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Kids got access to anime so they didn't settle for the wannabe anime Deviantart cartoon.
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Changing Monty's original script and toning down the OG appeal for a more "CW" adaption feel
Miles watches a lot of anime but never really understood it.
Fag writers deciding to focus on Jaune's boring ass instead of the hot babes

Monty's death obviously.
RWBY died with Monty.
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I miss JLullaby so much bros.
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There was no one cause. It was a cumulation of multiple factors that fucked it over.

Just as RWBY started was when RoosterTeeth was going from a silly little garage project to being a prope corporate entity needed to animate something of this scale. Resources were hemorraged from RVB to help with the development. Merch and greater sales were needed to meet the financials neccessary to fund the shows creation. New hires to help with animation, writing, modelling, etc because this wasn't a machinima, this was real animation now. M and K try to push for a more story oriented setting but Monty, being the creator, blue balls them and manages to keep a loose series of events together in order to call it plot when all Monty wants to do was animate cute girls killing monsters.

Then, Monty died. A major shift in leadership happens and now M and K can make it their own thing and claim to follow "Monty's Vision" in an attempt to convince the viewers what their doing is all that Monty had planned to have happen. At this point the company starts to bleed money, swapping to maya, making more merch that sells okay but doesn't really do the job, and continuing to host RTX even though it costs them so much they go into the red. Not to mention all their other side projects that aren't really making them as much money as they need but they do anyway because they can't realize they aren't doing merely a passion project anymore, they're running a fucking buisness.

Volume 4 becomes pure filler as the animation team gets used to the new engine and mostly nothing happens with like one or two fights scenes in the entire season. RWBY has gone from being girls fighting monsters to something plot heavier. Nonsensical writing descisions are made. The following volumes begin to paint the once protagonists of the series as the ones causing the worlds downfall even though Roosterteeth continually tries to frame them as the good guys...
Writers who can't write their way out of a paper bag and don't know the first thing about how stories function.
...even though other characters motives and attempts to do so are better then their own reasoning and methods. All the while the fandom is pushing for ships to happen and they partly cave and fuck over Yang and Blake and make Blake cosntantly attached to Yang's hip and start having Yang care less and less about Ruby even though she's acted as Ruby's mother figure her entire life. Controversy happens all the while. Mismanagement out the ass. Underpaid and overworked animators that are developing episodes AS the season is releasing episodes. Vic Mignogna tossed under the bus despite arbitrary and minimal evidence to support the claims made against him. Discrimination in the workplace, all coming to light.

They start working on other shows even though they barely have the money and man power to do RVB and RWBY because of poor financial choices. Nomad of Nowhere gets made and hyped up, but only gets the one season and goes nowhere. GEN;Lock, the new massive mecha fighting IP they're making as the passion project of one mind gets its trailer and people eat it up because it looks good. Creator gets fucked over masively after the first season and his passion projects dissolves into a disgusting mess and the series ends with one of the main characters convincing everyone on the planet to kill themselves. More money wasted for fucking nothing.
We're at the last legs of the company here. People have been calling that they would be shut down and that given the recent multiple issues they've been shown to have the writing is on the wall for anyone outside looking in. Management knows this too. They make a desperate bid to try and infuse more of the LGBTQ+ audience in by canonizing the relationship between Blake and Yang that from any narrative standpoint made little to no sense to begin with and finally let the fans shoehorn it in. People rightfully critizie the choice to do this since you have to be a real shitty writer to take ten years to make two previously shown to be straight characters gay right after the destroyed a good chunk of civilization and while their leader/sister is basically on the brink of total emotional nuclear meltdown. Ruby has said meltdown, LITERALLY, ACTUALLY KILLS HERSELF IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, and the act is given little to no reaction, especially by her own goddamn sister-mother figure.

Instead of becoming a better character like the in plot des ex tree is supposedto do, she comes out exactly the same, having learned nothing, having not actually confronted her issues. There is then a two part crossover with the justice league that could ahve been spent animating a tenth volume and the entire studio is shitcanned--to no ones suprise.
And now we're at the present. The remnants of Roosterteeth want to be the ones that work on the property to finish the work. RWBY is sold from Warner Bros, fucking over any chance of future DC crossovers and now RWBY is owned by Viz Media, a publishing company with no animation department to speak of. This could be a good thing as they primarily deal with manga, so this could go two ways.

One--Viz Media somehow manages to convince a Japanese studio/mangaka to continue work on the anime version of the show, and the VA's from the og show are only borught on to work as voices for whatever is made.

