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this is a duck boy from a cartoon
The west will never be able to do comics/manga like Japan does, not with its obsession with color. The color jacks up the production time and the print cost.

There's also the completely different cultures. Amerifats are always in cars but Japan's public transportation infrastructure means people can have an hour or more to kill a day on the trains. This gives you a built-in captive audience who will always need something fun to fill the time.

Then there's the fact that American comic artists can't survive in America on their shitty comic book wages with no healthcare, and get no help from their publishers. Japanese publishers help their artists layout their books, secure assistants, even find housing, and the national healthcare is always there.

Japan's just a superior place for comics. Americans don't want to read, don't have time to read, and certainly don't have the money to blow on comics printed like fine art books and pamphlets instead of like the consumable pulp trash they're supposed to be.

Incels can blame fags 'til their neckbeards turn blue, but the real villain is America itself. It is a country of fatasses with a failed infrastructure, and its art and entertainment scene reflects that elegantly
>The west will never be able to do comics/manga like Japan does, not with its obsession with color.
I agree, plus Japan is leaps ahead in America when it comes to imagination and creativity. Spider-Man is a great example on how longevity kills an idea or a character. All the cool shit in Spider-Man was already done for the most part during the 60s to 90s, mostly everything after is some rehash to a certain extent. How many Batman or Superman stories can really have that are authentic, creative, and some how push them in a way that wasn't really done before? I liked Jon, and Clark's relationship with him but I apparently the fucked zooted Clark into space and made Jon older now???

>Then there's the fact that American comic artists can't survive in America on their shitty comic book wages with no healthcare, and get no help from their publishers. Japanese publishers help their artists layout their books, secure assistants, even find housing, and the national healthcare is always there.
To be fair, American comic artists/writers compared to their Japanese counterpart have it way more better in terms stress. The avg. life of a mangaka is very stressful and the manga field is cutthroat asf, so if you're not dedicated or truly passionate then this isn't the field to go into

>Japan's just a superior place for comics. Americans don't want to read, don't have time to read, and certainly don't have the money to blow on comics printed like fine art books and pamphlets instead of like the consumable pulp trash they're supposed to be.
America killed it's Comic/Superhero/Cartoon culture, they don't embrace change and stick to the same 1 and 2 beat

>Incels can blame fags 'til their neckbeards turn blue, but the real villain is America itself. It is a country of fatasses with a failed infrastructure, and its art and entertainment scene reflects that elegantly.
I'd disagree. I think there's genuine thriving-ness (?) in music and film, other than I don't really know.
why breadwinners?
why not sanjay and craig instead?
fuck off you neopuritan christfag
>It does
No, it literally doesn't. If it did then you could put anything on a screen, even something really philosophical, and they'd be glued for the whole thing. But they don't. Because they do have standards. Not better or worse than yours, but just different.
>Yes. Expand your horizons retard.
The fact that I'm talking about a subject as it pertains to America, when the subject itself is largely American, is only logical. Outside this conversation, I'd say my horizons are indeed quite broad.
>Unironically yes.
Seethe and cope, then
I hate Breadwinners. It looked like it was going to be funny but then it wasn't. It's like if there was a two trait table, BW would be in the "Looks Funny/Isn't Funny" part with Kim Possible. Then again, the only thing I can think of for "Doesn't look funny/Is funny" is Jay Ward cartoons like Rocky & Bullwinkle and George of the Jungle.
>" le fun is a buzzword, how dare you have fun" argument.
>gets mad when people explain to CuckPee that stuff like cartoons and comics have a main deal, which is to entertain, no matter how deep or simple the setting or plot is, and at the end of the day, if that show is so boring that the plot doesn't help that product, then it doesn't matter how much it tries, it's shit.

