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Thank you OP
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>Surge and Kit are actually good guys now
It's actually over
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Rate the issue.
The conductor FUCKED
Can anyone keep this bumped until tomorrow ?
checking in, Is sonic IDW worth reading now? I haven't been caught up in about 3 or so years.
no watch pariahs video its never been worth reading its not the same as japanese sonic from the classic games
the conductor fucks?
do you think he ever fucked in the train?
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Lanolin is the best
Built for getting fired from the Restoration for incompetence and having to become a prostitute to make ends meet.
Mimic is probably the only IDW introduced character I genuinely like besides maybe Jewel
>when the Babylon Rogues are smarter then most of the cast
I love these birbs man
man, Lanolin has such an inescapable cunt aura
the anger makes more sense if it's him being terrified so much that he's got the biggest threat in the world on his d-list ass
>tangle and whisper are sonics friends
>duh why would sonic do that he must have a reason
>Babylon rogues are his rivals
>if he did this that means clean sweep is the bad guy so we need to get even
Lol the lesbos are so useless
crazy how effortless they are mogged by Wave, Storm and Jet
Sir J???

With a mouth like that, Wave surely can live up to her name!

Holy shit the Rogues actually were smart for once

>Mom is pink
>Dad is dull blue
>Kid is red

Oh dear
All they know how do is be gay.
what did you mean by this
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7 out of 10
It's not gonna save this arc or this comic but it was damn good issue on it's own with some solid pacing and surprisingly balanced the cast well for once. Plus it's nice to see Lanolin get humbled despite acting like she's so damn competent, and hey something happened to Whisper and she didn't cry for once. I just wonder what's gonna happen with Surge and Kit.
Well that was definitely another issue of IDW Sonic that ends way too quickly with too much waiting between issues.
I like learning the knowledge that the conductor dog and his wife had a kid though. That's nice.
In every car
On every seat
>Lanolin gets rekt
That's gonna see a bunch of use
Can we just kick out the crying lesbians and let the Rogues into the not-Freedom Fighters instead?
Wow you're dumb Whisper
Well that's a crappy splash page.
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That's a stupid reason.
Whisper having a panic attack again lol
Why is this comic suddenly bearable after a couple years straight of nothing?
Oh right, because this feels like a Shard story instead of a Sonic one.
A coat AND a hat?
I know exactly who you are talking about
You guys are low-standards as fuck. This was so boring, nothing happened. Not even a real fight scene, just Amy talking to Belle then Whisper bumping into Jet’s board
Just like every issue lmao. IDW is pointless and slow paced
Belle is a southern belle.
Shes a y'all sayer.
No she’s not. She doesn’t have a southern accent in any of her issues
He’s already been dealing with Sonic, Shadow, The Chaotix, Tails, Amy, Rouge, Eggman and the only thing that’s happened is cream let some chao out their cages
So yeah i’m sure he’s absolutely terrified of the tryhard sega mickey mouse for self-inserters
I'm assuming "surj" is supposed to cute nickname for Surge, but it sounds the exact same phonetically when said out loud.
Also the conductor's wife is canonically a MILF. Huh, neat.
Place bets on the real dad
It's Knuckles, I don't think there's any other red characters in this franchise.
Knuckles cuckles the conductor.
Not that I think the sentiment is wrong, but please don't phrase it in a way that's so obviously baiting.
Eat my ass, homo
Does anyone want this fucker around? Like even as a goofy villain you're supposed to hate he kinda blows.
But unlike Sonic, he doesn't cuckle.
Shes all of the wizard of oz characters at once, the cowardly lions tail, dorothy because shes a girl, tin man because shes a robot and the scarecrow because shes a fucking retard
He feels like they’re tryna do Kingpin but he’s not actually allowed to do anything cool. He just tied up belle and fiddled with their extreme gear
Just go back to Eggman and mechas, that’s what you’re allowed to do
It's Evan's pet villain.
Kingpin at least blackmails several superheroes and ruins their lives and also controls a significant portion of the baddies Spidey/Daredevil etc face.
Clutch's big plan is stealing another villains hard work
Damn, so this B-plot ass storyline is seriously being paced like a central focus storyline, huh?
It’s going on for another 4 months lol hope you like it
Yeah lol he’s not a threat, this comic is so boring
why are you so inexplicably assblasted lmao I'm just saying he's not shown anything that he really measures up to the cast besides leeching off Eggman/Restoration left overs and having a gun cane as a crutch, most of the cast should be wasting him like he was the Wrecking Crew popping up in anyone's comic nowadays
The truth is that sonic villains all suck ass
Sonic was never good
Hey, when most males don't wear anything but shoes, a guy in a coat and hat does stand out.
he's certainly good at making mongs seethe at a cartoon hedgehog
