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>Dr. Doom gives Spider-Man a magic suit with "8 extra lives"
>Hence "8 deaths of Spider-Man"
enjoy your mini Kelly run lol
How will Peter die each time?
>We have Spawn at home
Check it out, it's that thing you liked from JMS' run but bad. This time for sure you'll love it.
Why the fuck would Doom pick Peter
So long as it is better than Wells and, if it is, Kelly stay on ASM...
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Ultimate Spider-Man is eating their lunch, and Zeb's run was catastrophic in how it shat the bed and gave them enough bad PR for the normies on Xwitter to take notice too.

They're going to kill Peter off for real, put him on pause for a bit to figure things out, and then do some soul searching for how they're going to unfuck this.

Meanwhile, Ultimate will continue to sell like gangbusters, and per the Marvel panel today, it's being expanded on even further because it's been such a massive boon for struggling retailers.
I get the impression you'd literally be banned if you posted this on CBR
Peter did save his life once during JMS's run, and Doom still owes him. It could be a roundabout excuse to reveal that Mephisto's been fucking with him, or he'll just break Paul's neck.

Slim possibilities, I know. But I can't imagine Paul is long for this world after even his own father, Zebedia Wells, had spurned him.
Perhaps... but that would only make the image funnier!
8 is nothing. Peter died at least a dozen times during the Kindred arc.
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It's all setup for the next crossover event where Doom conquers the world in 2025
literally why does anyone buy this book anymore? I started reading comics in 2010 so I wasnt around when they started doing crazy shit like the clone saga or OMD that people say ruined comics and even I'm so disinterested with what has been happening in ASM for the past few years. If everyone is so mad all the time, who is still buying it besides literal 60 year olds who dont want to "break the run" ? everyone online seems to talk shit about it yet its one of the top selling books. at this point im convinced the only way to get them to actually try to make the book good would be for it to crash in sales which sadly seems like it will never happen
The Panther God was right
Nobody here buys this shit. Some anon storytimes it once a week, we bitch about it, and move on with our lives.

I do buy Ultimate Spider-Man though.
As far as filler goes
This is worse than Beyond
As far as I can tell the only people still buying ASM are:
>people who are compelled to complete their run still
>people buying it for the Disney variants and possibly other variant covers

I haven't noticed anyone sincerely buying it because they liked the story
>people who like Ed McGuinness' art
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MHA ass suit. I like it.
Considering that Peter hasn't died yet, why would he die 7 times now? Isn't that incredibly irresponsible, and further stresses the idea of becoming incompetent?
Why not just make it a hood? That would have sold the DOOM likeness besides the metal and eye design
He's died more than a few times. Kindred. The Other. The times he's been clinically dead before they CPR his ass.

He's been through some shit.
The superior Doom Spider
>Ultimate is being expanded
>Amazing is floundering and going to 'rest' for a little while after Kelly's run

Fellow MJfags... we finally won...
>going to 'rest' for a little while after Kelly's run
its not gonna happen
>Web-Man has never appeared in any new story after his introduction
should've been the main villain of one of the many Spiderverse stories
It looks like it is. He's getting killed quite a few times under Kelly. Bring him down to his last life, make him lose even that in a big heroic sacrifice, get a good Moon Knight moment and a cheap sales pop, and then let him 'rest' for a little while.

Don't worry mang, they already brought back Marc Spector. Peter will be back. Eventually. They just got shit to figure out. Ultimate will just carry on in the meantime.
so what? the ASM book will just not come out for a while ? doubt
They'll probably just not have Peter in there. Kind of like a Death of Ms. Marvel, but a bit more long lasting. People will shill him, everyone will go on about what an inspiration he is, Miles will feel awkward and strange Deja Vu, and Kamala will feel weirdly smug.

