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>New season today
>No thread

How hyped are we?
why should i care after all this time
Oh, this shit is still going.
I stopped a few episodes after the timeskip.
Don't even know or care how many seasons ago that was.
Kinda tragic how the writers killed their show.

Even saging this replay so I'm not contributing to any increase in interest
It's funny that we've done this same exact thread for like 3 years in a row now. I hope the show goes on forever despite no one watching it.
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Show was only good for one thing and it got so bad even the porn artists gave up on it.
Another show with potential killed by troon and dyke shit
No torrents up yet.
This show it's excactly like TOH. Good ideas and concepts, mediocre execution and overall mid and unfunny character "development". They even killed the porn making the new designs as unappealing as possible with out making them ugly.
Callum, Viren, Claudia have a good character development. Basically all who matter.
The rest i agree.
Still optimistic about S6. Was it released already?
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>Conspicuous lack of Rayla
Will her tight little ass be featuring at all?
The new season It's.. disappointing. To no one surprise
It was released two hours ago.
I skimmed it because I don't have enough time to watch it now and I gotta wait this evening.
If you want to know Viren and Claudia arc are the better part of the season it seems and Callum is a little being them.
Rayla didn't apologize btw for what she did,Callum apologized more to her for how he treated her when he saw her again the first time.All she did was just say little sorry while smiling when he brought back her disappearing for two years
They cut Claudia's hair. As if I needed more reasons to hate this show.
Still no download/torrent. Soo that's the main reason I'm not hyped.
Other reason is becaus of S4. Even though I liked S5 more than the average viewer it seems. Main reason to watch is Viren, Soren and Claudia in that order.
Pretty good start.
>no download/torrent
There is now.
>How hyped are we?
I unironically liked the early show, but it got so tiresome with muh dilemmic raycism moral bigotry problemma themes that even my normie of a wife (female) dropped it on the first episode post timeskip.
what do the designs look like now? I haven't even watched s4 yet.
Well now I have to watch it over a few days. Not going to binge it all in one sitting.
See you on Monday.
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I don't like that at all so I am just not going to believe you.
Is not that bad as it sounds like but they had the perfect opportunity to have also Rayla really apologize but they didn't.
Their relationship is fixed this season by Callum that wanted to reenact their meeting,which as soon as Rayla hears it she say a quick sorry bout that but Callum shuts her up and say that he didn't want that moment to go like this.
So he say to exit the room,re-enter some seconds later and try to say the same thing that she did in S4.
She say why and then they immediately kiss again
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>Rayla didn't apologize btw for what she did,Callum apologized more to her for how he treated her
I like it so far (Episode 2 was the weakest) but whoever said this season will be longer was lying. It's the same as S4 and 5
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Callum cucks himself out of a proper apology.
Yeah, that sound like our little ryona bitch boy, alright.
But I am happy about it.
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Can't believe that Rayla mother will not come back in favor of the old man that Viren trapped in the coin.I wanted more porn of her
He doesn't even cucks himself.She just say sorry about that and the conversation moves on.
She doesn't try to apologize more or express more why she did it and how that hurt him.
Maybe they wanted to still keep a real apology for season 7 since the plot of Callum asking Rayla to kill him for the greater good is still going but I wouldn't count on it to much
>Maybe they wanted to still keep a real apology for season 7
Didn't working on Avatar teach these idiots not to fucking save your best material for later while filling out in-between seasons with half-steps?!
>Episode 6
>They pretended they've started anew (was Callum's idea) and she didnt apologize again!
>She just said i love you after 2 years of fucking around.

Did they just go the scorched earth with the fans? Can they make Callum even more pathetic and Raylla even more of obvlivious bitch?
>Ezran gets a single scene in the entire season
>Aravos is based
>Virens wife was hot
>Soren is a little bitch
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I don't really remember another about the other seasons but my vague recollection of them makes me happy that this season stops trying to add fifty different fucking new threads when they already had a bunch of things going on. This season really felt like a "oh fuck we have so many plates spinning on sticks we need to stop a few of those" clean up, which yeah it really did need that and I swear they just outright dropped a bunch of things (dragon queen zombie bite solved by mushrooms I guess??) I'm forgetting. I have an episode and a half left so I hope they don't decide to shit the bed with new plot threads and smear it all over the place.
Not at all. By this point I've given up on getting satisfactory answers to questions like "why is dark magic bad but eating animals isn't". The show and its story have caused me to lose interest in the world, its mystery, and most of its characters.

Humans having relatively gigantic schlongs was the best thing to come out of this show and makes me miss old /tg/. How those horny bastards never came up with the idea on their own astounds me.
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I had to stop watching this shit after that otherwise brilliant Viren-focused episode.
>Hey, about that moment...
>Oh right, sorry (said it as if she is sorry for forgetting to close the window and its cold instead of leaving the guy for two years).
>No, no, you dont have to apologize (???). What if we start anew as if you just came back after fucking around for two years?
>Okay. Hi.
>Hi Rayla... I love you!
>I love you two!

Is saying 'i love you' an appropriate first words after leaving your supposedly love of the life for two years?
>40 year old human merc dicking the 3000 year old elf granny
>Can they make Callum even more pathetic and Raylla even more of obvlivious bitch?
I just hope Rayla has sex with the entire royal guard and Callum forgives her.
Overall the only thing this season did better than the previous two was streamling plot lines.
Although even there they've fucked up by wasting to much time on characters like Claudia sitting on their ass for too long. Some plot lines seem to be straight up cut. For example Zubeia plot clearly was meant to mean something more than just her dropping underground and getting mended by the mushroom guy. Callum straight up dropping dad info is a straight up 'No, there is no mystery to get a development' and so on.
Another thing is a tonal whiplash between the scenes.
Episode 6 had Viren describing home violence against his wife in the details, but in the other scenes characters are talking like a kiddy retards for a kiddy retards and cuddling with fluffy pets.
This is just straight up bad level of discrepancy.
Kids would legit be disturbed by Viren's episode, and adults would cringe every few minutes looking at grown ass teens and pushing 20+ guys acting and talking like a clowns in a circus.
This shit is just annoying as fuck.
Overall its better than S4 and S5, but like 6.5/10 at best after 3/10 and 5/10 seasons.
Whoever said its better and as good as S1-3 - jump off the cliff, you are on copium.
>I've given up on getting satisfactory answers to questions like "why is dark magic bad but eating animals isn't"
They finally explained that. Using it even once punches a hole into your soul and fills it with darkness and corruption, and a Great One (special startouch elf that is more like a god than an elf, Aaravos is one of them) can use that to control you at their leisure like a puppet.

Use it multiple times, and your body starts decaying you as the corruption spreads. Which means you need to suck up more magical things to stave off corruption, which accelerates the decline, and means sucking up more and more and so on. Unless it seems, you are one of the Great Ones.

Also Aaravos has been manipulating events to go scorched earth on the world because the other Great One elves are assholes, and turned him into a genocidal/nihilistic dick out to watch the world burn.
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>imagine the sex
Who did he have sex with to create his daughter though.
>Unless it seems, you are one of the Great Ones.
or have a rabbit farm.

