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> “Hey, how’s it going, I’m Dr. Eigerman”
> “Look at that face! So young! I wanna breastfeed that face!”
They screwed when Bob passed out didn’t they
Bob's insurance wouldn't cover it.
She sucked him at the very least
i know this is a coom thread, but on the topic of bobs burgers, why is bob seemingliy the only one in their town that cant get away with being selfish?i was watching the neighborhood garden episode and seeing how happy bob was getting getting his plot being ruined by linda and the girl irritated me. make him do something with mr frond and he complains but he goes with it, dresses up as a fucking brony to get tinas doll back, goes out on christmas eve and gets stalked and alnost killed because linda spergs out about fucking christmas trees. becomes a pseudo pu]ime for transsvestite prostitutes and cuts off his mustache to make his daughter happy ,not to mention all the times theyve made him fucking apologize for shit that wasnt his fault

but they cant let him have his fucking garden plot?
Because men are supposed to be better than women and children.
The garden episode is pretty indicative of the lazy schmatlzy writing that has come to dominate bob's burgers. They make one big emotional setpiece and just jogs in place waiting out the clock so they can end on it.
It's his business tho
>why is bob seemingliy the only one in their town that cant get away with being selfish?
He does get away with it in the episode where his rich friend gives him 100k to invest in his business and he returns it in the end because he doesn't like the changes he makes, even though it works and attracts more customers.

That episode is specially stupid because his family struggles with money all the time

so you let people walk all over you because men are supposed to be better than women and children? i bet you trick on women all the time huh?

>That episode is specially stupid because his family struggles with money all the time

a lot of the time thats on them or some karmic shit. after almost getting killed by felix he had a deal in place with big fisch before his family butted in and deaded it
>“Look at that face! So young! I wanna breastfeed that face!”
How do you respond without sounding aroused?
Why lie?
No. But that's what is expected.
Women have no accountability, just lile children.

Someone has to build civilazation. That's the message.
Just give up and start sucking
>Someone has to build civilization. That's the message.
Who, a slave?

what civilization is being built on bobs burgers that he has to let everyone including men and the most rich of their society walk all over him?
you need to stop masturbating. keep you goo in you bals. that makes the man big peenus
R.I.P coom thread
The show is too obsessed with the Belchers just being losers all the time.
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Sometimes the schmaltz on Bob's Burgers works well, but it does become an issue when the writers clearly prioritize it over giving the show some jokes and some edge
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Not my fault that they've made it to where anytime Linda shows up on-screen I instantly feel the urge to beat off.
>No knees
>Just noddles
I have no idea. And don't people say Bob's is wholesome? It seems Bob is perpetually screwed. The family fracus episode comes to mind. Or that time the crazy magazine bitch starts pulling up his counter and forces him to buy something? Wholesome my ass.

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