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Hazbin Hotel renewed for seasons 3 and 4.
No wonder I'm seeing a lot of this on my YouTube feed.
Um this is about invincible
Can't blame him for being distracted by the better show.
That’s like twenty total episodes
Maybe if we get five seasons they’ll give Niffty a song
So that whole Super quick pacing in season on was fucking pointless then?
Kek, this
The article mentions both as they were part of SDCC Amazon's panel
So they’ll have enough episodes to do that retarded Lilith/Eve twist
That's why Viv wants six seasons.
I wanna squirt Charlie's womb full of my baby batter.
Glad to hear about invincible.
Do we know when should we expect season 2? I really hope we don't have to wait until 2026.
Thank you for this post anonymous user
>Prime Video also renewed “Hazbin Hotel” and “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” for sophomore seasons.
Season 3 at minimum, stop lying for next time
Nope, season 4 is confirmed as well.
That seems unwise when you don't know how the second season is going to perform.
The obsessive fanbase all but guarantees it performs well.

>I'm going to go cry in space about my family and then fuck some bugs

See that doesn't really have any bite when you're defending hazbin of all things.

What if I said they're both mediocre at best with a few high points.
>Hazbin has sexable female characters
>Invincible has strong black woman who don't need no man
I know what my vote is for.
That's more respectable.
One annoying character that's being ditched for a better one versus an entire cast of obnoxious characters with the ugliest art style possible.
Name 1 (one) sexually attractive Invincible character.
And come on. You know there's more than just one annoying character.
Prove it with a quote from the article.
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I said from the article. Fail.
It's still weird to think that this is technically a TV show now.
3 and 4?
Did they already speedrun a season 2 for this show?
>Season 3 at minimum
Isn't that the same thing?
Yes, didn't you see?
No, I am the anon who asked for a quote from the article, uncultured swine.
It's crazy to me people watch this garbage
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Only watching for the babes.
Especially since Amazon gets a cut of all the merch and music sales.
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Yep, to me as well, I have only seen reviews of it, a lot of them, but only reviews, also fuck Vivzie, Adam did nothing wrong except been written by her FAT ASS!
I think it's kewl :)
Adam, Lute and Alastor were the only interesting characters to me, other than that I did not give a fuck about anyone or anything in this show. It's filled with some dumbass characters and retarded plotholes; all it takes is being a musical for zoomies to eat it up I guess
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See this Rainbow infested shit being proudly announce with a demon emoji and all, to rub the unholiness and cringe even harder

The only people who find hazbin hotel characters attractive are degenerate man children or autistic women.
Bro, the show suck ass, not everyone is a retarded merch consuming faggot gooner who claps at girliepop music and eye seering colors
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Nice tits though.
Ewww you must like moe anime trash
Hazbin hotel is the most souless consumer slop ever made.
Represents this current timeline pretty well
Lol, get fucked faker high.
>>Hazbin has sexable female characters
angel dust isn't female anon
I think the actors finished recording season 2 last month
Shit must be cheap to make and produce for it to get renewed this much
Why does slop like this get 4 seasons out the gate while shit that's actually good never even gets picked up i the first place?
I almost got filtered halfway through the first episode, but then Adam singing “Hell is Forever” had me hooked. Now I’m just sticking around to see what happens with Alastor’s shenanigans
It's demonic and has gays so...
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I LOVED pilot episode Alastor and was disappointed in episode one when he’s immediately acting bitchy about the commercial. Amir’s voice grew on me though, I guess. But I really miss Ed Bosco’s version
you told me Vivzie failed /co/ ? she won so hard is not even funny
If anything Sausage Party is the worst thing on Amazon Prime, I was hoping for it to get canceled after it's first season.
Like I said in a previous threat, Adam and Lute(who you might as well call Eve and throw that Roo plot to the trash) shouldn't have been the villains, they should have been something like supervisors in the Hotel, teaching Charlie how to actually get sinners to repent and to change their sinful ways, and watching the sinners staying actually progress into becoming virtuous in an adequate way, but with both of them being very strict and having the balls to tell Charlie 'No, a simple sorry ain't enough, Little Miss Antichrist'', also maybe they tell Charlie to take out the bar(because seriously, who has a bar in basically a detox centre?) and put a chapel or something so the sinners can actually pray, confess and search for some guidance, all that jazz, you know right.

