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Will they ever make a second movie?
All the soul is gone, so hopefully not.
Why would anyone want a 4k of this? I guarantee it looks no different than the blu ray.
It's impossible to stop the first
The 1080p Blu ray had some issues with aliasing, wobbly film framing and lip sync that's fixed in the 4k.
Ideally, they should have digitally re rendered it like they did with the older seasons but rumor is that they don't have the hell assets.
It's pretty crazy how much has changed since this film
>Mary Kay as the women
>Randy only has one line, butter is seen but not heard
If they do it'll most likely be a fanfilm to reignite that touch.
It's former medium has long become a husk.
why hasn't the fandom done a reanimated version of this? like those Spongebob fan reanimated films?
Not with Randy sitting in the 4th row, he'd get the entire front row to himself these days.
They should have made a “George Lucas Special Edition” version of the first film that now incorporates the modern look of the show nowadays, and when that gets released on Blu-ray, the original is also included, you know… something that should be done with the original trilogy
Matt and Trey have gone on record multiple times saying that making the film back-to-back with seasons 2/3 was the worst experience of their lives so I dunno.
This film literally came out a week after a new episode had aired (Tweek vs Craig, season 3)
Yeah, around the show's 30th anniversary in 2027.
Speaking of this movie, I wonder if it was initially even intended to be canon? Even though it doesn't contradict anything in the show itself (aside from maybe the Mr. Hat thing), the plot is basically a retelling of "Death" and "Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus", with some bits of "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo" and "Damien".
When I was a kid I always told my friends it was supposed to be a prequel to the events of the show
But now they have all the time in the world.
I think it was intended to fit into canon while season 2 and 3 were in production. They already teased the Saddam/Satan relationship in a season 2 episode and they even continued that story immediately afterwards in season 4. Technically, the movie was in production since season 1, but I doubt anything was definitively planned then.
if they do, it should be the series finale

otherwise, fuck it, SP doesn't deserve another movie on that level

to this day, it's still one of the best movie musicals of all time

came here to say this, in one of the commentaries they straight up say they don't want to make another one
The character designs for the extra kids must have been done before Tweek's episode happened, he seems to have been nowhere in the movie.
They re-used a bunch for the Getting Gay with Kids choir, and of course some consider a black-haired girl to be a prototype Heidi since they basically just changed her hair color and outfit but kept the green theme going.
They reference the movie in season 5, Behind the blow.
i think the "specials" are the closest thing they'll ever do to another movie, and they suck just like all the seasons have for the past 10 years
the second video game was the last bit of soul they had left
Is the commentary on this a new one or the one they made already?
Colours are different, that's it.
No, there would be too many characters they'd have to try include and they would need to conclude 30 years of tv in 90 minutes or so. Comedies movies don't do to well in the box office anymore
hell, they even considered making the movie the series finale at one point (as S2 ratings were poor)
they're just work shy

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