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9 episodes are now available on Disney+ and will premiere individually each Saturday at 9:30 est. What did you all think of it?

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Dyslexic brothers
I think /co/ needs to discuss comics more than cartoons made for 5 year olds.
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Baybybabybabybabybabybayby ba
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That sounds really boring
Haven't seen the non-leak episodes yets, how are they using Gordita's science? Would you want it to go wacky with stuff like "Oh wow, I invented a time machine and took us back to the Zoot Suit Riots!"?
go back to your capeshit live action superheroes /tv/ thread then
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This girl is too much
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I haven't gotten around to them but, this show seems pretty toon force leaning when it can be
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Why would they animate this so fluidly?
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I predict Natasha will be Canned.
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With cum?
Then make something new.
Natasha is soup?
have the episodes been uploaded to kimcartoon yet?
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Someone needs to draw Nellie in more appropriate yoga attire. With Raven from Teen Titans meditating
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Does anyone have any HD stills of Tater in her tiger onesie?
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I find the lack of Lotlot posts in these threads disparaging...
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>what seems like an already cramped middle class family with with no extra bedrooms invites 12 other children to spend the entire summer
>14 kids ranging in age from toddler still in diapers to older teenager are supposed to share a room meant for 4 max (judging by the bunk beds) and they all love the idea except for Tater
>none of the parents of the cousins feel bad about intruding on the family, even if the MC's mom was dumb enough to invite them
>maybe this is common in Cartel Land but this is a show about chicanos who all grew up in the USA
I've never been one to get autistic about logic in cartoons before but this premise just fundamentally fucks with my suspension of disbelief. I think it's compounded by the fact that this is supposed to be a more grounded SoL comedy and each segment ends with a moral of "see [family member] isn't as retardedly wacky as you thought and actually has realistic concerns, we're a relatable show!". At least the segments in the first 2 episodes I watched.
Yes. I don't know how people are still using that site though, it doesn't let me watch with ublock enabled and when I turn it off anywhere I click redirects me to some Chinese casino scam site.
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This show is based on Natasha's summers with her 23 cousins so this is the subversion. They were probably rotating but, this is what life with Mexican families can be like during Summer break. Usually other parents do stuff like buy breakfast tacos n shit and spare clothes and just let them use all the same amenities and just let the hosts figure it out with Grandma's help
Eww, no. They are actually cousins!!!
I didn't draw it!
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All I needed to know. Thanks /co/usin
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background lesbian energy
just happen to sit next to each other? I THINK NOT
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Looks like the character of Lucita really does wear hearing aids. I didn't know the VA was deaf, now it makes sense. She's really good
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greasy mexican shit
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>Average Primos fans
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a fucking tramp stamp
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And a fucking possum too. You know she's freaky
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Anymore Tater ryona in those episodes?
We'd spend family reunions at New Years all spread on the floor with blankets like sardines with 12+ cousins in one room. Granted that was 5 days vs 3 months.
Unrelated but, anyone else miss bouncy castles? I miss bouncy castles
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How could anyone want anything bad to happen to this precious child?
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welp Primos is officially banned from mexico
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She loves her prima
I love the expressions.
I like that her bags are so dark they're blue
Do Mexicans hate El Chavo for real?
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Gordita nipple pinchie
Is that Pizza the Hut?
Sorry, this is not her love interest.
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it's Nora Universe and she has a gay pin.
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I'm an expert on gay flags and they managed to avoid any. That's clearly an asl pin in the episode
Second to Velma as the worst cartoon of the decade
I'm more episodes in now and the universe has gotten significantly more wacky so the suspension of disbelief issue isn't egregious anymore, but I still maintain all the parents are assholes for agreeing to dump the kids for 3 months on one family instead of rotating.
Is it just me, or does Nellie's voice not seem to fit her design? She looks like a little girl, but her voice sounds like someone's middle aged aunt.
Kinda seems like Bibi asked for it and they happily obliged. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
So, how was it?
>Ya valio
good grief she's naked
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It's not just you. She's supposed to be 9 but, sounds like a snarky, bubble gum chewing game store clerk. She definitely has a great cadence for the character but, her voice pitched up would make more sense. Who has the time for that though? I really like this comedian's voice for cartoons
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I think 13th Primo might be my favorite. it's wholesome and relatable and has Lot Lot.
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>So, how was it?

Primo kino
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>wholesome and relatable and has Lot Lot

All reasons to watch the show. She has such a gorgeous smile :)
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I wanna fuck that churro.
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Where are her nipples? Tlh got away with bathtub nipples
yeah the one with baby lincolen and that sporty girl who got the screenshot?
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>a library
>bunch of kids
>interracial handholding
yeah this shit might as well be lumity
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back when she was Lil Lil
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>no nipples
tbf loud house was created by a confirmed degenerate.
I want to give her a back massage.
if this show couldn't get lewds the animators were gonna draw them naked themselves
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>Tater vs. Twitter
This has got to be on purpose
Glasses as a baby

Braces on ONE TOOTH

okay, this is just ridiculous
Where's this from?
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>Lil Lil

She is a rapper. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, I love my Filipina daughteru
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Gordita's version of A Single Pale Rose and Lion 3: Straight to Video was pretty good.
>kid Lita still has danger hair

