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It's F-R-I-DAY!
It's the best day of the week! Except for every other day!
Friday is the peak!
OP is a F-A-G!
They are the biggest FAG of the board! Except for every other poster!
OP is abhorred!
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too wordy/10
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Jesus FUCK keep it down you brat, it's barely past 8 am here. Let me get my coffee first, at LEAST
Why do people always bitch and moan whenever I make this thread? You don't have to respond if you don't like it.
Not your blog faggot, your show was a failure
Why for whatever reason in the 9 realms would you admit you've been samefagging
What would Molly's reaction be if she was told love will tear us apart (again)?
One of the pains of growing up is that Friday doesn't mean anything to me anymore. It's just another bullshit day. I wish I could be young again and feel the feelings I had on Friday afternoons getting off the bus.
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>click on webm
>immediately get blasted with watered down cringe to the point it's milquetoast nothingburger
Who is meant to be the audience for this show?
It isn't a failure to me.
Because this is fun and I enjoy doing this and watching the reactions.
nobody, that's why it flopped and promptly was forgotten.
Because you are a homo and should kill yourself
>Molly quotes a Joe Biden tweet near-verbatim while defeating the villain in the dramatic season finale
Can’t make this shit up
It's all he has lol, this and the unbridled spam
chill out
>a Joe Biden tweet
do what now
you are mad.
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t. can't handle the unbridled truths
This is now a Libby thread.
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You're a failure!
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when she screamed
before killing the Chairman
>last thing you see before you get stepped on
Before Scratch killed the chairman*
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mmmmm glad to hear it molly. see ya over on /pw/
You have 3 new brown quirky girl shows to shill, get over it
>never the girl
>never drew a dime
>never had a good episode before late season 1 and even then was carried by vastly superior characters
>never had a full song
>never put anyone over
>never had the balls to meet Scratch even when the writers threw millions at her
>main evented the lowest viewed episode of Season 1
>main evented the lowest viewed episode of Season 2
>tanked the ratings of Season 2 so hard the show got cancelled
>was never in the intro at all because she was never a big enough deal
>only the third best tgamm theme song takeover
>only the fifth best disney influencer character of the 2020s
>her company "Davenport's" was utterly BTFO by Bizmart and achieved nothing notable besides inflicting Alina on us
>her catchphrases are cringeworthy
>her jingle is cringeworthy
>unironically calls herself "AWN-DREE-UH"
>shit taste in women
>shit hair dye
>failed at becoming a Ghost Friend so badly she was reduced to a background cameo in the series finale which actually drew dimes
>only significant achievement was paying off Molly's mortgage
>drew so poorly in Season 2 that Ollie of all people had to take the spotlight off her
>spent the latter part of the show being buried by browner talent
>is the Disney channel equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre rich girl character whose sole narrative """""""achievement"""""" is getting redeemed in her second appearance
>the biggest impact she had on the channel was talking about how bloody her periods are
She would start having epileptic seizures
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sometimes, life pulls the rug out from under us, fandreas. and sometimes, it happens again and again, so many times that you don't feel like getting up anymore because you know pain is an inevitability.

in prison if you're on death's row, they offer you a last meal, yes even if its a friday! but you have to wonder who has the stomach to eat anything, knowing anything you wolf down to continue your survival on this mortal plane will only end up hellishly electrocuted within the confines of your tummy.

which instinct will triumph, fandreas? will you purchase our famous davenport's casserole to enjoy with your family- or more than likely, alone? or will you find your appetite is long gone under the realization death is on his way to your door? it doesn't matter if its days, weeks, or months away. you have to know what comes next. so what's it gonna be, fandreas? can you stomach another meal?
>Hnng... who keeps sending waterfall gifs to my phone?!
Andrea, are you okay?
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i'm okay with accepting the inevitable consequences of my refusal to participate in a world where i'm not at the top. i have one more last ditch effort to avoid homelessness and live frivolously- if that doesn't work out, i'm not going to settle for a shitty little apartment and wageslaving. i won't survive the streets, but that's okay, i've become disillusioned with any sort of life where i'm not a famous diva or living comfortably with minimal effort.