Eventually about another ten or so issues down the line they'll have a moment where "HE'S BACK" and you know, they could even bring him back as a mutant down the line. Kurt was Spider-Man for a while, Peter can have a run where he's on the X-Men as Nightcrawler. Why the hell not?
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Finally, we're back on top. #1 Best Selling Comic of 2024.
>Marvel treating Peter better while he's dead than they do while he's alive
Disgustingly believable.
Doctor Doom hates having debts to people, and I think on some level Victor respects Spidey
Renew Your Vows only happened because Victor reshaped the entire Multiverse during his brief time as God King in Secret Wars.

He also became President of the United States in 2099 and enshrined it into federal law that Miguel can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Doom's first interaction with Spider-Man was Doom attempting to recruit him in a bid to kill the Fantastic Four.


>Peter's one of the few A-lister 616 heroes who like almost never dies.
>He's suddenly gonna die eight times in succession.
If he takes Paul with him at least once, it'll be worth it.
Remember when Doom corrected Peter about Star Trek lore, and then DIDNT obliterate Spidey for making fun of his nerd knowledge? Remember when Doom made Web-Man? Remember how Spidey is like the only guy outside the F4 Doom cares to talk to?

Do respects the web head, even if he wont admit it
I think it's annoying how every time a new run or writer comes on board there's like a requirement that there needs to be a new suit for a story at some point. Now there's 500 costumes he's worn it's hard to make them special or stand out anymore. This time we have the Spider-Doom suit, last time we had the Spider-Goblin suit & a literal Spider-Goblin, before that we had a social media streaming suit, before that we had a redesigned symbiote suit, now we're also getting yet another redesigned symbiote suit with chains. They all pretty much blow diarrhea chunks
JMS's run is bad already.
>That big ass scarf
Is Doom a closet chuuni?
If they ever kill off 616 Peter Parker for “realsies” (for a couple of years), they ain’t going to let Nightcrawler become the main Spider-Man, anon.

Everyone knows that title is going to Miles Morales. Marvel will tote it as the biggest thing ever.
Gotta sell those toys and mobile game skins!
Moon Knight worked because Shroud being a complete disaster of a vigilante putting Marc's allies in the crosshairs of every terrified Z-lister driven by the "kill or be killed" mentality was a lot more interesting than whatever they'd replace Peter with, which let's be honest, will probably be Miles.
>"Each year, Doctor Strange would use every ounce of his power and experience to save the world from an evil god and his scions. This year, Doom is delegating this task to… Spider-Man?!"

Anybody else thinks this "evil God" could be the mayan freak that started this whole mess?
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Same energy
If that's a scarf then this suit is obviously going to be Kamen Rider inspired. Watch him have a belt of some kind.
Will he get cucked 8 times?
And all this time I'd been calling him Zebedee.
I guess it had to be one or the other.
>Doctor Doom hates having debts to people
>because of a bad experience with a debt to Luke Cage
>Peter's one of the few A-lister 616 heroes who like almost never dies.
>He's suddenly gonna die eight times in succession.
Didn't Spencer already have Kindred do that to Peter?
Yeah, and before that, Ben passed through more deaths because of the Jackal, which led to "Clone Conspiracy".
Who would you like to write ASM once Wells is gone?

My top pick would be Zdarsky. Jed MacKay is on a roll too, but he is probably stretched thin.

Duggar and Ewing are good, but not for Spidey.
This is out of character.
>DC Copies Ultimate Invastion
>Marvel Copies the Current Catwoman Story-Arc

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This is the only time I've seen Spider-Man actually die so far, and it was pretty mundane death as super-heroing goes
>Dr. Doom gives Spider-Man a magic suit
Who knows? But knowing Doom, he's probably using Spider-Man as a pawn for a scheme; and in order for Spidey to be successful, he gave him the suit in order to survive the mission.

Arc of ten issues, eight extra lives... Seems to me that Peter is going to die in every single issue.
He noticed that Richards only gave him an old FF jumpsuit and a paper bag and I decided to show him how much better Latveria takes care of their allies!
The real death came when aunt may found out he dropped the BBQ sauce

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