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You will never be defeated by a villainess
She seems too abusive though
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She doesnt look fat, shes fit, very fit
Yeah no one was saying she was
lickable armpits
I can put a baby in you and just rough and mean to our family enemies.

Femdom is the fetish of cuckolds.
I want her feet in my face
If you’re going to make threads about obscurefus, you’re gonna have to grin and bear it when she’s drawn off model
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Can you tell how much I want to be broken and kept on a leash by a villainess?
You haven't met my ex wife!
I thought so too until my wedding HEY O
very nice taste anon.
aside from the lolis you sneaked in there. which I gotta admit were quite cleverly placed.
Yeah, because I'm not some weak ass bitch lmao
fuck is wrong with you, anon
Unless you're talking about the daughterus section, which is totally platonic, I've had this chart going for years, since back when I was the same age as some of these characters
I'm fucking nuts and I nut to fucking.
In that case statement withdrawn.
She took everything
So what?
no, cuckoldry is the fetish of cuckolds, but nice try buddy
We know.
Mommy pls.
I'd rather defeat a heroess desu.
So that's supposed to be Mary Batson right? Is she a child transforming into that form?
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You’re telling me Bruce didn’t even pop a half chub during this?!
The movie implied it was just her like this the whole time and no kid shenanigans, and she was called Superwoman, but then she did seem kind of low key childish at times if you were looking for it.
>wonder woman
God femdomfags are retarded
t. harley fan
Don't you mean, "You will never defeat a villainess?" Women like them want some strong hero to put them in their place.
You don't even like femdom, you're just a little faggot who wants girls to be the ones doing all the work.
Ah, all women want Hercules trope.
That is a bold-faced lie
No, they want a man who isn't going to fold so easily.
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She's so delicious
>Latex is a fetish of footfags
That's how you sound, retard
Good god... excellent taste and saved
The only solution to villainesses is correctional rape.
There's no choice, it's for their own good
I believe they confirmed in an interview she in fact was a child at some point and just just stayed transformed for many years without ever reverting
I swear every girl who wears a high ponytail is hot and evil IRL too
Why shouldn't they? Men have been doing it since literally forever. It's time for a change.
That's true :)
My wife is bipolar
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Almost looks like Superwoman's biting Bruce's lips.
For your sake I hope you didn't make such a retarded list
Damn right! I'm too strong to be defeated by a villainess!
Don't remind me...
imagine getting whipped by her all across your back and ass
imagine her finishing you off by shoving the handle up your ass and fucking you with it until you cum yourself unconscious
imagine that she gives your ass a gentle pat afterward before walking off, leaving you ass up with the handle still inside
Oh, I certainly did.
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So if she did revert...

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