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>cartoon is hated because it's a 00s cartoon in 2024
Only paid shills can hate on this cuteness
>Bluey ripoff
Lel. Its just bad, simple as.
Bluey is a Pepa Pig ripoff.
It's a homage MAWSfag.
....sponsored by /pol/
>I didn't watch any episode to back up my claim btw, not sure if it matters
Blueyfags fear competition
Bluey is caillou with dogs
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It is just a more energetic child cartoon,
The creator literally said that he wanted to "own" Pepa Pig with a shit eating grin on his face
Blueysisters....are we spiteful?
No people hate it cause it's a Bluey ripoff trying to shill retarded politics.
>/Pol/ backing something made by Zionist Jews who shill "conservative" values.
This joke hits closer to reality then it should.
Read the thread ADHD faggot
>shill retarded politics.
That was the thought process when making bluey look like a boy
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>shill retarded politics.
I can't believe righttards get more easily triggered than SJWs like that's an accomplishment
>It's ok when we do it
It's hated because it's boring and the creators vowed to never include gays or kids with divorced parents.
>and the creators vowed to never include gays
Based. What's the issue?
>No, it doesn't count!
Absolutely embarrassing
>creators vowed to never include gays or kids with divorced parents.
Wow so like most cartoons before the 10s?
>/pol/tards make a show
>the biggest audience it finds is among babyfurs
They didn't make that vow, it wasn't a political stance. Often execs would push against inclusion like that and now everyone involved is assuring parents their kids won't see gays or kids from divorced families.
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>faggot spamming his "own" comment over and over and over and over expecting a different outcome
Holy schizopost bro
Blueypedos are on full damage control.
>They didn't make that vow
Because they didn't have to you underage faggot, back then no one was forced to shove fags into their cartoons, now they're persecuted if they don't bend down to twitter
So you guys just long for government censorship, gotcha
We just don't want to see degeneracy normalization in children cartoons
Gay marriage isn't degenerate, it's the opposite. It prevents sex out of wedlock.
Who is we
t. Pedophile
Killing tumblr was a mistake
>retarded politics
So being a stricter parent is now politics?
Fucking retard.
Bluey is non-binary
My dude you're an idiot
It's hosted on a conservative network created to purge degeracy from media.
Sounds awesome
Why do rightoids get so cranky when they haven't jacked it to their daily dolphin porn?
It's hated because it's a blatant ripoff of a certain popular Aussie cartoon, though retards will say "Bluey didn't create family cartoons blah blah". No shit. I call it a rip-off because their initial designs looked a lot different than their final designs which looks very similar to Bluey.

Two, it's full of conservative talking points, thankfully kids won't get it because they don't know shit about these kind of things.
The most conservative it got was their reading of The Prince and the Pauper which they emphasized the lesson that "being rich is hard and peasants should stay in their lane". Also the astronauts episode where the one wanted to be first rewarded his behavior with his oldest sister ducking out of the argument of who gets to be first presumably because he's an aggressive male so she needs to be a passive female.
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Chip chilla looks less and less like bluey the more it goes on, unlike bluey the side characters aren't reskins
>That was the thought process when making bluey look like a boy

no, they did that so the character appeals to everyone. also gender doesnt have a color. now shutup bitch
>no, they did that so the character appeals to everyone
Boys are watching it because they think bluey is a boy, kys troon
>Boys are watching it because they think bluey is a boy, kys troon

they are idiots just like you.
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Do people call this conservative bluey just because its on a conservative network, or am I wrong? To be clear, I never watched this (whatever its called) or bluey.
The truth is nobody cares about it at all but some culture war shills need to pretend there's a controversy about it since that's the only way to get eyeballs on it.
>noooooo the 5 years old kids need to know that boys and girls look the same
You people are unhinged
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NTA but this is def a troll. Good one anon.
nobody but blueyfags bring up politics to chip chilla threads
This is correct, funded by alt-right philanthropists.
Does the show do anything particularly bad, other than just a cartoon about a nuclear family espousing traditional values or something?
No one makes chipchilla threads except to whine about how "hated" it is. If you faggots stoppled playing the victim then there wouldn't be any discussion of this thing at all.
Not really, just the people who funded it also funded the politicians in your government.
Kill yourself you disingenuous faggot retard, there were always threads for new episodes and you landwhales kept shitposting anyway

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