and son.

they are practially destined to become a couple.
yeah but that's like what they did with peri, take a baby and give him an actual personality. you'd have to rewrite sparky entirely for people not to hate him again and i don't feel like he csn bring anything to the show.
chloe would be a better redemption target if you really had to pick one
People hated dill???
I shipped them even when they were enemies, love me good ole wmbf especially when boy a asshole or racist. Also that one garabatoz piece got me into hazel getting used by dev.

But yeah they are pretty much a destined good end couple maybe s1 could end with dev choosing his dad over hazel. But seems unlikely so dev x hazel is pretty much assured, especially since his only competition is a non binary nothingburger colored hair they/them and a nothingburger girl who's basically just hyper and into stuff like hazel. He literally is the most talked about
character after peri.

>Also Dev got rizz
lets hope thats not the case... its most likely, but still lets hope.

if anything, i now feel quite bad because i was also on the 'NOT MUH TIMMY' bandwagon. whatever plan they could have for him, its clear they have the skills to make it great, even groundbreaking for a nicktoons show. but now we might never know what that. could have been because we abused social media again, and bitched the shit out of it.
Poof made them leave, and also got them back in.

There is nothing more poetic than that.
i liked a clip from a recent ep, when they were in fairyworld.

>Dev and Hazel end up in the region where wands are created. they discover the wands are made from the stars and wood of that region and are 100% functional.

>what do these kids do? they just start blasting magic at each other, turning them into random stuff, while having the time of their lives. no competition, no assholery, just 2 kids having harmless fun in its purest, most innocent way.

that moment was just beautiful.
it was drake bell who made me leave. hope that poor guy at least made some smackers off it.
found that clip!

maybe it's a 'technically true' answer, and those extra timmy guys are all magic timmy constructs but not literally him
i predict two pages of gay selfcest porn with at least 10 of those being ftm garbage
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>better then hazels friends
not better than best girl
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Somehow, I haven’t seen any zippertit art of him. Alas, such a thing is inevitable nowadays... I cherish these moments of naïveity dearly.
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>best girl
What does butch think of this series
here for the porn
Don't make me get the hose anons
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Make actually give it a look later. Is Dev a part of Hazel's little friend group now or is it usually just him and Hazel hanging most of the time when he gets an episode?
Seems just him and hazel and how lame and characterless her friends are that's for the best. Plus they the only 2 with fairies so can't have fun fairy stuff and wishes with the dead weight around.
Dev is like a pseudo-rival/bully character at first, but he's been becoming more prominent over time
I hope not. I genuinely don’t like the trope of two main character friends getting together, it ruins the dynamics
Why do the asshole/bully characters always have the most character and usually are the most interesting in these modern series
jasmine the neurotic girl
Because you can redeem an asshole, you can’t do that with characters that are already good
they have an obvious built in character arc
new episode where
Pitiful thread
>Dale got laid with the woman who enslaved him for 7 years
Stockholm Syndrome plus off-the charts hatesex I guess?
She looks dead inside
I don’t get what this webm is meant to show
The stiff, janky, shit tickling animation that’s just pushing rigpuppets around with a cursor?
Are you also waiting for the degenerate artfag who does Peri/Dev? B to the ased.
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jasmine of course!
I mean, she is kinda cute…
For anyone who's seen the new episodes, how did they handle Cupid? I heard they got someone else to voice him instead of Tom Kenny.
He's balding and ugly as fuck lmao, if you are a fan I feel bad for you, anon.
he's same as before, but the episode is cringe
>why would dale let the girl that ruined his life at his son's party lol.
Power play, by who, I'm not sure.
It has it's moments. I did like the episode with Hazel where Wanda and Cosmo have to basically tell her, "Yeah your mature for your age, but your still a kid and shouldn't be hanging out with adults." Basically lessons Timmy wouldn't necessarily have to learn because his personality is radically different from Hazel's.
Uhh... Which is she Japan, China, Korean, or other Asian?
she spoke vietnamese so
And true also yeah, really why timmy worked and chloe didn't. Overly nice isn't that interesting without a foil or main drive. It's why hazel and her 2 friends are boring to me but dev and hazel work well as hazel is basically better chloe. Dev is timmy with a bit of remy buxaplenty.
So you mean the other generic nobody? she's only slightly better than the they them.
Real reason he doesn't love poor Dev, he is just a nest egg for vicky and he was a night of passion and a mistake to dale. Probably vicky got on her knees and said dale could do anything to her for a few 100k and she leg locked him in the end.
Ugliest design alive, get that shit gremlin out of here
Ha true, but really feels like weird place to do it. But maybe vicky is like one of those bums who goes doing multiple jobs trying to market themselves. Also ep is Wednesday so we'll see then, sure we'll have another thread cause it's vicky. Either hate or love, if she hot milf simping if she ugly or fat seething.
meh I always found her enjoyable.
Did she hand her chicken??? also eh idk maybe I'm bias and most non dev eps are boring or meh to me. Also just tired of this type of female side character maybe because /co/ and internet at large simps for them everytime even though they have no real character or fun to them. Like hailey's on it and becker. See them once and they get hard as diamond
If writers are ambitious then Vicky getting knocked up as a way to save her future would be fucking kino.
Foop (or Irep/Anti-Peri) should've been Hazel's Fairy Godparent.
>Anti Fairies, wanting to have godchildren, and sick of losing the bake-off every year, strike a deal/wager with the fairies; if just ONE Anti-fairy could properly take care a godchild for a whole year, And that proves the anti-fairies should be eligble to be fairy godparents
>After much deliberation the Fairy Council agrees but it has to be a anti fairy of their choice
>They choose Foop, now going by Irep; one of the most troublesome Anti Fairies since his very birth, and currently on probation
>The Council's plan is simple; they're going to assign Irep to nice, kind, well meaning godchild, who BARELY passes as miserable; Irep's typical Anti-Fairy nature will mess up the child's life, (likely within a week) proving Anti-Fairies at their base core are incapble of helping godchildren
>It's finalized, with both Fairy Council's agreeing
>Irep gets stuck with a overly nice kid named Hazel Wells; whom he greatly detests greatly for her very nature
>Messes around with her, subtly teases her, snarks to her, all kinds of stuff; Even taking a page book from genie's when granting her wishes
>Despite all that, Hazel still pulls through with her positive outlook on life and overtime, manages to slowly warm up to him, and vice versa...much to Irep's dismay