Pathetic retorts from a pathetic man desperate to be considered "right".
The problem with media literacy fags is that they think the only tolerable way to engage with some artistic work is to obsessively find some meaning in it like a schizo even when the creator themselves didn't intend there to be any
At least you admit it's all in your head
Imagine you owned a restaurant. You hire staff, order ingredients, etc. You open it up for business. Customers come in, they order food from you. Let's say half the people who order tell you something to the effect of "It doesn't taste right, I don't like it." Well sure, you can insist that the feedback isn't to your standard, you could be a sperg about it and scream back at them, but if you ignore this many people telling you something is wrong you can expect to your restaurant to fail within the month.
Could an anon be more specific about what's "fun" or "entertaining", yes and they probably should. But if everyone tells you your shit is awful and unfun, I'd try to find out why instead of being an uppity fuckhead with your head in the sand.
Is this a copypasta? Japan still buys hentai episode by episode on DVD, don't use them as this enlightened culture when they're stubbornly autistically averted to change.
>Analyzing stuff is good. It contributes to better creativity and critical thinking.
I analyzed your post and conclude that you are a free palestine twitter fag
>like when you specifically asked for the burger to be made a certain way
at what point was that said in the analogy? You know you can go to a restaurant and order a burger right? You don't have to specify anything particular. You're just twisting the analogy around because you don't like the point it made.
You just want to be an obtuse cunt about everything.
>What, you go back into the kitchen and watch the beaner flip your burger to make sure it's right? I doubt it prick. You just say, "Give me the fatfuckfiller #3.", Paco scratches his asshole and gets to work. You eat your shit-tainted burger and you whine like a little bitch about it.
You've never heard of steaks, fish, poultry, or any kind of meat that has differing cooking methods or deliveries? You can tell the chef "Hey I want this fried, or medium rare, rare." etc. Jesus Christ, you must really consoom McDonald's and the shittiest fast food, huh?
The rest of your post is just some insane rambling.
>“It is not the job of artists to give the audience what the audience want. If the audience knew what they needed, then they wouldn’t be the audience. They would be the artist. It is the job of artists to give the audience what they need.”
lead by comparing art to food you'd eat at a restaurant
>thereby immediately ruling out all art that seeks to challenge, discomfort, revolt, and speak to emotional and psychological fulfilment beyond the superficial instant gratification
>i.e. most great art ever made in any medium
Good job illustrating his point genius.

Great creative work comes from artists being inspired, not from the audience having the ideas and saying "make this for me, I can't be arsed". Audiences come to art because they want a look into another world that isn't just the inside of their own heads. And guess what OP - sometimes "masturbation made for the artist" ends up being widely loved anyway, or even just a cult favorite, if the artist has an interesting vision. Plenty of great film, literature, music, even some TV fits that description.
As usual Moore is talking about something very straightforward and fundamental to the idea of self-expression, and massive tards are getting offended because they're stuck on whatever hollywood flick upset them last
>Because they do have standards. Not better or worse than yours, but just different.
Worse standards, yes. Capeshit is the mark of someone with no standards. Funny how you equate being philosophical with boring, tells me a lot about your mental age.
>American blah blah blah blah
Comics aren't just American, retard. Expand your horizons outside of America.
>Seethe and cope, then
Over what? Having standards
OP has to be an american. Only stupid yanks (not all of them) calls Dredd a fucking hero or wants a totalitarian government like MC1. The whole point of Dredd series is you DONT want a government like the MC1 and you definitely don't WANT Dredd either. Dredd comics makes funny jester mockery of America and its society as a SATIRE. The only reason America in Dredd fell was because of their dumbass president Ronald Reagan jr of commencing the nuclear war which led to the overthrow of the government. I think its the coronavirus over there fucking them yanks up in their heads lol!

But hey if these stupid yanks wants a authoritarian government up their asses then let the dumbasses have it! Lmao.

This thread was funny and the OP is retarded then a fucking DoDo bird lol.
Your retarded,
Dredd cannot do everything (one thing I like about comics). He cannot do psi cases or face Death without Anderson (or the Psi-Judges). There was a time situation on MC1 was so severe it requires the space military to shut the shit down. And lastly there was time when Megacity was an uproar of Death invasions Dredd tried his best but watch helplessly as his Civilians all over MC1 were being slaughtered.

Dredd does it as career lawman. But there are things that are out of his hand. That's why the Justice Department have Psi-Judges, Space Military and so forth to handle situations. You kys dumbass.
Have your typical Sonic adventure play out, with Sonic trying to stop one of Eggman's schemes from devastating the world, but played out through various other POVs.

Rando normies, pundits, world leaders, scientists & all of Sonic's friends & enemies all try to answer one question:


Is he a champion of good, come to save everyone from the evils of the world?
Or is he just a dumb kid who fights bad guys for kicks?
Is he a reliable force for the greater good or just one bad chilli dog from wrecking everyone's shit in?

