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> new movie just released
> immediately announces they're killing him and replacing him with his Hispanic daughter
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I like her succubus sister more
Also isnt she 8 year old?
Seems like they aged her up, she's probably like 13 or 14 now
Are summerfags usually this bored/reactive to anything?
>Yet another superhero kid gets aged up
This has to be a joke at this point.
Deadpool had a daughter?
>"killing" Deadpool
waiting for this shit to get canned so I can see which writer will misunderstand the character next

7 years since the last good run and counting
Yes, and from the run she's from, Deadpool would probably never fucking want her near this line of work.

But oh well.
thanks cody ziglar for fucking up ellie camacho

Oh no the comics are doing their own thing and not trying to copy the movie! More synergy now!
Missed opportunity by not using Finesse
Have you been in a coma since 2013?
Killing and replacing a character is already lame and gay, doing it when you’re trying to popularize the original character in mass media just makes it self-defeating.
Wade is literally part of venom war though
Moviegoers never read comics regardless of how much synergy they tried. It doesn't matter. It never mattered.
>cheap knock off of Elsa Stone.
She looks like the fanchild of Gwenpool and Superboy Prime
Diatrice from Moon Knight is next. Are you ready?
>Marvel doing a "Jon" with Ellie of all characters
Deadpool actually reconnecting with his daughter after losing his memories arc bros it's so fucking over
why is this spammed so hard? nobody cares about deadpool in 2024
Good. She looks hotter now.
I wonder how they're gonna retcon her powers
They already did, she now just has Deadpool's healing factor and is a genius
Was she always this sexy?
Yes, replacing heroes with cunny is the best step Marvel has taken in years
Of course not.
She just started her high school years.

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