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Today we'll be showing you what happens when you get a writer who straight up despises a comic series and its fans to write a miniseries featuring the characters of that series. Get ready for lots of meta bullshit.

This is Dark Crisis: Young Justice.
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There it is
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who was this even for
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I wonder how this even got the greenlight in the first place
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>Pretend like Cissie didn't quit of her own volition because she was sick of being a superhero and was afraid she'd murder someone
>Ignore Anita's whole existence because lol what's a black girl?
>Pretend like Cassie wasn't voted team leader because it's more important to whine about sexism
>Everything nerds like is toxic and problematic even if I have to wildly misrepresent the past to prove it.
Without even looking it up you can tell this was written by a white woman.
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Thank you for tuning in for this storytime of pain. Join us tomorrow as we tackle on another bad comic together.
>when you get a writer who straight up despises a comic series and its fans
Speculation, or the writer actually stated this?
He’s not wrong though.
It becomes really evident when you read the comic
Especially the part about how the members of Young Justice are often shoved aside or killed off and forgotten. Oh, hut he's whining about the minorities, so that makes him beyond redeemable.
Why he have no chin
smallest massive titties ever done.
he's drawn like that to infer something...
Did they just censor Tim using the n-word?
Well, DC strawmen being right is a brand staple.
People who read YJ back in the day and now hate themselves.
I didn’t care for good Empress erasure.
Superboy Prime?
Reminder that even the zoomers on comic twitter fucking hated this
But that's me and I still hate this.
No, Jon Kent
Adult gay Jon.
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Where's the lie?
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This is anti-life to make you miserable.

Otherwise, it is somehow supposed to be for people who remember the first YJ run and somehow still in comics and like and want to defend shitting DEI OCs.
Bump to read soon
Wew, didn't see this coming, but I should have.
Wong book. That was from the only good thing in the event.
Thanks anon
Considering how she shits on the PAD run any chance she got in the book I would say she more than likely hates it. It’d be really fucked up if this how she treats a series and characters she actually likes
she was so salty for this, you could just tell.
This page looks awful
>colorists gives the girls bare legs
>on a page that doesn't show their full legs

goddamnit. At least they're wearing miniskirts.
bedtime bump
Supper girl?
That one Superboy Prime comic was the last big two comic I ever bought. This page right here is a constant reminder why that is. They really did hand all my heroes over to people who vehemently hate me for my opinions and would giggle openly if I were to wind up penniless and homeless in the street.
She did the queer Tim Drake comic solo.
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Ah, so she's a war criminal.
Empress wasn't a villain you fucking cunt
>Back then Tim didn't realize he was actually into that manly statue
Then why is he fucking a twink rn?

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