Seriously, the problem is solved too easily to be a real inconvenience.
He can control is size so maybe an unicorn?
Since her daughter had only one horn?Or maybe she is an unicorn since they can take different form.
But it wouldn't explain then how the humans killed the unicorns if they were godlike being like the star touched elves
I doubt Viren's mentor is coming back. Seems more likely that Callum wants to use the other coin to trap Aaravos
>no soren
time to kill myself
Finished the season. It's on par with the first three seasons, maybe even surpassed them (people who think otherwise really should rewatch S1 and then compare it to S6). They wrapped up most of the loose plot threads from earlier seasons, and dropped the cringe jokes very early on. I appreciated that
Even a farm will end up with demand outstripping supply. And that doesn't solve the whole "you are the bitch puppet of an elf whenever they please for literally forever" problem.
They have said that he will have a role in season 7 so I think that they will release him.
Then again they keep saying things that they are not true so who knows.
Ehasz hinted that Viren did use time kind in season 5 to talk to his younger self but then that was useless in the end so why they hyped it up?
that was basically his character development
Watched it. The episode with the future timeline shit switching to greyscale was a kino colouring choice. Viren redemption was also kino. Learned his lesson, learned from the mistakes he made, and went out like a champion.
>other Great One elves are assholes
One of the constellations in the heavens has the same name as his daughter, probably not a coincidence, she's dead as a mortal but I bet she lives on in the heavens and he just doesn't know.
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Can't go against the idea of the female headwriter that Callum should be the one to apologize because she wants a relationship where she is forgiven no matter what.
It's the only think that really didn't sit right with me this season.
Just have her actually apologize,everyone would have been happy about it
Uhhh, so i watched it.
>Why did Viren just casually leave Claudia like that? I love you, girl - proceeds to leave broken, legless daughter on the beach to pursue the jail time. Priorities???
>Characters are still talking like a adhd kids
>And yes, there are still some cringe jokes here and there in every episode.
>Callum has completely turned into a cuckold. I wonder did it reflect Ehasz' IRL evolution into a cuck, or writers have some dirt on him to keep him in check.
>Rayla is successful at having more genuine affection for her monkey, Runaan, some captain's journal than for Callum.

Overall i didnt hate it outside Rayllum which continued to be this shows undoing. They were the locomotive of the show, and its hard to take them cuddling and show events through their eyes without the scowl of contempt.
I always assumed that Viren's wife leaving was always just a fakeout and he actually killed her. But no she was just a bitch
>And that doesn't solve the whole "you are the bitch puppet of an elf whenever they please for literally forever" problem.
I'm sure it only happened because viren uses the mirror.
Watching season 4.
Somebody please strangle Terry.
>>No thread
>Rayla didn't apologize btw for what she did
yeah well, dead on arrival
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I spent the whole season hoping that Rayla would apologize.
I enjoyed everything else but why the fuck they still keep having Rayla be a cunt?
She is capable of emotion like feeling bad since she cried with the journal and her parents but with Callum she feel like she is in the right
if i could go back in time id never start watching S4 and leave my good memories about S1-3 unspoiled
also about Terry thing - it will never go away
celestial elves are hot
There's literally no reason why she would have to apologize. She did what she had to.
Wait untill you get to the sunfire camp plot. It's soo bad Terry doesn't seem problematic at all.
Nice to see her in something else for once.
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I think her action are in character but she has to know that she hurt him by leaving since he even say it to her face but she seems to just not care.
I wasn't asking her to apologize for what she did but to do it for what she caused.
She can still think that what she did was right,even tough she did it for nothing, and also feel bad for what Callum was put trough because of it.
A sincere crying apology of "I'm sorry that I hurt you,I leave meant to do it.I just wanted to protect you" or something similar was enough.It would have took not even 5 minutes and made her relationship much better and healthier.
Now Rayllum is just Callum that spent three season forgiving Rayla and realizing he can always trust her while Rayla learnt nothing new and just discovered again the lesson that she understood in season 3,that she can work together with other people's
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I thought they would have been evil.
Kinda a let down that they were not and they really needed the "choose two" plotline?
Standards sure have dropped if this is mid. I would consider it a 2 or 3 out of 10, whereas mid should be a flat 5. >>144666650
She hurt Callum, Callum expressed it, she knows that, she didnt do anything for 3 seasons.
Are you TDP writer? If yes, then fuck you.
>This season shows Rayla did nothing wrong

Welp if Fakeryway continues the DP pron, I know someone who isn't getting Callum penis.
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>this scene from the trailer wasn't in S6
It was not from a trailer but from a site promoting work with Wonderstorm.
It is probably a scene in season 7.
Maybe Rayllum wedding or something with Terry joining the dragang since all those flowers could be from him
I’m going fishing and will binge and discuss when I get home
Only watching for Swain
So what was the whole "The war against the Cosmic Order begins" thing was?


They mentioned them once, in the final episode during Aaravos' backstory, but that's it.
either vagueposting for marketing or some allusion to s7
Probably will be the objective of Aaravos to destroy them in S7 since they killed his daughter.
It is strange that no other character had have knowledge of them.I tonight that Callum would have learned more about this cosmic order on the starscraper but it seems not
They should hire Redon to do marketing for them.
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Was that like, common knowledge that no one shared till now or did the Elves and Dragons do the ethnic cleansing based on accurately judged bad vibes?

It's also pretty funny that after all this time and build up, the answer is satanic panic. Why didn't they just say it from the start?
>they'll be a real apology next season, honest!
Just stop.
Star elves knew. Most elves just think it has bad vibes. Really the Star elves are dicks.
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Yeah no shoots.
This was the response of the female lead writer Devon on the question if what Rayla did to fix her relationship.
>And I dunno. Waiting is an action. Patience is a choice. Accepting friendship is a choice when you want something deeper.
>She was willing to take what he was willing to give her, and never pushed for more until he was ready. There’s a lot of maturity in that to me.
She thinks that Paula doesn't need to apologize
Fucking Paula autocorret from Rayla
>a world without my daughter in it is not worth living in
>okay bro we will be merciful and you can die with her if you don't want to live in it
>also Sol Regem was a FUCKING SNITCH who told everybody that he saw Leola giving humans primal stones
Aaravos did nothing wrong.

>Hey, bro, i came back after 2 years of dumping your ass, ill let you to work through your feelings now and wont pressure you, okay? Am i sorry?! Sorry can be incredibly empty, you know.

Holy shit bros, i didnt know its THAT bad.

