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I wish she wasn't evil. Still love this narcissistic mermaid though.
>made for big kraken clit
Guess I should've used a different picture.
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Dead thread. Does /co/ hate this movie?
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everything about this picture just screams sex
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didn't expect the limbus meme
/co/ is the ONLY place that likes the movie
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redemption arc never
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ThereĀ“s nothing else to discuss only post pics.
I don't understand why Ruby and Chelsea were the only characters that weren't ugly as sin.
Even if the pic is more than a year old I'm truly amazed that it only got that many
>missed the hype train
I need more pics!
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Rubys mom looked pretty good
/co/ likes Ruby and Chelsea
/co/ fucking hates the movie
It's why we had two months worth of daily threads after finding out about the cut ideas
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Post the cut ideas
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>sharp toothed Ruby
I like Gordon
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How did they get away with making Chelsea's design so close to Ariel without getting sued?
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Ruby has a thing for sea urchins.
Chelsea could have been one of the best DreamWorks villains of all time had they kept her backstory and realized the potential
she's a generic redhead mermaid.
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pop songs were cringe
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Kraken only wants the ugliest grub hub thing she can find. Because she's a weirdo.
This. Connor is a huge downgrade.
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I don't get it.
hope some more people will post fanart
Moral of the movie: your racist grandma is right about minorities
We had plenty of OC made around here.

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