I honestly dont hate it but it already feels like this whole comic has lost all momentum.
cunt smell*
so ghetto sotyrtime?
So this is all in service of getting Kit and Surge out of the pool of characters who can initiate much needed conflict in this comic?
I don't feel like this is really moving the comic's overarching story forward in any particular way, if anything this feels like an epilogue/winding down.
I like that. If they put more emphasis on what they think is more important to them, the memories of what they were before their creation or the potential to be a hero, something greater, I will like them
Thats exactly how archie was. Not that this is a sign of sudden turn to mediocre. Just a bump in the road.
They were always good guys. They’re victims. Surge and Kit never did anything wrong.
They’re so fucking gay, holy shit.
He’s better than all the game villains except Eggman. So yeah he should stay around.
Surge turns face while Lanolin turns heel. Seems like a fair exchange.
Surge already utterly failed at being a threat to Sonic and admitted that she will never be a match for him no matter how strong she could possibly get. Might as well give her a happy end.
>Surge already utterly failed at being a threat to Sonic and admitted that she will never be a match for him no matter how strong she could possibly get.
? Source?
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Issue 55
>He’s better than all the game villains except Eggman.
That's not a very high bar... and yet I'm not actually sure he clears it.
Nack works better as a dirty bastard. Heavy King and crew are pretty much blank slates but that already puts him at an advantage over Clutch with his pigeonholed role. Eggman Nega is honestly pretty great. And I don't really see a point in comparing him to independent villains that aren't written as reoccurring, because they really aren't on the table for use. Heavy King only squeezes buy because they established him as reoccurring in the Nack mini.
So that puts Clutch over... Zavok. Wow. Impressive.
>Lanolin turns heel.
Are we say this is happening? Her being a cunt who can't read a room doesn't mean she's a villain.
Victims do not have to be goodguys.
She's not a villain yet, but it's pretty clear that the groundwork is being laid to make sure the readers do not like her. I can clearly see her turning to the dark side by the end of the arc.
>Eggman Nega is honestly pretty great
Really...? He's bottom tier along with mephiles.
>Mephiles bottom tier
Dan Green's fun and you have to at least give him props for being the only villain to actually take out Sonic
To elaborate, by take out I mean kill. Unless there is another villain who did that before I am forgetting.
They've never done a single act of evil though. They only ever lashed out at people who enable their abusers.
>>Mephiles bottom tier
Yes. He's retarded.
>at least give him props for being the only villain to actually take out Sonic
Through a cheap backstab
>Through a cheap backstab
Yeah? He's a villain and got results. He basically won if not for DEM kiss
Through an overly convoluted retarded plan that he did even though he could've won way earlier through various means. If he wanted the world dead, he only needed to wait for elise to die. Which in the future we see, did happen and set it ablaze.
He should've just cut up some onions in front of Elise desu
nothing happened/10 just like usual
>Sur J
he also doesn't pay child support, why else do you think he went back to guarding the master emerald after so many years?
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She got beaten by a crippled Sonic the previous issue and got mindbroken by his arrival.
She's just not a threat to him under any circumstance. Time to move on, she's not a rival to him. She's a new friend.
Yeah, most of the game cast should be like superhuman compared to the average mobian just going by the things everyone can do in them, compared to the normies (Destroy badnkis by smashing their bodies agains them vs having to use wispons to fight) but the comic is wishy washy with that and sometimes acknowledges it and sometimes don't
Evan finally filled the plot hole that Whisper should have proof of Duo acting evil.
Shes going to hero cuck Sonic by solving the problem before he arives
>I'll make a scrimblo faster, stronger and tougher than Sonic!
>Isnt faster
>Isnt stronger
>Inst tougher
Is starline a fuck up?
This guy's so lame
inb4 “uhhh ackshually starline and surge suck on purpose so it’s good”
Weren't they assholes willing to fuck them over just a few issues ago? Hard to take anything in this shit seriously when characters just go from one note to another on a whim. Can't believe people actually cry and get invested in this shit.
I think you're not supposed to like her, but not as a villain. Just as like a crappy coworker you have to deal with.
>Through a cheap backstab
Aren't we literally comparing him to other pieces of shit? This isn't a bad thing by this metric.
The next generation
She also only got that far with a power-up that doesn't exist anymore. I think that's the worst part. Without that you could maybe assume she could get stronger, or get over some insecurity acting as a mental block. But the Dynamo Cage existing pretty much means she has to somehow work her way back up to where she was just to surpass a crippled Sonic. And there's no indication she can even do that under her own power.
Oh! Now that you mention it!

