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File: Sissi.png (687 KB, 768x576)
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How has all of /co/ not watched this?
>100 percent continuity for 52 episodes
>Warfare with actual guns and battles
>Brilliant mind games for imperial power
>Gorgeous MC and rival
>Great music with kino OP and GOAT ED
I would if that had ever been made available in any non-extremely potato quality (VHS rips)
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There are DVDs with English audio and video released in Czechia, with the complete series on 16 volumes (also as 2 sets of 8 volumes each).
Are you suggesting ordering preowned DVDs from Czechia so more people can watch whatever series this is, or do you have them on hand and can rip them to share online?
There's still new old stock, though shipping may be tricky if you're not in the region.
>whatever series this is
The title is literally the thread subject...
>do you have them on hand
Considering the OP pic is from them, I'd say yes.
>can rip them to share online
Where? No cartoon DL forums left that I know of
Or do you want me to post a MEGA link here? Doubt this thread will wait while I upload though
Actually anon, there's a recent rip of the same DVDs over on rutracker (including English).
Let me know if you can't find it, not sure if we can/should post direct links to that site here.
Did you find it?
I saw some episodes back in the day.

One of my favourites was the episode where the prince had a nightmare where Sissi transformed into Elena.
*Helena, but I don't remember such an episode...

There were multiple episodes where Helena tried to basically copy Sissi in looks and personality, failed miserably ofc but gave Sissi a chance to impersonate Helena in turn when she needed to.
Such fun writing
I have never heard of it
Until now... so why not watch it?
Man talk about digging the bottom of the trash can, this was some late 90's Fox Kids shit
>this was some late 90's Fox Kids shit
You say that like Fox Kids didn't have many of the best shows, just criminally underrated in the US.
Did it ever show Franz Joseph as the proper "Last Monarch of the old school"?
Gonna be honest. The only reason I know this show exists is from someone posting about it finding out that a fair share of the background music from it was reused for season 1 of Digimon.
I will absolutely add this to my watch later list. Thanks for the recc Anon.
Is this from europe?
my gay porn brain has permanently ruined the word "sissy" and anything that sounds like it.
According to Wikipedia, it's a co-production between Saban International Paris, Animation Ciné-Groupe J.P. Inc., ARD Degeto, France 3 and RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana. So I suppose that might be a yes.
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>Rather loose on historical accuracy.
>Nice character designs, but very little actual animation.
>Kept showing Sissi as very all-around athletic, yet mandated ZERO actual combat from her, absolutely ridiculous at times.
>Overreliance on Arkas as the antagonist for far, far too long. and making him the villain in the finale, what were they smoking
>The "battle" during the Hungarian rebellion looked particularly hilarious. In fact the entire "war" arc when they clearly had no budget to even draw a mob, much less an army.
And yet at the same time it had quite a few qts, put characters in dangerous situations regularly, and a very wide cast with each character getting some actual plot relevance, development and characterization. And a great Polish dub.
It's a solid 6/10 series, but I sure did enjoy it a lot at the time.
No, he's too busy lusting after Sissi and being pretty. But his mother makes up for him in spades.
Was this made on digital ink and paint?
The poster? Possibly.
The show, I don't think so. 1997 seems kinda too far ago for that, and the colouring in the show feels a bit too painterly for early digital stuff.
Sounds fun
Would Gyula Andrassy

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