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>Mothra’s roar is in the trailer
Bros is it happening?!?!
Gohan vs Conner Kent

Beast wins
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Could just be some scene in relation to Kong or Godzilla, though whoever it'd be they'd need a strong mu if they're wanting it to be a audience-drawing ep. Not sure if Mothra would fit the bill lmao imagine if she faught Gamera
Mothra getting Godzilla's sloppy seconds?
>guardians of ancient civilizations and humanity
Could be gamera even if I’m betting on fug
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finally Mothra will do what she's best at
if she's up against him then 3-0 for the Godzilla series
Would be cool, they hadn't touched Pokémon in a good while. Anyone know if Mothra Leo is a form she can access? Feels appropriate that she'd use that to match Mega Rayquaza (esp since he can naturally do it)
No, Leo is her son. Desperate character
Fucking hell
Imagine if they get 3-0 by violating gamera again
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it's Leo vs Gamera
Aw, that sucks. Then yeah, completely depends on how high you scale Mothra to Godzilla. Ray one-shotting a planet devastating meteor is a hard act to follow, and you know they may bring some bullshit like "fire attacks are super effective against bug-types"
It'd be funny
Green Lanternxisters... Simonkeks...
Mothra is responsible for heisei Godzilla scaling, she did the same thing with a meteor. It’s why it’s a matchup
Redditsisters, what the FUCK is a Mothra?
Alright then, she's got some grounds to work with. I though it was mainly the whole "protector of the world" and "ruler of the skies" thing
Redditors are allergic to using google when they don't know something
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All of them job to the Dragonslayer who has a fucking sun on his chest and can use its energy to fire a laser
Like you said, vs fug all depends on how they scale the two, which is how it always goes I guess. Vs Gamera is 3-0 Godzilla guaranteed
Nolan's fucked against Bardock, right?
>Stronger by default considering how Bardock is a planet buster whereas Nolan needed Mark and Thaedus' help to destroy an already weakened planet.
>Has ranged options compared to Nolan having only his fists.
>To add to that, Bardock is actually skilled in martial arts whereas Nolan runs on the Viltrumite strategy of unga bungaing until it's dead.
>Even without SSJ Bardock would be able to stomp him with Great Ape form which is a 10X boost in power
>If you're including Supreme then Bardock might as well get Heroes shit.
Eh, there's some wank that can get Gamera to planetary. If they buy that then i guess it could he even in AP at least
>the giant flying bug monster from Godzilla
Megaguirus hell yeah
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My waifu could kick your waifu's ASS with the power cosmic, btw. Boom, btw.
S-she’s fast
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how's this matchup
Bardock couldn't lift fifty tons. Nolan can rip him apart if he gets his hands on him.
Do you think they’ll reveal all 4 matchups for the KS or just the two that were leaked
Chuni-Li vs Mai rematch,, or Chun-Li vs Tifa?
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Normal version
Jay Leno vs Conan o'brien
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>*Erases your entire verse*
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Other ver
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Shut up pedo
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Using my HERO for your nefarious goals? Shame on you.
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>that one fag that was shilling SS vs MM was probably a part of the research team
>Death Battle themselves have confirmed that they visit our threads
>*eddit is here
>VSBW shitters also
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SCPbros, we still have a shot!
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This is your HERO?
>Lost to her own mother in Ms /co/
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>This is yo-ACK!!!
Average Hildabro btw
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>Death Battle themselves have confirmed that they visit our threads

