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Big adult swim stream tonite at 7:30 PST.
>Set for July 26 at 7:30 p.m., the event treats fans to the first-ever screenings of the full-length premiere episodes of “Common Side Effects,” “Rick and Morty: The Anime,” “Invincible Fight Girl” and “Women Wearing Shoulder Pads,” as well as other never-before-seen Adult Swim content. It will also be livestreamed on Adult Swim’s YouTube Channel.
>all of that garbage
>adult swim got invincible fight girl
CN is fucking dead
Invincible Fight Girl and Common Side Effects should be good. The rest...trash.
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>Invincible Fight Girl should be good.
IFG looks like a web cartoon
It'll be here
The fuck are those first and last shows?
Warner dry humping Adult Swim
let me guess, muh brown girl?
Apparently YOLO Crystal Fantasy got a season 3. Great news, i assumed it was over and he moved on to Smiling Friends.
The ending of s2 was genuinely heartfelt to me and I consider that an achievement based on the initial (hilarious) yt skits.
Common Side Effects looks well written in earnest so I'm predicting great success for that one.
So what's the source of the "Demon Slayer season 3 on August 10th" rumor?
someone in the toonami rewind thread who got the Uzumaki airing details wrong
All sounds like shit. Just stick to anime instead of the watered down crap.
Aniplex is running a Demon Slayer dub panel tomorrow so that may end up being a lucky correct guess
Comin up soon
5 mins bros
>Only 267 people waiting
Flop stream, Adult Swim is never doing this again
Everything shown will be cancelled because of it.
They barely advertised it
I just want to see Fight Girl
Where's the joke?
Seems like a more serious show.
The animation and art on this show is really good. The lighting is especially great.
its good but it feels like it's trying to be like ghibli too much now. the writing is mid
Is this the scavengers reign studio or something
The creator of this show co-created Scavengers Reign, so probably.
Can bet 100% that the main guy is a direct self-insert.
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>the same defense
>for ten years straight
So that’s why there’s a lot of potential mixed with pretentious cringe
I'm enjoying this so far, but I don't think this will play well with average AS viewer.
This looks thousands times better than Invincible Fight Girl. Too bad most people will probably ignore it, just like Scavengers reign
SR sucks
Same. It doesn't feel like an Adult Swim show, it feels more like a Hulu or Netflix original.
Ironically I was only watching this stream to see if Fight Girl sucked or not, but I'm fully enthralled with this.
>hank hill playing animal crossing mobile games in 2024
>tribefagging already
Looks like it’s a success
Is that Mike Judge?
Okay Hazbin Hotel fan
Typical SRfag saying bullshit to defend their desktop wallpaper show
>Carol VA

Instant kino
that was... okay
I enjoyed that.
Not bad, I can't give it too much shit for being kind of off-brand for [as] considering all the babyshit on the channel nowadays.
Lol, I can already tell this won't fly.
Why does AS need a brand anyway?
Wasn’t the appeal of the channel how experimental their shows were?
For a second, I thought I was watching The Shivering Truth.
I liked it.
No one watches Adult Swim to read through subtitles.
I'm not even watching it
[as]'s idea of experimental was largely comedic, the only show that wasn't was Moral Orel.
3 shows literally no one cares about how are you surprised
I have no idea what I just watched.
The “appeal” turned into “they air fox slop” the moment they were able to do so
I kinda wanna see more of this
Eh, guess it was kind neat.
What the fuck am I watching?
>CGI shit.
Stop ruining anime with this.
I was afraid we would get a whole episode of that chicken BS, glad we skipped it.
Hi Keith David
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>wow that was so deep
that wasn't very entertaining, except for some character interactions
Alright, /co/, your precious Fight Girl show is finally on now.
It better fly because in September Toonami is gonna lead with an hour of subs
You sold me with Keith David as the narrator.
You'll have me forever if he turns out to be the final boss
Kind of reminds me of My Adventures with Superman.
