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Al Ewing will be writing DC's 'ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN'
>It's Jo Mullein
>No Abin Sur, nor Hal's successor, nor last green lantern
>She was just chosen for being brave and strong
>She is a lesbian (bisexual but her "wife" is a woman)
>No mention of any other earth's corpsmen
>She will stand against the guardians and become the greatest green lantern
who cares
>Al Ewing
lmao, are they seriously not getting any writers to do any of these books?
>Jo Mullen

Well this one's DOA.
>her "wife" is a woman
I'm sorry what?
>No Abin Sur, nor Hal's successor, nor last green lantern
>She was just chosen for being brave and strong
>She is a lesbian (bisexual but her "wife" is a woman)
>No mention of any other earth's corpsmen
>She will stand against the guardians and become the greatest green lantern
What's the fucking point? Nobody's gonna buy this shit.
really makes you think
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I don't know what I even expected...
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We literally have gotten no info about who this Green Lantern is or what the state of the corp is. OP is just making shit up for rage bait. All we've gotten is the one concept art image and a cover.
It's much more likely to be a new character since if it was Jo it would have been said, like with Wally for Absolute Flash.
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A strong gay black woman in boring street clothes? How unique. That'll put asses in the seats for sure.
>She is a lesbian (bisexual but her "wife" is a woman)
Is the wife really a troon? That is hilarious if so.
They have Jessica Cruz. Why the fuck would anyone think about using Jo?
People are going to complain about this but honestly who cares?
>X-BOX HUEG batman
>sadboi superman
>ares warrior wonder woman
>prepubescent wally flash
who is this for?
>This will save DC and outsell Marvel and Manga!
>who is this for?
According to Scott Snyder, this universe is meant to be “awesome” and put an ending to the nay-sayers that say superhero stories are dead.
>ares warrior wonder woman
Post-Flashpoint Wonder Woman was already kind of like this. Hopefully they commit to it instead of reversing Wonder Woman into a hippie with a sword.
(it's trans)
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She's a Strong Independent Woman, Who don't need no rang.
The power was inside her along. She just need to stop being held back by men.
This is going to be a DC's Captain marvel but black isn't it?
I'm glad my guy is safe from this evil.
>another black woman GL this time by Ewing
Lord end my suffering
I think a lesbian has strong willpower so it makes sense. Imagine all the problems of a woman and multiplying it by 2 and you're also morally allowed to beat eachother because you're both weaker than men.
Ive never been near a black woman how the fuck does cornrows/black hair work like that. Itd be like a fucking tail.
Stop reading big two comics.
Earth has enough Gl as it is. I think by now most of them are brown too. 4 whites and 5 browns.
Why are British writers so fucking obsessed with LGBT minorities? It's not even a meme, it's just a fucking fact. See a British writer? An LGBT minority will be one of the most prominent characters (and virtually perfect and adored by everyone) if not the actual central character.
Maybe it's like the hyper-stylized standalone comic movies of the 90s and early 2000s
Only a matter of time before they make him Roman Reigns to match the movies.
Tavistock institute
Ewing's fetishization and obsession with this demographic is weird
White guilt for colonizing America
I’m so glad they felt the need to tell me the character is a dyke. Now I’ve gone from not being interested to really not being interested.
Ewing is Gillen's apprentice
>Jo Mullein
surprised they didn't go with a black women writer im sure Eve Ewing would have done it
>No mention of any other earth's corpsmen

OP is making shit up btw. Scott said it was a first contact story featuring Jo, John, and Hal.
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>>She is a lesbian (bisexual but her "wife" is a woman)
Brits HATES america and white people because they see them as the United Kingdom's people and christians.
That's why Ennis hates white people too.
Gillan doesn't give that much of shit about Black so why does Al Ewing give so much of one?
Ewing righting another she boon? his storm run was horrible
Oh lord someone made this joke when her Black Panther run was announced
>Quick, get Ewing to do it!
And they end up with the wrong one
the "wife" is a tranny. Read between the lines
HOLY SHIT they weren't kidding when they say /co/ is easy to bait.
It's a made up post, in the real actuality of what we saw in the panel NOTHING tells us about the identity of this character.
It's totally a new all original black woman.
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>It's totally a new all original black woman.
>prepubescent wally flash
Easy fujobait if they don't fuck it up.