Eat a dick Ben and friends I ain’t donating a single cent
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>separates and depowers JOBeneral Zod's solar energy with Spirit Fission
>tanks his heat beams with Destruction Energy
Say it with me. MY PRINCE!!!
....likes MOEshit like Hilda and Powerpuff Girls
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I kneel....
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>Faster than Light
>>Mothra’s roar is in the trailer
You mean the trailer they posted on Twitter?
I think they only intend to reveal those two.
>faster than a high school shut in
How is that impressive?
What a bull.... he makes my wife happy every night.
Jobs to Tracer's ass TF2keks stay mad
>Faster than Light
Bowser beats Pingas right? Stronger in base, better random one-off forms, probably better quality/quantity army if that even matters I'm pretty sure?
it depends on if Eggman gets the Phantom Ruby or not
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>Multi-City Block level
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…those city blocks being part of his Lego Duplo playset
The plutonian vs sentry if you got the time
Maybe one day we’ll get MM vs Jiren.
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Fuck off, BOTH of you. MM vs Piccolo is a long-standing legacy match dating all the way back to the days of GvS1. I am NOT letting some FOTM meme rob my green bro of his rightful spotlight.
>"fire attacks are super effective against bug-types"
Thou8gh it should be noted that in Final Wars, Mothra gets set on fire and does what looks like a kamikaze attack on Gigan to kill him, only for the credits to reveal that while Gigan was killed, Mothra's totally fine and on her way back to Infant Island like nothing happened.
>Solos Dragon Ball Super
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I'd rather Piccolo fight pic related for the memes and a tribute to Toriyama.
>Piccolo vs MM
He's off his meds
Warsman vs Wolverine
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>Getting outerversal feats via literature
Alas, probably not as strong as the Didact.
I like how nobody ever really tries that hard to upscale Homelander, shit I've seen people say he loses to Spider-Man
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Bowser beats Pingas. I don't even know how Robotnik can deal with transmutation. This guy rapes most of what Robotnik has.
He does. Iirc that giant robot in the image is the one he uses in Forces.
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>Spiderman gapes Krato- ACK
>GAYtos is posting his homosexual fantasies
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That ass is in need of a good gaping.
I've seen people say he's H bomb level
Cassandra Cain vs Laura Kenney would be a closer match than people tend to think
Does Chun-li beats Mai now?
I'm gonna be honest didactbro, this meme is kinda forced
...'s laundry.
What meme? I already showed you the feats, multiple times.
And they were not very impressive
... For your feeble and intellectually deprived brain.
No need to insult yourself, didactbro
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Didact is for Javik
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Both have won a Death Batte.
I don't think the Ruby wins it for Eggman outright, Bowser has multiple instances of reality warping type stuff that would effectively make them even. It's just a matter of if their stance on Mario/Sonic stats have changed and if they give Eggman some giganiggaversal number, which they probably can't/won't do given how they painted themselves into a corner with using the Archie continuity and stressing how much stronger it is than game Sonic
>Overwatch scales to Transformers
>TF2 scales to transsexuals
not like this...
...so he can RAPE me.
>fight cress effortlessly wins
They won't do that. Bowser is going to punch a hole through his Death Egg and crush him with his bear hands. The end
So FUARKING powerful their creators had go nerf his muscles to not collapse the infinite outerverse on itself
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Nobody gives a shit about that Mu only retards in this thread gaslight themselves over it being anything but a meme>>144683688
>Muh legacy
Who cares it just diet Goku vs Superman but green addition
The fed Goku three times to Clark why waste Piccolo when its obvious
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>unleashes an army or promotheans on you
It's that easy
...and by "outer verse" I mean his house.
... Which is the multiverse.
Talk about Bleach.
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Absolutely DEMOLISH your favorite verse with their mere presence
Daily reminder that they retconned Robotnik's win over Wily in Zero vs Metal Shitnic.
If Robotnik loses to Bowser he will join the oxygen club.
...of nothing.
If they go the super effective road, they'll probably go with Flying type moves instead of Fire type. Dragon Ascent IS Rayquaza's signature move after all (and is Flying type, not Dragon type, despite what its name might imply).
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kek maybe they will allow Archie once again, though people might be getting tired of that little trick they pull out of their asses.
... Yes, the multiverse is made of nothing. Very tiny atoms that make up the entire fabric of space and time, and KINGtos os above it all.
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...until the verse is above wall level
Yes, Im a KINGtos fan. My fingers are too big and manly for this keyboard. I wouldn't edit it even if there was an option.
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Congratulations Yuji, after all your gifted power ups you finally arrived at Building level!
Now you can finally last more than a minute against Base Denji!
Hell you might even be able to make Tanjiro use Sun breathing!
What the fuck is that SHArt? Is the mangaka even trying anymore?
...if your favorite verse is below wall-level.
>the center of BATTLEBOARDING
>base denji
A shitter who jobbed against a zombie btw
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... If you're a spic
My HERO? Was city block tier since Goodwill and has only gotten stronger.
>Finger bearers are special grade
>special grades > grade 1 sorcerers
>mechamaru has a city block feat
>Megumi one shot a finger bearer using one of his shikigami
>he used that specific shikigami because he was capable of harming Hanami
>Yuji was beating the shit out of Hanami
Meanwhile JOBsaw FAG was jobbing to the small building level gun fiend.
That verse? Dragon Ball Super.
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I don't get this, isn't a tiering system a type of hierarchy? All tiering systems are hierarchies, but not all hierarchies are tiering systems? So how does this make sense? Who is responsible for this Suggslike description and how do they explain it?
.....'s moeshit counterpart.
Omnipotence would always be at the top of any hierarchy, but it can still be part of a hierarchy.
>JOBiblical JOB
Nobody brought up Job though.
>I don't get this
>Who is responsible for this Suggslike description and how do they explain it?
>Asks here instead of making a thread there
Are you fucking serious?
>before CHADgon CHAD Super, Thor was planet level
>after CHADgon CHAD Super, Thor is multiversal
Holy FUARK!!!! Goku is the essence of battleboarding metaverse.
Kratos victim.
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Omnipotence? JOBS to Iron Chariots
I don't post on VSBW, and I'm not going to make an account just to ask a question I don't think anyone there has an answer to.
Suggs was truly ahead of his time and battleboarders hate him for that
>forgetting that CHADod effortlessly destroyed dozens of them
What even is this from?
Pretty sure they do
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>Ended the powerscaling debate years ago
>Powerscalers still cope
SCP farts the entire verse out of existence
True, he managed to create the weakest verse in fiction.
>X can't exist in any hierarchy
>X exists in our hierarchy
>they have an answer
....so he can FORGIVE my sins and help me find peace.
I shit you not, SCP
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He won.

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