Reminds me more of OK KO
It tries to be too much like anime, but it's the best written I will say
Just got here
What did I miss
I kinda liked Women Wearing Shoulder Pads, but that's probably because I know Spanish so I didn't need to read the subtitles, not great but not terrible either, the first show wasn't all that bad either, so far the worst one is Invincible Fight Girl since that show was made for regular CN before they shat it out on Adult Swim like MAWS and Unicorn Warriors
Its funny how this is setup as them being kids in a world of wrestlers, but the poster makes it clear the show is mainly about them as adults.
i liked Common Side Effects more than any i saw,
Invincible fight girl is giving me a pseudo anime feeling, e.g. OK K.O or teen titans
>Invincible fight girl is giving me a pseudo anime feeling
You didn't get that impression from day 1?
Common Side Effects is probably gonna be the best of the night.
fella, this is the first i've seen of this shit,
>its another racism allegory
aaaannnnd it lost me. for fucks sake why is every modern cartoon like this
What are you talking about?
Do you think the original Star Wars is about racism because an evil Empire presses everyone who's below them?
Dude this sucks lol
>accountants vs wrestlers is an allegory
In other words, your schizophrenia.
Scavengers reign was a trite snoozefest. Really Netflix tier writing.
i agree, it's a more entertaining race war put to film ,it's what animations was made for
I can’t tell if the corniness is ironic or sincere.
stop it
Black Punch Punch Forever.
Invincible Fight Girl is pretty nice

reminds me a lot of kinnikuman
About what I expected.
Also this Uzumaki anime looks weirdly cheap.
Westerns wanting to be anime is a disease
>Rick and Morty anime.
Now here comes the real garbage.
>Rick and Morty anime
I'm out, peace.
I dig it. Better then I was expecting.
Seriously, already a product mention in the first minute?
It's the result of western animation losing its appeal to its target audience.
I know right, it all screams parody but it's played straight. People keep comparing it to KO but that was a loving pastiche, not to mention was just as influenced by western toon animation as it was anime
Then why make a kiddy version of Shonen when kids like darker and violent ones
While I enjoyed it, I can't help but feel it's not telling of the overall show, as the poster shows there's a timeskip from the events of episode 1 until what the show is really about.
Also, still no release date?
Who is the audience for a Rick and Morty anime anyway?
man the older i get the more i hate anime. And i think this is meant to be an anime opening joke or something. at least the music was OK
I would've rather had an Aqua Teen anime or Home Movies anime than a Rick and Morty anime.
See, this could have been funny had they gotten the actual rick and morty voice actors to do the voices, and have them act in this weird take on the show. But it's typical anime voice actors, so what's even the point? It's not even R&M, it's just a brand new anime that just happens to use those characters.
something with just the name invincible fight girl should be derided at this point. let alone the shitty design quirks and "anime inspired but western sensibilities" needs to die in a ditch
the dub is not working for me
Honestly, I wouldn't want any of those.
>Don't act like the R&M characters
>Don't sound like them either
What's the point?
The voices sound like something you might hear in a parody on Youtube.
Aqua Teen Anime would actually work because the show is such nonsense that making a dramatic anime story with those characters could be funny. But Rick and Morty has actual space wacky adventures, violence, death, sexual themes, dramatic moments, etc. So it's not really as interesting to see, it's just a worse more generic version of a show that's already tiresome.
i'm watching the newer seasons with the sound-alike, it sounds off. Rick and Morty had its heyday at this point, they're milking it dry
Isn't it obvious
>parents get pissed off, they have to work it out
>accountant girl (I can't even remember her actual name) drops out of the academy because she sucks and just wants to be a wrestler
>white kid becomes her friend and tag alongside in her wrestling journey
>she makes a splash in the wrestling world after defeating a famous trio and now everyone wants a piece of her
>also they slightly teased power shit by having her glow for a bit in the first episode. They will probably explain it more later but it seems when wrestlers are in peak performance or "the zone" in this world they glow and get a boost from it
>also we'll probably see the old pepper lady again mentor her
Don't know how I feel about Invincible Fight Girl. The whole thing feels like it's trying way too hard to be anime exaggerating tropes that would fine there but annoying here and I also can't believe that episode is 22 mins long. It felt it had a lot of dead air in between and would've extremely benefitted if the episodes were only 11 mins long barring specials ofc. The animation is extremely shit and kinda annoying at times which is a shame desu.
