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Can't wait to get my new issue
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All they've got left is addicts and they know it. Wouldn't be surprised if they just jacked the prices up to $10 for 18 page books.
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This will be the one thing that finally stops the OCD collectors that are keeping Marvel going from buying comics. This is how they finally manage to kill the brand.
Maybe. You could dose Batman comics with Polonium and I think they'd still do numbers.
At least for the first month.
"supposedly" they'll print the actual pages in the collections. though I'd think that would put off people from buying the individual issues even more.
wanna read your comic? have your phone charged.
Gen X here, I don't remember the last person besides myself and a few Boomers who didn't have their i-brain or zombidroid device handy.
I'm not paying to read a physical copy just to have to whip out my phone to read the rest of the copy online.

nevermind years from now you have to hope Marvel keeps that link going forever.
>From now on
>Only being done for #1's of the new X-Men line
>Pages are in addition to the regular page count

Can you faggots stop making these threads?
But why?
Nobody understands.
I call bullshit. You faggots cannot NOT pull out your phones the moment there's a free moment or even a pause. The worst of you can't even drive or walk through a crowded hallway without that shit open.
This is what old people believe is "being on the cutting edge of new technologies".
/v/ here, been there done that.

>Playonline is no longer available, half of the guidebook cannot be read anymore
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and here come the Marvel shills
>cmon bro. buy our half a comic
How about they don't do it all since I'm paying for the whole thing.

>til they show a big QR code after the credits of Marvel movies
How about you stop fucking lying about things you don't like. Yeah it's fine to hate shit just stop being a lying cunt.
I posted a screenshot of an actual article. wheres the lie?
Shove a screwdriver into your eye socket you mouth breathing troglodyte. Seriously you and your ilk are bottom feeding filth that make the rest of the world worse. Yeah the QR codes suck so say they suck instead of using clickbait bullshit and lies.
If you're OP, it's here:
>I posted a screenshot of an actual article.
Anyone who wanted an informed discussion would post a link, not a screenshot of a title. The QR code thing is dumb shit thought up by some hack marketer, but your type are actual filth.
PR nightmare is PR nightmare.

well, SOME shill is an unhappy camper
Fake news.
Nobody actually buys Marvel comics so nobody knows what's in them.
Nice try, dumbfuck. There's no reason for you to strip the context away in the first place, and it's a near-100% reliable tell that someone has shit-for-brains - whether "deliberately" or because because they were born that way and don't know any better, it doesn't really matter. Lo and behold, you've now linked to the article and it's worthless, just like you. Because if it had any value, and you were capable of recognising value, you wouldn't have posted just the title to begin with, now would you?
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>The novelization which includes a forward by Red Riding Hood director Catherine Hardwicke has omitted the ending and is telling readers to go to a specific website once the film is released where the final pages will be posted. Are they kidding?
Don't complain. just eat the slop
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nothing ever changes
I think it's to avoid leaks. It's incredibly stupid
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>I-It's BONUS pages!
In the future all comics will be in a weekly flyer full of qr codes

>that would be 19,99 plus tip for Marvel Presents Marvel's Avengers week 2 of August, 2025 and thanks for shopping in Mile High comics anon!
It's one guy. With the poster count being gone you can just fill up a thread yourself.
>refuse to make anything new
>wtf why are we basically dead and moonmen are kicking our asses
>I know let's make paper literally not an option, that'll bring up the sales
>people hated it
>FFX/FFX-2 guides were self contained kino right after that
until they decide to remove those pages from their service like streaming sites do now.
No refunds
Do they not understand that I choose to buy physical over digital on purpose
like they care about what the customer wants
Marvel shills are going into the aggro stage, I see

Quick, make 10 more anti-DC threads in one day, that'll sure distract everyone from this controversy!
Sorry guys, this entire thread is all one person. It's me. I just wanted to see what having a conversation with someone else is like because I'm lonely
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you liar. I'm the one person
unless.... are you me?
It's literally a bonus page of a bunch of shadowy villains foreshadowing the next issue.
Love it when Marvel do retarded shit. Hate this company so fucking much.
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>Marvel still puts an actual page in the book
>prints a big barcode on it instead of giving the reader what they would want to see.
Nobody in this thread likes this QR shit, they just dislike dumbasses more
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That's true for now but I feel like this is testing the waters to roll this out more broadly as a misguided anti-piracy measure.
new Marvel promotion: If you don't pay a monthly subscription, your comics spontaneously combust.
Retarded no excuse no proper diction. "Me AM retarded."
>It's literally a bonus page
Except there's a page in the book with the QR code on it. If you took that out and put in the actual page, it would be the same number of pages.
but then Marvel execs couldn't jerkoff to the extra steps they're making you take for no good reason.

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