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Sue is a cunt edition
jesus christ dude this is torture, please just kill Mike already, guy is a hostage inside a comic book, just begging for the sweet rest away from these assholes
Sue could use another ego castration from Paulo, like the one he gave her back at the museum.
>even the patreon comments are coming round to Sue being a huge bitch and Mike was right to yell at her
/bcb/ is ahead of the curve, eventually the cult will get sick of these assholes too.
have a spine, man
I'm shocked they are not dogpiling on Mike. At least one of the partrons refuses to see that he's actually sorry about the Lucy thing whereas all Sue wants is open license to shit on Paulo, and damn whoever gets in her way.
If only Mike knew that Paulo was willing to drop him like he was nothing a week or so ago just to stay friends with Lucy
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How is Mike friends with this bitch? How is anyone friends with her? Who would like to spend all their time with someone who pretends everything is fine but saves up her grudges for a rainy day? Even her usual is one huge negative vibe. I genuinely think she's only friends with Amaya because Amaya is too shy to contradict her and hurt her ego.
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Good tits, good ass, no competition because she's a loser. Better keep her on the side as a backup in case Sandy doesn't put out.
>I'm shocked they are not dogpiling on Mike
It’s probably gonna happen in the next page
No no no no, Lucy deserved that little rant Mike went about her.
This chapter is set shortly before Lucy comes back.
>how dare Mike not feel even more guilt over hurting his long-time abuser
She's friends with Amaya because she's too silent to call Sue out, Popularity Contest showed it in all colors how she "listens" to her tabby friend. Now I wonder what would happen if Taeshi didn't get fed up with McCain fans, would their with Sue relationship still end but sourly and because of the most straightforward guy finally calling her out as hypocrite?

This one's set during summer vacation, so
>*will be willing to drop him like two-three months or so later just to stay friends with Lucy
I think the table's collective friendship runs on the inertia of familiarity.
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Wait, what the fuck!? This is a flashback or filler from past events? This whole time I thought this was a few days after Mike and Paulo apparently reconnected on New Years

>This chapter is supposed to take place between “Ice Block” and “Dial Tone.”
Why am I supposed to care about something that happened during their summer vacation that happened EIGHT years ago!?
Taeshi's working on Omnibus 2 and lost interest in current events because she can muddle around with retconning shit.
Mike should beat up Sue on the next page Jesus fucking Christ you came into my house, instigated an argument between my friends, and now you're guilt tripping ME?????
>...and when Lucy isn't part of the chapter someone should say "but what about Lucy?"
I’m just calling out taeshi’s “writing” as predictable
Man I know Sue can be mean at times but this is so excessive it just feels out of character. Like she just publicly executed Mike, and for what? It's not just "guys stop shitting on Paulo" it's "stop forcing Daisy to try and fail to disparage her obvious crush in front of her humiliated boyfriend."

Also I guess this helps justify Mike blowing up on Sue after headslamming Paulo, although it's just as pointless as everything else in this chapter. Mike cured his autism and is permanently vewwy sowwy so the issue of Mike's friends being bad to him never need be addressed again.
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Because Taeshi decided that she need to start filling up the "gaps" she skipped while speedrunning to what she was way more interested in writing (Lucy returning, everyone destroying Mike, Flame mess, etc) before "Omnibus 2: Tokyo Drift" happens, even admitting that "everyone kinda figured out that something big happened to make Paulo mad at Daisy for like 6-7 chapters and forced to put on an act of "the manwhore Abbey warned Daisy about" as attempt to make Daisy and Abbey stop giving a fuck about him and not ruin Abbaisy by his presence and Daisy's emotional cheating, but I want to fix my fuckup". Definitely totally absolutely not because she likes writing Paulo going through EmOtiOnS, preferably the ones that make him and her very sad, ignoring just how many holes it creates and makes people like Daisy, Paulo and now Sue look way worse for how they will act later

But poking fun into this chapter's importance aside, I bet the actual reason is more prosaic and real, with Vero and Oliver planning to move out of NY for a while (talked about it on drawstreams). I bet this is merely the first of many fillers (if we count Seeing Stars as a filler, already a second one) as they gonna be busy dealing with irl. It's also been three weeks since last weekly newsletter, and everyone who backed Kickstarter got their survey's quite late too
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Sue needs correction.
I'm gonna love it when Lucy inevitably blows up on sue because she's trying too hard to be her friend.