That's clever!
You guys suck, I loved all the character development in this. Surge fully accepting that she is a massive bitch, Lanolin being genuinely angry because of her powerlessness; this is great stuff!
Shes Vegeta.
The cant do anything with Shadow so they made their own Vegeta, thats my speculation.
Shes going to do a Vegeta and just hang around being weaker than Sonic (Goku) and will now and then begrudgingly do some hero stuff.
Question is who were Surge and Kit before becoming cyborgs or whatever?
Probably nobody and we might not ever find out
don't care for clutch whatsoever he's a shit villain and incredibly boring, but this and the last issue have been a bit of a step-up than usual overall at least
She's the opposite of Vegeta though. She's not allowed to actually beat Sonic. Goku has never actually beaten Vegeta.
If I end up being right, like if they ever talk about how they came to design their characters I will laugh
what's with all the lesbians
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This art makes me feel I'm supposed to be getting something out of Clutch that I really am not.
>Hey kids, want a toy of sick Sonic?
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absolute cum dumpster
Hes such a b-tier goon and his plan to findom the Restoration is the most who gives a shit plot I could ever think of.
Evan’s talked about her, she’s designed to be a Huldra that looks like Tinker. She gets the tail from that and she’s a puppet instead of a robot because Evan wanted her to be not like the other robots (even though it makes her useless and lame)
Nuh-uh chud everyone on twitter thinks THE RESTORATION is the coolest most heckin valid community ever
Unlike Nega, Mephiles is one of the most popular Sonic villains.

Anyway, I bet while you shit on Nega and Mephiles, you'd probably praise other recolors like Scourge and Finitevus.
I mean, there's Barry, literaly debuted in the same game. He fucked his boss' wife
Nega is grey scale Eggman and even more evil. Thats it.

The other two you mention at least mixed up their style like hair (Scurge) or seperate people entirely (Flint). Plus Scourge isn't Sonic but gooder.
The way IDW issues feel like nothing happens in them makes me wonder, did Archie Sonic comics have better pacing or were they just longer?