>ares warrior wonder woman
Wondie is doomed no matter what without a major overhaul/great writer. I'm expecting a lot of wondercunt moments.

>X-BOX HUEG batman
>sadboi superman
>a new all original black woman.
that would alone be enough to bait this board anon
>ares warrior wonder woman
She was raised in the underworld aka hades' domain.
Too late to shift into reverse, you're in gridlock now
Anon's pitch of AGL being an alien that takes on the appearance of a human to honor them, is better than Sparkling Naomi
And for some reason, also has Maori tribal tattoos
She's also a witch so the tattoo might play into that
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Well......OP was accidentally correct.....
>It's totally a new all original black woman
That's bad too THOUGH
>Greek war goddess
>Learns magic in Oceania instead of going to Italy to learn Stregheria
Trash, theres nothing to look forwart to in modern DC, trash art, trash writers, building stories around political agendas (like everything else) instead of around a good premise, everything has to rely in crossover so theres zero character development you will end up buying covers and thats it
Is this an Elseworlds?
>No source
>street clothes
Anon that is a jacket and pants, what are you talking about?
This won’t be good. None of it will. We seen it time again much DC fails at everything. If the writers and editor are the same, then this is going to suck. You have to insane to fall for this obvious trap.
Hal has and has had multiple ongoing floppies over the last 5 years. Are you guys buying them? If you don't buy them, then DC won't publish the version of GL that you want
>buy our comics or else
so the black lesbian is some sort of punishment
>don't like Grant Morrison's Hal
>don't like Jeremy Adams' Hal
which Hal comics do you actually like?
I own Grant morrison's GL run bro
They will again be surprised when Twitter does not purchase copies in huge numbers despite praising the idea and giving it loads of likes.
So it's bog standard
>Angry defiant strong willed black woman who defies all authority!
again? We have been getting this character since the dawn of black cinema decades ago.
Street clothes as in normal civilian clothes you fucking dingus.
>at least 8 existing earth lanterns
>add another one
>its another fucking green lantern

talk about diversity.
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So DC is just going to make every GL some form of minority rainbow now huh?

>Make Kyle Mexican
>Make Alan gay and have him secretly fuck his villains
>turn Jessica from someone who happened to be PuertoRican into the most Latina chola stereotype with a thick accent, who is also daughter of lesbians
>Jo is every minority box ticked at the same time
>Simon is also there to tick minority boxes and nothing else

Guess it's only a matter of time before they do something to Guy like make him gay too or bring up that one time in Warrior and claim he is trans now.
And then massively play up the Jewish thing for Hal and have his grandfather being a holocaust escapee or something.
Kyle becoming half-Mexican happened so long ago and it never gets brought up in the main comics, Simon happened under Geoff and the last time GL was any good.
>Simon happened under Geoff and the last time GL was any good.
no one liked Simon, everyone called him out for the DEI lantern he was
>Kyle becoming half-Mexican happened so long ago and it never gets brought up in the main comics,
Tom King made him a spanglish shouting catholic preacher in Omega Men, even if Kyle never knew to he half mexican before having enough god power to find his father
>>144678431 New thread
Stand against?
Ewing is obsessed with LGBT minorities. He's the one who turned both Prodigy and America Chavez gay in the same damn book even.
Who...IS she...though.....
Can she tell a good STORY as a character?
It'd be cool to see an Earth lantern doing OTHER shit, say, not in our sector for once!?
>big ass
>absolute shit

oh cool, more western fag comics no one will read.
It's Ewing. Dunno why anyone is surprised by this.

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