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Remember when gamer comics where all the rage? ctrl+alt+del may not be the worst of them but it is the posterchild of what lazy gamer webcomic humor was, let's check how it holds up
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I wanted to dump year one for character intros and year seven for /that/ storyline, maybe another year if i have free time.
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Forgot to remark how dial-up internet dates this comic. Also casual use of "retarded"
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First strip to actually mention something related to games
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An elegant meme from an age both more and less civilized
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I love Escaflowne, didn't expect the reference
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Try erasing panel 2 and 4
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Nowadays it would be "Fucking ads!", and Ethan should be looking up first-aid, theres no rat poison antidote as far as i'm aware
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How is Hitman 2?
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Here's where the comic failed. The ninja should have become the other guy playing games.
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Thanks for the bump
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Forgot to ask, what's your favorite 2002-2003 game? or what were you playing back then?
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Erase panel 2 and 4
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Complaining about star wars is eternal
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Gamer problems
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Relationships come and go, gaming is forever
Also, who's the saxophonist on the wall poster?
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Don't trust a man with a Griffith poster on their living room
The original Hearts of Iron, I had a poor period and 3D capable video cards were the least concern.
Age of Empires II, still as good as it gets.
>what's your favorite 2002-2003 game? or what were you playing back then?
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis. Still probably the best JP park building simulator, and the best thing to come out of Jurassic Park 3
>4 "dialup sucks" jokes in 15 strips
Man he was a hack from day 1
Fixes a lot of the flaws in Hitman 1 and is pretty well regarded but largely overshadowed by Blood Money
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Sorry i had to run an errand
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I wish the worst of the internet was still just lame webcomics. I used to annotate the shitty CAD cartoon. Still do.
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MMOs ateup the lives of many
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>get lost fucktard
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Because linux, get it?
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I'll take a lunch break
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I'm back
What the fuck is this even talking about
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Fight Club, the movie became a cult classic around the time
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Gamers in love
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Ah now I see it
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Buckley sure loved this bit of "Ethan gets shot by an arrow at random" huh
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i am only reading the first and the last panel and they're alll genuinely funnier that way
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i am only reading the first and the last panel and they're all actually funnier that way
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the ol' reliable
why does it spam filter me then still sends the post?
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A pretty solid comic if you cut off the first two panels.
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Gamer rage
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I like how this woman completely destroys this guy after realizing he’s a loser.
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This is actually good. Definitely comfy, at least. This has me wonder...what the fuck happened to webcomics?! Afaik, Gunnerkrigg is the only one that's still going AND hasn't declined completely.

>Count Your Sheep and RPG World discontinued right before their endings
>Sinfest and Megatokyo were phenomenal in their early days, but got dogshit after changes in status quo
>Sluggy Freelance and Penny Arcade are tapped out and get zero traction.
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Theres many factors at play, for one few people go back to older webcomics
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I like how quickly it just becomes a shitty sitcom with an occasional gamer joke. Cutting to the chase of total rot
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man 2002 and 2003 were STRONG years

Golden Sun The Lost Age, to answer the question
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>Fallout 2
Christ this is old
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What other strip with ninjas is Buckley talking about here?
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>No twinking!
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XIII was a fun game, still haven't read the comic though.
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I forgot how much brand ware there were back in the day.
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Surely Dr McNinja but I can't be arsed to go check the dates and make sure.
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Can´t be, Dr McNinja started two years after cad
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Damn, he strangles the watermelon, but not this panel of Scott? Missed opportunity.

>man 2002 and 2003 were STRONG years
No shit. It's hard to pick, but I was playing the hell out of Vice City, Sly Cooper, Kingdom Hearts.
Probably going to go with Fire Emblem.
>big titty gf interrupts my gaming so i can spend time with her
Yeah I can totally relate ;_;
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Thats it for year one of Ctrl+Alt+Del. Tomorrow i'll dump year seven
Man CAD really is old as fuck then. Also I had a friend in secondary school (so around 2005/6) who had Assburgers and was obsessed with CAD, to the point where he would celebrate Winter-een-mas and thought Ethan was hilarious and relatable.

Reading all these strips made me realise I wasted a lot of time reading this comic in the first place. This, Megatokyo and VG Cats, all a gigantic waste of time.
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>Also casual use of "retarded"
That's slowly coming back too.
People realized retards are too retarded to read or get offended. It was white women getting offended on their behalf all along.
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>Brad Jones
You sunnuvagun, OP! I'm mad *I* didn't think of this!
Okay, I'll give him credit - Escaflowne is fucking great
I want to say... Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World? Either that, or Final Fantasy Tactics Advance...
I love webcomic for this reason a couple of years can be the differwnce between self aware humor and Loss
FFX, Tekken Tan
I just checked my own porn folder out of curiosity, and it's about 15.5gb

Then again, I don't have any videos
Even when I liked this shit, I never understood why Chef Brian was a thing
You misspelled based.
It's lolsorandum humour, which is generally a low-grade interpretation of surrealist and anti humour that people like Monty Python and Andy Kaufman popularised, without getting why they worked. Both were very popular in nerd culture at the time, back when nerd culture was still a niche group.
Man, Tim really wanted to rip off Penny Arcade, didn't he? Right down to the random lurches into completely different story arcs
God, Tim being such a bitch over the Gamecube ages really badly, doesn't it?
Sometimes I think of posting the collected Girl Genius comics I got from the Humble Bundle.
But I don’t have a pass and there is nothing particularly notorious or noteworthy about it except that Phil and Kaja Foglio have been doing comics and art for a long time.
Strangely prescient with this one
>when an autistic person encounters someone on a different level of autistic
It's pretty good.
What in the actual FUCK is Savage
And the person on a different level of autistic still comes across as more likeable.
did he just pick random kanji to put in here i cannot find the meaning of these words
Seems like it, none of those make any sense read together
He must be the least funny person on earth
>not knowing John Coltrane
Thanks for posting these awful comics OP.
What the hell is his deal with Linux? Inferiority complex from Linux nerds ragging on him? Also it’s weird how much of it’s time this is. Beating up or killing pop culture icons was all the rage in the 2000s internet for some reason.
One of the worst comics of all time.
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I wonder if this can be brushed up just a little.
white ninja?
this had a cartoon
I like how I’d they strip didn’t bring up the differences, I wouldn’t have noticed, and comparing it to the previous one, it’s too subtle to notice anyway
I was heavily obsessed with Windwaker at that point in time, but I would have also been playing Pokemon Sapphire. I lived across the street from blockbuster and had a membership that gave me unlimited game and movie rentals each month. Basically how parents got away with neglecting me as a kid. So I played so many god damn games that I don’t even remember all of them

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