Going on record I stopped reading the Archie comics after the SA1 adaptation and am no longer a fan, but they at least felt like shit actually happened in them. What's IDW's problem?
Sounds like bs, as she is clearly a mouse copying Metal's design.
I feel like it's both. They definitely weren't afraid to blow up a few cities in archie, and goddamn does this comic need that now.
she's clearly a human with a huldra tail. A mouse was considered in beta when designing her but not chosen, that's why she doesn't have whiskers or ears or any mouse feature at all
They could burn the Restoration to the ground, that'd be great to see.
>base character off of magic scandinavian fae creature
>make them the most boring powerless normie in existence with nothing special about them at all, even among the robots they're boring and useless
goddamn Evan, olympic gold medal in shit characters
If it's not LGBT-related then Evan doesn't give it their full effort.
that would handily explain why they're not around for future games (which I assume will be the case cause sonic team and continuity lol)
>she's clearly a human
She has snout. She had mouse ears in early concept, or rather, she was a mouse until they removed the ears. I don't remember any Sonic-OCs having whiskers, but when they're animals you expect to have whiskers on them, they have freckles. Opossums, for example.
she doesn't have any snout, she has a big pink bulbous nose (like Tinker/Eggman)
like you said, they decided not to make her a mouse which is she doesn't have mouse ears
Tails and Big and Dodonpa (Fox and Cat and Raccoon) all have whiskers. Freckles aren't a substitute for whiskers, she just has freckles because tumblrinas love giving their ocs freckles
The comic is being an accompaniment material to the games rather than its own universe. I think that sums up its purpose, quality, whatever people find as "nothing happening" in it.
Super Sonic
>she doesn't have any snout
The peachy/skin colored nose/mouth/cheek area all Sonic characters have. Her nose is contrasting Metal's, more than anything. Her hat is also forming similar outline to Metal's top headspike.

All of her features are ofcourse also mouse features, as her mouse design is the exact same with ears hidden.
None of her features are mouse features, you've yet to provide any comparison how any of her features are things mice have. Belle doesn't have whiskers, or a mouse tail, or mouse ears.
Tails and Whisper both have snouts, Belle does not, just a basic face.
I was actually interested in discussing Belle's design without feeding shitposting.
How would you actually do a Huldra?
Fairy Tale creature living in the woods, like Q or Bombadil, magic trickster kind of thing
I have no idea why some of these characters exist. Like, is the endgame supposed to be the Diamond Cutters vs Clean Sweep? Jewel is a nobody, Lanolin exists so that Whisper doesn't have to beat some discipline into Tangle, Surge and Kit are floundering and Belle apparently is an actual fridge-tier attaché to Eggman.

I get it's just a bunch of cooks throwing their fandom slop in a bowl because that's what IDW wants and what fans will buy. But if the writer's room has more going on behind all that thick skin than the average Youtuber or doujin circle, there's got to be some kind of vision they're working towards or it'll just exsanguinate itself over time.
The problem is that someone, somewhere, wants to have all of the characters present all at the same time, when that just doesn't work. Think about those One Piece panels where EVERYONE has to react to what happens, and how much it slows down the story. It's stupid. If it were just "Sonic, Lanolin, Whisper, and Tangle on an adventure" where only a handful of bad guys show up, it would be a tight story. If it were "Sonic and the Babylon Rogues are forced to cooperate because Fang and his hired hooligans are out stealing seriously important goods", we'd have a tighter story. If it were "Surge and Kit are reluctantly forced to work with Sonic and Tails to find their true identities, but Eggman keeps trying to prevent them finding out (and there's a tragic twist at the end)", then we'd have a tighter story.

This is a comic book, not fucking Smash Ultimate. Give characters time to breathe. Not everyone needs to be here all the time.
Archie arcs were usually pretty short. A lot of them were 1-2 issues or even just part of an issue with another story in the same issue. At most they were around 3-4 issues. Ian did tend to make longer arcs and even wanted some to be even longer. But 4 issues for a story is the sweet spot for Sonic Universe and that's seen by many as the best of Archie Sonic.
out of everything, why that for the comic toy?
I think there's already Whisper and Tangle toys of some kind. Maybe some stuff for Surge. Waifu characters aside, Metal Virus is the peak of IDW. The real question is why did it take so long? They could've had dozens of infected versions of characters long ago.
So when Belle got her arm burned in the forest fire she was metal underneath, right?
So why the wood?
Is she mostly metal with a wooden facade or is she mostly wood with some metal components underneath?
Metal frame with wood around it
I think you're probably right, like a metal skeleton frame and then mostly wood on top of it.
In that case I do wonder how similar her and metal sonic are in design, you know, as robots.
>Metal Virus is the peak of IDW
Peak of shit, yeah.
It really does gatekeep the series. If you can binge the Metal Virus without quitting, nothing else in the series is going to be trouble for you.
I have my issues with it but it's the last time the comic feels like a proper Sonic comic. Everything after it is bland and mediocre.
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>this story is so thoroughly uninterested in its own concept they needed to make up a dodgeball side event so they all stay in the same place
Why even fucking bother with Riders stuff when you're just going to pull this shit? I would've been down for a regular stadalone dodgeball issue, but now neither are getting much attention with this godawful B plot in the way. This comic is so deathly allergic of engaging with the premises it sets up.

