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Ben 10 is getting a comic series finally. Has Dynamite made anything good?
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Are we back or is it over?
I don't think anything will ever come out
Ben 10 is almost 20 years old now, finally in the nostalgia spot.
Dynamite does release comics, sseems doubtful they wouldn't do it
I'd say wait for the creative team
Their track record on licenseshit is mixed
They're mostly known for pulp and boomer licenses but they've had a history of trying other licenseshit titles
The new PPG comic is alright so far
WB so broke that they got to lend out licenses that DC could be publishing to Dynamite

It's a new continuity so people actually buy it and read it instead of feeling lost
It's for the reboot
Movie in development as well
>lend out licenses that
You fucking idiot
That's not how it works
DC isn't making Ben 10 comics because they don't want to make Ben 10 comics
Dynamite PAYS Warner Bros for the license
Rebootbros is it finally our time to shine?
>Has Dynamite made anything good?
Yes, lots of books. I hate this question.
what continuation are they going off of?
So it's likely one of two scenarios

Option 1‚ it's a hard reboot reimagining the series from the ground up

Option 2‚ it's a series vaguely set in either the classic or reboot timeline
We just don't know
>Dynamite PAYS Warner Bros for the license
..so they're lending out the license to make money instead of letting DC do it because they're broke, got it
>Idiot still doesn't get how licensing works
Warner Bros doesn't care about comics
Warner Bros especially doesn't care about comics they licensed out
All they care about is MONEY and Dynamite paying for licenses they themselves have no interest in adapting into mediums they have no interest in means they get MONEY
Besides, this isn't even the first time this happened
IDW had licenses for Cartoon Network properties a decade ago
It is sad. Reminds me of when DC made those Looney Tune and Hana Barbara comics.

It would have been cool to see some DC/CN comics.
My hope is that it continues from where the original show left off and disregards everything that came after it, but that's just a pipe dream.
I'd rather leave the original show alone honestly
Fair, but you know this comic will insist on "continuing the story". They just haven't specified which one, so I'm going to at least hope for the original.
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Hope it introduces new aliens
How is their new stuff?
I think it'll be like TMNT Adventures
It starts off tied to the show before veering off hard into it's own direction
IDW Ben 10 didn't catch on because it was too much like filler (that and various problems concerning the industry but that's a post for another day)
Limiting a Ben 10 comic to canon is detrimental
no reason you can't have it both ways Alien force already was and at the same time wasn't technically a continuation of the os
this is true
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I have a policy of not getting hyped about stuff without knowing anything about it.
At most I'm just hoping for just something noteworthy and worth talking about.
The Dynamite comics it got announced with are all IPs that are very old, so I'm gonna assume it's another comic set before UAF and in Ben's childhood road trip. Seems like they want to capitalize on old nostalgia rather than moving forward.
Pretty much
It's either gonna be too drastically different or too safe
I'm actually really curious about the sales because while Ben 10's fanbase shares a lot of overlap with DC and Marvel fans, nostalgic licenseshit IPs past the 90's don't fare well as ongoings
Disney is licensing their comics to Dynamite too

If they can get the reboot team without executive fuckery + ducan stops browsing twitter, it could be decent. If it was the reboot universe, what would it be? Alien force style sequel? Ben10k10? Two year sequel to allow actual growth for others aside from ben himself? I also just realized the reboot is almost ten years old.
>instead of letting DC do it
You fucking think this was Warner Bros' idea/pitch?
Are you retarded?
Might as well just make a new universe.
Litteraly on the cover bro.
You stupid fucking idiot, THAT'S NOT THE ACTUAL COVER
>All those twitter artists wanting to work on this
It isn't?
>No Dynamite logo in sight
Oh boy, comics. Can't wait to see how they fuck it up.
It's a screenshot from the show
This is different from the normal flavor of licenseshit
I don't think Dynamite gets they can't half-ass this one so easily
Ben 10's fandom has had this renaissance period for a while now despite the lack of official content so any art that isn't on par with the fandom's is gonna raise eyebrows
I'm not saying they can get Jimenez or Dan Mora but still
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>Live Action
Hopefully the actors aren't ugly.
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A Ben 10 movie would only have like 3 main actors two kids and one old guy, no more than 5 at most if you wanted someone like Hex, Animo or Kevin as the villain
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So, on the topic of Ben 10 comics, would the series work as just like, it's own full-on comic universe, akin to DC or Marvel?
Could side characters like Gwen, Kevin, Max, or even Rook or Tetrax work as protagonists in their own solo comics? Could they flesh out the multiverses, timelines, and even alien homeworlds?

Like for all intents and purposes, Ben 10 really does feel like a comic book franchise that didn't actually originate as a comic book. Which I know is because Man of Action is made up of comic book writers. I'm just curious if it could've swung in the leagues of other proper comics if it originated as such.
I've seen people unironically argue that should Gwen should have her own god damn cartoon, giving her own comic is more reasonable at least
Max needs to have the biggest SEXO energy out there.
Dynamite does release spin off minis so I could see it happening
Maybe not as an ongoing though
I have said it a million times Kevin should get an edgy Cyberpunk Edgerunners midquel complete with hot alien babes wanting his duck and everyone dying around him
A Ben 10 movie would have some major pacing issues.
How do you figure that, Gwen 10 condensed the first season into a single episode no problem?
The reboot kevin spinoff for cw was meant to be edgy, but it was quietly cancelled.
So what age demo is it gonna be? Are we getting a edgy Ben 10 comic?
Just two episodes desu
I think it could possibly work if the story took place over the first week of his summer break. The biggest issue I see is giving all 10 aliens a decent amount of spotlight in a roughly 2 hour run time.
MOA said it has less restrictions so presumably not a kids comic.
Probably would. Or skip around.
Even the kids who were 10 when the reboot started are 18 now.
Yeah but zoomers don't know what a pull list is let alone even go to an LCS
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depends on who they go with for movie Ben's playlist but I imagine it would go something like,
Act-1: Heatblast fights Vilgax's robot in the forest starts a fire XLR8 puts fire out
Act-2: bounty hunters show up Upgrade fights bounty hunters/Diamondhead v Tetrax mirror match
Act-3: Fourarms fights Vilgax Greymatter blow up Vilgax's ship
4 remaining aliens and they could just slide in where ever needed
When did he say this?
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The Gwen episode kinda skipped over a very interesting story line.
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well you obviously save Kevin for the 2nd movie 3rd if they didn't use vilgax in the first
God so based.
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is it gonna be apart of the boys?
Ben gives up wearing socks?
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