Hazel's issue is that she needs someone that would give her a compelling dynamic to be with. Cosmo an Wanda are cute with her, but they aren't very interesting given Hazel's personality wouldn't guarantee potential conflict. Plus, it would be a good contrast to Dev and Poof/Peri.
>Good, caring godchild gets a mean, bitter, godfather who wants nothing to due with her, and even sabotages her at times
>Spoiled, bratty godchild who has a great, quirky godfather who wants nothing but the best for him

Would've made for a more interesting main cast. As for Cosmo and Wanda, they're Tommy and Tammy's godparents-but they appear way later on.
Big difference we actually, know what Kyle did, unlike Savino.
Actually interesting and could lead to more dev development and down dark path. Literally both his parents are fucked up, his mom is pure evil and his dad was molded by her evil and his own wealth.
Total Twink Death
Ew isn't he the same age as the others? why is he so fucked up lol.
the ghost and molly mcgee
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yeah that was kino.
oh my
Another victory for WMBF
Honestly, I believe you retards are confusing the people that left the series with poof, which was just before poof as the actual season itself past the first 4 was beginning to rot, and the people (you) that grew up on the bad era of FoP and using the Sonic fanbase tactic of
>They are pandering to me again by making the bad thing look better so that means no one ever shat on it in the first place and the bad ideas where always good after all!
Which is subhuman behavior. Making a shit product less shit does not magically make it well executed, which highlings how this entire movement is unnatrual and fabricated. Making Poof not an annoying baby anymore is of course going to make people go, oh, interesting, but that isn't GOOD just because.

The show, so far, is just "better" than the worse years of FoP, but not better than the best years of FoP by a mile.
I still want a cameo with her.
Trixie liking comic books was a trait she had in literally one episode to facilitate the "hobbies shouldn't be so segregated by gender" lesson, she's a stereotypical rich bitch in the other 10,000 episodes
Unironically he's a better successor for Timmy's mc role than Hazel ever was
Yikes, fairies can shapeshift right? I wonder why he has this midlife crisis look
>>Anti Fairies, wanting to have godchildren, and sick of losing the bake-off every year, strike a deal/wager with the fairies; if just ONE Anti-fairy could properly take care a godchild for a whole year, And that proves the anti-fairies should be eligble to be fairy godparents
i do like this premise.

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