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Previous >>144647493
DFC edition
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Posting Gaston for France.
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>Same Five Characters in Three Styles Edition
Like the shark, either you keep moving or you die
You don't have to install SD but it's your future whether you like it or cry about it. There is nothing here left for us, and we made it that way (with help from /tv/).
Or, keep genning Disney princesses on the beach with identical irritating shit-eating grins in the same bland neo-pixar style and asking why everyone else left.
Are you that afraid of learning something? Are you?
Because you're behind now
This isn't art
It was never art
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It's horror manifesting itself as a burlesque of art, of beauty
The mirror of Erised, neither truth nor wisdom, an idiot could stand before it and wither away achieving nothing
You won't get DALL-E to make this
And the funniest thing? Every image on civitai, on SEA, has the entire prompt so you never have to ask, they even have remix buttons
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someone asked. Bing is letting me do she hulks with ease right now. It wasn't a month or so back. My prompt is like:

marvel she-hulk in a blue bikini with the number 4 on it, clothes shopping with Invisable Woman Susan Storm in blue jump suit with 4 on the back
A shit tier 3D render of some girl standing doing nothing soullesly staring forward…Dalle-e keks…it’s over for us
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>>keep genning Disney princesses on the beach with identical irritating shit-eating grins in the same bland neo-pixar style
should have posted walnut mona or amy with your shilling
[disclaimer: i have never played a gacha]
I will say though, "neo-pixar style" does look like trash
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it's been out for not even a year and you are already out of ideas?
Bing refuses to put more characters
Requesting MAWS Lois in a belly dancer outfit
Glad to see you're back.
I can't wait to piss everyone off in the next Miraculous Ladybug thread with these new pieces.
I love your stuff, even if they don't.
Are these gonna be added to your catbox page?
Keep up the good work.
Hope to see more from you before summer's end.
Oh nononono, i am a different poster, not the one who makes like 1000 marinettes per day
I quit after you ridiculed me and humiliated me by not believing it was me before. you're the reason I quit. that other guy is not me.
>Stable Diffusion
Is this the one which requires a subscription service that you need to hook into (or need to join a secret Discord to get a hook invite) or is this one where you need to pump full of your own collection of art to get anything out of it?

At least the shitty Pixar knockoffs look nice. As in, it looks good to see Pixar characters in a Pixar artstyle. Given that most of this AI garbage can barely produce anything that doesn't look generic and samey, it's kind of funny you're throwing around the criticism that everything in this thread looks the same. Everything in every AI thread is going to look the same. It's because you're using AI.

If I could get the DALL-E model to start pumping out porn, at least it would be something interesting.
Interesting outfit.

Which prompt did you use for this, please?
I still can't believe skateboarding is now officially an olympic game. Who would have thought it 10 years ago?
Archive-anon here. Please don't give up. Your motto shall be "Nil carborundum!"
had to go to bed/work before I could respond to whoever it was that was asking for this prompt yesterday.

classic disney concept art, glen keane, watercolor over pen and ink, vivid colors, atmospheric lighting, Kim Possible, long red hair, freckles, green eyes, cosplaying as a retro nurse. dressed as in a retro nurses uniform that is white with red trim, white hate, and deep neck. about to go to halloween party with friends, long shot full view, dynamic pose
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portrait of Man with formal black hair, blue eyes, wearing a black business suit. He has a serious look and looking at the camera. dungeons and dragons character, fantasy concept art, cartoon art style Background are batman symbols.
Not the person who asked you, but I'm liking the results from this.
thanks. feel free to share results or tweaks you make to it. Also, whats the prompt for that if you don't mind sharing?
For that one:
>Classic disney concept art, glen keane, watercolor over pen and ink, vivid colors, atmospheric lighting. Link and Tinkerbell, forest setting, sitting in a pond, hugging, hold close, romantic, snuggle.

and this one is
>Classic disney concept art, glen keane, watercolor over pen and ink, vivid colors, atmospheric lighting. Link and Tinkerbell, waist deep in a pond, hugging, hold close, romantic, snuggle. Forest setting, lilypads, water lily.

They seem to REALLY not like the idea of characters kissing these days. It kind of swings back and forth, and that looks like a pretty big "No" at the moment. Bing doesn't seem to like them wading in the water either, although I've certainly caused enough problems with prompts like that.
thanks, here's an updated nurse kim prompt.

classic disney concept art, glen keane, watercolor over pen and ink, vivid colors, atmospheric lighting, Kim Possible, long red hair, freckles, green eyes, cosplaying as a retro nurse. dressed as in a retro cover girl style nurses uniform that is white with red trim, white hat, deep neck, short skirt. high heels, about to go to halloween party with friends, long shot full view, dynamic pose, plain background
Wow, the dogs do NOT like that prompt.
it was working perfectly for a good while and then I guess the filter changed its mind
Thanks. I'm the one who asked you for them.

I hope the filter won't come with warnings or dogs, because it will be frustrating.
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10 prompts a day makes this so frustrating. Either not enough movement or it goes completely haywire.

Also not sure how detailed you're meant to make the prompts.
Another with not enough movement but does manage to make it cuter
how do you niggas make big boobs? i cant even have a character wear a crop top without getting flagged.
My man, how could you not post the prompt ?
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ha ha ha yesss
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Uh oh, what has Donald come down with?
Snow and ice in the Ancient Egypt... How ironic.
I feel myself reaching peak levels of autism
me on bottom (bread)
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I want to squish them between two slices of bread.
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Also, I have no idea why these PBJ gens came out so strange.

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