Two-- the more likely one, is that the animation department they make is made up of Roosterteeth stoaways and they fuck over RWBY some more.
>the company starts to bleed money, swapping to maya
They had two reasons for this:
1. Monty used (lightly modified) character assets not belonging to him outside of their license (shareware, not permissible for commercial purposes) and the creator had started to notice as had numerous people right here; Monty's death was a good breakpoint to build original assets in Maya for the next season
2. Poser is a great program for animating RWBY when it's just two guys working on it, but when they expanded the staff this caused problems with noobs who didn't understand the way Poser does a couple of things (e.g. asset hunting) and RT was impatient to get rid of it
>Nomad of Nowhere gets made and hyped up, but only gets the one season and goes nowhere.
Good show oddly enough but they had no business being associated with it and killed the thing
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Anyone who unironically thinks it’s anything besides pic related doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
>What was the cause of RWBY's downfall anons
not enough Raven
I don't know who that is.
Monty's genius above all else was figuring out how to convert MikuMikuDance figures to Poser rigs which was not as simple as going through COLLADA or some other universal rig format. Where he fucked up was taking someone else's MMD figures and marginally editing their meshes/textures to create RWBY characters thinking no one would figure it out, despite leaving artifacts of the original characters in them. RT was facing having to settle with the creator and they weren't amused at finding this out 3 seasons in.
>All these walls of text
>F3 + Gray
>No results
Yeah I ain’t reading all this cause it’s probably schizo.

Gray Haddock the head of RT Animation department who siphoned money and Talent away from RWBY and other RT shows to fund his own personal autism project, GenLock.
He got fired after GenLock bombed and the higher up learned about his constant mismanagement of the animation department and constant crunch came to light.
But by that point, the damage was done and RT as a whole was probably deep in the red.
>made a season 2
>didn't stop at season 1
many such cases
>Gray Haddock

The only significance that name carries for me is Locus and Donald Doyle.
Simple it was garbage people getting bored of it was inevitable
The higher ups knew but ignored it because they were hoping that Gen:Lock would become their next cash cow. It didn't and Gray got the thrown under the bus.
The blatant asset theft for a commercialized IP really baffles me. It's inexcusably retarded. I know monty et al are just dipshit gamer bro weebs but for fuck's sake how stupid can you be? Plus the opening fight is a blatant ripoff of Cowboy Bebop's. hbomberguy called them out. But there are a lot more instances of plagiarism including after Monty died.

Then you have v9 which is a 1:1 ripoff of Alice in W, and sure it might be public domain but it's still shitty to do and pisses people off, plus it's tonal whiplash and an entire season of filler. v8 ended on a cliffhanger. So instead of showing the audience, after making them wait years, the conclusion for that, instead they go with a filler season and backburner the main plot. They had an animatic epilogue for the actual plot-relevant stuff that they ran out of budget to animate... So they leave the actual content people wanted as a scribble slideshow and waste everyone's time with Red Prince, that stupid cat, the weedbro grasshopper, and other fucking crap that doesn't even feel like it belongs in the RWBY-verse. Like, imagine you are watching Game of Thrones and it ends a season on a major cliffhanger. And the next season comes out, doesn't explain or wrap up anything, and they go off in Blues Clues for an entire season. An. Entire. Season. It sounds like a fucking joke. But CRWBY actually went and did that. They were actually so fucking retarded that they thought that was a good idea.

Then their company folded under and they cry and play victim. You fucking idiots shot yourselves in the foot then act like you don't know why the IP is bankrupt.
Monty's death. Not because Monty was a visionary or a genius or some such, but because he was a genuine weeb who had a primal understanding of weebshit and created something to pander to weebs like himself. Everyone else on the crew was either an ironic weeb or not a weeb at all, people who thought they were better than shameless weeaboo garbage. So when Monty was gone, they tried to build RWBY up to something bigger than weebshit, more suited to their tastes and ambitions, but it just ended up pretentious, dreary garbage instead.
To be clear, I don't think the show wouldn't be shit if Monty were alive. It'd still be shit, just in a different way. Rooster Teeth would have still gone down the shitter because it had massive issues even outside of RWBY being shit. I just think it would've been more fun if he were still alive.
>Plus the opening fight is a blatant ripoff of Cowboy Bebop's

They ripped off the set up of the MC chilling on the side while the store is getting robbed, but I don't recall Spike busting out a sniper rifle scythe and flipping around with it on the street. But that's sort of old RWBY in a nutshell. About a 50/50 mix of pilfered ideas/visuals and Monty's raw autism.
Monty wanted anime lipflap character rigs which no one had ever done before in Poser, but it wasn't impossible and there were no absence of devs on Renderosity who could have made him one. But no, he thought porting Metasequoia rigs was cleverer except he didn't care about the attached EULA for the one he reused. I don't speak Japanese but it translates pretty directly regarding allowed/prohibited use. Most of the hobbyists who scratch-build Miku models are nice people but they don't want them used commercially and this wasn't a secret.
it's literally a 1:1 of the fight scene dude watch the video breakdown sometime, they ripped it off completely. surprised gainax or whoever didn't sue his ass
Gainax was dead by this point with all their talent working at Trigger
Nothing it was shit from the start

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