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File: cyclops Eo8rYkyXUAMFNH_.jpg (561 KB, 1325x2048)
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What do you think of eye powers?
Not bad but they are mostly improved by just making them hand powers because you can move your hands around way better than moving your head around
eye dont know
Eye think they are cool
Eye guess it's pretty cool
I know his visor is iconic and how he gets his name, but eye powers are usually better when you can actually see a character's eyes. Close up eye shots are always kino in comics no matter how much that might seem to be infinitely played out.
They’re cool but like >>144677316 said they are objectively worse than the same power using hands. Though they can be a great source of drama and struggle as seen with Cyclops since his are hard to control he’s constantly walking on eggshells and they contribute to why he such a stick in the mud half the time.
>eye powers
Name 10 characters with eye powers.
Vampires with the hypnotic gaze
Jackie Cha-FUCK
It's one of those things that would work better if they just copied more from anime. The only cool occular based powers in cape comics are Superman's, Cyclops's, and Karnak's.
>Dio Brando
>Vlad Masters
>The Shadowed One
>Dr. Gero
>Eye Guy
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between the 2 best eye power characters, we all know who wins,,,
>can't even keep it /co/
Eye powers are neat but offset a little for me by the fact that I'm often aware of how sensitive those things are. Had pain with them sometimes. Also this guy has a good point >>144677316. Eye beams are fun from time to time but stuff like investigation with Xray vision is also good.
When it comes to combat stuff, I'm torn between beams coming directly from the eye or when they're illustrated to be just a little ahead of the character's eyes. Like the focus points are in front of the eyes and the beam gets wider forward. Both are great for different effects imo.
Ten Eyed Man (counts as 5 characters because he has 10 eyes)
Brother Eye
Can chakra be considerare magic?

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