Oh I just realized they're doing a Citizen Kane parody
Also, get a japanese rapper to sing the iconic Aqua Teen theme.
Smiley Fwiends
What’s exactly going on here?
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>m.c.A.T does the Aqua Teen theme
some shit about a snow glob, i haven't seen kane. i only know it because of that one family guy bit
Summer's the only one who sounds okay and arguable better than the original.
Yeah wtf
>verification not required
I don't like how the anime is playing itself completely straight. Rick and Morty is a very snarky show and the anime lacks most of that.
Well I'll give them this but I never thought Rick and Morty being earnest without meta sarcasm would be interesting enough to watch all the way through. Dunno why bother attaching this to the license desu I think it'd have a bigger audience NOT being Rick and Morty.
They're distracting but I think they're fine
she sounded too up beat, but yeah it wasn't that Jarring
>we have Code Monkeys at home
>nepotism network making a nepotism joke
Not until I see a race joke, a woman joke, and a gay joke.
Bring back Pibby you fucks.
Never gonna happen. It was a licensing nightmare.
that was solid and funny - for one ep
Classic Adult Swim not knowing how to end broadcasts
Oh wait, that's it? That was abrupt.
>demarco is self-sabatoging just so he can say "I told you so" in a year
yeah and it didn't look half bad , it was short and sweet
they privated the video
meh Common Side Effects was about the only thing worth watching anyway
Did anyone download a video of the stream before they privated it or are these episodes lost media until they officially premiere now?
https://x.com/beeclops/status/1817040721733632035 IFG got saved, not sure about the others
Yeah wtf. I was going to go back and watch the ones I missed. This is stupid
Stream had a 1000+ people watching so hopefully someone got them. Its crazy if not.
Downloading now, it's 1.5GB but that's only because it's the 1080p source and the premiere is over an hour long
it's appreciated. I was halfway through Common Side Effects when it suddenly said "this video is available". It was the part right after Frances gave her boss the elevator pitch.
Much obliged. Does catbox take videos that large or is it gonna be put on mega?
I don't have a whole lot of mega storage space so if anyone wants a specific thing from the stream I can cut it into an individual video and upload it that way
where can I watch it?
I literally got cut off at the same point. I like the artist from Instagram. His jokes are kind of simple. In a "meme you might send your dad" kind of way. I can appreciate that. Wasn't sure how it would work in a show, but I like it.
Why not Gofile?
guess that works. It's uploading right now
Gegory was a little bit of an eye-roller, but it wasn't at all intrusive. I figure most of the guys shortform stuff is like that?
full ass stream
Yeah, It's mostly super soft surrealist humor. Not laugh out loud or deep, but it'll make you exhale once in a while, and the jokes usually don't overstay their welcome.

fantastic, thanks man.
ha, that was pretty funny.
Thanks. I liked the shows, personally. Thought they were all pretty fun or interesting.
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Fight Girl was the clear highlight of the stream. Great worldbuilding, felt very original. Hell of a title drop too
So what do we think boys? AS got any hope? Or is this another step to the grave?
These could be the best animated shows of all time, and it wouldn't affect AS's future. Whatever that may be.
bless you anon. my YouTube stream was compressed to hell, your download looks a million times better
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Common Side Effects has the potential to become one of the all-time great adult animated series. Hopefully since it's on cable it'll last longer than Scavengers Reign
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im so fucking disappointed in this board
you faggots always propogate the worst fucking shit without fail and we'll never escape this cancer
This shit was terrible. Too much pseudo-action slop. The styles aren’t diverse for me. It feels too much like a millennial’s art project
>Felt original
That's a joke right? Like, I liked it but it's clearly aping from some very clear sources, it was basically Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple meets My Hero Academia, complete with legally distinct "You Say Run"
/co/ hates everything yet again, what a surprise.