all i've wanted was to document my story, and i've done that. nothing lasts forever. whatever happens, i love you, my dedicated fandreas~<3
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If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here.
Don't hurt yourself, Andrea, we love you.
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In a funnier, alternate timeline Pete and Sharon don't get their home back and they wind up moving into Brighton's local trailer park. Molly then goes on crazy adventures with a bunch of mildly-racist redneck ghosts.
I don't get being excited for Friday, you still have to do shit on Friday. I'd be more excited for Saturday
And Sharon isnt even able to get on Gigpig and hangs around the park for “gigs”.
I'd convert to their religion if Leah was my wife and libby was my daughterwife
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Do you think Molly and Pete ever..? They seem like the two to do so
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thank u fandrea. <3 i hope someday i can find my forever home...
I hope you do too, and I hope you don't have to do anything you don't want to.
And by that I mean degrading or demeaning yourself in any way.
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Holy based
>What's going on in here Anon-
uhhh nothing is going on right Ollie?
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AWWWW! We have our own little schizo now!
Don't forget to watch The Ghost and Molly McGee and all sorts of other great cartoons on Disney+
I wonder how the people who made Ollie feel about actually killing the show
Your next line will be "I'm trans btw"
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The entire Chen family drag this show down and use it up like Mr. Self-Destruct, we don't get to see schizo Molly after S1 either which is when the show is peak TGAMM kino. She's supposed to be in over her head but well meaning and S2 basically shows her to be absolutely right in the end.
Man... I don't even wanna watch season 2
Then don't. It's ok. As someone who's been with the show from the early leaks and look, it's not at all worth it. Just stop at season one and enjoy that ride. It's complete enough anyway without any real loose ends so you can easily stop there.
You should it was fine
It has some kino callbacks
They even work in a "dream team, you and me?" into Molly and Scratch's last scene together in the finale
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June's entire existence is hilarious, they made a DEI character after consulting an autism organization and multiple autistic individuals to ensure she was acceptable representation... and then barely used her.
Pic related
>"If you ship characters, that's cool, as long as you don't expect it to be necessarily validated on screen."
Someone should nail this to the foreheads of every /u/tranny
>Molly sits alone, still getting over the fact that Scratch is gone.
>"Now I'm all alone."
>She sighs.
>Then she realizes something.
>"Wait a minute, I'm all alone!"
>and that's how Molly became a nudist
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Most of us don't actually want our partner to convert, which is mostly a boomer/conservadox thing. It's more important for most of us that we maintain the hallmarks of Jewishness, which would be the holidays, recipes, home decor, etc. Jewishness is a verb moreso than an adjective.

Because it's Friday night, which is the beginning of Shabbat. In the traditional way, days begin after the sun sets. Within Judaism, we have the high holidays, and lesser ones. Technically, Shabbat is a holiday.

Happy Shabbat, /co.
>/co/ resident Jew
also them
>btw Andrea is gay with a fatso out of nowhere ;^)
I wish that counter was my face
Just watch the Scratch backstory episodes
And she ends up being a sociopathic super-genius who builds wacky inventions capable of defying God Himself
>Hey Ollie, Molly's dead. I ate your girlfriend for gains. Her ass tasted like sweet baby corn.
why is she so ugly though?
what would you do in order to hurt Molly McGee? in what way would you try to crush her in the most devastating way imaginable? any thoughts, anons?
While she's in the gym shower, I steal her clothes, leaving behind just shoes, socks and a towel. I also leave a note saying her clothes are in the school theatre, knowing that she'll likely loose the towel on the way. once she walks backstage naked from the shins up, I raise the curtain and almost the entire school is in the audience.

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