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File: Wakfu.jpg (37 KB, 736x414)
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Post them!
talk about them!

Vive la France!
Fuck le Shitance
>Makes kino surreal stuff
>Makes kino sentimental stuff
>Makes kino sexy stuff
French bros it's impossible for us to lose
Did Yugo finally tap that nature princess?
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The French have been killing it lately and nobody outside of France has noticed.
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>French bros it's impossible for us to lose
Aside from...you know...all the losses.
Anyone know a French comic joke where
>teen has a pen pal come over
>he dresses in baggy clothes, beanie over his eyes, big nose, messy hair, eats junk food and candy, and plays videogames
>the teens think he's lame and asks "who would think this is a cool guy"
>cuts to the teen's younger sister peaking in from around the living room corner
>the younger sister and friends say he's really cool because of all the things the teen said was uncool
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France has literally never lost at anything and anything that resembles a loss was actually a long-term win.
>But what about-
Not that one either.
>What about-
Sorry, France actually won that too.
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the greatest of all
Is Miraculous Ladybug good? I'm looking for good /co/ shows that never ever EVER get bad.
Well, you won't find that with the tv show. But the movie was good and exists in a separate canon. So you don't have to watch the tv show at any point.
Homer´s butt has more motion frames than an anime girl's boobs jiggling physics.
Sex with amalia
But that's still not fitting my criteria. And I NEED it to fit my criteria.
Miraculous Ladybug never gets bad if you only like Marinette. Honestly you should watch it just for cat noir.
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Vive la France indeed.
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Literally learned how to speak a different language because I was sick of the shitty comics here.
Did they animate anything for the Olympics?
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One of my guilty pleasures. It's dumb as shit yet I can't not know what happens next. Plus Hawk Moth.
I noticed and I'm in Italy:
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Still my fav
episodes 1 to 6 links: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/143773150/#143773245
clip: >>>/wsg/5631096
Comic scanlated with extra notes: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9mb2xkZXIvZ3F3ZmZ6eHhwcWN4bi9MZV9Db2xsZWdlX05vaXI=
If I was yugo I would’ve caught a whiff
Lastman was neat
Many thanks anon.
There's something so fucking off-putting about this style.
There's something up with the French, I swear. Everything they create has a strange vibe. Everything they create is just slightly uncanny and laced with a kind of esoteric deviancy.
I have a question... Why do most French animated series or films sometimes tend to have so much influence or do they try to emulate anime?

I mean, why and for what?
I think its more of a recent thing.
I think it's just a few specific artists. Wakfu, Droners, and Imago all had one of the same animators. Totally Spies and Lolirock both come from the same studio. When you look at Code Lyoko or >>144681132 Le Collège Noir, they start looking a lot less like "anime".

That said, I'm sure they take influence from anime as much as many other influences. Once nice thing about french animation is that, even the anime-inspired, they tend to have their methods and don't just come off as an anime knock-off.
is there any news about a new Wakfu season yet?
GOAT series
These things are not wearing clothes...
I know, I'm jelly
Wow, didn't know this was already out and subbed. When did this happen?
If people noticed, they would be losing that stride.
wish it was more popular, s2 was fucking great
You lost in algieria and now algierians colonise you.
I want to repeatedly cum inside both of these characters.
Every culture has a foundation on which any other element is sustained. In the case of the French, they want to fuck kids. It’s astonishing how much of the frog cultural output, from philosophers to pop culture, is “but what if we diddled kids?” Would make a Jap blush.
post the dick cheese one
weren't they supposed to make an online final season of this? Did the project eventually die?
>Bunny Maloney
example clips: >>>/wsg/5627505

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