Mike didn't even say anything out of hand. It was just "Dont let them press you to insult him if you dont want to." What makes it worse is that Abbey, the one with more reason to hate Paulo than Sue, is at least holding his tongue even if he's clearly not happy. Sue doesnt have as much of a reasonable beef with Paulo as Abe does, so what's the point of even pulling this?
Surprisingly realistic high school friend group scenario

Time for Suecond Confrontation
Besides David, everyone's been given alternative friend groups they could go to so they rarely have to put up with each other.

Abbey is the only one to actually escape their bullshit. The rest are pulled together for drama's sake
Given how much she simps for Lucy and assumes herself being seen as Lucy's close friend, she might be the only person whose words about Sue's hypocrisy and naive view on "right and wrong" will actually stick, as Paulo and others doing it in main comic and bci's gets totally ignored by her. IF Taeshi sees Sue's worldview as actually bad or worth writing about chewing into

Technically he got a new group now, the team of local runners together with Mike
>Abbey suddenly throws a punch at Sue
>Mike's breedable hips are messing with his 'defend all women' subroutine
It's incredibly out of character, it's fucking pathetic how Taeshi will burn the rest of the cast just to whitewash that boring faggot Paulo
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It's those thighs man...
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>show that Mike is the only one in the room completely defending Paulo's character and trying to stop the situation from escalating
>from everyone in this room Mike is the only one that gets shat on by Paulo, he "acts" to keep the others away but is actually malicious towards Mike
>We are also supposed to believe Paulo had a crush on him
Because everyone is Taeshi and Taeshi is everyone in this comic.
Have a nifty Skinwalker Taeshi meme.
Great, it's another "how are any of you friends" episode.
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Remember whose writing this comic.
That's all you need to know.
>IF Taeshi sees Sue's worldview as actually bad or worth writing about chewing into

I actually have some level of faith that Sue is going to get a large ego check by Lucy just because of how Sue's core character is. She only hates drama because that's what someone "Above it all" would do, and she loves to be the one in that role. But she gets pissy if she actually doesnt get involved in it.

She played a pivotal part in december but she didn't realize she goofed up in full with it
So, we doing a trash thread today?
This diary comic was back when Taeshi loved PxL
Back when the story was clearly going to be about how Mike loves Sandy and everyone forcing him to be with Lucy was what made him snap, and Lucy was going to get with Paulo like the last three volumes shoved down everyones throats

But oh well, the Taeshi method of writing is just to constantly burn storylines for whatever she feels like doing at the moment just like she's done since volume 1
Bleating Hearts thread?
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>stick your neck out for a BPD
>they take you for granted and are meaner to you than the people who treat them like garbage
Many such cases
Man if only she had the slightest bit of irony about that when she had Paulo pissing his pants about Mike friend-zoning him.
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Forgot image.
That's how BPD works I've found out. My girlfriend is friends with a BPD girl with suicide tendencies that will only tell her how she intends to kill herself because she can't take it anymore but won't get help for herself. This depresses her but if you try to talk her out of the relationship she goes feral because she's acting like her handler
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Bleating Hearts?
More like BCB Jr.
Because everyone wants an infantile version of the bpd-riddled mad-woman's self-insert cat anime highschool drama where she is the most tortured and prettiest girl in school.
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Fauna's looking cute here!
Here's some fanart from a while back :)
There's another version, but I can't post that :^)
To me, the problem with this comic is that the characters are horrible to eachother all the time, both in terms of saying cruel things and physical violence, but it only sometimes matters. Lucy's suicide felt jarring because what mike said didn't seem particularly worse than the shit these characters routinely say to eachother, but now it gets held over him forever. And then stuff like mike screaming at daisy on Halloween, or Lucy dumping Paulo in a really harsh way, get laughed off or forgotten about almost immediately.
Is that second to last panel a reference to that Jojo rabbit movie?
Tess was the character that brought the main idea that "Being horrible to someone isn't something that's easily forgotten". But Taeshi plays fast and loose with the idea depending on who does what.

