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Why is Byrne's Superman run so polarizing?
You tell me.

Mostly because Byrne himself is an asshole.

The stories are for some people the only real Superman they ever knew (kind of like how Tim Drake is the only "real " Robin to people of a certain age), but they altered some characters rather drastically (Lex) and had some controversial scenes like Superman executing Zod.
sounds like zack snyder but good
But Zack Snyder is good?
Anytime someone says they dislike something Byrne made, just assume they’re trans, gay or a woke woman.
Byrne sucked all the fun out of the character. Superman’s reputation of a boring boyscout stem from here since Byrne focused squarely on the “he’s an alien but human” angle, directing the character in a more passive role compared to before and dealing with smaller, more realistic and less, for lack of a better word, fun stories.

Superman before that was a larger than life figure who lived in a world that was just as fantastical. It wasn’t perfect but it was fun and because there were truly no limits to what they could do, which is why Superman was far and away the most popular hero back in the day. Even his girlfriend was outselling his contemporaries.
I prefer Business Lex.
Silver Age Superman was an asshole. Not even for the superdickery bait covers, he stuck his cousin in a fucking orphanage.
That sounds hilarious, I was already interested in Silver Age supes now I need to find this issue
Neutered the fuck out of Superman and made almost all his villains boring corporate and tech based guys. Byrne has self admitted he knew jack shit about Superman outside of the first two Reeve's films.
Byrne fucking sucks
Because it's not very good but a lot of people want to pretend it is so they can feel special.
Its early parts were really good. But Byrne was allowed to get weird. Never allow Byrne to get weird.
People are still assmad over what he did to a toaster.
They made Superman's personality too boring. I like most of these stories though.
Two reasons:

1. As: >>144675366 pointed out, people dislike Byrne himself for reasons unrelated to his comics.

2. (And this is the big one...) People blame Byrne for what came after. (Which is bullshit logic, btw.)
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Literally Supergirl's first issue.
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christ clark couldn't you find an orphanage without a crack den?
The Kents were dead by this time so he couldn't take her to them. Byrne at least kept them alive.
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Third reason: Byrne cannot keep his kinks and nasty fetishes out of comics.
So you get:
Superman tonguing underage girls
Superman doing porn with Barda
Superman hurting girls
Guy in Superman's body threatening to rape and kill Wonder Girl
and on and on.
lol good one
People didn't think that way at the time. You're retroactively seeing things that aren't there. The internet has poisoned your brain. Seriously.
>Byrne sucked all the fun out of the character
Why do I get shit for saying this about George perez and Wonder Woman but people say it commonly about Byrne?

ill answer that question myself:
It’s because >>144678806 is right.
>Superman does wild and inappropriate shit in the silver age
Heckin Hilarious super duck teehee that’s comix :-D amirite m8
>Superman does wild and inappropriate shit in Byrne’s run
Heckin disgusting, gosh what a bigot amirite
Probably because you're a wrong retard
It's honestly astounding how people react to shit today that never used to so much raise an eyebrow.
Asshole chad > dull wimp
Because Perez did the best with Wonder Woman you mong. She was a schizophrenic mess before he came on board.
Golden age Diana was fine, Kanigher sent her on a spiral but Perez, while he did a respectable job otherwise, failed to make Diana engaging.
Making Steve older and not a love interest (which I suspect was because he was hoping to push Clark/Diana) hurts a crucial part of the character as well.
But I can't entirely blame him. GA Diana is like GA captainMarvel..just not something DC wanted in their modern, post crisis world.
Byrne did the best with Superman you mong. He was a schizophrenic mess before he came on board.
Literally this
I'm a straight man.
"Byrne sucks so everything he did sucks" doesn't apply to Superman.

Indeed, his Superman, X-Men, and Fantastic Four runs are still considered to be universally acclaimed and even the most striden Byrne haters like them.
MUH SILVER AGE basically.
Because it created variant covers.

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