This arc should've been a fun Wacky Races homage, and they couldn't even do that bare minimum.
is Surge seriously a le redeemed good guy or is she scheming something no i havent read anything
Right now she is working with clutch to do something evil coming soon.
Where is that from ?
I read that as "HEY THERE FAGS"
And to think this whole thing with Clutch is lasting till at least issue 74. Three more issues of this. Maybe more.
It’s going till 75 >>144672210
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When i heard of the story at first i wuz excited because “oh boy Tails and Wave gonna be rivals again and Sonic and Jet are gonna race and maybe Amy and Storm will fight”. Yaknow…like Riders.
Instead we get one panel of Surge the Donutsteel doing vaguely Riders-related stuff, Amy and Tails just stand around talking to everybody’s favourite character Belle, then the rest of the issue is Tangle and Whisper sitting in their room and hugging on the verge of tears
The New Riverdale Archie comics, it's in one of the first few issues IIRC. They're okay for what they are.
Case in point:
>only 2 pages of Amy and Tails (standing around listening to Belle’s backstory)
>at least 6 pages of the lesbian squad giving eachother therapy
>double sized
Maybe it'll feel like a regular sized issue.
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Exactly what >>144674756 said. A cool Riders story ruined because they HAD to make it all about Surge and Tangle and Whisper and Lanolin and Clutch and Jewel and fucking BELLE of all things
Execute all the lesbian OCs immediately, please and thank you
It's the very antithesis of a Sonic story, what the fuck are you smoking?! It's angsty melodramatic trash where everyone acts like a complete moron just for the plot to even function. Sonic decides he wants to fix up and spare Metal Sonic, depsite literally doing the opposite every single encounter before. Eggman is a sadistic, cruel monster that prioritizes anarchy over flashy spectacle. Do I even need to bring up Shadow here? Because that shit was indefensible no matter where you stand.

Nothing is set up, things just happen for the sake of it. They kill off characters expecting the audience to care for characters who only had a handful of appearances. They drag out the Deadly Fucking Six because apparently it wasn't enough of a bloated corpse of an arc. It's a slow, plodding mess that ate up nearly half of this comic's run so far, only for it to end on "Sonic turned Super and saved the day or whatever". Which only begs the question of why even waste so much time when the resolution was so flaccid?

It's a fucking mess that killed this comic before it even have a chance. You can tell everyone behind that arc deeply regretted writing it because they've spent every issue since walking back on it.
Personally, I've never liked any of the rogue rivarlies besides Sonic and Jets.
Nobody cares.
Now that I think about it, that's probably one of the reasons Scrapnik was praised so much. It was a tight story that had the restraint to only focus on Sonic, Tails, and Mecha. Even if people say they want to see everyone, deep down they must know that this cast bloat is a problem.

Cared enough to reply.
I have a shitty defence for the shadow thing. He was made immune to all diseases, maybe, supossidley. So he may have abandoned caution thinking a virus wont do shit to him.
The real reason is the writers cant do shit with him but know people want to see him.
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>Cared enough to reply.
Just enough for that.
Shadow fans hate metal virus because their husbando wasn't a flawless stu who gets W's constantly like in trash like 06. but they'll never admit it.
Care to prove a link to a youtuber that shares those opinions? From what I've seen most sonictubers suck off IDW any chance they get, despite most never even reading them.
It's autism of some kind and that's in addition to the usual autism one must have to be part of this fandom.
Scrapnik is praised because meme character came back and said the line. That's it.
It's just weird how Shadow was chastising Sonic for being reckless by letting Tinker live, only to get a lobotomy midway though and recklessly act against the virus. It's peak plot-first writing.