She can never in universe have the Mike-Lucy Suicide thing be properly confronted because in universe no character would befriend Mike ever again and fandom wise the readers would go back to really hating Mike, something she already found uncomfortable despite it being her fault.
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People here love Mike.
/bcb/ is at best 25 people, and there's still Mike haters here.
She admires Mary for living authentically but is incredibly two-faced herself, dishing out judgement of others without jeopardizing her own position. Hope we find out why she's like this soon. I mean her mom's obviously unstable but that's too unspecific an explanation to me so far.

I was going to complain that we haven't seen enough Clover to know if Fauna is really being fair here but I suppose that isn't necessarily the point.
Yeah, the way Taeshi talks out of both sides of her mouth about how forgiving teens are while most of the table keeps their grievances nice and sharp and ready to be used at a moment's notice is not comfy at all. It's like they have nothing going on in their lives except how they secretly hate each other. At least Mike was genuinely avoiding Lucy for months before December and warned her he was losing patience with her, the rest of them act like nothing's wrong right up until they start going for the low blows.
If only Taeshi could do normal plots like Sue throwing a bit of a sulk because she wanted to schedule a raid crawl for the weekend but Mike has track on saturdays now and she's not used to Mike being the one to have schedule conflicts and she feels like he's drifitng away and charming Lucy to come back isn't going anywhere and Abbey's already left so she's feeling left behind.
>Manlet, cuck, beta with no functional sex drive and no personality
Genuinely don't understand how anyone likes him, his gf doesn't
that's nu-mike
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That would require Taeshi being normal.
But skinwalking strikes again.
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Sandy did nothing wrong, she was groomed
Not really, she's just a whore that sleeps with older men
he's literally me except for the gf part
>captcha 4WJ0Y
>I love Francis more than you
>I love you more than Francis
>I didn't love him, Francis raped me!
Maybe she wouldn't have to cheat if Mike wasn't such an effeminate faggot
We know that Sue is a vindictive person who holds grudges practically forever. I wouldn't be surprised if she's still pissy that Mike told her off during the "recent" con chapter.
She was groomed since she entered the fashion work environment. If you don't know how it works, how screwed up it is to be forced by your parents to be a public figure since young age, there are videos that talk about the topic
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Would Sandy want the somali cock?
>She can never in universe have the Mike-Lucy Suicide thing be properly confronted because in universe no character would befriend Mike ever again and fandom wise the readers would go back to really hating Mike, something she already found uncomfortable despite it being her fault
In one scene between Paulo and Lucy, Taeshi disarmed the suicide nuke with zero explanation. But she keeps using the suicide attempt as the reason why Lucy's family keeps worrying and treating her with kid gloves. I'm not sure what this woman is thinking, but it probably involves how stupid her core audience is.
Wonder what really made her dump Francis

Sure would be a good excuse for her cheating ass, but this is bcb so she would've cry yelled about it and then used it against Mike.
>Oh honey... I'm your HAIRDRESSER, why would you think I'm straight?
Then she petulantly had him fired (before dawn, in a whole other country!) for not being into girls
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Sue has issues edition.
Good job, at least your edits are far more entertaining than the real comic.
>Stabbing him in the heart with the Lucy dagger
Next page better by Abby slapping her in the face, that was beyond a low blow.
kek 10/10 faces for abbey&sue even mike, these are legit better faces than tae has made. Far far to much emotion for BCB way to much emotion into the faces. I mean just look at that face on Sue, she really does look like shes gonna give mike a second irish wifes loving husband kiss.
I assume people still like, or at least tolerate Mike here because Taeshi stacked the deck against him heavily. Stuff like going from december Mike to sperg gremlin for half a decade was far from a natural evolution for him at the time and the guy eats shit more than other characters for not even being as nasty as they are.

