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>draw a white woman
>call her latina
left is actually cuter. Right looks like a very generic interchangeable porn OC. Look how inexpressive her face is compared to the left version.
Consider right with the left's face and skin color
The girl on the left is hotter. That type of mean girl Mexican girl, woo. Her vaping in that one frame takes me back. Her names probably Maria, and she probably is forced to go to Mass each week.
>>draw a white woman
>>call her latina
>Latin Americans get mad when you portray them as they actually are and not as their fantasy idealized version of themselves
Every time, most deluded cultural group on the planet.
>"Oye primos!"
>Drawn with a threatening look
So did they just like, never figure out that the title is a nod to the fact the main character is an American girl of Hispanic heritage that struggles with Spanish because it's not her native tongue? Do they really feel threatened by a grammatical error?
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The latinx media industry is notorious for mostly using white or white-passing actors since its inception. Even now a majority of Latin American and South American countries will identify themselves as several shades whiter than the actually are.
When you see memes like this, pity them. They so desperately wish for the left to be the case when the right's closer to reality.
>Good design is when cartoon agrees with my political opinions
Ok anon
I remember they did some study a few years ago where they asked people from all over the world to identify their skin color, and basically everywhere got it within a single shade off except for Latin America. They consistently went two or even three shade lighter with the bizarre exception of Paraguay, which went like 2 shades darker for some reason.
Given they're also where the phrase "mejorar de la raza" originated it's not too surprising, the racial and sexual politics of countries like that are fascinating.
>Paraguay, which went like 2 shades darker for some reason
They have any strong indigenous nationalist groups? Could be something like them trying to reject their colonial past and embrace another aspect of their bastard heritage.
Sam Francis debunked latina fetishization from a WN perspective like 40 years ago thoughbeit. Also yeah, most of them do look and act like the left one here and they usually look worse
White supremacy is a helluva drug

Meanwhile white women are out here tanning and going overboard with lip injections
I can understand putting Theodora and Marcella here but who in their right fucking mind put that loli here and thought
>hmmm yeah that will make a compelling argument for why Mexican cartoon girls are hot!!!
I really like the design on the left tho
Paraguay is because their national identity is heavily predicated on being descendants of the Guarani people. Surprised that Bolivia and Peru don't have similar results honestly.
Mexicans ain't exactly known for being that discerning when it comes to age, not because they can't but because they don't want to kek.
you will never be a white
The Loli, long story.

She is based on a character that had brief appearances on the live Action Chavo show.
White Latinos exist, dumbass. Plenty are so white they're pink, and sunburn easy.
Also she is suppose to be the pretty girl in the show.
And they all look upon you with disgust, Paco. No matter how much you simp for them, they will never respect you as an equal.
Yeah. White Latinos exist. The biggest boxer in the world right now is a white passing Mexican.
meanwhile latinxs actually look like the right.
So the "latina" accepts getting deported?
>>both hate israel
We get it, we hate slightly different flavors of yourselves because they aren't catholic and don't feel the need to beat their kids into submission.
Basically maddie from euphoria
>draw a latina woman
>call her white
why do you think nazis moved to south america into hide from paying for their crimes?
most of them went to the us
>haha we're the jew-hating descendants of nazis!
>gets triggered when their mongrel origin is revealed
Truly the fuhrer's finest
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now thats accurate latino representation.
Left is better in terms of design, though worse in terms of artstyle. Right's too white for me to care. I know white Latinas exist, but that's not my experience with them, the overwhelming majority being some flavor of brown mestiza, so it doesn't really hook me into buying they're Latina.
Right seems only Latina in name; you could've told me she was from Poland or France or something and I'd've believed you, just going off her appearance. Only thing right's got going for her are the amazing tits.
How can you debunk a fetish?
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>Cheeto hands
>That Modelo beer

How did cheetos go from being a neckbeard food to a mean girl staple?
Because a lot of latinos basically are.
The continent of South America is mutt central.
nys but public schools near Latino communities
latino here
so, latino is synonim of mexican?
What I'm getting is that spics become really offended when you portray them accurately. Noted.
Enough black people have fooled the world into thinking they were white that I'm beginning to think most people have a really exaggerated idea of what non-whites look like.
All this talk about latinos who look white, but I wish there was more representation for latinos who look asian. That’s more common than you’d think
Precisely, if it's enough to piss off a mexican, you've obviously struck a very sensitive nerve.
They usually are in my experience, at least the ones that are legal. Illegal ones are when they start looking like the lost valley people lol. But yeah as another anon said they are mixed as hell so you could get black, tan, white orange whatever.
The definition of a Mexican virgin is a girl who can outrun her dad.
Feels weirdly inconsistent as one is cartoon and other isn't even anime feels like some realism manwha chick.

