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This is objectively the most perfect movie that exists. It has not a single flaw
BTW, none of the newer covers they've done are as good as the original. I don't know why they think they need to reinvent the wheel every time they go to home video.
>It has not a single flaw
not enough panty shots

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Holy shit I completely forgot about this but I had this on VHS as a kid and loved it. Seeing this cover just brought so many memories flooding back
I really like the Diamond Dolls song, but the others are good, too.
I totally didn’t get the Charlie’s Angels reference at the time
Even when she's copping a goofy face, Jeanette is best girl.
This was unironically my favorite movie when I was 4.
Some of the facial expressions in this movie are just great.
You know it, Anon.

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no shots of the chipettes bare feet
stupid sexy jeanette.
I don't have many screencaps of the boys, but that makes sense: The Chipettes get more scenes, their scenes are longer, and frankly they are better.

Also, the boys spend most of their screen time bare-chested, wearing loin cloths. Posting endless caps of that would be... weird.
Face of an asshole.
>Face of an asshole.
Brittany always made sure two could play at that game.
Well, I'm up waaaay too late and the sun is up. Time to make a getaway...
As weird as the girls not even being barefoot?
Fucking europeans, man.
As a kid, it made me think I could just go around and enter other countries whenever I wanted and without a passport
Is that true? The girls actually get more screentime? Weird.
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They don't make em like this anymore
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Imagine the Chipettes wearing loincloths instead, that will be so funny haha
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Or, just in case they don't want females displaying their nipples, have them wear a small bandeau.

this entire segment with this song was basically a "I wanna fuck you" song. hence the title "gettin' lucky" and why she holds that mic like she suckin a fat dick. they knew what they were doing with this movie
>Not s single flaw
There wasn't a scene where the Chipettes get raped by fat/buff ugly adult men.
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oops been a while since I seen this movie. she holds the snakes tail like a mic, and also holds it like she gonna suck it like a fat cock
>Is that true? The girls actually get more screentime? Weird.
It could be that it only feels that way, but the girls' scenes are definitely better.

-The boys get an opening scene with Dave leaving on a trip.
-The boys and girls share the scene that starts the adventure.
-The boys then have a scene with them conning Miss Miller so they can leave, which is kind of fun.
-The two groups share the scene where they are given their missions and leave in the balloons.
-The girls have a brief scene of them crashed on a beach, with their clothes and hair so messed up it's basically a costume change.
-The boys get a well-animated but IMO lackluster musical number in Mexico. This scene only comes in a handful of seconds shorter than the subsequent scene with the girls, but it feels shorter, even though it's less interesting. The boys exchange the MacGuffin dolls and dance in a local fiesta, while...
-The girls get an extended scuba diving scene, with a costume change and life-threatening action. Jeanette pulls a knife!
-The girls and boys share a musical travel montage, but the girls feel like they're the main focus. The boys' scenes are mostly without incident and, in some of the locales, the focus is on the atmosphere (Carnival dancers), not the boys. In Rio, we only see the boys as they fly away. They go past a pretty waterfall and look out over the mountains at night, but the focus is scenery, except for a mild running gag about Theo never getting his hands on food. They're also shown in Venice on a gondola. The girls swap dolls in an operational lighthouse, Jeanette gets caught on the sail of a moving windmill, they get winter outfits to swap dolls on a moving ski lift, they have a "sub-montage" of them taking photos with locals in various countries, wearing different outfits in nearly every one.

The song that plays over the montage is good but, with all the "helium" voices, it feels like the Chipettes are the ones singing it, even though the boys are, too.
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I'll stop with the more detailed descriptions, since those were probably too spoilery already. I'd spoiler tag them, but half the time I use spoilers, here, they don't work.

The kids all share the Athens scene, but some might contend the girls, with their outfits that aren't color-coded sacks, and the fact that the song is The GIRLS of Rock 'n' Roll, come off better, here.

The Chipettes have the harem scene with the snakes, and a scene in the arctic, both with costume changes AND chase scenes, AND one song and dance number, with another tearjerker song afterward... while the boys have the jungle scene where they FINALLY end up in something other than color-coded turtlenecks, but it's loin cloths that they're stuck in for the rest of the movie. The boys get (probably) their best boys-only song in the movie, Wooly Bully.

The girls and boys all end up sharing the rest of the movie, with the Chipettes singing the (IMO awesome) song Diamond Dolls, which plays over the climax.

