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Do we need to go back to calling these "autism threads" or "cringe threads"?
No? I'll settle for catching someone's ctrl+F
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The ideal waifu
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Behold a classic
>everyone else is going all in on the shitposting
>the lola bunny "cosplayer" is basically just doing bikini-cosplay
this feels in character
I found this less cringe knowing this is from a shitpost Mexican youtuber named Memo Aponte. He's like a soft core version of filthy frank. Still pretty funny too
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this pasta is so fucking stale and moldy i can't believe it gets reposted
>so hot
They knew.
That's not even the full story, he actually was a very famous VA that worked on many Disney movies/shows, but retired due to health issues. Later it was revealed that he groomed multiple girls during his career and now does these shitpost cosplay videos to make people forget about it.
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Autism is someone's focused and superfluous interest in something. Cringe is just creepy weird shit that is painful to look at.
both can be funny
I'm not saying they're not just that there is semantically a difference
>Later it was revealed that he groomed multiple girls during his career

>he still believes in reports of sex pervertry in the modern world no questions asked
yeah, and cringe can be bad and unfunny, like half the catalog rn is cringey but i wouldn't say it's funny cringe, just depressing
an autism can also be impressive as hell not just weird or failed, like pic rel is peak autism but it's the great kind of autism

also there's faggots trying to mimic 'ironic autism' like tamers and those people who draw a buncha characters in front of the tv reacting to some world event and it's 100% of the time a shitty attempt at artificial comedy that only works when it's earnest

"weird shit" probably best encapsulates only the most interesting of all those categories while filtering out the slag
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She actually found people calling her art autistic and got pretty upset
I hope she knows we say it as a compliment, but I'm also guessing she came across a buncha normies actually saying it as an insult because they consider anything abnormal to be "ick"
>also there's faggots trying to mimic 'ironic autism' like tamers and those people who draw a buncha characters in front of the tv reacting to some world event
Glad I'm not the only one who hates that shit

Also stuff like Mr. Boop and all the Kelly clones including the one unfunny dog guy with the giraffe gf idk his name, which was all over /co/ back in the day and was never ever entertaining because it's just trying to mimic something earnest and in the case of the latter, trying to mimic something that's already a parody of a parody of a parody of a pardofy of a style of comic that only exists hyperbolically in someone's head

I never liked Tails Gets Trolled but I'm willing to give that one a pass because it actually feels like a parody of many real things and is trying to tell jokes in and of itself, not just constant "gee aren't I being LE WEIRD (I-I'm not really weird tho guys p-please I'm just pretending) HAHA I'M NOT PRETENDING!"
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those comics suck so hard
he's trying to "satirize" a style of "boomer comic" that basically doesn't exist, and only ever gets made as an existing satire of such comics
so basically he's like a guy who bases all his opinions on something off of the Saturday Night Live skit based off of it
then he takes his actual opinions, goes "what if i wrote the opposite but pretended to be a guy you're not supposed to like and said them le iroooooonically" and write out the thing we're supposed to disagree with, it all feels like a cowardly way to air out your actual beliefs in the exact same style of comic you claim to mock, but with a big, slick, slimey layer of "jk jk /not srs no-take-back-sies.... unleeeeess?? haha jk jk... but unleeeeesssss??" all over it, it's annoying as shit

i'm sure if you held a gun to the creator's head and demanded he explain ANY of his jokes without wading through the viscous pool of dogshit disconnected 'irony' he still wouldn't be able to tell ya
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Should add that fetish art with /co/ is neither weird nor cringe just pathetic and attention seeking
eh it depends what kinda fetish art, either way it should be treated like any other art
some fetish art is still funny enough to post, but if the joke is purely "haha look mediocre female character ass" then yeah i'm not laffin
What are some examples you would call funny? Half the time it's anons showing off their le quirky fetishes.
not that

seriously just think of what would make any other pic funny or weird or mention worthy, and apply the same logic to fetish pics
if the ONLY thing that's supposedly worthy of mentioning about it is that it's fetish, then it's not worth mentioning

another aspect is that not everything weird IS fetish
people will look at anything and go "fetish? this fetish? it has to be fetish, i don't understand it so clearly it's fetish"
not everything is a sexual fetish sometimes it's just weird is all

smurf torture guy was weird but i don't think it's fetish stuff
>someone jerked off to this
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I do not understand.
Every day I am grateful god blessed me to not be a furfag. He didn't stop me from being 5 other flavors of fetishist, but he didn't let me become a furry. Them fuckers always have the most abstract shit as fetishes.
i actually hate how when i wanna find something super specific of a fetish i like, even if it's not at all insane or fucked up, just like, a particular style of depicting an otherwise quite mild fetish, i end up finding so much furry stuff and sometimes even looking at furry stuff because they'll draw practically anything
Reminds me of the flattening fetish which has been popular lately with furries
This is funny to look at and they're having a good time. We should be so happy.

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