EF was one of the worst fumbles in the comic and the track team suddenly coming out of nowhere to blow him did little to help his image.
Look at her eyes bro, probably the first time she's felt anything sexual while texting Mike, also the BCI where Sandy never left has her flirting with Paulo

I bet the next time Sandy visits Paulo is dicking her down
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Those fuckers went full autismo-mode trying to ban/DMCA the hell outta their fans.
Just cuz this was Taeshi's magnum opus, what a fucking joke.

Sandy could have been groomed working in fashion at such a young age, especially with a stage mom who could be lied to and think nothing of it as long as she was getting further ahead in the fashion world. Sandy starts to get it in her head that she's more mature for her age than normal girls and gets closer to her hair dresser that she probably confides in.

Yeah she talks to Mike a lot but Francis is actually there physically. So she starts the affair with him. She's really into the model life now. And her and francis dating is possibly a secret because he is legally an adult. She breaks it off with mike. But then her mom finds out and actually tells him to fuck off because he's dating a Minor.

Sandy has nobody, and when she sits and thinks about it, she can't relate to normal kids anymore. She freaks out, and suddenly remembers Mike was the last link she had to that sort of life. So she tries to get him back.

That could have been an easy lay up for her character but Sandy is mainly just a plot device used to cause strife in the table group. We never get to see what her side of life is like because if she's given any more character than what she actually has in the comic, then people could grow to like her more and maybe feel bad for her.

But nah, she's faceless for the most part but lives rent fee in the heads of Mike, Lucy, and Daisy. At least with Mike it's understandable
Sandy clearly has the more interesting story and more messed up childhood. A single mother who has heavy demands on her daughter, a focus on her body - sexualizing her at a young age, likely adults taking advantage of her. Being thrust into an adult world as a young age and probably groomed with gifts and money.
Sandy already struggles academically, then is taken out of school from her peers. Further kneecapping her and enforcing she has to succeed at this as it's her only career prospect.

But nah, focus on Lucy, Taeshi's self-insert that got groped in an alleyway in the ghetto cuz the kids are too retarded to just leave.
Mother isn't single actually, the entire reason Sandy moved away in the first place was her dad changing workplace due to promotion. Yet no one even mentions him nowaday, not even his daughter, as if something happened... or Taeshi forgot that until she had to draw BCI about Sandy never moving away
I'll draw some gay stuff if I got the time.
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>stage mom who could be lied to and think nothing of it as long as she was getting further ahead in the fashion world
Sandy's mom is practically her agent but she's ditching Sandy to handle 'client meetings' with older men (for which Sandy needs an evening gown which she won't mention to Mike when she talks about the other things she got at the mall) by herself. She doesn't even wait in the area in case something goes wrong. All in a chapter called (Slept Her Way) To The Top. She knows what's happening, she doesn't care.
>single mom
Sandy's dad is a non-entity but he's around and the breadwinner of the family. They don't need Sandy's modeling, it's probably an ego thing.
Sandy could be two steps away from being a total crash out due to the things she could have experienced in the industry. it could be a whole ass interesting story that we wont see.

girl cant even have a sugar snack without worrying if it'll hurt her career.
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Her shoes look cute! Here's another one for the road.
>Paulo is truly male Lucy.
She deserves to be told to get the fuck out of his house at least. Pulling that shit in school, outside school, or at a friend's gathering is one thing, but to show up at his house, get pissed cause he was late for her dumb game, and then decide to guilt him about how he treated the person who misused and physically abused him for years? Yeah, fuck that shit.