So Callum's Dad was Damian and he suffered the trope of cough of death. Huh.
The female mind is something truly astonishing
Rayla really said Save the world, not the girl

I don't think I like this show anymore.
>female lead writer insists female character doesn't need to apologize
Woman moment.
>someone called our her toxic mindset leaking into her writing

kek, at least she is aware of some people hating that shit
I thought that they would have used Callum being possessed or him having done dark magic more in the plot.
It kinda amounted to nothing in the end.
It was just used to switch two pearls and that was it.
At least they finally showed Ezra being in the wrong multiple times.
First with the Sunfire elf plots and the second with his idea to keep the pearl in the castle.
>tfw no cosmic daughter
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So, did you like her new hairstyle?
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They are all aware.
It was the major request to have Rayla apologize.l since season 4 disaster.
They probable were too deep in season production or Devon was just to spiteful to fix this
I legit expected Aaravos to fool Callum, leaving him in the pearl and replacing his mind in his body, or Celestial elves to reveal that pearl is empty and Aaravos is somewhere else after that sleepwalking scene in Ep1.
It being candy was the least fascinating of the options.
I mean, in fairness this does seem like a pretty elvish thing to do.
>"Look, you're upset right now, let me give you your space for a little bit and we'll talk about this later when you've calmed down."
>Casually comes back into your life decades later.
Fucking knife-ears.
The Celestial elves are dicks.
did they remove the heterosexual norms from the show and make it woke or something?
Writers seem not knowing who elves are themselves.
They are like humans when it comes to the basic emotional concepts, but apparently inability to apologize for hurting person is beyond them. Thats stupid writing.
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Drawfags, you are gonna draw her, right? She deserves it.
The sister-elf from those blindfold fuckers is a tranny. Her VA confirmed that on twitter.

an ability*
god i can't wait till the tranny fad blows over in another decade.
If it's not specified in the show, it's not canon. I never even believed the translator elf was non-binary until they used they/them this season.
Raylafags' inability to shut the fuck about the apology needs to be studied. She doesn't have to apologize for anything.
And the show doesn't have to continue :^)
Hello, Devon.
Do you make your bf watch while you're getting raw dogged by the pack of niggers?
It tracks in the show.
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I find that people only say "s/he doesn't have to apologize" in situations where someone absolutely needs to apologize and should have done it a while ago.

>It tracks in the show.
The show would be more interesting if it featured arrogant elves getting blacked. At least then people would want to watch it (including most of you who complain about that sort of thing).
Juvenile writing.
I am once again asking if there have been any good cartoons in the last decade.
I liked Dogs in Space.
Well anon, remember these women are vapid communal fleshlights.
They are unable to understand a stable relationship, or heck, even a toxic relationship. They don't understand relationships at all because they are simply cocksleeves.

Remember, going a bit off topic, Star vs? The woman in charge of the shipping wars for season 2 and 3 went on a rant on Twitter about how her first boyfriend ever, who she got in college, gave her crabs then broke up with her.
Do you think someone that for whatever reason did not manage to get a boyfriend in high school, and that her college boyfriend was so filthy he literally had crabs yet she let him put it in, someone as absolutely bad at relationships, should be put in charge of some teenage "shipping war"? Bitch never even had a teenage relationship lol. But they put her in charge.
And the same thing happened to this show. They hired somebody as a writer, not because of merit or because of personal experience (would not be against hiring a sailor for a sailor show even if he had 0 prior writing experience; you got 5 other writers in the room to compensate that), but only because she had a vagina and nothing else.
A new season and new reason to know Viren is the best character of the show soo big shoes to fill in next season I guess.
Seriously. Viren, Soren and Claudia are THE reasons to watch the show.
And I kinda felt cheated we wont see Raylas true parents get back becaus of some "trolley problem" BS. After all this time and this is the payback?
Then I stick to my headcannon there was incest relationship going on.
why are elves like this
>show is called the Dragon Prince but it's actually 99% about humans and elves
Why would you do this? Imagine if in Avatar it barely featured Aang at all and he was not even really a proper character.
At least Zim has more relevancy than the protagonist king Ezran.
So Viren, the second main bad guy, had only one interaction with Callum, the main protagonist, and it was in season 1.
Find it also funny that Ezran immediatly forgiove the dragon king which killed human's for sport and his mother but not Viren who asked for forgiveness
No i didn't Satan.
It's not the worst thing possible but it's once again that stupid "character development" haircut. Feels like a waste since this show actually seemed to have fun with her and Rayla changing hairstyles, but there's not much you can do with hair that short.
Only the first 3 season was about the Dragon Prince. Zym is what brought the elves and the humans together to fight against a common evil.

They started referring to the show as "Mystery of Aaravos" after S3 for a reason
This is all I want from life.
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I wanted to commission some Rayllum smut art if they got together but I thought that they would have talked about their situation and Rayla would have apologized.
It was too much quick the apology from Rayla and them getting back together,now I don't know if I really want to proceed with it.
Now I don't think even Swain will return to draw Rayla,maybe he will continue to draw Nyx at least
>Viren did nothing wrong
>Aaravos did nothing wrong
This world deserves to burn.
Comic Con panel is happening right now, one of the creators confirmed that Rayla already apologized to Callum off-screen and they are planning either a short story or a comic about it. It just wasn't important enough to include it in the main series
They need to replace the voice actor for Ezran. He just sounds like a woman now despite being older. It's very distracting.
Who ever said this was baiting you since they haven't started still.
They will do a watch party from 7 to 11 pst and the panel will be on Sat from 10:30-11:30 pst
>the scene is following the one where Rayla left Callum outside the ship to check out interiors, and take her time reading the diary, all while her 'love' is stuck outside in cold and darkness.

It's the little details like that that covers s4-6 Rayllym with the thin layer of shit. None of their interactions felt sincere from Rayla side. She either acts without a tact when Callum seems to struggle, or listening to him without much interest, or show more affection towards her monkey pet. I'm seriously considering new writer and show runners a sociopaths or actually them being spiteful towards Rayllum fans. Ship with Rayllum written on it getting burned and sunk was a clear haha look your ship is sinking message.
That's still frustrating in retrospect. Most of the cast including the humans where just per-judging something because it looked gross, and they happened to be right.
>I am a servant
Man they really committed to making Viren's arc about a pleb who learns his place.
Yeah, she's getting blacked.
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Another elf that was conquered by the might of the human cock
6 season. 6 elements.
But wait, the next season will actually be the 7th.

The Book of ____?
Human cock.
I'm surprised how bummed out I realizing that there won't be more of Viren and Aaravos's weird eldritch homoerotic relationship.

It was stupid but also one of the few things this show did that didn't feel by the numbers.
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>How hyped are we?
The only reason I still watch this show so I can appraise the porn more effectively, and it's too early for that.

The only thing that could return the hype is if Soren fucks the dragon mommy.
So it's out. Did Rayla fucking apologize or was that just some bullshit?
>Ezran gets a single scene in the entire season
Now, see, this I'm happy with. To hell with that kid.
If you want an honest reaction, not my usual doompilled nihilist nothing matters west has fallen shit:
Sounds like yet another half-asses as pull from the writers to explain away their many plot holes, only to realise that their newest explanation at best doesn’t explain more than a couple of things and at worst creates new plot holes as people wonder for what reason these abilities weren’t used earlier if the users supposedly had access to them the whole time.
I spit on TDP, ptooey, ptooey.
>Rayla doesn't apologize
Alright fuck it, back to fapping to Swain art of Nyx cucking that cunt Rayla then.
They also said in the first comic wouldn't be needed to read when you watch S4.
Blink and you miss apology
Fuck this shit. That's so goddamn cheap and just so they can say she did apologize in the most technical sense.
What is she supposed to apologize for?
(its been too long since i saw first 4 seasons)
Now i see how Aaravos swallowed the sun Queen lmao
By far the best season to date. It made the season 4 and 5 slop worth it for me. I hope Aaravos kills all the dragons and then the stars while he's at it.
Sol Regem is a snitch
>villains cannot stop being right
They can't keep getting away with it.
>Aaravos is straight
The whole thing where she left?
Aaravos's entire purpose after losing his daughter was to get revenge against the dragons and the cosmic order

Based. Where is the part that shows me he is wrong?
Dead show dead thread.
The part where Humans are bad because uhhhhhhh
Elves and dragons have only acted like bitches throughout the history of Xadia. Every time the elves mess up it's the human who have 'to be better' and make amends while it's THEY who mess up every fucking time.

