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>In this deep space misadventure, the evil warlord Kalissa Gore and her vast armies are unstoppable. And yet, there is a DEADLY TRIO who dares the impossible: DORIAN, a planet-hopping mechanic; RE-RE, a fighter pilot with unmatched skills; and GARGA, the cult leader sister of Kalissa Gore herself ! Can THE DEADLY TRIO overcome insurmountable odds (and each other) or is the universe doomed to extinction?
Jimmy Palmiotti, Brian Pulido, Billy Tucci, and Amanda Conner if her hands don't cramp up wicked bad again. Soon to be on KS.
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>how do we make a dirty pair ripoff without getting called out?
>i know! make it three instead of two!

Despite that, I think I'll look into it. This particular genre isn't exactly crowded these days.
This looks boring as fuck.
What if they added a fourth, a freckled redhead country gal medic named Cornsilk Cudahy in daisy dukes and tied top who's real good-like at shootin' on the side?
With all due respect to the combined talent on this book, this is a title no one wanted to think about coming up with
Nah, they need to fix the whole fucker. The art style, the title, the premise, the characters, etc. There are too many names on this project for something this basic. It's something I'd expect a single, non-creative retard to come up with, not a bunch of beloved, veteran comic pros.

now all i can think of is the time warp trio.

now im off to hear the theme song again
I can support this without anyone knowing about it, fucking A

Why are you so racist against fun sexy space adventures?
I wish my kickstarter succeeded. It still hurts
This looks like the kind of comic anons have been wanting. Let's see if anyone puts up money for it. Or if it's actually sexy. Because I'm tired of comics with the promise of cheescake but surprisingly very little of it. Then again Palmiotti and Conner are pretty horny.
It looks boring and shitty. I like sexy shit when it's drawn well, and especially if it's creative. This unimpressive promo art and generic title and premise make it come off as super low effort.
>Because I'm tired of comics with the promise of cheescake but surprisingly very little of it

This. There's about a hundred comics out there with cheesecake covers and absolutely nothing worth looking at in the interiors.

this goes way harder thar any intro from discovery kids had any right to
>Opening shows original distinct style, the characters, their personalities, their counterparts, relationship to each other, the likelihood they'll swap places, shenanigans, and we don't even know their names
This is exactly how to sell an idea
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Now it's a Heroic Trio rip off
You can't build porn without plot
And this has neither
Look I can just read Cassiopeia Whatever if I need this
not reading all that shit. i see boobs thats all i need to know. Amanda Conner art? nice. not gonna buy it but might read it when it comes to readcomiconline, might fap to it. think there will be nudity?
love jimmy, love amanda, those girls look sexy, but the plot sounds dumb.
if they are not lesbians, ill look into it.
Looks lame. I'm not a fan of Conner anyway. Her women are too frumpy.
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Anybody support Kit Carter?

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