Mike had every right to gives Lucy's shit right back to her for everything she did to him, and he has every right to give it back to Sue for coming into his house and giving him shit.
Why does Mike have a shiner again?
>I genuinely detest Abbey and Sue right now. Praying for Mike to kick them out
It's patreon comments so it could always be something retarded, but it sure would suck if Abbey joins in on guilt-tripping Mike.
Sue I get but so far Abbey hasn't done anything.
That's a fucking toddler. What the fuck is wrong with you.

Abbey was salty at Daisy for defending Paulo again in front of him
>>I genuinely detest Abbey
But fucking why? shes standing up for Mike and Paulo while being honest admitting Paulo has flaws but they're not that bad stop saying hes hitler.
Why the fuck would Mike/anyone be mad at her for standing up for them both and telling people to chill the fuck out stop being a cunt. I mean shes clearly gonna call sue a cunt for bringing up Lucy like that as uf she isnt a manipulative horrible vindictive persoin.

That panel better be because Abby said something and Sue reeee'd and fucked off out the house and Abby is saying sorry for not standing up for you more Mike dont get mad at Sue or think of Lucy as if it s your fault.
Fucking please tell me shes not this much of a retarded hack please
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I swear to god if this turns into Daisy shit-talking Paulo to change the topic from everyone ganging up on Mike I won't be surprised since that's the sort of thing Taeshi would write and Daisy's the only one who seems to regret how they threw Mike under the bus, but it'd be another nail in the Paisy coffin if the reason Paulo ghosted her was because she defended Mike from the sort of shit he'd be taking the lead on.
Trash thread up, let's see if it makes it till the end of the day
holy fuck wait brainfart wow why the fuck did I think Abbey was Daisy. He's only being a smug faggot sidding with sue to get some poontang. He's hardly been a cunt all this chapter its Sue starting all this shit.
Except based David, my glorious king.
He groped Sue to cover up the gay allegations and she hit him.
I want to have sex with Abbey
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Lose some weight first, Daisy, and maybe Abbey will consider it next time.
Wait I thought it was Paulo who did it for Mike not putting out. Man I cant wait to re=read this wonderfil edit.
I think its just Taeshi has a compulsion to shit on Mike and have the universe constantly remind him the worst sin he can EVER commit is ignoring Lucy and not worshipping her.
But WHO knows what this crazy bitch will do next?
(shit her pants and reset the status quo, most likely.)
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Sue's such a thin-skinned bitch she acted like Mike cussed her out when he told her not to talk shit about Paulo behind his back in the con. Look how she's glaring at Mike while she takes the stage. This is her petty revenge, stirring up everyone to do it despite Mike's objections and then sticking him with a vicious guilt-trip in front of Stacy who doesn't know what happened.
the main thing thats pissing me off here is that abbey and paulo were supposed to be fucking chill finally and it was like the one instance of positive character progression this comic has ever had
oh lol i didnt even realize this chapter is set so far back, on the upside abbey and paulo being on good terms is back on the table, on the downside, i was liking paulo x daisy getting nuked (and mike and paulo hanging out)
It's a an old chapter, serious development can't happen because it would break the existing story.
Her shocked face shouldn't be as funny as it is. "Don't be a jerk" is such a simple thing to say but because it's Sue and her ego, she took heavy offense to it.
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We all know Molly is the most seductive member of the bcb cast, don't kid yourself
When are we going to get off the Paulo pity party? Will it ever end? Every chapter has either Paulo or Lucy shoehorned in so the reader can cry about them