Basically it's synonymous with Callum and Rayla's relationship funnily enough
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>admits that Callum need to apologize
I accept your concession.
It seems that the only logical conclusion would be for the cosmic order to realize it fucked up and allow humans to practice magic so there's no longer any need for dark magic. However Aaravos will probably spend an eternity in solitude just because.
Because elves aren't capable of admitting to their mistakes :)
Good morning, I hate elves
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Is Amaya still in this show? Haven't watched since end of S2 and she was my favourite part
She is a major character at this point
The worst thing is that this became such a fucking predictable trope. These days nearly every main character that has hair that goes below the waist is met with this fate.
This show feels so scuffed with putting tropes on tropes that they forgot to actually have something fun and original with it.
Imagine if the valar killed gandalf for good for showing the hobits how to make fireworks Hahaha. This show is a fucking fanfic
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Worth resuming for her? I kinda got the impression she was gonna marry her brown elf gf and just become a background character for some reason.
There's a Sunfire elf sideplot going on in season 4 and 5 but the resolution in 6 is worth it. There will be a wedding episode that's baller.
The dykes were so annoying that I was actually rotting for her faggot of a brother to win. I was rotting for all the "bad guys" to win actually
His story doesn't make any sense star-touched elves are immortals that can create a mortal form and if this form is killed the elf returns to the stars align again, thats why Aavaros cant be killed, doesn't that same logic apply to his daughter? that the council just killed her mortal for?
So did Leola have the 'tism?
I think it's very likely that they straight up nuked her constellation out of existence
What the fuck is with the human queens voice acting? It's comically bad all the time
I thought it jarring as well. Like they cast the same voice actress and she tried to sound more mature or some shit.
Shit. No wonder I'm getting sick of Rayllum. It's the human-elf interaction in a microcosm.
Do why did the star touch elves never intervene with Aaravos's plans when they immediately killed a child without batting an eye?
Real answer is it's the same actor and she went through puberty. I say Ezran should go for it, she's like a head taller than him
their just selfish cunts uninterested in mortal affairs besides their hateboner for humans
We spent three seasons having them in a "will they won't they" just to have Rayla do nothing to fix their relationship
No talk with Callum or explanation on her feeling towards him and what she did.
Her character regressed in confrontation with S1-3 since in these seasons she actually talked to Callum:
>In S1 o. The boat where she told about her parents and how these made her feel
>In S2 she expressed to Callum how important she was for him while he was almost dying after doing dark magic
>In S3 all the oasis interaction

In these three new seasons she has no interaction with Callum about her emotions or her actions,she only had them with other people or objects like the diary in the boat.
It is incredibly boring that they resolved this conflict with Callum being the one to forgive her and Rayla the one that did nothing expect just wait and give space.
What was the point to break them up?
This is really the first time I actually saw a female writer sabotage the show for literally no reason,it is absolutely disgusting and it make me furious thinking about this stupid plot and how just a heart to heart with Rayllum or an apology from Rayla would have fixed this relationship way better than it did in the show but they just refused to do it because Devon wanted to live her fantasy of having a doormat boyfriend trough Rayla character.
The solution was so simple and they purposely avoided it even after everyone was asking for it.
Garbage writer,never gonna watch another show with her in it,she ruined the main couple for absolutely no final gain on the show.
Yeah the more I hear about that incompetent idiot Devon, the worse she seems.
It's clear they know they've fucked up but they just can't admit it so they're trying to slink by with the cheapest shit.
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Oh I'm into it.
Does anyone have a link to where Devon says she wanted to fulfill her fantasy through Rayla? I'd like to use that to beat some people down with it.
You guys are the same level of mad every thread, it's inspiring. Personally I'm willing to move on because I like the show again, I don't need to complain anymore, except about why the fuck can Ezran talk to animals...
Lots of these gay guys have kids. Well-dressed kids.
>Claudia is just here to suffer
God fucking dam, it must be hard carrying this entire show on your back like this. Let her be happy with her dumb elf boy-friend.
>Daughter loses an entire leg and murdered a butterfly goblin for you you
>Viren: Alright, by now.
>Daughter has a mental breakdown on the beach.
Come the fuck on Viren, how is this helping?
>Spider-monkey thing
There's too many side-kick characters i nthis show.
Unless they will do something with the key of Aaravos it doesn't serve any plotpoint
>Claudia: I'm leaving you.
>Terry: What? No? Don't leave me! I'd never leave you!
You have two legs and she's literally hobbling away. Just walk to her?
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I think to remember that she wrote something about it on discord but I can't find it.
She talks about it briefly at the 16:00 minute marks in this interview

Then you can see her thoughts on Rayllum and how Callum was supposed to act especially in the Q&A that they did in season 4.
Remember that she is a massive Rayla fag so you can see how she wanted to live her fantasy trough her
I actually liked that part, clearly her being the favorite child was not doing her any favors so he thought he should back it off
Speaking of Gandalf, they made a LotR joke on the first episode this season.
I'll say this, the music was back up to the quality of the first three seasons too, they included a LOTR music sting for that
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Probably will be used to unlock the book of Aaravos that was present in the promo art of this season.
I think that the cube showed on the map how to reach Aaravos old house and they will find the book or something to help them there.
They have said in season two that it is supposed to unlock something of great power so let's see what it will be
I respect Terry for going all in on psycho dark mage pussy. Knows everything is super fucked but just going for it
We already had a thread about it before it came out. It depleted all the hype.
Him backing off isn't an issue, but leaving her alone pretty much is. She's disabled, bloodied and clearly distress. At least wash the blood out of her hair, or walk her to her mother's house before leaving.
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He even healed her back to a fucking cute Yuna from Final Fantasy look, why can't she just be happy bros
Its funny. Despite all the shows flaws, the antagonists are soo well writen in comparison. You start to wonder where the priority was.
Yeah between him and Runaan we're being asked to have a lot of sympathy for some really shitty dads
Viren realized last season being around his kids is the worst for them and he just had his daughter follow in his footsteps and kill his Homunculus sin who Viren still thought of as his kid even if Aaravos made him to be a sacrifice.
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You had to feel for him when he couldn't even confess to make himself feel better
Tbf Dark magic IS really bad shit for you and makes you bitches of cosmic uncaring gods.

A lot of this can easily be read as adults failing the next generations when they need it and making the world pay the price for it, and in Aaravos case radicalizing him when he saw what they did to a child who wanted to make things better.
Yeah this seems like the situation to me. They fuckdd over his daughter so she’s not even alive as a constellation, and we know the only “mercy” they would give Aaravos was the same fate.
my kids stopped watching this show after they saved the dragon egg and that dude came back from the dead in the final episode.