I don't have the time, right now, to clock every scene and see who got more screen time, but the girls' scenes were more interesting to me, and they get more songs and locales. The "antagonists" also seem more dangerous and active in the girls' scenes.

Boys' Songs
I, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yi/Cuanto le Gusta
Wooly Bully

Girls' Songs
Getting Lucky
My Mother
Diamond Dolls

Shared Songs
Off to See the World (but it feels like the Chipettes own this one)
The Girls of Rock 'n' Roll

There's a lot of "in my opinion' here, but I feel like it's practically the girls' movie. I don't have a problem with that, since they're just as entertaining, Brittany tends to be less of a bitch than Alvin is a scheming, grandstanding twat (though it's minimized here), and Jeanette is forever best girl.

>she holds the snakes tail like a mic, and also holds it like she gonna suck it like a fat cock

Well, she's imitating Elvis, hence the curled lip, but I'm sure anyone can read into it what they want.
Never seen these
>Never seen these
Unless I saw them in a store, back in the day, and passed right by them without noticing, I've only ever seen them via image search.

I DO own an Arby's Chipmunks glass that I haven't seen in years, but I think it's Alvin (my brother probably got Simon, since he wore glasses from the age of 2). I doubt I have the Chipettes glass, which is a damned shame, since that would have been awesome.
The boys was supposed to have another scene in Russia, but get cut.
Looking at how other countries are depicted, I always wondered how accurate it is. Like how animators would make anywhere in New Mexico look like death valley with tall cactuses not native to the area, the 80s and 90s were filled with stereotypes that makes it seem like everyone there is from the 1890s version of that place. Like people in Mexico were walking around with panchos and sombreros in the 90s. I'm sure they were in use but there's been a global mass media t-shirt and shorts culture for longer than the last 30 years.
>Like people in Mexico were walking around with panchos and sombreros in the 90s.
In this movie, the Mexicans are wearing a variety of clothing, though some of it would likely be considered more "traditional" garb. That can be explained away, though, by the fact that the Chipmunks landed somewhere that was having an annual festival. They kind of do a fake-out where some "bandito" types, wearing bandoleers, ride by, shooting pistols in the air, but it turns out to be part of the festivities, not Mexican stereotypes anachronistically appearing in modern day. Also, no piss-yellow filter on the "Camera," and the scenery is lush and green.

A lot of the locales the kids visit, during the montages, are only seen for a handful of seconds, so you could really only recognize them by their architecture (Arc de Triomphe in Paris, windmills in the Netherlands, et cetera) or what the people are wearing; in those cases, out of necessity, the outfits do tend toward the traditional (e.g. Coldstream guards in England).

>Brittany always made sure two could play at that game.
To expand on my earlier comment: Brittany, when she's just with her sisters, is a spotlight-seeking ham, who tries to run the show and has a hard time admitting when she's wrong.

Alvin is all of that, on top of being a schemer, who doesn't always take other people's wants/feelings into consideration.

When Brittany is around Alvin, however, their attempts to take charge, steal the glory for themselves, and inability to admit fault are exacerbated, as their similar personalities/shortcomings clash.

Alvin is, in general, a more annoying asshole than Brittany, but when they're together they are both terrible. When they both decide to work on a harebrained scheme together, all you can do is feel sorry for their siblings.

The exceptions are the rare occasions when they're both trying to do the right thing, and actually manage to behave tolerably.
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I still think it's funny that Irma Langenstein's normal outfit is basically Jeanette Miller cosplay.
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we all know why you like this movie anon
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Never have seen the Simon turnaround model...
Any of y'all read the batshit insane Pilleater article about this movie?

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>ugly bastard management
>jk idol turned prostitute
same exact energy
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>Any of y'all read the batshit insane Pilleater article about this movie?
I think that clown must have taken a few pills too many. "Batshit insane" doesn't begin to cover it.

With articles like that, and posts like >>144676727, I think what Yoda said to Luke about the cave on Dagoba is very relevant.

Luke: What's in there?
Yoda: Only what you take with you.
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unlike pilleater, i'm not accusing the studio of doing that intentionally. but the energy is there.
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>but the energy is there.
In a photo the girls took of themselves with the wait staff of a restaurant? What is present in that picture, other than the imagery and the context, is your imagination and only your imagination.
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i knew I was straight as early as I remember but Jeanette made me the straightest male ever lived. She is still the cutest female ive ever laid eyes on
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or similarity to other images that i can't post on a blue board.
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It's a lot better than you'd expect.
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Not that it matters but I'm surprised it got such good reviews. I could have sworn it was pretty much dismissed when it was released.