That's what catbox is for
This makes the High Expectations blowup so much stupider than it already was because instead of sperg Mike going gremlin mode on a concerned but socially ungraceful Sue and her being irritated with him for the Chapters afterwards (character assassinates Mike but makes sense logically) now Sue's just a huge asshole a few chapters earlier for no reason and it's never brought up after (character assassinates both, makes High Expectations conversation not make sense). Man this is bad
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>Grrr stupid fans hating Mike
>I'll show them, I'll make Mike be objectively right and everyone else be jerks!
Just imagine what the retcons of the Super-Omnibus will be like.
Eeeh, it's not really NSFW, I won't post it cause faggots here don't understand what fiction is.
How hard is it to kick them out of your home?
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For a group of childhood friends they sure seem to hate each other's guts.
kicking everyone out of his house for talking shit about paulo seems like exactly the kind of spergmike thing he always gets shit for
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>try and fail for months to prop up Mike's reputation with cheap pity-seeking tactics
>accidentally accomplish more in just a couple of pages by letting other characters go maximum asshole
That's pretty funny.
Maybe he joins in with his own shitbaggery next page.
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Looks like we're taking a detour for more Mike torture. Can't have enough of that, clearly.
He told Sue to stop acting like such an asshole back at the con, so unfortunately grudge-mistress Sue acting super pissy this chapter makes sense. I'll be shocked if she's actually forgiven Mike now that he's properly apologized to her.
i thought we hated paulo /bcb/sisters
Paulo is a stupid asshole, but for the moment he's offscreen and inconsequential. Sue being a huge thundercunt is way more interesting right now.
Everything they said about Paulo was 100% justified, it's this shit about Mike that isn't.
Paulo is an hypocrite cunt, but getting pissy because someone doesn't like you pushing someone into talking shit about someone no present and then aiming for their open wounds is alo a cunt thing to do, Paulo or not
If it was Paulo pressing Daisy into talking shit about Mike then it would be a fucking party
hatred for paulo hasnt changed but right now it's Sue being the ultra cunt. She's taking Mike saying daisy shouldn't be forced to shit talk paulo personally.
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Because she's right? The better question is why is Mike going all "come on guys, don't be mean :(" for Paulo's sake, when Paulo is consistently and constantly a dick to Mike for no reason.
I don't know. This comic has reached a new apotheosis of tedium: rehashing nothingburgers that already happened.
>Mike going all "come on guys, don't be mean :(" for Paulo's sake

He's saying Daisy doesn't have to shit talk Paulo if she doesn't want to, and she clearly doesn't considering how she's struggling to say anytthing. He's more concerned for her than the guy in his closet at the moment.
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Eh, Paulo and Daisy deserve each other, they're both shallow two-faced idiots. Mike's concern for either of them is still unwarranted and baffling.

As for Sue, she's still objectively correct.
>Go out of your way to schedule get-togethers with your friends
>The host this week blows you off and doesn't greet you
>Talk shit about the asshole who keeps bullying and mocking you, your interests, and your friends
>Get blowback on how they're "not that bad" from the simp with a crush and the spineless jerk, AGAIN
I'd be pretty salty at that point myself.

PS: Reminder that Abbey was always right, and should have dumped Daisy and beaten Paulo sooner.
abbey should have raped paulo
He's doing it right now in the dark alley next to the /trash/ can
She's not telling Mike to get his shit together. Sue is just trying to beat him down for the sake of her own ego.
It would be in character for Mike to be defending the both of them.

>As for Sue, she's still objectively correct
She came over to Mike's house, kept bitching to him despite his apology, then after getting the most mild of reproofs she brought up his greatest mistake to shut him down. Even the braindead patrons can see that Sue is in the wrong here.
Also meant for >>144679774
Sue would be in the wrong, if Mike deserved any dignity or respect. But he takes this the same way he takes everything else: with a blush and a hand to the back of the head.
Mike deserves what he tolerates, and he tolerates everything.
By that logic, Sue would be right if she herself actually deserved any respect. But since that's not the case, she's just being a cunt.
>if Mike deserved any dignity or respect