Its funny, even alpha kids (the ones queerbos are trying to convert the most) are sick of all this faggot troon shit.

I've havent heard the words gay, faggot and retard so much since the 90's.

The storm is finally breaking.
Your kids will troon out in ten years time. Count your days.
Unfortunately for the main cast that means the only people who could kill Aaravos probably won't
He’s gonna shove that entire yellow fuck up her cunt.
Aaravos himself doesn’t really see it as “mercy” either and I’d be inclined to agree with him. Whatever they did so she’s not even “alive” in the heavens as a constellation is probably messed up and he knows it.
Don't feed them, for fuck's sake
The fact Luna Tenebris just exiled humanity and didn’t genocide them was probably already her pissing off the uncaring Elf Gods and Sol Regem more than anything. Like I 100% believe she was probably killed for it considering she was immediately followed by Zims dad as the Dragon King who oversaw things for the next 1000 years
>Viren using dark magic as makeup was literally ripping his soul apart even faster.
Honesty that’s hilarious to me, cause the guy had his own little insect farm just to use for dark magic makeup.
nah, i'll throw them off a roof first. ;)
Oh fuck did Aaravos kill her for dicking around with his daughter's pets, the humans?
In this case I’d expect the Sunfire Elves considering they are Sol Regem-stans.

And the two who fought to take her place was an Earth dragon who was indifferent to humanity and Zims dad who liked to flaunt his power to them as his former dragon friend mentioned.
Brutal. Fucking loved it.
Sol Regem is just the biggest douchebag all around wasn't he? He justified his actions by adhering to tradition but in the end he was paranoid and full of hubris.
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I was like "the metaphor of him choosing power over foresight is so obvious" but you know what it was good
I enjoyed Viren not trauma dumping Soren so he wouldn't have to feel guilty about his mother leaving him. Viren has excellent writing.
Yeah like I figured he was going to have a redemption arc after dying, because dying fucks you up in a way that staying the same doesn’t really make sense.
it would be more boring if he came back just the same yeah, otherwise why bother other than the daddyshipping
So Leola gave humans magic. Apparently they were never supposed to have magic and now everything is fucked because of it. But how is it fucked? Is there going to be an elf genocide or will all magic leave the universe?
It's still dumb if nobody outside the Star Elves knew. The rest of them are still hypocrites if they're not vegans. They're just lucky their prejudice was right.
I bet it sets them and elves on the road to understanding star magic, which they definitely don't want
I thought that everybody was at least vegetarian until last season where it was mentioned at the port they ate fish.

I think there is a good point to be made about having one person burden all the bad in the world. Viren did that for Soren but didn't stop Claudia from tainting herself.
In one of the novels they mention that Rayla doesn't even know humans eat meat, but they do.
I'm more interested if they have alcohol, they showed Sunfire Brother and his slut enjoying some.
I don't see any ethical quandary regarding alcohol or drugs for that matter, unless the mushrooms can run, of course.
Fuck that shit. Aaravos totally made the right call on becoming a thorn in the high council's side. He's actually continuing what his daughter started and is keeping her alive that way.
was this show made for incels or what? the story is shit
Good for him! Okay he shouldn't have burned all those people. But still!
The Callum/Rayla story was made for bread-and-butter shippers. Fuck there's an entire episode where they are in-your-face about their ship being "literally frozen in time".

There's the fire elves story that was made for queers but was boring as fuck and doesn't have any actual bearing on anything else.

The Claudia/Terry story is basically how if you're transgender the only way you're getting pussy is if it's crazy murdering pussy.

At least the Aaravos story is actually good.
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>People annihilate your daughter away for no reason whatsoever
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>"As you know, [exposition]"
Lazy writing.
Fuck, Aaravos's change of heart is going to be someone telling him the violence isn't what Leola would've want. Boo.
That was baffling, the show has never had a line of dialogue that awkward before and it's had some awkward ones

Oh I don't think he gets to have a change of heart
Now that isn’t fair. It took Viren awhile including the dark magic mental realm trial for him to realize where he erred as a parent.

Aaravos getting trapped in a place showing how far he’s strayed from what his daughter wanted and why he wanted to avenge her would definitely be a highlight to me, especially as they’ve handled Viren well.
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Despite all the reasons I have to believe otherwise, even women think that girls who expect an apology from their man when it’s an offense they’ve committed is retarded.
I’ve seen the darkest pits of tumblr actually fight against people defending the writers and rayla more in this situation.
As reassuring as this perspective is, let it be known here women in writing and journalism have zero consideration on the well-being of their partner or how their choices affect them.
Viren erred by curing Soren with dark magic? So Viren should've just let Soren slowly die? Viren went wrong in how he treated Soren afterwards and not explaining to his wife it's the only way.
I think anything that causes the visible signs of decay on users like it is can't exactly be good for you. Like long term effects of drug addiction or alcoholism ruining appearance. If it looks like shit and stinks like shit and feels like shit, it's probably shit.

Moon, Sky, Sun, Earth, Ocean, Stars. Dark is the last.
Have you literally not been paying attention? A big part of Virens arc has been how he lost his way and fell into temptation because of his need for validation, to the point in season 3 he wanted to turn Soren into a fire monster and had been pretty unsubtle about not caring if Soren died in the first few seasons. Hell Raylas parents literally tricked him into not killing Zims egg by tempting him with the dragons power.

Ever since coming back the man realized how far he strayed from the person he was and was even wary of the power that tempted him and what lead him down such a road, precisely because of what his daughter is turning into as a result of it.
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>more lesbian queen shit
>less claudia
One of the constellations in the book is called Leola, I bet she is still alive and Aaravos just doesn't know because nobody ever killed him to send him back to the heavens.
Claudia went cuckoo.
does anyone really give a shit about the queen and her mute lapdog? And of course they get a whole wedding episode
Humans getting magic supposedly disrupts the cosmic order and sets the world on a path to chaos.

Ironically, it did. Thanks Aaravos.
I definitely think it would help if her brother wasn’t such a pathetic little bitch who still had supporters. Like he’s such a loser and makes it easy for her to be in the right.
>He's actually continuing what his daughter started and is keeping her alive that way.
As the green haired elf points out, Aaravos casts his actions as born of love but by this point they have long since been twisted into vindictive hate and revenge. A ten thousand year rage against the heavens.

These space elves really, really fucked up though. They kill off a girl for giving humans primal magic (forgetting that HUMANS CAN FORGE A LINK TO ARCANUM ANYWAY). And then her father decides fuck everything he is going to give humans dark magic just so he can get his revenge against their cosmic order as an agent of chaos. For elves supposed to be able to see the future, they really fucked up.

And why don't space elves do anything about Callum getting magic arcanum of his own?
Saving Soren: okay, if dark
Covering your ass by coining your teacher: NOT OKAY
I think Leola is why humans can link to arcanum. She's like the original sin in this world.
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Maybe they she gave them the ability to get the arcanums, and Aaravos gave them dark magic?

