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Finally got around to watching it, kicking myself a bit for waiting so long since I enjoyed it more than expected. Weird that it did so poorly, know it's cliche to say but it does seem like it was just before its time, reminds me of other series that fell by the wayside like duckman. Also should I be worried that I found Pickles extremely attractive
if I was a woman I'd fuck that stub of a stud
Oh and tell me if Angus' books are any good if you've read them. Know they're a good bit darker, but I'm curious about the rest of his work now.
Creepy Susie is what get people to remember this show.
Yes, sadly, tho i good bunch of them come from just seeing the character on internet and associating her with other emo and creepy characters
My love
>enjoyed it more than expected
yeah, that's the effect I'm noticing with all these Simpsons bastard children that sprang in the late 90's, like Mission Hill and Baby Blues. They have a place in my heart
nah they're pretty shit
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No, they ARE the "SHIT". Haven't read them fully, but they are the kind of book my 10 year old self would've treasured with dark pleasure
okay well i'm not 10 years old and i don't think op is either
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Tfw no Debbie to do this to you....
>>it's cliche to say but it does seem like it was just before its time
Vehemently disagree, it's made for the late 90s/early 00s which was when networks actually experimented creatively
I always hated how he drew boobs
It's a funny little series for what it is, I only feel bad that the creator didn't agree. He was incredibly respectful about it, saying, to paraphrase "It was a good show that they made, it just wasn't MY show", as in the show he wanted to make, there were changes that led to him withdrawing from the writers' room and instead overseeing the animation.
What were the changes he didn't like?
I was watching some making of on Youtube and they didn't go into specifics, but there's a clear difference in tone between his book and what's seen in the show.
His books aren't really funny but the show had actual written jokes. Honestly i don't see much relation between the books and the show.
It's why people fall in love with her.
My fond memories is watching the Oblongs reruns at 1-2am on school nights on a tiny CRT TV that made a nice buzzing sound
What stood out the most to me from my early memories watching the show were the stacy turning into a frankenstein after getting brutally torn up and helgas fat ass aggressively coming onto milo because of how disturbing and disgusting it was.
Fair, I mostly said that considering how poorly it was received when it released. I do think a couple of the episodes touch on shit a lot of people are really talking about more now, though; like all the pill-pushing stuff with Milo.

Have a similar vague memory of catching it late at night on adult swim or something loooong ago, never managed to remember much besides the character designs. Was probably about to fall asleep/randomly woke up, saw a lot of half-remembered weird shit that way
This show has bullies
There should’ve been a Baby Blues, Mission Hill, and Oblongs crossover.
Hi Blake Good
>>like all the pill-pushing stuff with Milo
That was a huge hot button issue in the 90s/00s. I think the real mistake was that it was just not for the mainstream fox audience, it would've done better as an adult swim original
This series is great, I don't know why they didn't make more episodes.
You shouldn't
I swear this show was reported to be getting another season (sans Will Ferrell) and obviously that didn't happen. Wonder what the deal is.

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