Sue doesn't either, hell she deserves even less. No person with their head on straight takes "Don't be an asshole" and " She doesnt have to talk bad about him if she doesn't want to." as personal offenses like Sue does, especially to the person whose home they're in. She's jjust escalating a situation for no good reason.
A convincing point. Sue is in the right here, but she's certainly been in the wrong before (and since, as this chapter's chronology is fucked). Most notably when taking shit from Lucy or Stacy on the assumption that their friendship overrules it.
Except Sue's not in the right. While it's true that Mike hurt Lucy, Sue is using it as a cudgel to shut him up because of her own fragile ego. She's clearly still smarting from his comment at the anime convention.
>Sue's still [headcanon]
She was just having a good time shitting on Paulo until Mike had to start kissing Paulo's ass like the whipped little faggot he is, Sue shutting him up by calling him out for being a hypocrite is based as fuck
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Sue got her metaphorical shit pushed in by Paulo back at the museum. She couldn't out-think Paulo, and somehow you believe such a person is "based." As if browbeating Mike of all people is any sort of accomplishment.

What, are you going to start sucking Lucy off next?
>Small shit like this is what makes Sue hold a grudge.
Mike was fucking right to shit on her after he slammed Paulo's face into the table. What a bitch.
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It's funny how even without a name I know who you are just off your garbage reddit reaction images and deranged obsession with Lucy, go see a therapist and work out the issues you have with the white cat so you can make a post without bringing up your boner for her.
>You read a chapter where Paulo copes with being a retard who never tries which ends in Paulo being alone and crying and thought he won the argument
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>Mike's concern for either of them is still unwarranted and baffling.
When Mike had a spine, he still was concerned for his friend group despite them being a bit cuntish. Sadly, it's still in character. Logically, Mike and Paulo's friendship shoulda ended after the "cheater" beat down but it's Mike.

This enabling/kindness led to the Lucy shit even getting that bad in the first place before Mike had enough and that was only after a 3rd party aka Sandy made him realize that. Not anyone around him but someone outside his friends.
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>mild rebuff leads to butthurt turbo piss
No wonder you like Sue so much. She's basically your spirit animal.
I mean, he may have "lost", but Sue surely didn't win shit in that chapter
Paulo loses constantly, so the fact that Sue lost to him is even more pathetic.
Sue recognizing her shortcomings and wanting to learn is a winner's mentality, Paulo throwing a tantrum over being retarded and using that as an excuse to stay retarded is why he's going to be a loser forever.
>ever learning anything
Media illiteracy.
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Of course she's pissy, she's stuck as a capricious demiurge's designated "haha nerd loser" punchline.

He is right btw, your reaction images are shit-tier.
>demiurge's designated "haha nerd loser" punchline.
I mean Mike is stuck as demiurge's punching bag for shit he was made to say. Without exaggeration, the suicide thing coulda have been touched on just by having Mike and Luucy talk 1v1.
Sue lacks the self-awareness required to get upset over that.
Yeah, but see that would risk progression of the plot. I'm a little surprised that Taeshi hasn't dangled it as empty hype bait, though.
>Yeah, but see that would risk progression of the plot.
Tbf, it doesnt have to advance it too much. Having the characters talk about that plot thread can just have them get ulcy's Pov and them burying the hatchet. The plot doesnt have to advance between M & L. for a while afterward. It can be an awkward period where there are kinda clear but sorting things out. You can add miscellaneous bullshit in between, like new years.
A competent writer could certainly do that. But I don't think that Taeshi knows or wants to write Mike and Lucy as neutral toward each other.
It must suck to have your boyfriend erased from the timeline for being too cool.
I wonder why Sue even pretends to be friends with Mike if she's so ready to sink teeth in him and keeping him in mmo group because "he even types like a girl lol". When was the last time she acted like actual friend aside her failed attempt to look concerner and worries for him for once after Paulo Slam?
i dint get it. is this some kind of furry romance reality tv show, but as a comic?
the artstyle is cute
Oh no Anon, the /trash/ thread is that way. However, yes, cute characters. The story however... Some people may say it's getting weird.
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Punishment for her terrible behavior. The universe is trying to correct Sue, but she still won't listen.