Just write their relationship with a similar vibe as the actual show

Also throw the Extermination plot to the trash, change it for Heaven wanting to close the embassy due to multiple attacks from the turf wars between the overlords, that took control of everything when Lucifer got depressed after his divorce from Lilith, and then you can make the Big Main Bad guy who is basically controlling the overlords either Moloch, Baal, Baphomet or even Azazel, idk, you think of something, also make Alastor a lackey infiltrated in the Hotel

And for the Love of God, give me Adam as a priest wielding blessed double barrel shotguns and Lute as a nun wielding blessed Uzis and both busting the Kneecaps from Valentino's lackeys to help Angel or something, it could be really cool
I've got a lot of stuff that I'm hoping (or not) to see in 2nd 3rd and 4th seasons of Hazbin Hotel

> Having it be a actual hotel setting, rather than it being like an X-rated version of Ruby Gloom or the Addams Family.
>The Hotel itself not just being a redemption place for Sinners but also having Sinners and Hellborns working there.
>Seeing Niffty's fish boyfriend along with Angel Dust's dad and brother.
>A bunch of Cannibal kids or Imp's riding on Niffty's cleaning cart down the Corridors.
>Husk and a new character (who is possibly a chef that died accidentally or was a bad/evil one) running the Hotel adjacent kitchens and restaurant with Husk going Gordon Ramsey at times.
> Alastor, Angel Dusk, Husk and Lucifer playing golf together at either the Hotel's adjacent Golf Course or somewhere else in the Pride Ring.
>Sir Pentious being Adam's replacement at the Heaven Embassy due to him being homesick about Hell.
>Valentino hiring a new Sinner who has possibly recently died during the course of the first season to Star and torture in his Porn movies and for his amusement.
>Alastor becoming enthusiastic about modern technology, which he might've actually been when he was alive.
>Actually seeing Historical and Biblical figures in both Heaven and Hell like you see in some episodes of The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park and even in the book Dante's Inferno.
>Amazon announced today that its adult animated musical comedy show Hazbin Hotel will get at least two more seasons, as the company confirmed that the show has been renewed for a third and fourth season.
Helluva season 2 has legitimately been one of the most atrocious things ever animated. so my expectations are rather low.
>Hazbin fans pissed because it was snubbed by the Emmy's, not even a nomination
>Digital Circus got a deal with Hot Topic first despite being far newer
>Heaven vs Hell was speed run in season 1
Where could you even go from here? Also
>High chance that Adam stays dead forever
Lots of people will be PISSED if Viv meant what she said.
We're already at the point the fan content is all anyone remembers.
viv has already said fucking helluva boss is getting 50 episodes, and s2 has been trash aside from the fizz episodes.
Hazbin is better than Helluva
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Reminder that gen alpha rats from Twitter with palestinian watermelon flags are irrelevant.
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Daily reminder that HH/HB lost to skibdi toilet that's how fucked the ip is
yes, watch the "you didn't know" song she calls them poor innocent souls to Sera
>retarded grandpas first post
>What are you saying? Let me get this straight: you go down there to kill those poor souls?
>>"You didn't know?"
>"Whoops! Guess the cat's out of the bag! What's the big deal?"
>Sera tell me that you didn't know...
that is true
but plenty still like Helluva
it also adds lore
Why is the janny deleting any criticism of the show
When people get banned for any offense alot of times their other posts will get auto deleted too. The dude might have gotten banned elsewhere and his posts here were collateral.
TV man is gonna be the main bad guy this season.
Only by a tiny bit. But what's her past record?
>Zoophobia abandoned out of spite
>flawed but mostly enjoyable HB season 1
>irredeemable garbage that is HB season 2
HB/HH lost to Skibidi and Digital Circus...
and honestly Lackadaisy is far better all around
>seasons 3 and 4
huh? but season 2 isn't even out
>50 eps
so this shit is getting stretched into the 2030s? how long can they drag out faggot owl drama
I am a zoomer myself and I avoid it like the plague.but Istill criticize it because I wanted it to be better, and like I say here on >>144678547, I would have made them good guys but still very strict while I made any other big name demon the main big bad guy influencing others behind the scenes, while having Alastor as a lackey infiltrated in the hotel, but of course, I have a brain and I am not stuck being a fedora tipping atheist from reddit, unlike Vivzie
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I love him I love him I love him I love him so much
>implying Invincible doesnt have sexable characters
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This, but Angel Dust.
Shut up, Faggot!
Alastor is like Bill Chiper if people constantly talked about Bill as a threat but when in truth he's fucking poser.
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looks like cringekino's back on the menu, boys!
that's stupid. you should embrace being base and cringe at your age, before you're an old joyless withered fuck like the porn addicts on this board
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Thank you, I needed that, I know my rant from >>144678547 is kinda cringe, but at least It is better structured than the way too many plots of this shitshow, and I feel sad about that, but again, thank you!

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