I don't even care for Shadow much, I just think he was done dirty like everyone else in that arc. IMO Team Chaotix got it the worst.
They did? I thought they had some damn great moments through it. Charmy not really, he was the first victim. Vector twice when he captured Charmy and showed he cares about him then next when he held back the flood. Espio when he had his fight against Zazz showing off his unique ninja skills then had that manga-esque moment where he said Vector and Charmy are there with him in spirit helping him to do it
Anon this shit's only a day old, I've hated this arc for ages now. You can't say I've got my opinions from a youtuber when you can check the archives for similar ramblings that go on for months.

Though I will say, it's cool you brought an actual link, I'll have to watch this later.
He didn’t even say the line right, lol. He was just inneffectually chasing some tiny toy robots in tophats about a room because they pooped on his computer when he says it. Then Sonic just effortlessly heals his broken leg and btfos him in the next page.
Espio is the only one who got a 1v1 and he won it
I just thought it was stupid how everyone just allowed Vector in with Zombie Charmy inti their base, like that wasn't going to blow up in their face. And Espio was one of the few people willing to call Sonic out on his shit, only for the story to act like HE was in the wrong for it. Though I did forget Espio had his moment to shine with the D6, that's my bad. That part of the arc was so bad in general I guess I just sort of suppressed it entirely.
It didn't matter that Shadow lost, what mattered is how he lost. He could have taken off his inhibitor rings and still be overwhelmed to demonstrate the threat of the virus.
She was scheming to blow up Sonic’s treehouse or something but on the way she started getting praised as a hero and it made her genuinely happy.
This was terrible and pointless. Comparing apples to oranges.

Weird notions on what Sonic is without considering what Sonic has been the past 10 years, especially when recent and coming up stuff is by the IDW comic writers.
The fact Shadow dared to not actually be a perfect person is what shadow fans actually hate. How dare he be arrogant about thinking his genetics would protect him.
Honestly I'm not a fan of that idea either, because that only cheapens the one good moment of Sonic 06. Ian proposed that idea originally, but was turned down probably for that very reason.

Really had the comic took the time to set things up before they decided to go headfirst into an arc like this, they could've easily written Shadow out temporarily so that him existing would be an issue. Shadow being there only highlights how flimsy that arc is on a structural level. This arc should've happened around issue 50-60, not 10.
I agree this arc was too soon
>because that only cheapens the one good moment of Sonic 06
Hot take. It wasn't that good. The power up was a complete ass pull not hinted once before in the story at all.
Over an hour to go through the emotions how action comic is not aesop's fable.
A nice issue as a whole.

I was expecting they'd wait one more issue to figure that's Sonic after the Mimic shit.

It's funny that pretty much everyone who know Sonic EXCEPT for Lanolin correctly assumes there's a villain around. The sheep will have a slow breakdown...
Tails and Wave annoying eachother with badly chosen dishware would be a better action comic than this
I care less about it being an asspull and more about it representing Shadow's characrer arc being complete. It's a cool moment in a thematic sense, it shows how he's officially moved on from his past and is going to protect the future regardless of what it holds.

