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The thread rise again.
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I wash her superactive form had the prong/horn things boy has.
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Agreed but I guess the trade-off is that she is taller than boy
How about a classic multiverse travel back to their original world: Professor moshimo made a teleportation device for Tommy and robotgirl to see. But Dr Kamikazi hijacked the device and basically aim the device at the two. But instead of teleporting, they are sent to another dimension with meeting different version of themselves. Can they get back to their world?
Any original or remake episode ideas or crossover?
Meant for this anon: >>144676766
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Prime Robotboy and Tommy meeting this version of Tommy and Robotgirl could be funny
>Robotboy: "Different universe? Moshimo sent you to Tommy?"
>Robotgirl nodded
>Prime Tommy: "Wait but here Moshimo built Robotgirl to give company to Ro why did he build her first in your universe?"
>RG Tommy: "Because Moshimo's yak was born a girl on mine"
>Prime Tommy raised an eyebrow
>Robotgirl: "It's true thanks to Brieyana Robotgirl was born"
>RG Tommy: "And the reason why Moshimo gave horns to his robots"
>Prime Tommy: "Wait these things on their heads are horns?"
Wait, I thought of something funny: imagine robotgirl’s moshimo and his wife along with their gus and Lola meet their counterparts and told them that robotgirl was Tommy’s partner in their world. Next gus says jokingly that next robotgirl has a crush on their Tommy, they looked away and they all are wide eyed and said “oh my gosh” with protoboy laughing in the background. Kinda like the TFS with trunks and Goku.
It's alive again
Any ideas for episodes or green text for this?
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Foot Brawl
Tommy's school football team is against a rival school
Bjorn shows up with Bianca
>Tommy: "Hey Kurt is it okay if we let the new kid play this half? She's really good"
>Robotgirl: "Yeah me show dirtbag how play"
>Kurt: "Are you crazy Turnbull? She doesn't even know the game plan"
>Tommy: "I know but half the team is gonna is gonna need wheelchairs"
>Kurt: "I said n-"
>Kurts get hit by a ball send by Bianca
>Kurt: "Alright your girlfriend can join but she better not disappoint"
>Tommy: "Than- Wait she is not my girlfrie-"
>Robotgirl starts dragging Tommy into the field
>Robotgirl: "Come on Tommy let's show dirtbags how play!"
>Bjorn and Bianca stare at the duo with a smirk
>Bjorn: "Well my dear Bianca, it looks like it is time for us to show them how superior we truly are"
>Bianca: "Yarr"
she should have had a single long horn but going down to simulate a large pony tail thing. I see what they were going for but she just looks incomplete
Actually I do. How about an episode of Tommy and Guys bought a strange new video game which got them extremely hooked. So hooked that ignoring their family and friends especially Robotgirl. First, she asked she wanted to play but they rudely told her no which made her upset. For a while even she was upset but still care to check on Tommy who is still playing the game, she tries everything to get off this game but nothing working. Then, she noticed that Tommy looking sick not just him Gus and every other boys in this town look like their dying. Robotgirl find the source and discovered it's an alien robot that create these videogames to draining the young boys life force to power him and his machine.
I want to go back to the Megas XLR crossover idea: so after coop Jamie give the paint job to robotgirl like how the biker mechanics did in MLAATR, Gorrath or Magnanimous ruined her chances and this made coop and Jaime mad. How would the roll be like for ruining robotgirl’s chances?
What about the girls and Lola?
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Robotboy flies at inter-dimensional speeds and ends up in Robot Jones' universe
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In a previous thread I had the idea of Tommy being into fashion in this universe but I decided to change that and gave that trait to Gus because I think is way funnier this way
Udder madness
>Robotgirl: "Yippee ki yay! Git it up horse"
>Lola: "Where did she get that outfit?"
>Gus: "From yours truly of course but I gotta say I could have done way better"
>Tommy: "Wait since when did you get into fashion?"
>Gus shrugged
>Gus: "What can I say the G-man needed a hobby"
How did Lola take this? Anger? Jealous? Amazed?
I could imagine being a brother to her and not liking Shannon.
I like to Imagine Gorrath coming to conquer earth but this time Coop and Jamie are doing their best to keep this from ruining Robotgirl's date
>Kiva: "I'm surprised you two are doing great at avoiding collateral damage"
>Coop: "Thanks Kiva we-"
>Coop: "I'M ON IT"
>With Robotgirl and Tommy having their date at an ice cream shop
>Tommy: "I gotta say Roll you look amazing in that new paint job"
>Robotgirl: "Hehe thanks Tommy"
>Tommy sees a giant shadow when he turns around he sees nothing
>Tommy: "Did you see that?"
>Robotgirl: "Robotgirl saw nothing"
>At space Goop is strangling Gorrath
This episode Lola doesn't appeared and this this type of game is boy demographic.
Completely loss for words
If Gorrath did ruin robotgirl’s date with Tommy and kidnap him, how would coop’s roll be like?
I got another one: coop, his family, his friends, and Professor moshimo and his wife are visiting japan. Instead of giant monsters, it will be a group of super sentai parody femdroids. Each of them saw Tommy and it was love at first sight with one trying to get them back to their senses. The whole episode will be a parody of super sentai with Tommy helping the squad in defeating kamikazi and their sentai nemesis.
Edit: tommy
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>Grandma: "No need to explain Tommy my dear I have seen young girls playing army before what's your name little gal?"
>Robotgirl: "I Robotgirl"
>Grandma: "Pleased to make your acquaintance Rebbeca"
Since Grandma dates General Yakitori I have this idea of him trying to teach Tommy how to be a super-villain while obviously Robotgirl and Moshimo are against it
Grandma doesn't mind if Tommy becomes super-villain or super-hero but wants the two to stop fighting and let Tommy choose for himself
Think robotgirl would be steaming and blushing from a super villain tommy?
Speaking of villain. What do you think of AU evil version of Robotgirl, who is a punk and yandere.
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Here’s what happens if meeting her in person and seeing the evil Tommy.
The danger lovebirds.
Agreed so maybe a one shot look episode of seeing them in their universe.
Yeah it's doesn't need a long two-parter. Just a single episode
The episode would be a slice of life except evil tommy returns punk robotgirl’s feelings and they are a couple.
Absolutely. The reaction of the OG Robotgirl and Tommy would be priceless.
Imagine their reaction when they get “intimate” when evil ro and Tommy kiss each other. Both of them would be blushing and Ro steaming as hell.
That would be perfect.
We need a green text conversation that now.
How about a classic stuck in the tv world episode: gus and Tommy along with ro are having a relaxing afternoon. But for some strange reason the tv is acting up and now tommy and ro are in a classic Tex Avery style cartoon with Tommy is a cartoon wolf while to is a sexy robot girl who can sing.

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