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File: Elastigirl_Transparent.png (346 KB, 853x1280)
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I want to inflate her
Is it possible to do that? I always wanted to see if that was possible.
Genuine question, what is next Helen’s character? Now that superheroes are legal again, will she be less controlling of her kids, or will she still think fighting crime is too dangerous for them. Or what if she started to prefer being a superhero over a mother?
why hasn't anyone made an Incredible Gassy version of her yet you'd think fartfags both unironic and ironic would be all over that
Same, I want her to blend in the next city parade as a balloon
>will she be less controlling of her kids, or will she still think fighting crime is too dangerous for them
That would be a good thing to explore in the Incredibles verse. If kids in that universe potentially can stop whole crimes by themselves is it morally ethical to let them fight crime?
There's anal vore fart porn of her. It's kind of well made too
>next Helen
The objectively right thing to do would be to submit herself to science. For my research purposes...for the betterment of all mankind...
She was fairly stellar in the sequel.
How would you do it?
Call me simple, but I'd rather just fuck her.
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They had to know what they're doing.
put a air pump hose up her butt and pump away
indeed they were

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