I agree it's still not all that great even with that context, but in general I'm tired of Ian taking surface level callbacks without understanding what made them resonate with the audience to begin with. Shadow taking off his rings wouldn't have made that arc better, it would've just made the moment it's referencing worse.
>designed to be Sonic's replacement
>unintentionally replaces sonic
>can't handle it

I love her.
What moral would it teach to the children?
…yeah, because she feels guilty? It’s not that she can’t handle it, it’s because she was a villain for a while for contrived reasons
Sonic was never good
We've already seen Sonic Forces.
Animals with beaks can’t drink out of bowls, and Black Africans could not invent the wheel
>Eggman is a sadistic, cruel monster that prioritizes anarchy over flashy spectacle.
He really doesn’t. Eggman’s goal was just to take control of the planet in Metal Virus, like it is in every Sonic game. He didn’t create the virus with the express goal to destroy everything, just like he didn’t intend for Dark Gaia or Gerald to threaten the world. Things just kind of escalated beyond his intention. Even at his most non-threatening in Sonic Colors he still wants to mind control the entire planet like in Metal Virus.
Honestly he is just so sure of his genius that his not being able to control the virus just isnt a problem because in his mind he'll just figure it out later, no problem
I thought that panel was from Power Rangers. I thought it was from a story where Bulk and Skull were trying to get jobs
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>He didn’t create the virus with the express goal to destroy everything,
He absolutely did, and took explicit pleasure in the pain that he was causing. Eggman is dangerous as a villain because he's apathetic, not sadistic. He doesn't CARE about anything outside his goals. He's not going to sit around and lick the tears of the critters he's imprisoned, he's too busy building shit for that. But Metal Virus Eggman just has him act like he did in the Archie comics, where the torture and cruelty was the point due to being an omnicidal robot. It's not even being subtle about it, Eggman nuking the town that raised him as Tinker is so wildly OOC it just feels jarring.
>Even at his most non-threatening in Sonic Colors he still wants to mind control the entire planet like in Metal Virus.
And that is where tone and execution are paramount. Sure, he decided to make a mind control ray, but the whole point was that it was a woefully inefficient idea that wasn't going to work to begin with. Sonic is saving the Wisps so they won't be subject to a half baked scheme, the actual mind control device is a complete afterthought that just isn't taken seriously. The Metal Virus is taken seriously, to the point where it's actively draining to read about. You don't get that sense of fun from Sonic foiling Eggman's plan, you just want it to be over with.

TL:DR: The vibes were all off there.
>Surge and Kit have already been redeemed
Lol. Lmao. Thanks Evan. I looooove it when we get redeemed villain number 1002
>wanting stories to have actual themes and points to them instead of being shameless rehashes and references to itself is bad
Shiggy diggy doo.
>the whole point was that it was a woefully inefficient idea that wasn't going to work to begin with
Not him, but that was never actually the point in Colors at all. The plan WOULD have worked; that's why Sonic and Tails even bother stopping Eggman at all. They're not saving the Wisps because Eggman's scheme is so half-baked and embarassing; they're saving them because they know Eggman will use their energy to conquer the world if they don't. Eggman mind controls Tails and literally the only reason Tails gets free is because Eggman wasn't finished gathering energy for his mind control beam. Colors has jokes in it, but that doesn't make it Sonic Boom. Eggman is still treated as a credible threat, especially before and during the final boss fight.
That's because SEGA neutered him, everything has to be prim and corporate friendly, no actual changes, that would make it less accessible, make it toddler friendly even though literally zero children actually read sonic comics.
>Sonic was always bad, you need to write it as MLP episode
Literally where was that even implied? Most Sonic stories have an underlying theme to them, that's why IDW feels so hollow in comparison.
lol no they don't
Yeah, they do, you just don't pay attention to them. Like, the storybook games are the most blatant example of this, they don'teven try to hide the themes there. Secret Rings is literally about escaping a toxic relationship while Black Knight is accepting inevitability.

