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Who does this show appeal to?
fans of Gravity Falls
fans of Disney cartoons
fan fiction writers/readers
the LGBTQ+ community
I want to cum inside eda
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Me specifically
My penis
Trannies that have fantasies about being underage girls in a lesbian relationship. You won't find posts more sincere than mine here.
Appeals to faggots and trannies that have familiar issues/ have been raped
>see cute girls
>first thought is trannies
/co/ confirmed for the gayest board
20 something white women on tumblr
People who want anime but without le heckin’ problematic content.
You know.
Pedophiles with terrible taste then
how does it appeal to women?
People who like cute girls with pointy ears.
The same people who like Gravity Falls and Amphibia. I don't see how this show should be any different.
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I fucking LOVE how they randomly upped the animation quality, which they usually only do for fights, just for the 5-second kiss scene between Amity and Luz. Really shows what this show's priorities are.
>People who like anime
>People who are sick of modern anime being all the same shit and want something that pre-Evangellion anime would do.
Fat dykes who also like steven universe
Baby dykes
Twitter [Pre Elon Musk Takeover]
I'm enjoying it so far, first time watching it.
Very based, I end up saying this randomly in games I play now.
Your mom!
The gays, which i stopped watching it when they started to force that degenerate stuff when i just wanted a simple magical adventure show with no gay romance.
Not faggots like OP it seems.
From what I've seen, white and Hispanic people who are too gay for anime.
>and want something that pre-Evangellion anime would do.
If you think this show is an example of pre-Evangellion anime then you just don't watch or know anything about anime.
So retard?
Pretty accurate.
>You won't find more of them anywhere than here
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Higher res version
Certainly not children
Second this. >>144678610 is brainrot statement, if it's not trolling.

Owl House is essentially the byproduct when a lesbian fanfic writer are told to make an original concept out of their Naruto-Harry Potter inspired fanfic starring their OC(s)
I'am one.
Amphibia was better, both as a show and...you know
>Hispanic people who are too gay for anime.
Nah Hispanics consume both and they're as chud as it gets
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Dana and her fellow tumblrfags.
i just made up a whole scenario in my head from that picture. what game is that guy in armor from?
Lonely 20-something neets.
So /co/?
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>what game is that guy in armor from?
The Fourth Overlord from Overlord 2 (game)
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>never see a single overlord meme
>start playing overlord 1&2
>all of a sudden start seeing them everywhere
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>Because Memes always finds a way.
More like Dana and her harem of underage interns
>People who are sick of modern anime being all the same shit and want something that pre-Evangellion anime would do.
Huh? Over the course of the 90s the shift was from episodic comedies and action shows to more serialized and auteur-driven content with a greater level of experimentation in style and subject matter. It's particularly strange to say this in reference to TOH since the yuri genre was almost nonexistent before the 2000s and TOH is usually noted for its indebtedness to the LWA series from 2017. It's like as far as you can get from 80s anime.
it gets lonely in the animation studio sometimes
gay adults
Her older self was a lot cuter and hotter
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People who enjoy cute teenage witches.
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All Amitys are cute and hot. No exceptions.
People who sense something to get excited for from Dana Terrace’s work without being able to explain what it actually is because her original vision died off before she got to make her show
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I'm glad the essence of her vision ended up making it
Tumblr pooners
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You wouldn't get it
Philip won by a landslide lmao
Luz’s ass probably played some role, it’s true
>Who does this show appeal to?
Your mom!
You already said this
a girl with a sexy side.

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