At the end, Sonic saves the day and someone asks him the question.

He then shrugs it off, doesn't give a definitive answer, leaves with a wink and asks the audience to draw their own conclusions.
KH embraces its serious tones with plenty of cheesiness but it's a quality franchise with great games so it connected with fans, a few even becoming invested in the hilariously convoluted plot. Also it has positive central themes like caring for your friends and fighting against your inner darkness.

Sonic games instead are a joke, the devs clearly don't care or know how to program a 3D platformer about going fast so in order to have something to advertise their crap with they just shove in dumb plots and cringy features like using handguns, becoming a furry and inserting your OC in the game. There's even less nuance to them than KH's basic symbolism so they end up attracting far more autists and kids, who further drive down the series' reputation.
>Also it has positive central themes like caring for your friends and fighting against your inner darkness.
You cannot be sincerely taking those themes seriously, right?
All I remember is the kid constantly shouting "Kairi!" like it's the most complex human emotion he possesses and "the darkness" was simply "the darkness" and often depicted as an external corrupting or possessing force that had nothing to do with anyone, even the designated evil Disney characters seemed adjacent to its existence.
>I mean what kind of Mario game has guns, military and the president and shit?
I also think being so concerned with "branding" (is it appropriate for Sonic to have mature themes or these things in it? Or Mario? Or what about Pokemon?) is sign of corporatist brain-rot where storytelling has been monopolized by IP-holders and the extent of media criticism by their target audiences isn't with respect to art's meaning but instead whether or not it's "on-brand". You'd have children's stories all throughout history where animals maim each other or little kids were devoured by demons, cute aesthetics that go dark by the end, but what apparently counts as legitimate criticism now is to point out that something that looks childish goes to dark places and how awful that is for a children's IP.

I could ask you what stories you've read outside of corporately created dopamine delivery vehicles with minimal artistic aspirations, but I'd probably get no answer. Because you're almost certainly culturally illiterate and your only other point for comparison for children's stories is other children's video games like Super Mario
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Fuck neopuritans and fuck moralfag pearl clutchers like you. I hope all your kids end up as degenerate diaper wearing furries with the sickest fetishes all to spite your backwards family values crap
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Relevant in our fight against neopuritans. Keep up the good fight anons.
Another piece of neopuritan eleutheromania propaganda for undeveloped adults with oedipal complex and the oikophobian children who they are raising incorrectly? Doesn't the world already have enough of those?
I have no interest in ever watching this neopuritan eleutheromania oedipal complex oikophobia propaganda.
Neopuritan Eleutheromania is by far the biggest mental illness in modern western culture and comic industry, yet it's also the most unaddressed one.
Eleutheromaniacs who suffer with Oedipal Complex and Oikophobia lash out with aggression if you even try to point it out.
This is the result of normalizing neopuritan eleutheromania. It allows people to never grow up and cause oedipal complex and oikophobia.
Neopuritan Eleutheromania has ruined the human race. Fortunately, it's never too late to undo the damage.
This image perfectly explains why neopuritan eleutheromania is a doomed state of an artists mind who suffers with oedipal complex and oikophobia
The solipsism in this pulchritudinous oedipal complex show is damning, however the oikophobia cannot be ignored either, especially in comparison to the abundant eleutheromania. It all culminates as a psychotomimetic example of postmodern neopuritanism.
The reason is rampant neopuritan eleutheromania and its adverse effects on the intelligence of the oikophobia oedipal complex populace.
"It's fun" isn't a good reason to consume brain poison, although anyone who seeks these neopuritan stories out in the first place would need a poisoned mind. The real tragedy is how children who suffers with oediapl complex who might be able to learn better if they had a proper education have this garbage pushed upon them by bad parents who want to pass down their eleutheromania oikophobia and actively discourage proper growth so that their kids will be mentally stunted for life like they are.
It should be run by someone who suffers with oedipal complex and oikophobia looking to transform it from an neopuritan eleutheromania propaganda machine to a producer of actual literature.
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What the hell is going on here
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Probably his childhood show
Samefagging by a guy trying to force a meme.
Breadwinners wasn't really that great of a show but I enjoyed it. Still think the ecosystem of different bread is a genuinely fantastic idea

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