Honestly excited to be talking about theories and shit about this show, last two seasons gave us none of that

Why is their pole star named her last wish? Hmmm...
Thank you.

I'm a femanon and I know I'm going to sound a bit unhinged here, but Viren harvesting his wife's tears against her will had rape vibes to me.
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That was definitely intentional. He saved their son but he didn't ask, he just took, and that was what fucked their relationship even more than the dark magic. But once he'd started using it to turn a dude into a coin, stealing tears must've seemed like nothing.

In a much nicer sexy note, they were NOT subtle about how intimately Lujanne and her human man-toy spend their time together.
Leola is known to have given humans primal stones. Forging arcanum links has always been something anyone can do.
Yeah, the coin thing was fucked up. Which I gotta say, I do think Rayla made the wrong choice in only bringing back Runaan unless the other quasar diamond is used to un-coin the mage before Viren.
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I thought not being able to do arcanum shit was the whole point of humans being inferior? Also I still think Callum is only able to do it because he has the key
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It seems very possible that the space elves don't give a shit, they've probably just been happy Aaravos has been stuck in a pearl in a sea of his own tears, he's not popular
So it wasn't all the dragons who screwed over Aaravos at first. It was just Sol Regem who tattled to the Star gods.

So in payback for her death Aaravos murdered Sil Regem's wife, blinded him proxy, gave humans dark magic that destroyed his daughter's primal stone legacy, ensured humans would be set on the path to war with the magical world, probably engineered things to consume all the Star gods in darkness according to the poem, then when the normal elves and dragons finally figured out something was wrong, he proceeded to eat them and ruin their lives, got imprisoned and just used his dark magic loophole to manipulate events from within said prison to free himself and continue getting payback and end the world.

All because Sol Regem snitched.
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Don't snitch, especially on the child of an immortal being FAR more powerful than you, he can possess people and shit
To be honest when they revealed he did something to save their son before this season it definitely read to me like it was even worse than that, like he murdered someone to do it.

The non-con tears meant to make it fit the series being lighthearted a lot more I feel, which I think is a big part of what impacts the heroes for the most part. They aren’t really allowed to suffer and gain introspection for the most part.
so is Aaravos a chad or an incel?
Part way through the first episode. Dark magic really is meth huh? Glad Viren got clean at least. He is way less of a douche now. Claudia is fucked.
The fallen Chad.
Everybody's an incel if they can't leave a sphere for centuries
Yeah, supposedly others before Callum have been able to forge links to arcanum without primal stones. It's just rare because dark magic is so much easier that 99% of humans don't bother to even try, and if they have a primal stone then they don't need to anyway. It's canon that the Jailer from S4 was a human primal mage, for example.
Well, he had a daughter, so that kind of takes incel off the table, but we aren't sure if Leola had a mother or just spawned from magic. The orphan queen seems to be the latter.
There's even a Breaking Bad reference in this season
It also becomes propaganda by proxy as well, because the fact dark magic comes so easier makes it pretty easy to say that no human can use normal magic, which reinforced using magic meth as a replacement.
which one?
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They're not rocks, they're MINERALS
Orphan Queen being Aanya. Just couldn't remember her name.
So how fast do you think Viren would have died if he succeeded at sucking Zim dry of magic?

I assume as a dragon he’d overdose right then and there upon succeeding if he hadn’t fell to his doom.
Callum should dump Rayla. Their relationship is clearly a representation of the modern sexual market place. A beta incel (Callum) finds a girl that is hesitant to commit because she wants to stay on the market while searching for Chad. But Chad never comes (except inside her) and when she realizes she has lost most if not all of her mating market value will she settle for the Callum (the beta) and then harvest his resources while cheating on him with Chad.
Is this show any good for Rayla anymore?
Callum suffers from medias refusal to let characters in relationships enter one and deal with issues that way. This has LONG been a problem and in fact handling things that way can lead to when you do push a relationship between leads make it just not good.

How I Met Your Mother suffered this. The entire story ended up about getting back with the same woman when they had EIGHT SEASONS showing why they just don’t work and kill off the Mother.

Or Star Vs besides its other issues just didn’t earn that Star and Marco entering a relationship and was better off when they undid the magic moon shit that reinforced it as a relationship that doesn’t work between them.
Committing atrocities for a woman = Incel
Committing atrocities for your daughter = Chad
beautifully put. Thank you for this analysis of cuck writing.
The big problem to me is that Rayla is not realizing that her leaving for some years may have been nothing to her for being an elf, but for a human those years were too much, the woman in charge being a bitch and projecting cunt energy and a "woman doesn't need to apologize" is gonna be the absolute undoing of this show, thrown already after a couple of episodes, I'll be back if S7 has anything good but I honestly doubt it.

Really, fucking horrible character, and if you are from the show, thanks for ruining it!
>sea of the outcast is Aaravos' tears
>it's also the crater from where his daughter fell to earth after she died
>the giant bones in the sea are his daughter's bones
>his prison was dumped underwater next to her corpse
Piling insult onto injury there aren't we. I don't even give a shit about Callum and Rayla at this point, I want to see the metaplot of Aaravos getting his revenge against the assholes who fucked him over.
Honestly that was one of the things that really sold Frieren because the less long lived party understood she just doesn’t register time the way they did. So she didn’t think about how she wanted more time with them until they passed away while she was off just exploring for decades.
I think he will just go on vore spree eating any dragon that comes into his path so that he can ascend into the heavens in order to eat the constellations of the startouched elves that killed his daughter. An unsatiable desire for vengeance if you will.
>didn’t even hit the bump limit
So what, no new waifus and no new armpit shots?
>eat the constellations
The poem, anon. He already did.

>Where do the fabled Great Ones hide?
>What secrets have you locked inside?
>From rising Sun to Moonlight’s grace
>I search the Sky for any trace
>Of Starfolk, fabled, fallen, found
>Once everywhere, now none around.
>Is all we are to know of thee
>Consumed by Dark, or cast to Sea?
>So bound to Earth, are we denied
>The touch of Stars? Have our Gods died?
>Where do the fabled Great Ones hide?

Aaravos was cast to sea. The rest? Consumed by dark magic. He already killed them.
I bet they fuck in that weird starscraper tower, even the siblings, but they're all wearing robes so who knows who's hot
Anyone have a Mega link for the new season please?
Based. So what's next? He'll try to revive his daughter or some shit?
this season taught me that there is nothing wrong with dumping a woman for being ugly or fat.
I hate this series for saying Humanity didn't do primal magic because they didn't want it enough.

I hate it so much.
What? Barely anyone knows humanity can tap into the arcanum.
The issue is before s4 we all thought they were missing an actual spark to do magic. Reinforced by Callum only tapping into arcanums after doing the nsfh dark magic.