Sue doesn't have a lot of friends. Without Mike and his attachment to the wider friend group, who would hang out with her? Paulo wouldn't, Abbey sure wouldn't, Daisy doesn't seem all that interested. She'd have Amaya and nobody else. Best to maintain that childhood friendship with Mike and keep somewhat of a friend group, even if it's stretched thin at the moment.
Sue is such a wishy-washy bitch. She's Lucy's #1 asskisser, frequently will bounce between be friendly to be a seething cunt towards Abbey,Paulo and Mike just for no reason.
Other than Taeshi pulling her BPD card again.
>Other than Taeshi pulling her BPD card again.

Nah, you dont need BPD to have someone with a fragile ego like Sue. She just needs to think she's "Better" than her friends and it all comes from there.
With all this discussion about Sue, whether she's a jerk or not, I feel like I need to reread the comic because it always felt like to me she tried to remain friends with everyone but either had to be apathetic or only have 1-on-1s because someone always wanted to rip out someone else's guts.
Though I may have just been distracted by literally everything else.
Not to be rude or anything, but this just shows how taeshi never had any friends.
They're all assholes to each other (and not in a funny way) what the fuck is this shit
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Aside hating on Paulo making fun of her or her hypocricies and not having same political views as Abbey, she was nearly always harsh on Mike. Both after Lucy's return and way before that. Even physically as she choked him with his own scarf for example, way before he admitted truth to others. Now we just see that even without Lucy returning she kept being ass to him, and not in "he he, poor Mike" way.

The question is will it go anywhere aside from making even people on patreon and official discord go "...oh, he was right in calling her a Lucy simp just pretending to care about his wellbeing. Does she have a crush on Lucy or something at this point to act that way?"
>he was right in calling her a Lucy simp just pretending to care about his wellbeing
So was Mike meant to be right or partially about none of his friends actually giving much of a shit about him without Lucy or was that not intended? I know Mike's issue for feeling alone does have a basis but was it meant to be completely right in regards to Sue?
Who knows, with how comic stopped showing everyone's thoughts and inner world until recently. We have yet to see how Sue sees Mike, if she forgave Mike when he apologized for snapping at her, and if she feels being in the wrong about anything Mike related (but way more importantly: if Taeshi thinks that Sue was ever in the wrong towards him, or that her only sin so far is annoying Lucy by trying to become her close friend out of guilt. I will not be surprised if Tae thinks that Sue IS smarter and above everyone instead of "she merely thinks she's smarter and above everyone and will one day get a reality check")
Sue turned into a huge bitch after Acapulco for some reason. She always talked down to people and liked to think more highly of herself than she deserved but after they came back from Summer break she just turned into this weird asskisser who wants to convince Lucy that Sue'll always be there for her, but would never go out of her way to do anything for her. I think she wants to be Lucy's best friend, but on some level knows that being Lucy's best friend is a thankless chore so she wants someone else (Mike, Paulo, Augustus) to catch the shit.
Sue always tried real hard to be Lucy's friend. Mike pushing her over the edge made her very angry at him.

Does she really hate Mike or is she using him as a defence mechanism because she feels like she should've been there for Lucy? She doesn't know Lucy as much as she thought she did, as was pointed out when they were drunk at Rachel's party.

Maybe she's being a cunt for no reason because of bad writing, but it'd be more fun if she's avoiding dealing with her own guilt by putting all the blame on Mike.
Rape Sue
That's the kind of talk for in the trash thread, anon
>comic stopped showing everyone's thoughts and inner world until recently
Why did that stop anyway? Showing what a character thinks and feels can pad out the comic more than what she is doing.
Suitcase hates thought bubbles for some reason. He convinced Taeshi that they were unnecessary and covered up her wonderful art.

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