We were THIS close
This looks cool, what's going on?
Go back to bed, abuelo.
TLH's channel also has a worse reputation about hiring sex pests than the others.
Ooooooh -Mr. Plinket voice
Didn't know they hired Sunibee for some of the storyboards.
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they literally did a close up
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>what a fajita plate sees when they forgot the avacados
Healez yea
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Is the tallest 3 T sister voiced by a troon
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episode rating
>the kino
No Sabo
13th Primo
La Trabajadora
La Madriguera
>the good to ok
Los Pollos Hermanos
La Muñeca
El Patin
>the middling and bittersweet
La Naturaleza
Los Diez

top 5 songs
>Clean it All Up
>City of Angels
>Don't Got the Tools
>Mi Dino-chito
>Legend of Tater

ofc the haters were wrong. Primos is full of soul.
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That would be hilarious, but no it's just a deep voice
it looks sexual
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Tater started it
Is there an official schedule release for this? I don't want to get my hopes up
What kind of name is Tater? I'm asking this completely genuinely. I can't imagine the average abuelita ever pronouncing that right.
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That's how she licks all holes
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It's probably because she's part Irish

>I can't imagine the average abuelita ever pronouncing that right

Has Buela called her Tater once in the show so far?
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La Madriguera is my favorite so far, I don't really care for any of the songs.
ahhhh killer beeess
>that book

Is Tater a filthy monster fucker?
The werewolf phase, it's part of growing up.
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They can't use human men like in gravity falls since the implication is too suggestive. It kind of already is and they are in your face about it with Tater failing to find younger cousin friendly parts of her romance novel
>The hippie and the scientist are pretty clearly from Tater's dad's side of the family because they're huwhite as snow+hippie and the dad are both named "Bud" and have the same ginger hair; I assume Gordita is just a nickname
>also they didn't come with any parents in episode 1 and we see that Bibi's siblings are the 4 boys
>in episode 9 grandma treats Gordita like one of her own even though they have no relation
Do big families IRL actually do this? Mexicans are weird
ahhhh earthquake
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>They can't use human men like in gravity falls since the implication is too suggestive

A show that won't be ruined by forced male character romance? Right up my alley
>Do big families IRL actually do this? Mexicans are weird

Not really. Usually families are willingly segregated by race, unless one child is a golden child that everyone loves. Considering Gordita is Gordita and voiced by Natasha, I guess she's the acception. Buela doesn't treat cousin Bud as good right?
FNAF: Sister Location
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Probably because her parents affectionately referred to her as a little potato when she was a baby and the name stuck.
the main character needs to get bullied more.
Now this is representation, the fat fuck is from Monterrey.
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>Los Pollos Hermanos
I still refuse to believe this is actually the title of an episode.
It's Sportacus!
It would great if we could hear Bibi get mad at Tater and use her full name, with it being like Tatiana or something.
>ofc the haters were wrong. Primos is full of soul.
What did you guys expect, it has some of the Hey Arnold! staff working on it, the score was made by the same dude who made the iconic jazz score HA! had and has a lot of musical references to it. Comfy vibes all around
People actually give a shit about this?
Did you have to
dude comics suck they got outbeat by ONE manga.
this show has done wonders for the GrandDILF community
speak for yourself the furry bait's off the charts
>Lysdexic brothers
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I really hope it's Tatiana or something like that. It would be so fucking cute
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>Here's a tiny Nachito, Nacho. I want you to have it
What would he do with it?
>one of the Primos is deaf
>two of them are dyslexic

This is the kind of pandering/diversity check box that you would see in a fucking 80s or 90s cartoon
Oh no 3/15. Who fucking cares.
They are Mexicans. You forgot to include 2 of them are black, that's the rare thing in Hispanic families
>Spic Loud House
hard pass
And we already had that, it's called the Casagrandes. Rip-off of a rip-off
am I the only one gonna acknowledge how when they're showing all the primos being scared away by Dolly, they include Lotlot, the only one who isn't scared of it?
New ‘Chibi Tiny Tales’:
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She would have sold out Mexico to the French back in 1862
>Oy Veymos
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Wait, the white cousins from the dad's side know spanish?

Does that bother you?
I don't really watch this show, but if you guys have any drawfriends and deliveries, remember you're free to archive all that art in the /co/llection
Just remember to preferably save the images from Desuarchive, cause saving images directly from 4chan gives you technically a different one.
Also, please use lowercase for new tags.
Maybe it's just me, but Tater is kind of a brat.
This nigga looks just like Gabriel García Marquez, Colombia's nobel prize of Literature. Before making it big, he used to live in París, in there the police would beat him up because they thought he was Algerian. He moved to Mexico.
Not going to watch it as usual.
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>it's my heart
>It's my soul
>It's my city...
>The City of Angels
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I don't know if I am the only one, but Nellie reminds me a lot of Spike from MLP. Does anyone knows why? Anyone else feels the same?
>average /haha/ poster.
The dragon from the horse show doesn't have her rizz
Are people honestly trying to meme this cartoon into being ironically liked?
Not this Encanto incest bullshit again
We don't need TWO Canadas.
Either R63 Alberto or Five for me.

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