I'd put it up there with Transformers, GI Joe and rainbow brite full length movies
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>Not that it matters
Facts! Fuck that site.

>>but I'm surprised it got such good reviews.
Also correct. That is a pleasant surprise.
Alvin and the chick munks
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It's pretty great
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>This is objectively the most perfect movie that exists. It has not a single flaw
OP here, accidentally posted the wrong movie. Here's the one I meant to post.
>It has not a single flaw
Dogshit writing / storyline
I seriously want to see this again. I rented it a lot as a kid. I don't think it's streaming anywhere. Wonder what's up with that.
Okay, that just looks wrong.
What's right with her face?
Just look at the fucking background detail in this.
And for the characters, look at how almost every screencap is a winner, regarding character design, face expressions, timing, movement, the animation oozes personality. It must have cost a ton to animate, I wonder if it flopped at the box office?
Really nicely animated, should watch it just for that, the story is a bit of "turn your brain off" levels of writing.

Yeah, she looks so stupid there.
Why do the adults in this and the chipmunk cartoons looked so weird?
>I wonder if it flopped at the box office?
Sadly, it did. It made it back on home video sales, though, as far as I know.

I don't know what the production budget was, but they spent 15 million on marketing, and the movie didn't even make 7 back.

>Why do the adults in this and the chipmunk cartoons looked so weird?
I don't know about the regular cartoons (it's been a long time) but, in this movie, Dave retains his relatively simple design, but I feel like the others are a mix of wanting their ethnicity to stand out, and just going the extra mile.
So why did it? Was it up against stiff competition?
>but they spent 15 million on marketing, and the movie didn't even make 7 back.
And that was in late 1980s dollars, damn.
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What's worse is that you're right
Overly sassy 2D chipettes > Lobotomized jukebox 3D chipettes.
is that the one where alvin and the chimpunks are inadvertently smuggling diamonds around the world in hot air balloons
looks kino
>So why did it? Was it up against stiff competition?
Hmm. I'm not seeing any listed theories.
Beverly Hills Cop II released that week, and Earnest Goes to Camp the same day.

Next week, Harry and The Hendersons came out, and we went to see it. The Untouchables came out that same day, too.

Predator, Roxanne, and The Witches of Eastwick came out the week after that... but that was nearly a month later.

Still, back then, a movie could stay in theaters forever if it did well enough. and Chipmunks was probably getting clobbered for an entire month by a combination of killer rated R flicks for the adults, and reasonably popular children's movies.An actual month later, Dragnet and Spaceballs came out on the same day. July was chock-full of good stuff for kids and adults.

Another thing to consider is that some families didn't see movies that often. If your family already took you to see G.I. Joe: The Movie the month before, took you to see Earnest that weekend, or had promised to take you to Harry and The Hendersons the following week, that may have blown your chance to see the Chipmunks.

My family didn't go to see movies that often, but I know we went to see the rerelease of The Aristocats in April, Harry and The Hendersons and Dragnet in June, Superman IV and The Living Daylights in July... I'm not surprised we skipped May (we caught Spaceballs and Roxanne on VHS, and I think my parents saw RoboCop and The Untouchables, without us kids) .

While it was an entire month later, I can't stress how big July was. For kids, you had Adventures in Babysitting, The Brave Little Toaster, and the rerelease of Snow White.

For mixed audiences, there was The Lost Boys, Innerspace, Superman IV, and The Living Daylights.

For teens, adults, and children with overly permissive parents, there was RoboCop, Full Metal Jacket, Revenge of The Nerds II, La Bamba...

I believe Maid to Order was popular, too.

And another shitty Jaws sequel, if people were curious enough.
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>>144682407 (You)

Beverly Hills Cop II was the third highest-grossing movie that year, in the U.S. box office, and it came out two days before The Chipmunk Adventure. Earnest, which came out the same day as TCA, made 23.5 million off a 3.5 million budget, with 6.2 of that being in the opening weekend.

The Untouchables, The Secret of My Success, and The Witches of Eastwick were also in the top ten highest-grossing U.S. films, and had release dates that could, conceivably, have put them up against the Chipmunks, in some markets.

It's wild when you look at lists of 80s movies, especially the mid-80s. There were years where blockbusters seemed to pop up constantly. It wasn't too hard for a movie to get completely curb-stomped by the competition.