Meanwhile you have IDW where the closest thing to a theme in these comics is "don't meet your heroes", which is so painfully cynical to take from Sonic of all things that it's clearly not even intentional.
they don't, an exception is not the rule. The games are all about a cerealbox mascot jumping on toy robots.
Even the pretentious storybook games don't have an "underlying theme", Sonic just says a faggy instagram quote at the end that 13 year olds think is deep and has nothing to do with most of the entire story beforehand (getting isekaiied to fantasyland with your chillidawg, getting a talking sword from a magic Amy then swordfighting a shadow man and your rivals in cosplay) because the bad guy revealed at the very end they have a motive that's to do with it. Not that the story goes any way to prove that "message", because there is no message and no discussion, just an empty platittude spoken by a soulless corporate toy.

your idea of an underlying message to the story is Sonic turning his head to look at the viewer in the final act of Metal Virus and saying "Racism is bad, brosephski"
>the only 2 fairy tale games with no gameplay had fairy tale stories.
So this is how you'll save Sonic.
more like he smirks, picks up a flower, sniffs it, rubs his snotty nose with one finger, stares into the horizon with a super serious expression like in Sonic X, then "Racism is bad"
Then also every other character has to cheer and clap for him and tell him how wise he is, including the bad guy who 5 seconds ago was racist and not offers no counterargument, like in Sonic X
Does Lanolin share the room with this guy?
this kids is what we like to call a pretentious faggot, you'll see them often in Sonic threads advertising how much said character and franchise really rustles their jimmies
trust the plan, Starline will come back and mind control them back into obedience
She’s fucking him. That’s the best explanation for why she’s so absurdly defensive over his actions.
I only pointed out the Storybooks because they're the most overt, but if this is the takeaway you have from this conversation you have a very shallow view on media in general.

>Sonic Adventure was about various different character arcs culminating in facing their issues upfront, instead of sealing them away like with Chaos
>Sonic Heroes is basic bitch "power of friendship" shit, but it was still SOMETHING
>SA2 and Shadow are both about not letting your past dictate your future
>Sonic Unleashed was about showing how there's good in all parts of the world, and how it's all worth fighting for
And so on. I'm not going to sit and here and pretend like any of these are deep or particularly insightful, but what I am saying is that these themes are a part of why people care about Sonic stories to begin with. Without any sort of point you end up with IDW, an aimless mess that can't figure out how to make anything compelling enough to be worth reading.
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cant believe we have an unironic case of somebody getting their opinion from internet rando and deciding to come here to shit the thread with that. just lol.
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>watch video
>he has the most praise towards the Metal Virus, the thing the original post was vehemently against
I agree, Sonic is a pretentious faggot character
Is someone stupid enough to argue that IDW comics don't have "themes"?
see that's not even a well thought comeback that's just lazy, you are a lazy person
Care to name them then? I'll gladly hear what's the actual point to any of these comics are, I'm all ears here.
As opposed to yourself, a pretentious, intellectually stunted manchild
Not meant as a comeback either, Sonic is genuinely a pretentious character made for adult-children like yourself. That’s why you’re so upset when people point that fact out.
and then a 40 year old unwashed autistic chris-chan lookalike feels this badly copy pasted instagram quote is super meaningful and deep because he/xir has never read an adult book in their life (and lacks the reading age to do so)
so somehow bumbles their way onto the LatestNews tv channel to speak about how serious le heckin Sonic the Hedgehog is to thousands of people pitying how cringy and autistic this 40 year old virgin is
Not a random hypothetical btw, this literally happened lol
I'm not upset i'm just confused why you'd waste your time advertising you hate Sonic and reply to yourself a few times just repeating your points? it's very sad
Honestly what does he think he's gonna do to sonic? everyone has caught on to him and he has left tons of damning evidence. It's already over he fumbled a easy W.

Also for the raging page he calls out he's really brought in a big one with sonic being involved. Like really though he never should have kicked him from the races to begin with it just led them on the goose chase that has given them more and more allies and evidence.
>if it's him being terrified so much that he's got the biggest threat in the world on his d-list ass

Ok this made me kek harder than I thought
It was just ok didn't feel too strongly about it
Pretty funny thing to make toys out of
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I don't know what market is profitable that does not appeal to developmental issues of some sort.
Relaying on others, accepting help from others, listening others to support them. Very prevalent, front and center in the IDW run. Friendship, but also belonging and being part of community. For example, Mimic and Whisper are both about relaying only on yourself. About every character explores these "themes".
You don't want a beak anywhere near your cock
odd stuff

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