Now its just they didnt't want it enough to try.
Last human primal mage we heard of is 300 years ago, when Sexy Elfdaddy was imprisoned
Also when all information about Aaravos was magically hidden
This is definitely a plot by the Star Elf world order, turning our glowtoads gay
Sol Regem killed his own wife, presumably after he had been blinded. Quite possible Aaravos manipulated him into it he seems kind of dumb.
Serves him right for being scared about a child
>"Callum you can share this blanket with me I'm literally ovulating right now"
>"Nah I'm good"

My bro Callum is still dealing with the heartbreak, damn. Or maybe he is still just scared of orb mind control.
You're all calling him a cuck but this is it, he's afraid of being possessed and hurting her if she gets closed, that's the real reason he doesn't trust himself or her until this season
Maybe he should be pissed no one but him is taking the possession shit seriously.
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>Never hurt humanity on his quest for revenge, at least not intentionally
>Helped humanity thrive despite being oppressed, saving them from inevitable genocide
>Saved the world from the 'great ones'
>Blew the fuck out of Sol Regem who is widely considered a giant asshole

So how was he the villain again?
It's really fucked up the elves never told them about the candy ball. It made sense not doing it before but it should have been done after
>Never hurt humanity on his quest for revenge, at least not intentionally
No, it was definitely intentional. He could have just taught them more primal magic, he went out of his way to make sure they would be pitted against the elves and dragons.

He's an asshole gone mad with desire for revenge against a bunch of other assholes.
>The dragons imprisoned Aaravos in the husk of his dead daughter
You can't deny that without his intervention humanity would be worse of. They were essentially second or third class citizens. Personally i think Aaravos invented dark magic himself in order to not alert the other startouched elves.
Without his intervention they'd probably still be living in magic land, Leola was the one who gave humans magic. Aaravos just hijacked it for revenge.
You can't seriously suggest that humans, who of the INSTANT of getting a hang of magic are punished, are treated as the elves's equals, do you now?
Does zym talk this season?
No, he howls even.
I'm sure it's somehow still the humans' fault. The writers just haven't quite figured out how yet.
>It turns out the human girl forced Leola to teach her and then snitched on her anyway
That's how
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Who's going to stuff a mushroom down Aaravos's throat to shrink him next season anyway
Leola got punished, not the humans she gave it to. They only got into a war and then exiled after Aaravos gave them dark magic.

>Aaravos has daughter
>daughter teaches humans primal magic
>Sol Regem eavesdrops on daughter, snitches to Elf Gods about it
>daughter is executed
>Aaravos cries for 100 years and makes an ocean
>Aaravos decides to get revenge when he's done crying
>Aaravos spends an unknown amount of time setting things up
>Aaravos gives humans dark magic (easy path)
>humans start using dark magic to eat magical creatures
>Sol Regem finds out, rages
>Sol Regem is blinded
>war ensues, Aaravos fights with Xadia to expel humans because he's using humans as his puppets to engineer his revenge (you see him in the wide pan shots of early season intros)
>Aaravos presumably eats Aditi around this point as well
>new dragon king (Thunder) rises in the war, Sol Regem seethes in his cave
>humans expelled from Xadia, keep using dark magic anyway, Thunder guards the border
>Aaravos' treachery and activities discovered by Xadia through unknown means, so Xadia imprisons him

Fast forward to current time of the series. Namely humans didn't get punished for having magic until they were given dark magic by Aaravos as part of his schemes and Sol Regem found out.
I like how you think ahead anon.
Elarion the human magic city was around for 800+ years before Sol Regem did anything about it. After he burned it down, Luna Tenebris later took over as the dragon king and decided on banishment over annihilation. Avizandum was only the dragon prince during the war, then became the new dragon king centuries after.
I'm coming in with only secondhand knowledge here so forgive my ignorance, but do they elaborate on what the humans were doing between getting taught primal magic by the daughter and then later getting taught dark magic by Aaravos? Did they forget primal magic in the interim or did they collectively abandon it in favor of dark magic when Aaravos came to them?
Dragon/Elf propaganda will say this is fake
Probably going "Geez how long is that giant sexy elf going to weep like a bitch in that crater?"
You just know Sol Regem occasionally flew by Aaravos crying in the crater and had a good chuckle about it
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He who laughs last, Anon, laughs best.
Imagine the regret. Blind for a thousand years, and then you finally see how and why you've suffered.
Abandoned it.

Humans had 800 years of time in Elarion using primal magic, taught to them by Leola. She was executed for it by the startouch elves, but they didn't do anything to stop the humans from using primal magic after that since Elarion existed just fine.

Then one day Aaravos came to Elarion, styling himself as a great sage and granter of wisdom, and gifted one of their mages, Ziard, with a staff and knowledge that led Ziard to dark magic. It was much quicker and easier albeit more consumptive than using the primal magic from primal stones that Leola gave them, and quickly dark magic spread among humans, mostly supplanting primal magic.

Then Sol Regem found out and Elarion was destroyed, starting the war. Aaravos may even have been the one who leaked the information to Xadia that the humans had been killing magical creatures with dark magic. Xadia thus largely believed that "dark magic" was a human invention or that they discovered it on their own, even though it wasn't and they didn't.

Aaravos also saved a few humans from Elarion when it was destroyed, ensuring that the story of Sol Regem's actions would spread to other humans - of a dragon destroying a human city because they dared to use magic. Sol Regem was never more than a convenient dupe.

Then 200 years of humans using more and more dark magic in desperation to fight back against a Xadia now wanting to be rid of them, before the new Dragon King, Luna Tenebris, instead decides to only banish humans to the western half of the continent, and not annihilate them.

But in all the 200 years of chaos, a vast amount of information was lost, including humanity's understanding of arcanum. Not that human mages cared, they were mostly all using dark magic.

700 years after the banishment, a human girl came to Xadia and exposed Aaravos' treachery, leading to his imprisonment. The new dragon king, Thunder, elected to leave humans banished because dark magic.

300 years after that, the series starts.
Snitches get stitches, as they say.
Our minds sure do like putting things into nice round hundreds of numbers, don't they...
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I think no fart jokes in this season is just so they can have full-on vore next season
So the elves were so angry about the humans learning magic that they executed Leola for teaching it to them and then they just... left the human magicians completely to their own devices for centuries?
Pretty much. Though the star elves seemed more angry that one of their own, Leola, had broken the rules to teach them. They didn't do anything about humans after that.
I tried watching the second season and they lost me at the Trans Flowers and Rainy Farts bit. Not gonna try a new season.
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No wonder the dragons are the bad guy.
The one that screw everything up was a Filipino, we should have seen it coming.
araw actually means sun or day
I cannot imagine having even an iota of investment in this series after everything they've done. Complete character assassinations, troons, it's all very depressing and the villains were absolutely right even if they've gotten BAD ENDs.
The King was a spastic nog who'd let his people die over bullshit. Viren was right to overthrow him. The elves hated and killed humans. The dragons oppressed and despised humans. Viren was right to acquire power against them.
Shrimple as that.