I'm always seeing retrospectives about great movies that didn't do well in theaters, and when someone inevitably asks what happened, the other person will say, "Well, that was the weekend that X came out." and it's some monster hit that just steamrolled anything else in its path.

Explorers was a cool movie, and I was lucky enough to see it in the theater. It didn't do well, though. You see, it released on July 12th, 1985... 9 days after a little movie called Back to the Future hit the big screen, 2 days after Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, and a week before Day of the Dead and a rerelease of E.T. came out.

Cocoon, Return to Oz, and Pale Rider coming out at the end of the previous month probably didn't help, either.

Those other July movies probably also helped kill Disney's The Black Cauldron, which came out on July 24th.
Can someone do the chipettes in 1961 art style?
everytime i see alvin and the chipmunks im reminded of that one vid where he sings a racist alabama song
This was a fa movie growing up. I rewatched the tape many times.
>irma langenstein
Irma, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Specifically the one who worked at Channel 6, in the 1980s cartoon.

They have virtually the same default outfit, in the same colors, with the same color glasses, the same default hairstyle, with dark hair.
Also back then most towns and small cities only had regular movie theaters with two screens or even just one! That is if they had a theater, there werent that many multiplexes back then.

Here in mexicali mexico for example, i think we only got a MultiCinemas after 1994, later renamed Cinepolis a few years later. We only had 3 small cinemas with only 2 screens each, so they will alternate movies often, and the oldest one that dated back from the 50s was later closed down to make it into a fucking Elektra Super Store.

And immn tge early 2000s that shit died too, the 2nd Cinema Gemelos was killed in the the late 00s to turn it into a restaurant then Casino, and the third one from the mall called "Plaza Cachanilla" does soom afterwards.

Oh but we also got a CineMex which i remember being taken to see a fucking shitty mexican movie, and it was called Zapata, and boy howdy it was fucking bad.
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Overrated as fuck and kinda creepy (which I'm fine with, roll in the random spread legs, pantyshots and harem scenes). Also the songs are awful, all of them.
>Also back then most towns and small cities only had regular movie theaters with two screens or even just one!
That's an excellent point!
When E.T. originally came out, my city only had a single, one-screen, theater. It wasn't until between 1983-1985 that a mall was built here, that had a multi-screen theater in it (I might have seen Rescuers there, I'm almost positive that's where I saw Gremlins, and I definitely saw Back to The Future there, thus the time-frame).

If your town had a one-screen theater, the owners could only pick a handful of movies, and show them at different times of day. Maybe one or two children's movies to switch between, as matinees, and one or two adult movies to show at night.

If a particular movie wasn't doing well, or the theater owner assumed it would flop, they might kill it early in its run, or not have it at their theater at all.

Technically, my city also had another single-screen theater, but it was owned and run by the local university (college, back then), and they only played old films. It was an old-fashioned theater with a biiiig screen and a stage, with a curtain in front of it; and outside was a big, three-sided, marquee, surrounded with light bulbs, which sat over an external ticket booth.

Today, the old theater I saw E.T. at is long gone, the theater the university owned was demolished to make way for something else, and the dying mall with the multi-screen theater was also demolished, to build a new, big box, grocery store.

So, now, my city has NO theaters. If you want to see something on the big screen, you have to go out of town. I really miss that mall, since the matinees were a measly $3.50, right up until covid fucked everything.
My local collage also has one of those, there's also a stage too, but probably not as big, only now its rarely even used outside of presentations, really bad polynesian shows done by americans, and art presentations, hell they switched to digital in the 2000s using video and DVD because owning and running film prints and projectors was a pain.
And can you honestly say you blame him?
Man that so sad to hear, speaking off matiness and older movies, how was the experiemce, did they showed older movies that didny get mainstream rereleasesand such.

I would kill to see a 35mm movie projection from a NON SHOT DIGITALLY film, even if its a bad movie, the last two films that i saw in 35mm were Toy Story 3 and Dark Knight Rises, afterwards during the first Avengers film they switxhed to DCPs already.
The mall only showed current, mainstream, movies... and rereleases of old stuff, like when Disney would put one of their old animated films back out.

The college showed mostly old, classic, films. Later in the theater's life, though, they would sometimes show movies that had already been out a while or had left regular theaters. Our city was neither big enough, nor cosmopolitan enough, to run art-house stuff, or anything like that.
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Favorite thing about this film is that the reason it was so well animated was because there was so many cheap animators at the time.
Because of Black Culdron of all things.
Bunch of world class Disney animators got sacked when that film bombed and many of them found work on this.
And boy, does it show!

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