I do think yes, actual latinos are usually pretty based or at least not the sweet babies the cali latins portray them as. All my best art bros are SA or eastern, because they are some of the chilliest and most based degenerates I know. While I've seen art servers and communities I was partially apart of from the US rip each other apart for the smallest bs. Remember one art friend group I was lurking in went down hill because a 22 year old dated a 18 year freshman at his college and it divided the whole server. In closing US artist are weird and hyper sensitive and controlling moralfags.
Yes, but they socially engineered it so portraying them accurately is the "woke" butthurt position. Very clever
Get you an artist who can draw both
Left looks like a character that could pass for Zokie of Planet Ruby.
The people who draw this kind of art have never gotten laid in their lives, nor do they have opinions about israel.
an uncomfortable truth.
The girl with the orange dress is really not that different from characters in Primos.
Seems like reaching when all they're really saying is that they want shows like Villainous where every girl is fucking hot.
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>white passing
Canelo is like blinding white.
These both fucking suck.
Loud House OC or generic porn character trying to emulate anime. You see this shit all over webtoon.
How creative.

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This is my favorite Latino depiction.
Duh. Latino means brown skinned Spanish speaker. We don't give a shit if you're Indian or white, we think of all of you as brown because those are the ones who sneak in and aren't bright enough to learn conversational English. We both know that Mexico is like America and Canada and the whites are on top but so many think of you as a nation of hook nosed short Indians.
>>dyke haircuts
Finish your fucking comic book Adam
The true latina, forget yellowfever. Need to normalize.......uhhhhh hmmm I mean not brown or black, desertfever orangefever???? never heard of what the latina version of it. But yeah slowly it's becoming more like their are only 2 races of girls worth dating on average.
>mexican celebrity is white
This ain't the own you think it is
The curse of ham is one that weighs heavy upon their hearts.
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>They so desperately wish for the left to be the case when the right's closer to reality.
>Implying that latinos are actually ugly irl
average whitecuck l
You will never be white no matter how hard you try. You deserve that X as much as you deserve an L
Left is better because she doesn’t have those disgusting feet
PLEASE I need a source on the one on the right. I require it
Asians were glorifying white skin before contact with euros
Latino refers to Latin Americans, basically anyone in a majority Spanish speaking country in North or South America.
Chicano refers to Americans of Latino descent. Who may or may not speak Spanish.
Hispanic is all Spanish speakers, technically even Anglo Saxons who know the language.
Latinx is a slur.
latino is anyone of latin descend in the americas which includes brazilians AND quebecois
you know they ask you on job applications if you're hispanic even if you say you're white, right? You have applied for a job before, right?
They seethe because they know everyone is turning to anime instead of watching Cal Arts slop, so they're only option left is trying to shame but that only works on the liberal cucks you find in North America & Europe
you rang?
Long toes aren't a figment of footfag imagination.
The left one has actual personality, the right one looks like she is Nick Fuentes's beard who does it for pay.
I wanna be dommed by the girl on the left
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Where are all those people who say mexicans want to see mexicans on screen? They always go silent in these threads weird.
Does tradwife=mom? Is the desire for one just an oedipal complex?
>make a white woman
>call her latina

>make an asian woman
>call her latina
Lots of Latinas have a similar face to the drawing on the right I don't know what you're on about, i think you might be retarded
>gringos revert to obvious lies and caveman tier arguments
you people are so fucking stupid it's insane
She is quite obviously mestiza. I can’t explain it, but I think it’s the nose
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>meanwhile, in reality
Who's the artist behind this anyways?
>Tax fraud is a obligation
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It's a promo for The Sigmas, an indie comic book
They’re all short, obese and brown here in California
it’s the fat wide face, it’s the Aztec phenotype
Left is hotter

I mean, it looks alright. I'm a bit apprehensive around Kickstarter projects considering how many of them seem to fail, but this one seems okay. Hopefully everything goes well.
>The Sigmas
I'm assuming the whole point of this thread was to shill but man this thing looks like ass and the SEO is terrible. I had to dive into twitter to find this shit.

It looks like a bad Meet n Fuck spinoff
White is a color, not an identity.
Hispanics are hispanics regardless if they're white because we didn't make illegal the mixing marriage and genetics can turn your skin between white or black depending of RNG.
Do you live only in the worst parts of LA or what?
These days the white Mexicans are hard to point out from white crowds
I think they're equally attractive
That's pretty much how it is before the goblina genes take over
A footfag drew this, didn't they? God, they're so disgusting.

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