>desktop wallpaper show
nothing really happened. some weird plants and critters, some guys die, everyone talks like if HR redditors wrote a show
Goddamn reminds me of OK KO
It was a good show that came out at the WORST goddamn time. No one wants to watch that shit when they just got done watching MHA or any marvel slop they just got finished consuming
>Common Side Effects
Best of the night. Natural humor blends in well with the corporate intrigue plotline without coming off as hokey. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes.
>Women Wearing Shoulder Pads
Had I not known that the creators of Tuca & Bertie made this show specifically to only feature female voice actors, I wouldn't have been able to tell you why it felt slightly off. The only 2 times men are mentioned in this are the mural of a Cuyador getting killed and the main lady asking her niece to find either a man or a woman to hook the virgin mother up with. It's an odd decision to make, considering the majority female cast doesn't really factor into the plot of the show at all. To look at it without the political lens, I still didn't find it all that entertaining. It's like a Royal Crackers plotline that needs more time to percolate in the writer's room, like that one episode with the cursed south american time traveling gauntlets and Darby pulling his own McMillions but without the McMillions jokes.
>Chicken Fighter
This is so generic it could only have been made by fucking VIZ media. It looks like it should be a show-within-a-show on some other cheap but slightly better written anime that makes fun of it for being worse than the anime they're in right now.
Demarco just wants to make anime but he has no money. So meme chicken show it is

>Invincible Fight Girl
As many have already stated, the show feels like OK KO trying to play itself straight but still coming across as something juvenile. It personally reminds me of my one point of exposure to the anime "God of High School" which was a clip of the fight between Han Daewi vs Baek Seungchul. I forget which guy is which, but it was a nerdy guy in a tracksuit wielding a metal bat against a karate jock, and the concept of wildly different fighting styles matching off intrigued me until the metal bat guy pulled out this "12 spears of resolve" special technique that could only happen in shonen garbage, and I felt that exact way when the old wrestler chick in the flashback pulled out her stupid dragon ball moves. All this to say, I'm sure it has its audience, but it sure as hell isn't me. Skimmed ahead from the end of the flashback match up to the titular Girl watching the "Wrestling is for Everyone" tape before I called it and skipped onto
I thought this was supposed to come out in October of 2022. I'm honestly glad it's been delayed release instead of rushed, because there was this other Junji Ito anime that came out on Netflix a while ago that looked like dogshit (studio DEEN), and the few scenes we get in this teaser look really great. Not fantastic, because there's more to adapting an Ito manga than just the color grading, but it's definitely gonna be good.
>Rick & Morty: The Anime
I was really interested in seeing where this went back when we only had that one clip of Anime Rick being split across parallel instances of himself. Playing around with scifi concepts is a staple of the R&M formula, and the Japanese lens of commentary is much more interested in mechanical deconstruction than narrative. Just think about those 2 episodes of Space Dandy, "There's Always Tomorrow, Baby" and "I Can't Be The Only One, Baby". These take the premises of a time Loop and Parallel Universes and take them to their logical extremes while still treating them as having some inherent value. After seeing this episode, I think the anime is gonna be able to maintain that same level of "earnest irreverence" for every story they have to tell, but learning that it's gonna be a serialized plot centered around the antimatter reverse entropy macguffin is a little disappointing. Maybe they can manage a different twist with every story they tell, but it's sort of tying things down to have it solely dedicated to playing with time travel. I wonder if the title sequence featuring Elle so much is a gag for the sake of this episode, or if she's really gonna be a recurring character. If she does end up being one, why not Frank too? Or that alternate Rick? Honestly, showing those alternate timelines really distracted from setting up stuff with Elle and the macguffin, so I really don't know where they could go next with it. Hopefully somewhere decent. Seeing Clone High got cancelled again made me realize that I wasted a lot of time on the revival series in the hopes that it'd get better as it went on, so I don't know if I wanna follow the R&M Anime or not once it starts airing. It being slow to start is really working against it here.
Pretty much what I've come to expect from Smalls. Decent, watchable, not rewatchable.
So yeah, 2/7. Could've been better, but the things that mattered are gonna carry the channel. Same as it ever was.
You should watch the two “pilot” episodes of TMS Rick and Morty (vs Genocider and Summer Meets God) and post your thoughts here

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