This post literally reminded me the time skip happened. LOL. Imagine caring about anything when they're gassing up Rayla despite her doing everything wrong and making Callum beg on his hands and knees for her affection. It's just gross. I'm not against tumultuous relationships and reconciliation but not like that.
When the writers like a character they make them everything they admire and respect. As the favoured characters take on these traits they become cartoonishly evil because the writers are disgusting monsters projecting on to them. In the end you have a narrative where the villains are the heroes treated well and anyone with dignity regardless of their allegiance is made a joke of.
>skim the thread
>I was right about everything
>rayla doubles down
>the villains are the heroes again because the writers are evil and venerate evil in their heroes
Superb. Looks like I don't need to watch the seasons. My imagination had it all covered.
>fuck the entire premise and previously established lore
>it's just because humans are lazy
Lmao. Eat shit elves. This setting is just Dominions for retards and Blood and Astral magic scale best when it comes to late game. Elves are just mad they missed their chance at an early game win with the human genocide.
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I am pleased to present this season's credits collage!
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And I'll post the previous ones in reverse order.
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Good morning!
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Combo breaker!
Also her jammies should have been sexier.
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It was a good season,much better than season 4 and 5 but Rayla actions and characters dragged it down for me.
>She always lashed out when Callum confronts her about something,like when she made him wait hours in the cold because she was reading and made him worry
>She doesn't talk with Callum about their problems
>She act like Callum is overreacting about him being possessed while he was asleep
>Immediately angry when she learns that Callum did dark magic to save her,not even a little shameful or sad that he did for her
>Never try to apologize or fix what she did with Callum
>Immediately accept Callum forgiveness without an ounce of shame or regret
>Callum loving her became even the real truth of his heart.

Which is a shame how they wrote Rayla,all they needed was a talk with Callum or a real apology and everything would have been forgiven
The Rayllum moment that they had togheter were pretty nice but without them really talking about their relationship and without Rayla putting any effort in it they feel void.
She is not the same character that learned to talk with Callum about her feeling's in season 1 to 3, she regressed more and the show treat her as being on the right for how she act.
I always joked that Devon wouldn't make her apologize but it seems I was right,she really drag her character trough the mud just because she didn't want her to say sorry
based, anon, you perfectly articulated my problems with Rayllum this season
>I'll give you guns, but only if you use them against the guys that already have guns and already are at war with you.
>This guy is an asshole because he could've just given them guns with no further conditions!
I mean, anon, those conditions aren't that crazy lol. It's like, I'll give you this glass of water, I know you're thirsty, but I only give it if you drink it! And you'd complain about those conditions.
best season since S3 but not perfect
>sunelf subplot finally went somewhere relevant to the main plot. Wasn't worth the last two seasons of dicking around there but it ended in a good place and hopefully it'll mesh better with the main plot going forward
>Viren and his kids were pretty well written this season
>Aaravos/Starelf stuff was interesting
>Terry was more tolerable this season
>no fart jokes
>overall plot was compelling and had a decent amount of mystery and suspense.
most of the problems besides Raylum were individual scenes rather than big structural issues. Like Ezran's dumb ass walking into an enemy camp with no protection or the orb switch being as predictable as it was.
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I missed her desu.
I hope she return in season 7 and not in some short stories or some dumb shit like that
Made for the biggest most pozzed loads from the hugest BEBECEES.
I know it's a kid's show, but I was hoping for something a bit more bold for the Sol Regem attack.
Why is everybody like "yay, Runaan is back!"? He killed a king, who was the father of Ezran and father figure to Callum most of his life. I wonder how they're going to address this in the next season.
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In a short story Ezran was angry about the act of assassination against his father, so maybe he will be the one to get angry at Ruinaan.
On the other hand he is a confirmed gay hot elf,there is a very high chance that they just don't address this and make everyone happy
That earth elf boyfriend (female) is a major asshole for just going along with Claudia's downward spiral. He's technically the third biggest antagonist.
>Frozen ship is named RAY of iLLUMination
Well, that's it then.
>NTR people are writing the show now
Explains everything
>Viren's wife abandoned her kids instead of taking them with her
Bad mom.
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Kinda hoped they would give Aaravos this design for his backstory to hammer down the fallen Angel trope
Something something seeing your husband's likeness in your children and fleeing most likely.

But ofc it's tdp so no woman has to take any responsibility for their actions.
This is the final chans they can make Ezran a good/likeable character. Kingdom in ashes AND your dads assassin came back from the "dead".
Fuck off with this tranny farting, MC cucking, Fortnite dancing garbage.
>Viren's mom dropping her kids
>Viren dropping Claudia on a beach
>Soren telling Viren to fuck off
>Rayla dindunuffin
>Callum is an ultimate cuckold
>Whole Aaravos, Elves and Sol Regem shit

So many shitty relationships in this show, it makes me think writers are full of shit IRL themselves.
So did Aaravos like... gave birth to Leola?
Yes. Aaravos is canonically a futa now.
The show explained this in S2. She gave Claudia and Soren the option to choose who they want to be with. Soren chose Viren and Lissa told Claudia to stay with her brother.
In your analogy, they already had guns, he gave them nukes only on condition that they used them.
How do you end this in 1 season?
Sadly this doesn't look like it'd manage to shut anyone down when they try and argue the show is back to being good.
>according to the subtitles, Aaravos calls Sol Regem Anak Arow
>This is fairly close to Anak Araw, which translated word for word from tagalog translates to "son/offspring/child Sun"
Couldn't they have just used Tolkien elvish or something?
That's copyrighted. Also it's fine, it's not any worse than using dragons for everything
I guess. I just find it flimsy when writers go "oh we need some non English term to use, let's just use x foreign language".
Did they ever retcon why Viren is so habitually evil?
Meatloaf's most popular song.
Viren from what i gathered was just consumed by his thrist for knowledge and status, however pre episode 1 of the series he managed to keep his tendencies in check. With Harrow out of the way he no longer had anyone to keep his ambition in check, and fueled by his addiction for dark magic he walked down a dark path.

I wouldn't call him evil, just consumed by his own hubris.
I could not give any less of a shit over the gay aunts
I'm glad it seems like their story is mostly over. They'll play a smaller role in the story's conclusion i imagine.
>knows at least two revival spells
>doesn't use either of them to bring his daughter back
Provided that he isn't lying, it feels like the whole daughter thing was just made up to make Aaravos look sympathetic, which I find confusing because if it were a lie then why do the whole "we are startdust" scene at the first episode of the season.
I think Leola didn't just get killed but was straight up removed from existence.
She left a body behind, one that he cried over for a year. But I guess you're right about some kind of soul erasure since the blindfold elves did say that even if you kill Aaravos' kind they just respawn anyway.
Viren Claudia and Soren are really the only things worth watching this garbage for and even then Claudia is unfortunately tied to the fucking hip with Aaravos who's also an absolutely annoying and infuriating character.
It doesn't bother me much but it did stick out. English is my first language but in a fantasy thing I kind of accept that fictional languages can't really make sense one to one all the time, and slotting in real ones won't in a fantasy setting either. In the Stormlight Archive books one dude even specifically uses a Japanese term for parts of his martial arts training. In a fantasy world. I was rolling my eyes at the weeby fagginess.

But then I learned the English terms for them are borrowed from Japanese anyway, so you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

Speaking of talking, at first when they did that silent episode subplot with Terry and Claudia I thought they had just cheaped out on the voice actors but it wound up being pretty effective. Why can't she just stop and be happy...
Okay I barely remember shit why is Aaravos trying to destroy the world when it's the star touched elves (and I the fucking dragon I guess) that slighted him? Like how does destroying the world make things better for him

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